Buryat Buddhist iconography the end of XVIII - the first quarter of XX century.

Balzhurova, Aryuna ZhamsuevnaBuryat Buddhist iconography the end of XVIII - the first quarter of XX century.: Based on the Fund of the Republic of Buryatia National Museum: abstract dis.... The candidate of historical sciences: 24.00.01 / Balzhurova Aryuna Zhamsuevna;[A protection Place: Vost.-Sib.state.Acad.Culture and the Arts].- Ulan-Ude, 2015. -23 to .. -.1. People (collection).2. The area (collection).3. Theory and History of Culture.4. Buddhism - Buryatia - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Buddhist iconography - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 86.35-5ya031electronic copy Source: East Siberian State.Institute of Culture.Website
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