Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness From Astrophysics to Astrosafari of Rupaloka and Arupaloka through String Theory and Mind-Only School David Foo Choo Fatt (Facebook: How Big is Your Universe?) April 5, 2020 Abstract While you are reading this paper, there are likely some demodex mites having sex on your face, and some of which just laid some eggs after eating the sebum in your hair follicle. Though not common, there could be dust mites living in your ears or nose. Dust mites are roughly 3 to 5 times larger than demodex mites but they have one thing in common – they depend on us to survive. We are sources of their food. While demodex mites rely on our sebum, dust mites feast on our dead skins. Are they aware that we are beings? Now, do we think we human and all other species are living on a “dead” or “life” Earth? The work in previous papers offer new insights. In Paper III, we see that the way cells are divided in human body, the way proteins are produced in plants, and the way new elements are created in Sun, though on the surface look very different, but the processes are exactly the same. The insight is that Earth and Sun are sentient beings just like human beings and other living creatures. In Paper IV, we have seen that new researches show that human hearts generate strong electromagnetic field. This strong electromagnetic field is not just crucial to our survival, it has fundamental meaning in us being conscious as it is generated by our 8th Consciousness. We know human hearts are not the only place where electromagnetic fields are generated naturally. We know that the Earth and the Sun too have strong magnetic fields. This is another indication that they are sentient beings. The definition of being sentient, in Buddhism, is that they all share the same “being architecture” of 5 Skandas, 12 Ayatana / 18 Realms, and 22 1 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Indriyas. The difference is that their Consciousness are “loaded” differently. Imagine, in future, there is a common device that you can load iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, or any system of your choice and the interfaces will be very different. This is the meaning of same “being architecture”. If the Earth and the Sun are sentient beings, how about nebulae, black holes, and even white holes? Yes, they all are. This might sound totally ridiculous, but the Buddhism definitions of Rupaloka and Arupaloka beings fit the astrophysics observations perfectly. We will see that planets, stars, nebulae, and black holes are Rupaloka beings which are just pure form. White holes where no matter can get in are Arupaloka beings which are formless. Astrophysics will become astrosafari. The cosmos is literally a safari of Rupaloka and Arupaloka beings. 1 The Universe is Conscious The universe is conscious is one of the biggest claims today and will continue to be for a while. But what does it mean to say the universe is conscious? Scope of consciousness, in Buddhism, is a lot more wider than the current understanding. The following figure summarizes what have been discussed from Paper I to IV1. Figure 1 The Universe is Conscious In Buddhism, especially the Mind-Only school, each sentient being is a universe with the same exact architect components of 22 Indriyas, 12 Ayatana / 18 Realms, and 8 Consciousness (5 Skandas). The number is infinite as what string theorists think there is infinite number of universes. These concepts have been covered in previous papers. In particular, it has been covered in Paper I and IV their relationship with string theory and heart and the brain respectively. In Paper II, it is mentioned that we seem to share a universe which is an illusion. In reality, each of us is living in our own universe. 1 Paper I: Philosophy of String Theory in Mind-Only School; Paper II: Understanding Holographic Principle in String Theory through Mind-Only School; Paper III: Phenomena & The Great Six in String Theory and Mind-Only School; Paper IV: Understanding the Heart and the Brian through String Theory and Mind-Only School 2 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness It is the above “being architecture” or reason that the universe is conscious. In Buddhism, not just human beings are conscious, as shown in the above figure sentient beings include bacteria, insects, animals, and beings in the realms of Rupaloka and Arupaloka. One key observation, from Paper IV, is that magnetic fields, especially those naturally occurring ones, are indication of conscious beings. Based on the above figure, it must be noted that magnetic field, as opposed to what is thought to be generated by the heart, is the one that create the heart and of course the brain. 2 Same Drama Different Actors The following figure in Paper III is repeated here. Figure 2 Drama Playbook of Nature In the above figure, we see the same playbook with different actors at various levels of natural science. Cells on human (and animal) grow by splitting, initiated by Type 3 Interaction, and then combining, initiated by Type IV Interaction. Embryo development is based on the same playbook. Plants on Earth is using the same process to build proteins. Elements within Sun too is converted by the same routine. 3 Plants are Hair & Skin of Earth Plants are not considered as sentient beings in Buddhism. So, what are plants? It is said that only plants make proteins. “All protein is made by plants. No animal makes protein. Any protein that is found in animal tissue is a recycled plant protein. The thing that is specific to protein is that is the presence of nitrogen in the amino acids. Nitrogen comes from the air, and only plants 3 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness have the ability to take nitrogen from the atmosphere, break the molecule apart and then incorporate the nitrogen atom into a newly synthesized carbon backbone that the plant makes from carbon dioxide and water under the sunlight and create the amino acids. It then strings those amino acids together into proteins. And then animals come along and eat those plants and all those plant proteins and recycle them into their own tissues. ”2 In the above understanding, plants are the organic cells, or hair and skin, of Earth. It is just like our hair and skin that made up of cells. In Paper IV, we see that the magnetic field generated by the heart envelops every cell in the body. This is how the 8th Consciousness is holding the body and body functions. This is not a speculation but a formal discipline: “Bioelectromagnetics, also known as bioelectromagnetism, is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. Areas of study include electrical or electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms, including bioluminescent bacteria; for example, the cell membrane potential and the electric currents that flow in nerves and muscles, as a result of action potentials. Others include animal navigation utilizing the geomagnetic field; the effects of man-made sources of electromagnetic fields like mobile phones; and developing new therapies to treat various conditions. The term can also refer to the ability of living cells, tissues, and organisms to produce electrical fields and the response of cells to electromagnetic fields.”3 Similarly, so is role of the magnetic field of the Earth – maintaining and growing the plants. The following are some points extracted from the article: Magnetism And Plant Growth – How Do Magnets Help Plants Grow4: • • • • • Magnetic fields, such as that generated by our planet, are thought to enhance plant growth. Why do plants react to magnets? Some of the explanation centers on a magnet’s ability to change molecules. The evidence indicates that the earth’s magnetic pull influences seed germination by acting as an auxin or plant hormone. The magnetic field also assists in ripening of such plants as tomatoes. Plants have the natural response to “feel” gravity and magnetic pull just as humans and animals. The effect of magnetism actually can change the mitochondria in cells and enhance plant metabolism. In another article: Do plants feel Earth's magnetic field?5 : 2 Only Plants make Protein; YouTube;; April 8, 2020 Bioelectromagnetics; Wikipedia;; April 8, 2020 4 Gardening Know How: Magnetism And Plant Growth – How Do Magnets Help Plants Grow; April 8, 2020 5 Do plants feel Earth's magnetic field?; Larry O’Hanlon; ABC Science; January 24, 2014;; April 8, 2020 3 4 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness “The researchers even ponder the possibility that surges of plant evolution in Earth's history — especially the appearance and spread of flowering plants — might match times when the Earth's flip-flopping magnetic poles were like that of today.” Earth’s magnetic field is certainly critical for the growth of plants. Plants are therefore hair and skin of the Earth and Earth is a sentient being just like us. 4 Each of us is an Eco-System – Just like Earth Plants are at the bottom of the usual understanding of food chain. But now think of our human and animal bodies, there are many living creatures in us. The following is an extracted summary from the article More than half your body is not human6: “Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists. No matter how well you wash, nearly every nook and cranny of your body is covered in microscopic creatures. This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea. Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, said: "You're more microbe than you are human." Science is rapidly uncovering the role the microbiome plays in digestion, regulating the immune system, protecting against disease and manufacturing vital vitamins.” There are certainly demodex mites living on our face in our hair follicles. In fact, they are all over our bodies but concentrated on the face. They live, eat, and breed on us. In general, on our skin there are thousands of species. So, we have studied the bacteria living on our skin, fungi living on our skin, worms live on your skin. We all have those things. Mites are going into hair follicles and into the pores. There could be hundreds of thousands or even millions in the individual person, we don’t really know. We know that sometimes they appear to come out and mate on your skin. “”7 The following figure shows demodex mites living in our hair follicles, they feed on the sebum we produce to prevent the hair from drying and come out to mate at night.8 6 More than half your body is not human; James Gallagher; BBC News; April 10, 2018;; April 9, 2020 7 Are Mites Having Sex on Your Face?; National Geographic;; April 9, 2020 8 Meet The Mites That Live On Your Face; Josh Cassidy; Shots Health News from NPR; May 21, 2019;; April 9, 2020 5 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Figure 3 Habitat of Demodex Mites Our hair and sebum would look very much like plants and fruits to demodex mites. It is the same as how we see plants on Earth. Although dust mites do not usually live on our bodies, but occasionally can go into our ears and nose. They are roughly 3 to 5 times bigger than demodex mites, but similar to demodex mites, they feed on what we produce in our body – our dead skins. Each of us is practically an eco-system with complete food chain as far as these microscopic colonists and mites are concerned. 5 Rupaloka & Arupaloka The main intent of this paper is to show that celestial objects – planets, stars, nebulae, black holes and white holes are not some lifeless objects but are sentient beings. For those who practice real Buddhism, will at some point learn about the states of Rupaloka and Arupaloka and even aspire to meditate in those states. 5.1 Overview The following figure provides a summary of various stages of Jhanas. Figure 4 Stages of Jhanas and Celestial Objects Rupaloka and Arupaloka, though have the meaning of pure form and formless respectively, are also called the Jhanas. Jhanas can be understood as meditation states. There are total 9 levels of Jhanas in Buddhism. Jhanas. First 4 stages are 6 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness related to Rupaloka, and the next 4 stages are related to Arupaloka. These 8 stages are not exclusive to Buddhism. The 9th stage, which is Cessation is exclusive to Buddhism. There are two ways to interpret the stages of Jhanas. One way to interpret is human beings are able to through meditation to achieve one of those states or stages. This is very essential for the people who are taking the path to liberation as it is the only way to “see” the law of dharma personally as compared to understanding from theory. Another way to see the states is that they are beings born into existence of the above stages or states. It was discussed in Paper III that Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, Pleasure, and Displeasure are related to electromagnetism with the formal 2 related to + / -, and latter 2 related to N / S. Indifference is related to a commonly predicted but yet experimentally proven monopole. Therefore, based on the definition of the Jhanas (column 2), especially those in the Rupaloka, we can look for their electromagnetic characteristics (column 3) and classify the celestial objects (column 4). A big underlying understanding of Buddhist laws or dharmas is that the nature is as such or called the Thusness of nature. Therefore, the levels show up neatly in column 5 which are various levels of string theory components. Column 6 shows the equivalence in the Great Elements. These two columns are consistent with the discussion in Paper III and the content in Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. 5.2 Brief Descriptions The following provides some explanation on how to read Figure 4 Stages of Jhanas and Celestial Objects: • • • The sentient beings at the first Jhana are said to Attaining Pleasure with Satisfaction this means they have various types to full magnetic field which are the state of planets. Planets are in solid state vs plasma state for example. This means strong force is prevailing and therefore the Earth element or Type 4 interaction. The next stage is Deep Jhanas with Pleasure and Satisfaction. This means the beings at this level have strong electromagnetic fields. The characteristic is Fire or the prevailing force is weak force which are stars. Let’s look at the fourth Jhanas of Attaining Indifference and Mindfulness Purification. At this stage, the beings are said to be free of pleasure and satisfaction and therefore without magnetic field but as they have achieved Indifference, they have monopoles. We will be looking out for these phenomena. At this stage, gravity force is prevailing and hence they have to be black holes. It is shown that gravity is the Wind element. The above are just sample description and explanation based on the above figure. Each level will be discussed in detail later. 5.3 Four Modes of Birth In Buddhism, it is said that there are four modes of birth. The four modes are: 7 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness • • • • Womb birth for example human and some classes of animals. Egg birth, for example, some classes animals. Spontaneous generation from warmth and moisture birth, for examples, viruses and bacteria. Miraculous birth or manifestation, for example, beings in Rupaloka and Arupaloka. Some beings could take on new entities without going through the intermediary stages of womb or egg as their karmic force is so strong that they are born straight into new forms. It is said, for example, if a person, a human, when achieve very deep level of meditation, and hence accumulated very strong karmic force, he will be born into one of the above states immediately after death. 5.4 Physical & Mental States If they are sentient beings, why are they not moving or flying around? Also, they seem to be emotionless and not responsive to us. As one has to accumulate very strong karmic force to be born into Rupaloka and Arupaloka, they are really emotionless or at least their emotions are not obvious to us. A figure shown before in Paper III is repeated below. Figure 5 Physical & Mental States As human or animal, we take on the full scheme of the entire menu in the above figure with organic compounds, cells, bodies, and brains with nervous system, whereas Rupaloka beings which are pure form only take on the physics levels – without the heavy baggage of organic compounds, cells, bodies, and brains. As they are just pure forms, therefore, only laws of physics are applicable to them. As they also do not have nervous system with cells and brains like us, therefore they are not easily agitated. 8 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Emotion and mental states are a lot simpler. Mental Formations (column 2), one of 5 Skandas which essentially show the mental states of a being, has more than 51 states defined for human, but for Rupaloka and Arupaloka beings, the states are much less ranging between 5 and 23. Most importantly, these mental states remained are mainly wholesome or desirable with the unwholesome and undesirable discarded. The discarded mental states are related to greed, anger, and ignorance. Beings in the realms of Rupaloka and Arupaloka are said to have immovable karma according to the Yogacarabhumi Sastra. “What is the meaning of body action? It is the karma of the body. In the realm of Kamaloka, it is wholesome or unwholesome, in the realm of Rupaloka, it is immovable.” 9 According to the Technical Guide to Yogacarabhumi Sastra which explains the above phrase: “For what is the meaning of body action. It is the intake and output of wind. Wind is the key leading factor, the bodily karma changes according to wind. It is the karma action of the body, so it is named body action.”10 Please note the following important points: • • • • Wind here though means breathing, is related to body action. We have covered this in Paper IV, physical actions and speech and mental factors are in the frontal lobe which is related to Wind. The word “wind” is used to mean breathing is directly related to frontal lobe, which in turn is directly related to Wind and gravity in the Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. Rupaloka beings are immovable though here it means their karma are immovable (while in the lifetime of Rupaloka) but the main reason why their karma is immovable is because they are immovable whereas the karma of beings in Kamaloka realms are said to wholesome and unwholesome because they are movable with actions(造作). That’s why Rupaloka beings’ or celestial objects’ body actions can be explained mainly by law of physics – gravity, EM, weak, and strong. Body actions like walking and waving of hands are considered as Wind and body actions depends on our breathing which is intake and output of Wind11. Similarly, for Rupaloka beings, as they are in the state of immovable, all they exhibit are just based on law of physics. This is pretty much like a dead body. “身行云何?谓身业。若欲界、色界,在下名福非福。在上名不动。”瑜伽师地论卷九本地分中 有尋有伺等三地之六。 10 “身行云何等者:入出息风,名为身行。风为导首,身业转故,身所作业,亦名身行。” 瑜伽师 地论科句披寻记 11 “我们人体的动作,比如走路,或者一举手一投足,这个肢体上的动作其实是要靠风。”瑜伽師 地論(如崑法師)217; 0:04:00;; April 12, 2020 9 9 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness 5.5 Planes of Existence & Lifespan According to Buddhist cosmology of the Theravada school12, the planes of existence for Rupaloka Jhanas are divided into the following13: • • • • First Jhana – 3 planes Second Jhana – 3 planes Third Jhana – 3 planes Four Jhana – 2 planes plus 5 planes for those who have achieved very high status in Buddhist practice The reasons why the above is mentioned is that it shows that there are various types of planets, stars, nebulae, and black holes. There are different ways to define the planes of existence and here the Theravada one is used instead of the Mahayana definition for appreciation. The division of the planes of existence can get complicated and certainly not limited to the above numbers. Therefore, there are many different types of planets, stars, nebulae, and black holes which are similar to current understanding. The lifespans of Rupaloka and Arupaloka, are also similar to celestial objects, which are astronomical. Ancient astronomical units such as aeon are used14. The following list show rough numbers of the four stages of Rupaloka Jhanas: • • • • First Jhana – 4.37 x 1011 Second Jhana – 2.69 x 1012 Third Jhana – 2.15 x 1013 Four Jhana – 1.68 x 1014 The above numbers should not be taken literally but to show that their lifespans are astronomically similar to the celestial objects. Also, in general, the higher the levels of Jhanas, the longer is the lifespan. In summary, there are different planes within each Jhana which is the same to mean there are different types and sizes of planets, stars, and so on. And their lifespan also different. 6 Planets & First Jhana Existence of sentient beings in Buddhism are ordered into three realms of Arupaloka, Rupaloka, and Kamaloka. Kamaloka, which is desire realm and where human and animals belong, is said to be to lowest. The first Jhana is therefore considered to be the closest to the Kamaloka realm. The beings in first Jhana are said to be Attaining Pleasure and Satisfaction. The Chinese translation of first Jhana has the meaning of 12 Buddhist cosmology of the Theravada school; Wikipedia;; April 9, 2020 13 Many planes are not relevant and even the names of the planes within the four Jhanas are irrelevant or beyond the scope of this paper. 14 Buddhist cosmology of the Theravada school; Wikipedia;; April 9, 2020 10 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness leaving or just left the Kamaloka realm (离生喜乐). Therefore, this means that they have not completely attained or attained various degrees. Between first and second Jhanas, there is a place for the beings in first Jhanas to reach a state which suppress “the normal process of discursive thought”15 or Vitarka-Vicara, in Pali, to reach the Jhana of Avitarka-Avicara16 (without Vitarka-Vicara) which is the second Jhana. Vitarka (寻)means “conception” or “application of thought” whereas Vicara (伺 or Vichara) means “deliberation”, “discernment”, or “sustained thinking”. They are each one of the 51 mental states mentioned above. An example will help better understanding. If a person goes to a food court for lunch. Initially, he looks at all the stalls in the food court thinking what to eat. This is Vitarka. Let’s say he has decided to have burger, he now has to decide what kind of burger, what size to order, and hash brown or fries. This is Vicara. This is a very brief description of the two mental states. These two mental states have to be applied to teaching of meditation 17 for better understanding to reach first Jhana and continuous application leads to letting them go to reach second Jhana. The relevance is that before reaching the second Jhana, the beings in first Jhana are still in the process of attaining complete pleasure and satisfaction and they are in various stages and forms. As pleasure and satisfaction are electromagnetism, therefore, the beings or the celestial objects related to this category of beings, which are planets, have various forms of electromagnetic fields or states. This can be seen int the following figure. Figure 6 Magnetic Fields of Outer Planets in Solar System 18 Although some planets like Venus do not seem to have magnetic field but they have some forms of magnetic environment or magnetosphere. 15 Vitarka-vicāra; Wikipedia;; April 10, 2020 Prefix a- means without. 17 Vitarka-Vicara can be pure or impure. The example of getting lunch or anything else not related to meditation or contemplating law of Buddhism are considered impure. 18 Magnetic Fields: On Other Planets; Joly Astronomy; April 19, 2014;; 16 11 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness “Venus is a rarity among planets - a world that does not internally generate a magnetic field. Despite the absence of a large protective magnetosphere, the near-Venus environment does exhibit a number of similarities with planets such as Earth. The latest, surprising, example is the evidence for magnetic reconnection in Venus' induced magnetotail.”19 “Venus lacks a magnetic field. Its ionosphere separates the atmosphere from outer space and the solar wind. This ionized layer excludes the solar magnetic field, giving Venus a distinct magnetic environment. This is considered Venus's induced magnetosphere. Lighter gases, including water vapor, are continuously blown away by the solar wind through the induced magnetotail.”20 The intent here is not to study the magnetic fields of planets but to show that there are different states of magnetic fields in planets and they match the understanding of various states of first Jhana on the path to a full electromagnetic field. Notice the planets or first Jhana are related to strong and Earth, they indicate that planets’ prevailing force is strong force or in state of matter it means solid which is also Earth. This is totally consistent with the last column in Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. 7 Stars & Second Jhana The beings in second Jhana are said to have achieved Deep Jhana with Pleasure and Satisfaction. Physically, this means they will have full and strong electromagnetic fields. Our Sun, for example, has strong magnetic field. The Sun’s magnetic influence extends well past the planets and into interstellar space. Electric currents inside the Sun generate a magnetic field that spreads throughout the solar system.21 Our Sun is a “beautifully magnetically driven star”, but our understanding of stars especially their magnetic fields is still evolving22: “We’re not sure exactly where in the sun the magnetic field is created,” said Dean Pesnell, a space scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “It could be close to the solar surface or deep inside the sun – or over a wide range of depths.” Recently there is a study which shows that stars do have strong magnetic fields, the following is an extract of the article Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars 23: Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars—Finding to impact understanding of stellar evolution. 19 A MAGNETIC SURPRISE FOR VENUS EXPRESS; Uenus Express; April 5, 2012;; April 10, 2020 20 Atmosphere of Venus; Wikipedia;; April 10, 2020 21 How the Sun's Magnetic Field Works (Infographic); Karl Tate; Space.Com; September 20, 2013;; April 11, 2020 22 NASA: Understanding the Magnetic Sun; NASA; January 29, 2016;; April 11, 2020 23 Strong magnetic fields discovered in majority of stars; University of Sydney; January 4, 2016 12 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness An international group of astronomers led by the University of Sydney has discovered strong magnetic fields are common in stars, not rare as previously thought, which will dramatically impact our understanding of how stars evolve. "This is tremendously exciting, and totally unexpected," said lead researcher, astrophysicist Associate Professor Dennis Stello from the University of Sydney. "Because only 5-0 percent of stars were previously thought to host strong magnetic fields, current models of how stars evolve lack magnetic fields as a fundamental ingredient," Associate Professor Stello said. "Such fields have simply been regarded insignificant for our general understanding of stellar evolution. "Our result clearly shows this assumption needs to be revisited." "Now it is time for the theoreticians to investigate why these magnetic fields are so common," Associate Professor Stello concluded. Beings in second Jhana are said to have achieved the state of Avitarka-Avicara, and hence their pleasure and satisfaction are the most wonderful and perfect. The wonderful and perfect state of pleasure and satisfaction is seen in the “beautiful magnetically driven stars”. Stars or second Jhana corresponds to weak force and the Fire element as shown in Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. This means that weak force is prevailing with the nucleus activities in the stars. They are also in the plasma state as shown also in Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. Our understanding of stars is not limited to the above and much complex. The intent here is not to study the stellar formation and activities but to point out stars are beings in the second Jhana. We will come back to discuss more about stellar formation after third Jhana – nebulae as nebulae and stellar formation are closely intertwined and this is also stated in Mind-Only school. 8 Nebulae & Third Jhana It is said that the beings in third Jhana have reached a state that they are tired of pleasure as pleasure is causing their hearts to be in states that are not totally at rest. Therefore, beings achieve the state of third Jhana are said to reach a bhumi, or place, where they have discarded pleasure with just wonderful satisfaction (离喜妙乐地). The following table shown in Paper III is repeated below: Figure 7 Sensations & Electromagnetism 13 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness According to the above figure, discarding pleasure means discarding magnetic field and attaining wonderful satisfaction which would mean very strong electric field. That will be the characteristics of beings in third Jhana and interestingly they are nebulae. In the article: Magnetic Fields Could Shape Nebulae24, it was said that the complex but beautiful and amazing shapes of nebulae were not well understood. However, the most recent and convincing theories explaining the shapes of the nebulae involve magnetic fields. The presence of magnetic fields would nicely explain the complicated shapes of planetary nebulae, as the ejected matter is trapped along magnetic field lines. “There are several ways magnetic fields can be created in the vicinity of planetary nebulae. Magnetic fields can be produced by a stellar dynamo during the phase when the nebula is ejected. For a dynamo to exist, the core of the star must rotate faster than the envelope (as is the case in the Sun). It is also possible that the magnetic fields are fossil relics of previous stages of stellar evolution. Under most circumstances, the matter in stars is so highly electrically conductive that magnetic fields can survive for millions or billions of years. Both mechanisms, combined with the interaction of the ejected matter with the surrounding interstellar gas, would be able to shape the planetary nebulae.” Please note the following important points: • • • • The presence of magnetic fields would nicely explain the complicated shapes of planetary nebulae, as the ejected matter is trapped along magnetic field lines. Magnetic fields can be produced by a stellar dynamo during the phase when the nebula is ejected. It is also possible that the magnetic fields are fossil relics of previous stages of stellar evolution. Under most circumstances, the matter in stars is so highly electrically conductive that magnetic fields can survive for millions or billions of years. It is obvious the magnetic fields or lines of nebulae are produced by stellar dynamo, ejected, or discard and are fossil relics of previous stages of stellar evolution. No description can be more figurative to explain the beings in third Jhana discarding pleasure which are magnetic fields. Notice they are “so electrically conductive” also figuratively describe the wonderful satisfaction state of beings in third Jhana. More can be said and studied but the intent here is not to investigate nebulae but to point out that nebulae are beings in the third Jhana. In the state of nebulae, the prevailing force is electromagnetism which is related to liquid or Water as in Figure 5 Physical & Mental States. 9 Black Holes & Fourth Jhana The next level up is the fourth Jhana. The beings at this level are said to be tired of satisfaction as satisfaction also causes the heart to be not at rest. They continue to meditate and have achieved a deeper state whereby they are constantly having pure 24 Magnetic Fields Could Shape Nebulae; Fraser Cain; Universe Today; January 5, 2005;; April 10, 2020 14 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness indifference and mindfulness thoughts. In this case, the beings here do not have electromagnetic field as they already gotten rid of pleasure and satisfaction. But as they are constantly in indifference thought, and according to Figure 7 Sensations & Electromagnetism, there will be phenomenon of monopoles. 25 According to Figure 5 Physical & Mental States, the fourth Jhana is at the state of Wind and the prevailing force is gravity. Figuratively and technically that means black holes. According to an article Evidence for unified theory may lie in black holes 26: “Finding evidence to back up a theory of everything was always going to be difficult. Now two particle physicists say they may have tracked some down – lurking inside black holes. The pair’s calculations have revealed that black holes might be harboring enigmatic hypothetical entities called magnetic monopoles. If they are, not only would physicists have stumbled upon a key ingredient for a theory of everything, but it may explain why some black holes rotate.” Monopoles are remarkably resilient, coming back again and again in theories. And yet we can’t find a single one. That dilemma prompted Bunster and colleague Marc Henneaux of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium to begin a new hunt. They think they are hiding in black holes. Their calculations indeed show that black holes could be hiding magnetic monopoles. What’s more, that could also explain how black holes begin to rotate. Dirac had shown that monopoles should impart quantum spin to other objects. What Bunster and Henneaux’s calculations reveal is that, for a black hole, this effect is dramatic. As a monopole crosses a black hole’s event horizon – the boundary beyond which nothing can escape the black hole’s gravitational pull – this quantum spin is converted into classical mechanical motion, and the monopole sets the black hole spinning. “It seemed bizarre at first, but then we realized it’s quite natural,” says Bunster. “We set out to explain where the missing monopoles had gone, but we ended up solving two mysteries for the price of one. That’s the sign of a good theory.” Stephen Hawking, of the University of Cambridge, likes the way that Bunster and Henneaux have exploited the monopole’s ability to make things spin. “[The paper 27 describes] an interesting property that a monopole and an electric charge have angular momentum even when they are at rest,” he told New Scientist. 25 Strictly speaking, according to Buddhism, the mental state of Indifference which is part of Mental Formations and the Indifference as part of Sensations are different. However, the 5 Skandas have to arise simultaneously together. This means while the arising of the mental state of Indifference as part of Mental Formations, or before, during Aware, Contact, Sensations, Perceptions, and Violation (which are called the five universal), Sensations has to arise and at the state of fourth Jhana that is purely Indifference without pleasure and satisfaction. In other words, Indifference of both Mental Formations and Sensations arise together at the state of fourth Jhana. 26 Evidence for unified theory may lie in black holes; Zeeya Merali; New Scientists; August 26, 2007;; April 11, 2020 27 A Monopole Near a Black Hole; Claudio Bunster, Marc Henneaux; Cornell University; March 16, 2007;; April 11, 2020 15 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness What is interesting is “as a monopole crosses a black hole’s event horizon this quantum spin is converted into classical mechanical motion, and the monopole sets the black hole spinning”. There are many studies conducted on magnetic fields of black holes. The article The Magnetic Field Outside Our Black Hole Has Been Studied For The First Time28 from Science Alert reported an incredibly intricate range of magnetic fields is found, around the event horizon of supermassive black holes, which vary across the event horizon. Some parts of the magnetic field are incredibly disorderly, with jumbled loops jumping all over the place. But other areas have organized magnetic fields. To make the whole thing more confusing, the magnetic field fluctuates constantly, changing every 15 minutes or so. Those magnetic fields are dancing all over the place." This seems to contradict that the beings in fourth Jhana have discard magnetic fields mentioned above. But in another article of Science Alert, New Study on Black Hole Magnetic Fields Has Thrown a Huge Surprise at Astronomers29, it is reported: “Black holes themselves don't have magnetic poles, and therefore don't generate magnetic fields. This means that the accretion disc corona magnetic fields are somehow generated by the space around a black hole - a process that is not well understood at this point. This result doesn't mean that previous findings showing strong magnetic fields are incorrect, but it does suggest that the dynamics may be a little more complicated than previously thought.” Therefore, technically, black holes do not have magnetic fields. Before we discuss Arupaloka and white holes, let’s take a detour of the texts in MindOnly school to further confirm the above. 10 Disasters & Formations of Worlds There are more texts in Yogacarabhumi Sastra which provide more descriptions of the celestial objects which, unfortunately, have been misunderstood or not understood properly. Right understanding is not possible without associating and corresponding understanding of modern astrology and cosmology. 10.1 Disasters Yogacarabhumi Sastra describes various types of disaster for the beings. There are three types of disaster, each is said to destroy certain beings, listed below. • Disaster of Fire. This destroys beings in Kamaloka realm (which includes human beings and animals) and also beings in first Jhana. 28 The Magnetic Field Outside Our Black Hole Has Been Studied For The First Time; Fiona MacDonald; Science Alert; December 8, 2015;; April 11; 2020 29 New Study on Black Hole Magnetic Fields Has Thrown a Huge Surprise at Astronomers; Michelle Starr; Science Alert; January 22, 018;; April 11, 2020 16 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness • • Disaster of Water. This destroys all beings up to second Jhana. Disaster of Wind. This destroys all beings up to third Jhana.30 It is said that each of the disaster above destroys all the realms below it along with the beings in them. Kamaloka realm is the lowest realm by definition. Human beings and animals, for examples, are in the Kamaloka realm or our current understanding of “life” on Earth. Disaster of Fire, in our solar system, will destroy all the life on Earth and all the planets in the solar system. Disaster of Water, for example, will destroy the stars and those that disaster of Fire would destroy. Similarly, disaster of Wind will destroy nebulae and those that would be destroyed by disaster of Water. The beings in fourth Jhana are said to be not destroyable as they are not dependent on condition or places or worlds where they can be destroyed. There is no definition of disaster of Earth as it is said that there is nothing that disaster of Earth will destroy. This needs a bit of explanation. The disasters here refer to a complete destruction of a place or a world for the beings. In a solar system without “life” as understood by current science, there is really no disaster of Earth even if a planet vanish as the Sun is still around as a place or a world for other planets. Extending the understanding, in a solar system with “life” as understood by current science, though disaster on Earth like earth quakes, tornado, flood, and etc. takes lives but it is not the sense of disasters as explained here where it is a complete destruction of a place or a world where there are no beings can go to. Disasters on Earth as we understand today though take lives, there are still living creatures and beings continue to live after the disasters of earth quakes, tornado, flood, and etc. 10.2 Disaster of Fire Disaster of Fire is the effect of star death or the period close to star death when the heat is growing to be very strong. Star death means when a star run out of fuel or hydrogen in its interior it ceases the internal thermo-nuclear reactions that enable stars to shine. The star will then swell into a red giant, whose outer layers will engulf a huge area. For our Sun, it will engulf Mercury and Venus and likely reach the Earth. Life on Earth will end. ”when the sun does turn into a red giant, the Earth will also be vaporized — perhaps just a few million years after Mercury and Venus have been consumed. All the rocks and fossils and remains of the creatures that have lived here will be gobbled up by the sun’s growing orb, wiping out any lingering trace of humanity’s existence on Earth.”31 Even long before our Sun dies, life on Earth will likely to be wiped out. “云何外分若坏若成。“瑜伽师地论;卷三:本地分意地第二之二;瑜伽师地论;本来无一物; 第 20 页 31 Here's What Happens to the Solar System When the Sun Dies; Discover; Eric Betz; February 7, 2020;; April 12, 2020 30 17 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness “While the sun may have 5 billion years left before it runs out of fuel, life on Earth will likely be wiped out long before that happens. That’s because the sun is actually already growing brighter. By some estimates, it could be as little as a billion years before the sun’s radiation becomes too much for life on Earth to handle.”32 If a star is more massive, or several times more massive than our Sun, it would explode as a supernova.33 A supernova would destroy many planets. “Massive-enough stars would ultimately explode as supernovae, blasting their outer layers into space. As might be expected, many planets would be destroyed during the transition from ordinary star to white dwarf, but some would be able to escape their doom, depending on various factors.” “It turns out that the smallest and densest rocky worlds would be the most likely to escape a crushing, fiery fate.”34 It is obvious, the disaster of Fire which destroys beings in Kamaloka realm, which includes human beings and animals, and also beings in first Jhana, which are planets, is nothing more than star death or the phenomena near star death. 10.3 Disaster of Water Disaster of Water is a little complicated. It is said that there will be 7 disasters of Fire followed by 1 disaster of Water (total 8 disasters). This sequence will be repeated 7 times (total 56 disasters) and the final sequence has 7 disasters of Fire and then instead of disaster of Water, it is followed by a disaster of Wind. There are 64 disasters in which there are 56 disasters of Fire, 7 disasters of Water, which lead to a disaster of Wind.35 This description is rather mystical or even nonsensical if its face value is taken literally. But if this disaster sequence, which can be understood based on the concepts introduced in this paper, is extremely similar to life cycle of stars in transition to planetary nebulae and to black holes. 32 As above. What will happen when our sun dies?; Posted by Deborah Byrd, Eleanor Imster in SPACE; May 11, 2018; Earth Sky;; April 12, 2020 34 How some planets can survive their stars’ deaths; Posted by Paul Scott Anderson in SPACE; May 19, 2019; Earth Sky;; April 12, 2020 35 “云何水灾。云何风灾。“瑜伽师地论;卷三:本地分意地第二之二;瑜伽师地论;本来无一 物;第 23 页 33 18 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Figure 8 Life Cycle of Stars36 37 Stars are of different masses. There are generally two types of stars – low mass and high mass. Some classify a third type called brown dwarf which are the lightest of all as shown on the right side of the above figure. This matches the three planes of existence for stars as second Jhana mentioned above. Actual life cycle of stars is a lot more complicated as shown on the left side of the above figure. Stars before birth till death can be divided into multiple stages. There are many different ways to understand the different stages, complicated by the different life cycles dependent on their masses, but in general there can be in the following stages 38: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A star could start from a Giant Gas Cloud. It starts to gather more energy and become a Protostar. At T-Tauri Phase where the star pushes away surrounding materials. It then enters the Main Sequence Star phase (our Sun is now in this phase). Fusion of Heavier Elements. Depending on the size or mass of the star, this can be further divided into different stages.39 6. The outer layers of the star begin to expand, cool and shine less brightly and it turns into a Red Giant. As mentioned above, the star when swell into a red giant, its outer layers will engulf a huge area. For our Sun, it will engulf Mercury and Venus and likely reach the Earth. Life on Earth will end. 7. If the star is small enough, like our Sun, it will end up as a White Dwarf. 8. Supernova. Notice the above and especially stage 5 can further be subdivided into multiple stages. Therefore, intensity of heat and strength of electromagnetic fields of stars vary at different stages of their lifetime. Hence, the above describes the disasters of Fire. The 36 What is the Life Cycle of Stars?; Fraser Cain; Universe Today; February 4, 2009;; April 13, 2020 37 The Life and Death of Stars: White Dwarfs, Supernovae, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes; Professor Dave Explains; YouTube; August 24, 2018;; April 13, 2020 38 7 Main Stages of a Star; Bryan Roberts; Sciencing; April 16, 2018;; April 13, 2020 39 The Life of a Star;; April 13, 2020 19 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness number 7 shouldn’t be taken literally as the above yet to account for another important factor. As mentioned, there are 3 planes in second Jhana and there are 3 ways to classify stars. The main reason why 7 (disasters of Fire) is quoted is because the beings at the top of second Jhanas have very long lifespan and need to go through longer period or more stages. They are the high mass stars which could turn into super red giant.40 Therefore, it is explained clearly that the sequence of 7 disasters of Fire is to cater for the maximum scenario for beings at the top of second Jhana. What is important and interesting is that all stars or most stars start with the state of gas cloud or stellar nebula and end up as planetary nebula as shown in the following figure. That is to say that the second Jhana will end up as third Jhana which is nebulae, in this case stellar nebulae. Whether this sequence is going to run 7 times becomes less crucial because what is described in Yogacarabhumi Sastra could again be allowance for maximum scenario or science has yet to get better understanding of what is being described. Again, what is important and interesting is that massive stars, when massive enough, do turn into black holes as shown in the following diagram. This is described in the final sequence of disaster – 7 disasters of Fire followed by 1 disaster of Wind. Figure 9 Star to Nebula and Nebula to Black Holes41 A figure will help to understand what have been discussed so far. As shown in the following figure, the physical forces, as explained by laws of physics, which create nebula not only wipe out the stars and naturally those planets (and if “life” exists on any of the planet), if any, surrounding the stars. Therefore, the disasters of Water wipe out all beings in second Jhana and below. What is very interesting is that in the midst of describing the destruction of the world by disaster of Fire, and before the description of disaster of Water, in Yogacarabhumi Sastra, it says that at the end of destruction: “there is a time, among the people there is 40 As above. Life Cycle of Stars; Pierce; thinglink;; April 13, 2020 41 20 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness one sentient being naturally attains second Jhana” 42. Yogacarabhumi Sastra then went on to describe what disasters of Fire can destroy and then the disasters of Water. Figure 10 Disasters of Fire, Water, and Wind This itself seems to be a very out of place discussion. In fact, this is very crucial as the description of being that attain the second Jhana naturally is describing the star formation process is taking place as shown in the above figure (the person in meditation with number 2). 10.4 Disaster of Wind Disaster of Wind naturally has to do with some effect of black holes. It has been somewhat described above. In an article: Robin Hood black holes steal from nebulae to make new stars which is written about black holes’ behavior, it is reported that black holes swallow passing nebulae or stars. “It's easy to picture a black hole as a kind of all-powerful cosmic drain, a sinkhole of super-strong gravity that snags and swallows passing nebulae or stars. While it is true we can't observe matter once it crosses a black hole's event horizon, scientists are zeroing in on what happens in the margins, where molecular clouds release vast amounts of energy as it circles the plughole.”43 In another article Black hole gobbles up neutron star, causing ripples in space and time, astronomers think they observe an event whereby a black hole is eating a neutron star. “尔时,人中随一有情自然法尔所得第二静虑“。云何火灾能坏世间。瑜伽师地论;卷三:本 地分意地第二之二;瑜伽师地论;本来无一物;第 21 页 43 Robin Hood black holes steal from nebulae to make new stars; Ethan Bilby; Horizon Magazine; Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine; Phys.Org; April 12, 2020 42 21 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness “Astronomers are analyzing the data from the detection to confirm the size of the two objects that came together to form such cataclysmic ripples, but the event is likely a black hole eating a neutron star.”44 Considering the first ever image of black hole was confirmed only April 10, 201945, future observations will enhance our understanding. But through these discussions, it should be clear that black holes are the beings in fourth Jhana which has the characteristic of Wind and gravity is their prevailing force. It is said that though beings in fourth Jhana have their lifespan, there is no disaster which can destroy them. This is the same as saying that though black holes have their lifespan, there is no physical force that can destroy them. 11 Gravitoelectromagnetico System It is not too difficult to understand why black holes are not destroyable as they have very strong gravity force. But Mind-Only school has different explanation. Before we look into the explanation, let us try to understand the ancient cosmological view of Buddhism. The formation of the universe according to Buddhism starts with the arising of wheel of Wind. This is followed by wheel of Water. Some Buddhist texts state it is then followed by wheel of Gold, but some Buddhist scholars explain that is actually wheel of Fire. Sometimes this step is skipped. Last phase of the formation of the universe is the arising of wheel of Earth. This sequence, if understood in the modern context or according to law of physics, are clearly the gravitational, EM, weak, and strong fields. For those who have been following closely the arguments from Paper I through IV to this paper would have no problem understand this. But there is something more significance to this. We also have mentioned in Paper III, one of the key ingredients in Albert Einstein’s general relativity is gravitoelectromagnetism. Einstein initially wasn’t confident about the theory he was working on. At that time, Newtonian equation is not able to account for Mercury’s perihelion (Mercury’s obit near the Sun). Einstein was certain he got the theory right when his theory could account for Mercury’s perihelion. It wasn’t actually quite a big surprise because the similarity between Newton’s law of gravitation and Coulomb’s law of electricity naturally led to a gravitoelectric description which is gravitoelectromagnetism. The interesting thing about gravitoelectromagnetism is not just physical but it is psychological or even ecological. Why? It was mentioned about the hierarchical dependency where disasters at higher levels are able to destroy the beings of lower levels completely. Exception is the beings of 44 Black hole gobbles up neutron star, causing ripples in space and time; Ashley Strickland, Space + Science; CNN; August 24, 2019;; April 12, 2020 45 Darkness Visible, Finally: Astronomers Capture First Ever Image of a Black Hole; Dennis Overbye; The New York Times; April 10, 2019;; April 12, 2020 22 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness fourth Jhana or black holes. The reason given above is that there is no corresponding place or world which allow beings of lower levels to live with the exception of beings at fourth Jhana or black holes as they do not depend on some other beings to hold the place or world for them. These seem to be all just physical due mainly to various types of electromagnetic fields and gravity. However, in Abhidharmakosabhasyam46, it is said that the reasons for the hierarchical destruction scenario or, looking at it in the opposite way, the dependency of the places or the worlds to hold beings are due to the following: Vitarka-Vicara, Guile(谄媚), Pleasure, and Satisfaction. Figure 11 Gravitoelectromagneto System We all, including beings in the four Jhana are literally living in a gravitoelectromagnetic ecological system as shown in the above figure. We have discussed quite elaborately that the beings in first Jhana still have the mental states of Vitarka-Vicara and hence the beings in the lower realm, the Kamaloka realm, will certainly have them. What cause the beings to live in Kamaloka realm is also the mental state of Guile. So, these beings could be destroyed by the disasters of Fire, Water, and Wind. The reason is that their mental states require such places or worlds. The same logic can be applied to the lower rows of the figure. The beings shown in higher rows have more dependency on gravitoelectromagnetism that those being in lower rows. Note that the dependencies here are mental states and not physical and therefore gravitoelectromagnetism ultimately is not physical but psychological. Included in them are consciousness. This is why the universe is conscious. 12 White Holes & Arupaloka Black holes suck in everything which crosses their event horizons and not even light could escape. However, white holes are the exact opposite where nothing can get in. Beings in the fourth Jhana, which we have established to be black holes, could elevate themselves in the next level up to the realm of Arupaloka which are said to be formless. There is no better candidate for formless Arupaloka beings other than white holes which nothing can get in. Whether white holes really exist is still not confirmed just like there were no consensus on the existence of black holes many years ago. Black holes, as opposed to formless 46 阿毗达摩俱舍论。 23 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Arupaloka beings or white holes where nothing can get it, can be considered as beings with pure form with their accretion disks. “Material, such as gas, dust and other stellar debris that has come close to a black hole but not quite fallen into it, forms a flattened band of spinning matter around the event horizon called the accretion disk (or disc). Although no-one has ever actually seen a black hole or even its event horizon, this accretion disk can be seen, because the spinning particles are accelerated to tremendous speeds by the huge gravity of the black hole, releasing heat and powerful x-rays and gamma rays out into the universe as they smash into each other.”47 Those objects which have crossed the event horizon and fallen into black holes have their information recorded on the event horizons. “Hawking says that the information isn’t destroyed by a black hole because it never makes through inside. Instead, it’s trapped at the event horizon – the boundary in spacetime through which matter and light can only pass inward towards the mass of the black hole. At this boundary layer, the information is stored as a 2D hologram or super translation. A hologram is a 2D description of a 3D object.”48 Therefore, technically, those matter on the accretion disks plus the information recorded on the event horizon can be considered as matter of black holes. Question is how are black holes and white holes related? “A black hole is one prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Another is known as a white hole, which is like a black hole in reverse: Whereas nothing can escape from a black hole's event horizon, nothing can enter a white hole's event horizon. Previous research has suggested that black holes and white holes are connected, with matter and energy falling into a black hole potentially emerging from a white hole either somewhere else in the cosmos or in another universe entirely. In 2014, Carlo Rovelli, a theoretical physicist at Aix-Marseille University in France, and his colleagues suggested that black holes and white holes might be connected in another way: When black holes die, they could become white holes.”49 “When black holes die, they could become white holes.” is a perfect description of how beings in fourth Jhana can elevate to the Arupaloka realm. This scenario in general relativity whereby black holes are connected to or can become white holes, according to Buddhism, is Thusness of reality – natural law is such. 47 EVENT HORIZON AND ACCRETION DISK; The Physics of the Universe;; April 13, 2020 48 Black holes store information as holograms at the event horizon, says Stephen Hawking; Tibi Puiu; News, Physics; ZME Science; January 4, 2017;; April 13, 2020 49 'White Holes' May Be the Secret Ingredient in Mysterious Dark Matter; Charles Q. Choi; Space.Com;; April 13, 2020 24 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness Question is are white holes real? According to the above theory “when black holes die, they could become white holes.”, so when this happens what happen to the information on the event horizon? Among many theories which study white holes, one suggests that the newly born white hole spews out all the information it sucked up during its previous life as a black hole. Recently in 2006, a gamma ray burst was observed that didn’t fit with the traditional parameters under which gamma rays behave. It had an extraordinarily long duration of 102 seconds, which means it has to come from a supernova explosion. But there are no known supernovae that it could have come from. The scientists who discovered the gamma ray burst actually said “this is a brand-new territory.” Five years later, it has been suggested that the gamma ray burst in 2006 of unknown origin could have come from a white hole popping into existence for 102 seconds, spewing out whole load of matter, then disappearing. The feature of the gamma ray burst perfectly align with that we know about white holes and how they behave. This explanation to the unusual gamma ray event has not been accepted by everyone but it’s the strongest evidence we have ever found that supports the existence of the mysterious, interstellar, loch ness monsters that are white holes.50 This gamma ray event is officially designated as GRB 060614.51 There are also four levels of Jhana in Arupaloka, as the information on white holes is very limited, it is not possible to define the equivalent Jhanas to different types of white holes. What is interesting is ”white holes could make up dark matter.”: “Even white holes with microscopic diameters could still be quite massive, just as black holes smaller than a sand grain can weigh more than the moon. Now, Rovelli and study co-author Francesca Vidotto, of the University of the Basque Country in Spain, suggest that these microscopic white holes could make up dark matter.”52 It is also argued in Buddhism if Arupaloka beings are truly formless. According to the Meaning of Mahayana, it is stated that Arupaloka beings are not totally formless, and they still have with them some form. The reason being that Arupaloka beings are still considered as impure, vs pure, and therefore still belong to the three realms of existence. 53 We know dark matter is what hold a galaxy together, therefore white holes hidden in a galaxy could account for the dark matter. As there are beings at different levels of Jhana in the Arupaloka realm, some of them could be as big as a galaxy or the galaxy. 50 Are White Holes Real?; Thoughty2; July 20, 2015; YouTube;; April 13, 2020 51 GRB 060614; Wikipedia;; April 13, 2020 52 'White Holes' May Be the Secret Ingredient in Mysterious Dark Matter; Charles Q. Choi; Space.Com;; April 13, 2020 53 “大乘法中。若佛菩萨真实报果。不属三界。馀通三界。大乘宣说。无色界中。犹有色故。意入 法入。若无漏者。不属三界。馀通三界。” 《大乘义章》;鸠摩罗什;十二入义六门分别 25 Episode V of How Big is Your Universe? A Complete Theory of Consciousness 13 Conclusion Celestial objects – planets, stars, nebulae, black holes, and white holes are shown to be sentient conscious beings. This understanding will change how we look at the universe fundamentally. Instead of treating them as lifeless objects, we will be looking at them like the way we look at the animals in safari. It has been explained, though these celestial objects are conscious beings, because of their mental states and the realms that they are born into, they are immovable, and therefore why the law of physics is dominant in the universe. It has also been explained how the law of physics is related to mental states. Ultimately, it is the mental states that determine the physical states. For examples, we look for beings in the Rupaloka realm by their mental states of pleasure, satisfaction, and indifference which translate into different state of electromagnetism and monopole. It is as explained in Gravitoelectromagnetico System that gravitoelectromagnetism is psychological and ecological and not just physical. This is real meaning of the universe is conscious. This way of understanding astrology is revolutionary. By applying the theory of MindOnly school will have significant positive impact in our understanding of astrophysics and cosmology. An example is the star formation process. Today the star formation process is nothing based on observation and theoretical analysis of the observation. It has been shown that star formation is the result of beings in second Jhana that come into existence. This is first and minor step towards a totally new beginning and definitely more can be done. 26