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Gods and Goddesses of Lesser Known Regions : Chinese Mythology

Jade Maidens of Jiutian XuannĂ¼


Movies, Games, and Pop Culture

Major Deities

Pan Ku (Pan Gu) - Yin and Yang were contained inside an egg. These forces were to strong and the egg eventually broke open revealing the Pan Ku. Pan Ku kept the sky and earth separate. For 18,000 years, Pan Ku used his hammer and chisel to create all things. Pan Ku was helped by a dragon, a unicorn, a phoenix, a tiger, and a tortoise. 

Nü Wa (Nu Gua) - The creator goddess and fertility deity. Nü Wa and her consort Fu Hsi were the lone survivors of a great flood. Their children became the plants and animals of the world. Nü Wa formed people from mud balls.

Fu Hsi (Fu Xi) - Fu Hsi is the founder of China and it's first emperor. 

Hou Yi - Lord Archer and Chinese hero. When rhe heaven and earth were created there were ten suns and the earth was sorched that no life could flourish. Hou Yi shot down nine leaving behind the sun. 

Chang'e - The wife of Hou Yi. steals the elixir of life, drinks it and takes refuge on the moon. On the journey to the moon she is changed into a toad.

Xi Wangmu - Queen Mother Wang , queen of the heavens wife to The Jade Emperor. She is the patron of women.

Sun Wu-k’ung (The Monkey King)

Yü Huang Shang-Ti or The Jade Emperor

The Three Gods of Happiness

Lung Wang - The Dragon Kings, Lung Dragons are gods of rivers, lakes, and oceans. They represent wisdom, strength, and goodness.


Published works

Yin and Yang

Image result for yin yang

The two forces that underlie everything in the Chinese universe are Yin and Yang. They are opposites but exist in a delicate balance. Yin is feminine and dark representing the earth and Yang is masculine and light representing the heavens.


Chinese Zodiac carvings on ceiling of Kushida Shrine, Fukuoka.jpg


Unknown. (n.d.). San Diego, CA. Retrieved fromü)_2.jpg