EAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY on THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANETS AND SIGNS UPON THE HUMAN BODY. THIRD EDITION XonDon FOULSHAM & CO., LTD., RED LION COURT, FLEET ST., E.CA W. 10 & 11, Price Ona Shilling, or 25 cento. 1932. vv »*, J !'*,:•>.':& . .. . vu; • . *,<;;. -. :;. . .-.« . . .u* . .:. . .,4j i PREFACE. In presenting this little work hope to the public I it will be of special value to those who may be suffering in health, by enabling them to ascertain the cause and seat of the disease, and the herb most likely to prove beneConstitutions vary much, and what may benefit ficial. one may injure another, A study of Medical Astrology will rectify this, as it will enable the student to learn which Planet will be likely to benefit most, and by using the herbs under that Planet a cure may be easily effected. The pith of Medical Astrology is, to find the Planet which causes the trouble and to apply a remedy of a contrary nature for instance, if the disease is caused by Mars, use herbs under Venus ; if by Saturn, use herbs under the Sun ; but the student will find these particulars ; more fully set forth in the following pages. Raphael- PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BV LIMITED, WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LOKDON AND BECCLHS. CONTENTS .. OHAP. I,— First Principles. The Zodiac and the Human Body. II. — III.— Planetary Rulership and Action. IV. — Health and Constitution. V.—The VI.— The Physical Condition. Hyleg. VH.—The Duration of Life. —Examples Early Death. IX.—The Sixth House. X.— Diseases of Mercury. Venus. „ XI.— Mars. XII.— „ Jupiter. „ XIII.— VIII. XIV.— XV.— of „ Saturn. „ Uranus. Neptune. „ XVI. — Disorders. Mental — XVII. XVIII.— Injuries, XIX.—Death. Accidents, PART and Deformities. II, Introduction. Health and the Horoscope, I. II.— Diet and the Horoscope. Preventive Measures. III. — — IV.— Herbal Remedies. of Herbs under the different Planets. V. —A The Family Doctor. VI.— — VII. "Lunar Influence on the Health. VIII. — The Course of Disease. list IX.— Astrology and Colours. KAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. PART FIRST. CHAPTER I. FEBST PBIKCIPLm Medical Astrology the student must first make himself familiar with the basic principles connected with this branch of the Science from the Elementary, Medical and Astrological standpoints, In dealing with the subject I. of Elementary. The Bymbols lor the planetary and Aspects are as follows :— (a) The planets. Sun. ji {J (5) bodies, Zodiacal Bigns Moon. Mercury, The Zodiacal T Aries. Venus. 6 Mars. % Jupiter. *f* Leo. t ? Tj ]£ Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. signs. SI 8 Taurus. "B n Gemini. m Cancer. *g* m, Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. y* Capricorn, j& Aquarius. K Pisces. rIphael's medical astrology, 6 (c) 3 fe o V ' The planetary Aspects. 6 Conjunction. P Parallel. V 1% Z Semisquare. ** # Sextile. Q /M ^A 12 i planets are in the same degree of longitude. When two planets are the same distance north or south of the Equator. fU V When two A Semisextile. or 30°. A distance apart of 1J signs, or 45°. Two signs distant, or 60°. Two signs and 12°, or 72° Quintile. distant. Three signs apart, or 90°. Square. Trine. Sesquiquadrate. Bi-quintile. Four signs or 120° 4J signs or 135° distant. Four signs and T a Air. H Earth. Water, & » Cardinal. T sj V? Fixed. 8 I a «M> Common. Strong. T Whole. H Si or 144° 24°, Sign Divisions. Fire. apart. apart. Six signs or 180° apart. f /z 8 Opposition. (d) distance apart of one sign, » flj V sb ia X nil I These are so-called, as they are said to give physical strength when ^ rising. Those horn under these signs are robust, and not so liable to aocidents or injuries. Weak, as V? X These weak signs, when rising, constitutions. give RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. 7 Medical, II. A proper understanding of the two terms health and disease is necessary. . , „ oi the body in which all (a) Health is that condition functions properly the parts are sound, and the several which the performed, Disease is that condition in one or more of the vitality is diminished, and when performed. Disease natural functions are not properly discomfort or want of tone really implies a state of the system. chief causes. (b) Diseases arise from two m , m Indirect causes, due to unhealthy conditions, excesses, and heredity, incorrect methods of living, (1) environmental drawbacks. causes, due to climate, heat and cold, (2) Direot infection, poisons, accidents. one must can therefore be said that, to be healthy, mind, and then all have a sound body and a well-balanced heir to may be rectified, the various ailments which flesh is methods of living. and in many cases prevented by natural It III. Astrological. have to consider the various astrological and with our subject. horoscopical influences in connection We now must be understood that the Sun and Moon horoscope, and that the are the two chief points in every into account. The Sun rising sign has also to be taken and the Moon in a chief rule in a male's horoscope, 1. First it has sign in both sexes female horoscope, while the rising weakness. determines the physical strength or to their addiction of the 2. The planets, according the sign in which luminaries, cause diseases, according to nature. they are placed, also according to their horoscope governs the general 8. The sixth house of the 8 RAPHAEl/s MEDICAL ASTKOLOGY. ailments Recording to the sign on the cusp thereof, or the p anets placed therein. 4. The eighth house has reference to death, and the sign on the cusp, and the planets therein, show the fatal illness. 5. The fourth house, which has reference to the end of Jife, should also be considered, as planets therein afflicting the luminaries have considerable power in determining the health and sickness. 1 CHAPTEE II. THE ZODIAC AND THE HUMAK BOD?. In considering the human body from an astrological point of view, we must understand that it is divided into twelve major parts, each separate part being under the dominion or ruled over by one of the twelve zodiacal signs, Although each of the twelve signs rules over a different part or organ of the. body, as a whole, yet it ia difficult at times to determine whether all the different parts of each organ come under the same rulership. For example, we know that Aries rules the head, but yet the nasal organs come under the rule of Scorpio. Again, in dealing with the heart, Leo rules this organ as a whole, yet there are different forms of disease attacking different portions of the heart, and it is therefore difficult to accurately judge which part of the organ is likely to be affected. Probably the solution to this difficulty is that, while the sign rules the organ as a whole, the different parts are governed by the planets which are placed in the sign, the Sun ruling one portion, and the Moon another, and so on. This, however, is merely conjectural, and only a considerable amount of investigation can settle this point. RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 9 Now, in dealing with the zodiacal rulership of the human body we must understand that this is threefold : 1. External, relating to the external parts and organs. g. Internal, relating to the vital organs. 3. Structural, relating to the structure Or skeleton. The following tabulations in this threefold manne* show the zodiacal rulership of the human body. 1. External rulership. T Head and face, a Neck, throat. H Shoulders, arms, and hands. 23 Breast, chest, and epigastrio region. Si Spine and back. Abdominal and umbilical region, =ck Lumbar region and skin. m Urinary and sexual organs, anus. tij? Hips and thighs. \$ Knees and hams. %? Legs and ankles. X Eeet and toes. t 2. Internal rulership. X Brain. 8 Gullet, larynx, cerebellum, n Lungs, breath, blood, sb Stomach and Si Heart. nj! Bowels and tti Kidneys. Generative organs and bladder, Arterial system, nerves. ^ X digestive organs. intestines. Bones and joints. £? Blood and circulation. K Lymphatic system. \$ 10 Raphael's medical astrology. 3. Structural rulership. r Cranium and fecial bones. 8 Bones of the neck. n Shoulder and collar bones, and bones of the arms and hands. ss Breast bone, ribs. a Spine. n Spine (part of). -Tl. Bones of the lumbar region. m Pelvic bones. Hips and thighs. Y? Kneecap and joint. Shin bone, ankles. X Bones of the feet and i *AJ¥ toes. In addition to this rulership, the elemental and constitutional division of the signs plays an important part over the rulership of the body. Elemental signs. Fire. Head and Earth. Throat, bowels, knees and skin. Lungs, breath, kidneys, blood. Stomach, excretory system, feet. Air. Water. face, heart, hips and thighs. Constitutional signs. Cardinal. Head, stomach, kidneys, skin, Mxed. Throat, heart, excretory system, blood. Common. Lungs, bowels, nervous system, digestion. Another division of the signs plays an important part in determining the strength or weakness of the different organs of the body. Each of the twelve signs is positive and negative in rotation, the odd signs being positive, and the even signs negative. The positive signs are the stronger, and the negative the weaker of the two, and it therefore follows that those born with positive signs rising RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. will be physically stronger than those with negative signs The same on the ascendant. 11 is to be considered in regard to the position of the luminaries. The following diagram shows the divisions of human body and the zodiacal rulership thereof. the Bull, Taurus, neck ; TwinB, Gemini, arms Crab, Cancer, breast; Lion, Leo, heart; Virgin, Virgo, bowels; Balance, Libra, reins ; Scorpion, Scorpio, loins ; Archer, Sagittarius, thighs ; Goat, Capricornus, knees ; Waterman, Aquarius, legs Fishes, Pisces, the feet. Ram, Aries, the head : Raphael's medical astrology. 12 CHAPTER III. FliANETARY BULERSHIP AND ACTION. In the previous chapter the different organs and parts of the body were placed in their zodiacal relationship. We now devote some space to a consideration of the influences of the planets on the more specific organs of the human body. First, we take the Sun, the ruler of the system* the giver of life or hyleg in a male nativity. Its influence is vitalising, hot, dry and constructive. It governs the heart, vitality, blood and brain ; the right eye in a male and the left eye in a female. The Moon is the ruler over the natural functions of the body and is the hyleg or giver of life in a female nativity. It is cold, moist and assimilative, and governs the breast, stomach, fluidic and lymphatic systems, left eye in a male and right eye in a female. Mercury is the ruler over the brain and mind, is of changeable and variable nature, partaking of the influence of that planet with which it is closest connected. The nervous system, lungs, tongue, speech, hands, arms and mouth, are also under the influence of this planet, will also the hair. Venus warm and moist in nature, and governs the throat, chin, complexion, oheeks, venous system, umbilicus and the internal parts of the generative organs. Mars is hot, dry and inflammatory in nature, and governs the nose, forehead, bile, gall, sinews and muscular system, and the external generative organs. Jupiter is mild, temperate, warm and moist in nature, is RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY 13 pleura, and governs the blood, seed, liver, arterial system, generally. right ear and the absorbative system in Saturn is cold, dry, contracting and obstructive joints, spleen, nature, and has dominion over the bones, system generally. teeth, knees, phlegm and the secretive Uranus is cold, dry and magnetic in nature, and rules brain and spinal over the nerve fluids, membranes of the cord, as well as the physical aura. Neptune is warm, moist and hypnotic in nature, and, over the telepathic as far as investigation goes, rules over functions, fluidio system, and also has some action the eyes and brain. The student must bear in mind that, because the does not follow planets rule over these specific organs, it Their that they will not affect other organs of the body. account in zodiacal position must always be taken into governed by every horoscope, and those parts of the body affected. the sign in which they are placed will be CHAPTER IV. HKALTH AND CONSTITUTION. In judging the health and constitution from the horoscope, it is first on these will of all necessary to observe three points, as depend all the influence relating to the subject. Ascendant, the The former rules over the physical strength, form of body, and generally denotes, according These three points Sun and the Moon. are, respectively, the 14 baphael's medical astrology. to the sign rising, that part of the body to affliction from external causes. which is liable The Sun is the ruler over the vitality and heart in both male and female horoscopes,' and according to whether it above or below the horizon, so will the strength of these two matters be. If the Sun is rising, or above the is horizon, the vitality it is below. and heart are stronger than when At the same time the Sun is hyleg, or giver of life, in a male horoscope, and according to its position and aspects to the other planets, as hereafter to be explained, so will it be determined whether the life will be long or short. The Moon is to be primarily considered, as giver of life in all female horoscopes, and according to her position and aspects, so will the length of life be determined. : We will now take each of these three points and deal with them separately, showing the various disorders arising from each according to their several positions and aspects, I. The Ascendant, The positive signs rising r H a *> t £? ) give the stronger physical bodies, and the less liability to external disorders. The negative signs generally {8 sb v® m iff X) are weaker and more receptive to outside influences. The fiery signs (r a I ) are first as regards strength, while the airy signs (n «a« £?) are next in order. These make up the six positive signs. The earthy ( signs give compact forms of body, but less physical power. The watery signs are the weakest of all, and give very little physical resistance. The actual degree on the ascendant should be next considered, and the aspects of the planets thereto carefully noted. Raphael's medical astrology. When afflicting the ascendant The Sun causes physical from disorders 15 and those arising cold. The Moon denotes functional disorders and irregularities of the system. Mercury, nervous and mental disorders. Venus produces complaints caused by excesses and pleasures. disorders and accidents. Jupiter disposes to blood disorders and diseases due Mars causes inflammatory to excesses. Saturn denotes chronic complaints through cold and weakness. Uranus causes nervous disorders, accidents, incurable complaints. Neptune disposes to disorders arising from drug- taking, etc. 2. The Sun. The Sun is the hvleg jcojS* and according to o r giver of life in^a jtn ale, here*" its position and aspects so will the general health and the prospects of long life be. It has chief rule over the heart, and it should be particularly noted that when the Sun is rising, or above the horizon, the general health will be stronger than it would be if below the horizon. The evil aspects of planets to the Sun are not so strong when that luminary is above the horizon. The Sun is, of course, stronger when placed in positive signs, and weaker when in negative signs. Libra and Aquarius are the weakest of the positive signs, while Taurus and Scorpio are the strongest of the negative signs. All males born with the Sun in Fiery Bigns have the best prospects of good health and long life, because the RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 16 vitality is much stronger than with the Sun in any but illnesses will be sharp and severe, although soon over. The Airy signs are the next strongest, but health becomes weakened by worry and nervous troubles. The health soon recuperates through mental rest and change other sign, of soenery. The Earthy signs give a solid constitution, able to stand a good deal of physical wear and tear. Illnesses are likely to be long and severe, and recovery is usually slow. Capricorn is not so strong during the early years ol life. The Watery the weakest constitutions, There is in all three of these signs excepting Scorpio. too much receptivity to outside influences, and in the case of Scorpio too much magnetic power. The afflictions received by the Sun from the other planets should be carefully noted. When the Sun is afflicted by The Moon, the health will be weak, and there will be a liability to constitutional and functional disorders, and the system generally will often be affected by cold. The signs give eyes also will suffer. Venus can only afflict by a semisquare aspect, and this is not very important, but shows slight disorders arising from indiscretion and excesses. Mars gives much animal heat, increases the vitality, but causes fevers, inflammatory disorders, cuts, wounds and accidents. Jupiter, though a benefio, is the cause of blood disorders,, apoplexy, plethora, and all ailments arising from high living and excesses in diet. Saturn weakens the health, causing chronic disorders, lingering complaints, and all illnesses arising from cold, neglect and privation. It is the worst affliction to the Sun that can happen. baphael's medical astrology. 17 Uranus causes incurable diseases, accidents, peculiar nervous and brain affections. This planet is often found associated with explosions, accidents and the like. Neptune causes psychic and drug-taking. through violence disorders, wasting of the tissues The Moon. The jfloon j sjhe hyleg or giver of life in a female horoscope, and according toner position and aspects so will the general health and prospects of long life be. It should again be particularly noted whether the Moon be above or below the horizon, for the general health will be stronger with the Moon above, than below, and the evil aspects of the planets thereto will not be so 3. powerful. The two best signs for the Moon to be in are Cancer and Pisces, being plastic and watery, agreeable to the lunar nature. The Airy signs are also good for the Moon, while Taurus and Virgo, of the earthy triplicity, tend to strengthen the general health when the Moon is therein. The Fiery signs are not very favourable for the lunar position, ais they do not harmonise with its nature. The two worst Moon to be placed in are former produces impurities, signs for the Scorpio and Capricorn. The irregularities of the feminine system, and conduces to dissolute habits which react on the general health. It frequently causes an impure kind of obesity. Capricorn weakens the Lunar power, and those born with this position are generally weak and delicate, and often ailing, especially The when young. aspects of the planets to the be considered. Moon should now Raphael's medical aStrologf. 18 When afflicting the Moon The Sun causes general of the system through debility of health, irregularities cold and chill. It is a very evil influence for females. Mercury causes mental disorders, troubles caused by worry, etc. Venus indicates irregularities and ailments arising from carelessness, excesses and indiscretions. Mars produces fevers, accidents, inflammatory disorders, painful irregularities, and complaints due to rashness and want of forethought. It is a particularly evil influence for females. Jupiter causes blood and liver troubles, irregularities caused by indiscretion and high living. Saturn conduces to long, lingering and chronic complaints, ailments arising from cold, chills, negleot, and general debility of the body. Uranus tends to cause illnesses due to nervous strain, also by accident. Neptune causes disorders of a mental nature, and those ailments affecting the fluidio system, etc. Psychic disorders are also caused by this planet. Nora. —It should be noted here that the various rules given above are both general and specific, and can be applied to every horoscope which comes under the students' notice. At the same time it must be pointed out that every horoscope must be dealt with on its own merits, and not by indiscriminately picking out the various aspects and applying the definitions given above. On this point, however, more detailed instructions will be given* RAPHAEl/s MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. CHAPTER 19 V. THE PHYSICAL CONDITION. The physical condition, strength of body, and general state of health, are denoted by the sign which is rising at birth, i.e., that which is actually crossing the ascendant at the moment of birth. In the following paragraphs are given a general summary of the influence of each sign on the physical condition and health, of the native, when rising at birth. It must be clearly understood that they are only general, and liable to modification according as the aotual degree rising is well aspected or the reverse, for such aspects make considerable difference. They will be dealt with at the end of the chapter. The fallowing are the general indications of the twelve signs when rising at birth. Aries gives a strong sturdy body, plenty of heat and The head, stomach and kidneys are parts of vitality. the body most liable to disorder. The eyes and brain may also become nature, there affected. Being inflammatory in a danger of feverish disorders, eruptions on the face, and accidents from fire, burns, cuts, etc. Taurus gives a more compact form of body inclining to stoutness. The throat and heart are the weak parts, giving rise to such complaints as diphtheria, quinsy, laryngitis, and by reflex action it may affect the excretory system, giving rise to piles and fistulas. Apoplexy is a complaint connected with this sign. Gemini rising gives a fairly strong body, quiokness of recuperation, but also a danger of nervous disorders, brought about by worry, restlessness and mental overThe lungs, arms, hands and shoulders are liable strain. is o 2 20 Raphael's medical asteology. to affections, while bronchitis, asthma, impurity of the blood, are specific complaints. Consumptive tendencies arise from this sign also, arid disorders of the respiratory organs. Cancer rising gives a weak body, much receptivity to external conditions. The chest and stomach are weak parts, giving rise to gastric troubles, digestive derangement, dropsical ailments, scrofula, rheumatism, also cancer. A great evil of cancer people is their morbid tendency, and their danger of imagining themselves suffering from ailments. Various forms of mental weakness arise from this sign, suoh as dipsomania, hypochondriasis. Leo rising gives the strongest and best formed body and much vitality. The heart is the sensitive organ, and the native is liable to complaints affecting this part, such as palpitation, syncope, aneurisms, etc., while spinal meningitis, lumbago, and violent forms of sickness are Leo generally gives an overpeculiar to this sign. abundance of life force, and though natives of this sign rarely ail, they suffer severely when indisposed, but quickly recuperate. Virgo rising gives a neat form of body, good recuperative power, and conduces to bowel disorders, colic, dysentery, diarrhoea, constipation, and all irregularities of the digestive system, while there may also be a general weakness or debility of the system arising from dyspeptic action. Libra on the ascendant gives good recuperative power, generally a finely built, but positive form of body. The kidneys and lumbar region are the weakest parts, giving rise to various forms of kidney disease, diabetes, Bright's disease, nephritis, suppression of urine. It also gives lumbago, corruption of blood, and cutaneous disorders The head and stomach are affected by and eczema. reaction. RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 21 but often causes a Scorpio rising gives a sturdy form, and generative organs pasty complexion. The excretory complaints as piles, ruptures, are sensitive parts, and such affections of the heart and fiBtula venereal troubles, also magnetic sign, and therethroat' are indicated. It is a especially infectious complaints. fore attracts diseases, drunkenness. sign which often conduces to It is a and strong. The Sagittarius gives a wiry body, robust affected by such complaints hips and thighs are liable to be gout, feverish ailments, wounds as rheumatism, sciatica, dislocation of the thigh, and hipjoint disease. and cuts, disorder, The lungs and nervous system are also liable to conduces to ailments. and the condition of the blood often during early Capricorn gives a weak body, especially animal heat. It conduces to years, there being a lack of complaints, rheumatic disorders, various forms of skin the like, while all eczema, impetigo, urticaria, and heat of the complaints arising from cold and insufficient common to this sign. The knee also suffers system are either from accident or ailment. causes Aquarius gives a strong and robust body, but affections of the leg, calves and ankles nervous ; disorders, affections, cramp, corruption of blood, anaemia, spasmodio legs and injuries to the ankles. also sprained and broken sign. Peculiar and The eyes may also be affected by this disorders are found in people born under this uncommon little recuperative Pisces rising gives a weak body, very bowel troubles, gout, power The chief complaints are, through the of the feet and toes, colds taken affections and danger of often gives a tendency to contagious diseases. This sign to drug-taking. alcoholic excesses, and sometimes feet dropsical and tumourous affections, degree aspects of the planets to the ascending account. should now be taken into The 22 RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY All benefio aspects of Venus and Jupiter strengthen the Those of the body, and aid the reouperative power. luminaries give more tone to the body, and keep the various functions in harmony. Those of Mars give more bodily heat, and invigorate the Bystem. Those of Saturn act generally in strengthening the bones and bodily frame. The evil aspects of Venus and Jupiter tend to disorders arising from indiscretion, excesses, etc. Those of the luminaries give a want of tone to the body, irregularities, and make the body susceptible to cold. Mars causes fevers, accidents, bodily blemishes, and the like. Saturn weakens the bodily strength, and gives cold complaints, lingering disorders, chronic ailments. Uranus and Neptune afflicting the ascending degree cause nervous and psychic disorders. The former has a tendency to cause accidents by explosives and electricity. The ailments caused by the afflicting planets should be taken according to the Bign on the ascendant, and the sign or signs in which such afflicting planet or planets are placed. CHAPTER VI, THE HYLEG, OR GIVER OF IiItfB. before stated, the Sun in a male nativity, and the Moon in a female nativity, is considered the Hyleg, and according to the position of these two luminaries in the horoscope of birth, and the aspect of the planets thereto, so are the prospects of good health and long life. As In order to show the matter quite clearly, I will take each sex separately and show the general condition of the life and health. Raphael's medical astrology. 23 Male Horoscopes* if well Consider the position of the Sun, and note and well aspeoted. If placed, both by sign and house, well aspeeted by Jupiter, strong, free from affliction, and prospects of a judge the constitution to be strong and the long life good. * -v . afflicted, the reverse ib to be much and placed If badly that is, if the judged, but if both conditions are shown, Sun be afflicted by Saturn or Mars, but well aspeoted by required in judging, and Jupiter, then great care will be carefully noted. the strength of the aspocting planets and is elevated above it, If a planet affliot the Sun were the health will be much worse than if the Sun then elevated above the afflicting planet* When Mars and Saturn both affliot the Sun, the for Mars aspecting health will not be exceptionally bad, the Sun always augments the animal heat. Mars afflicting the Sun, and either of them angular, or Mars elevated above the Sun, predisposes to violent and death. inflammatory complaints, accidents and sudden The Sun in the sixth house, unless well aspeeted, pretedious complaints, disposes to much illness, long and and general ill-health through life. will have The position of the Sun in the twelve signs much influence on the general health and strength of males. plenty of Aries, it gives a strong constitution, If in If much afflicted, illness. vital force, less liability to mostly affecting the head gives danger of feverish diseases, and eyes. gives a strong constitution, but makes Apoplexy, syncope and the heart liable to disorder. If much sudden collapse are the dangers of this sign. If in Taurus afflicted, When it often causes sudden death. in Gemini it gives a fairly Btrong constitution, Raphael's medical astrology. 24 If but affects the lungs, blood and nervous system. much afflicted, predisposes to consumption, pulmonary complaints, and blood disorders. If in Cancer, it does not give a strong constitution, but weakens the digestive organs, causes rheumatism and chronic disorders when afflicted by Saturn, also tumourous complaints. The Sun in Leo gives a very strong and powerful constitution and less liability to oomplaints than any Heart disease often occurs with males born with sign. Sun in Leo. When in Virgo the it gives a sensitive constitution, weakens the bowels and digestive organs, and causes constipation. The lungs and nervous system are also affected by this position. All affections of the intestinal organB, such as colic, obstructions, and the like, are complaints ^common to this sign. If in Libra, it gives a positive constitution, able to fight against functional disorders. Kidneys and lumbar are weakest, and such complaints as diabetes, cutaneous disorders, head and stomach troubles are those most common. The disorders chiefly attacking people region with this position are internal When in denotes a strong constitution, and much vital force. The chief disorders are those of an inflammatory and violent nature, affecting the throat, heart and excretory system. Gout, infectious oomplaints, piles, There is much magnetio fistula and urinary troubles. and attractive power in this sign* The Sun in Sagittarius gives a strong and wiry constituThe blood and tion, physical ailments being very rare. nervous system are the weakest parts, while the lungs are often affected through over-activity. One of the particular evils of this position is a danger of accidents, cuts, hurts and injuries through falls, animals, sport, etc. Scorpio it RAPHAELS MEDICAL ASTEOtOGY. 545 Capricorn it denotes a weak constitution, the vital force being at its lowest. The digestive system and bowels are weak parts, and all complaints arising from cold, chill, and want of nutriment, are common to this If in Bhenmatism, sign. lingering disorders, and constipation, are the chief, while there is danger of melancholia. When in Aquarius it signifies a strong constitution, but conduces to complaints arising from defective circulation, The heart nervous disorders, and spasmodic troubles. and eyesight suffer from this position. The state of the mind is frequently the cause of many disorders arising from this solar position. not give a strong constitution, the vital powers being weak, and there is also much recepmagnetisms. tivity to infectious complaints, and impure If in Pisces, it does Consumption, corruption of blood, digestive troubles and disorders arising from impurities of the Bystem are those most common to this sign. Note.—These indications are merely general and the aspects to the Sun must be considered. If the Sun is well aspeoted by the benefics it lessens the liability to complaints, but, if afflicted, it acts in a reverse manner. Female Horoscopes, Consider the position of the Moon, and note if well placed, both by sign and house, and if free from afflicThen the health will be strong and the prospects tion. aspect to the Sun, of life good, especially so if in good Venus or Jupiter. or Saturn, If badly placed, or afflicted by the Sun, Mars judge the reverse, but if at the same time the Moon is well aspected by Jupiter or Venus, great care is required, and the strength of the aspeoting planets must be taken into consideration. 26 RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. a planet afflicts the Moon and is elevated above it, the health will be much worse than if the afflioting planet were less elevated than the Moon, When Mars and Saturn both afflict the Moon, the health will be very bad, for both of these planets are inimical to the Moon, and the prospects of a long life in such a case will be doubtful. If Mara afflicting the Moon, and either of them angular, or Mars elevated above the Moon, predisposes to violent or feverish disorders, aocidents and danger of sudden death. The Moon in the sixth house and much afflioted predisposes to frequent ill-health, long and tedious complaints, and generally a weak constitution. The following are the general indications of the Moon as hyleg when placed in the twelve signs. If in Aries it does not give a very strong vitality, causes affections of the head, eyes, derangements of the cerebral functions, headaches, insomnia, convulsions, lethargy, and ailments arising from a restless and nervous condition. When in Taurus it denotes good vitality, much physical endurance, but causes disorders of the throat, affections of the vocal organs, quinsies, croup, collection of phlegm and mucus in the larynx, tonsilitis, and various disorders of the neck, such as goitre, etc. The Moon in Gemini gives a fair amount of vitality, but the blood, nervous system, lungs and chest, giving rise to bronchial and pulmonary complaints, asthma, consumption, and affections of the respiratory affects organs. When in Cancer it is a good position for the Moon, the lunar activities being much strengthened. When much afflicted, it disposes to dropsical and fluidio disorders, fermentation in the stomach and functional derangements of the digestive system. If in Leo it denotes a good amount of vital force, but BAPHAEl/S MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. 27 does not as a rule benefit the lunar power. It causes heart troubles, scrofula, convulsions, Bkin disorders, and ailments caused by bad circulation and impurities of the blood. in Virgo it gives much recuperative power, and regularity of the system, but conduces to derangements of the bowels and intestines, giving rise to constipation, colic, dysentry, obstructions, eczema and skin When troubles. The Moon in Libra denotes good vitality and re- cuperative power, but causes kidney disorders, impurities of the blood, urinary troubles, lumbago, and weakness of the back. It also affects the head and stomach. If in Scorpio it gives a considerable amount of vitality, but much receptivity, while the vital powers are easily weakened by illness and excesses. It gives many disorders of a dropsical and tumourous nature, weakness of the The urinary organs and bladder, and generative system. the menstrual functions are liable to disorder. When in Sagittarius it signifies a good vitality, and does not conduce to many ailments, the lungs, blood and nervous system being chiefly attacked. Consumption^ sciatica, and weakness of the hips and thighs is found in this position. When much afflicted, it gives liability to accidents and broken limbs. If in Capricorn it gives poor vitality and recuperative power, consequently the health will be seldom good and the illnesses usually lingering and painful. Gout, rheu- matism, constipation, skin diseases, urticaria, and the like, are likely oomplaints arising from this position. When in Aquarius it denotes a fair recuperative power, but disposes to poorness of blood, anaemia, hysteria, The blood, swoons, and general debility of the system. eyes and nervous system are the weakest parts. The Moon in Pisces gives a fair amount of vitality and Raphael's medical astrology. 28 recuperative power, but owing to the receptive nature of the sign, it conduces to disorders arising from infection and contagion, also dropsical condition of the blood, and impurities of the system. The feet suffer through corns, bunions and moist humours. Note. These remarks must be considered only in a general sense, as the good or bad aspects to the Moon — may augment and or mitigate the different disorders indicated, strengthen or weaken the vitality accordingly. CHAPTER VII. THE DURATION" OF LIFE. The subject which occupies the most prominent position in dealing with the horoscopes of newly-born children is that of the duration of life, for it is useless to oonsider the general character of the life and fortunes without first ascertaining whether the child will live to maturity, or whether it is fated to live only a short while. The subject is one of some difficulty, and every care is necessary to take into consideration every factor connected with the subject at issue, for much contradiction exists, and cases are known where ohildren have lived under severe affliction in the horoscope, while others have died under very minor indications. Hence the student will find that frequently it is a matter which requires very delicate handling. In determining whether a child will live or following points should be carefully considered, 1. The ascendant, house. its ruler, and the die, the ruler of the eighth Raphael's medical astrology. The Hyleg, the Sun female— its position and 2. a for a male, and the Moon 29 for aspects. and the ruler well placed and free from affliction, the child will be able to withstand disease, and if at the same time the hyleg be free from the affliction of the malefics, the child will live to 1. If a strong sign rises, is maturity. the child will 2. If contrary influences are shown, suffer, but early death is not necessarily shown, unless the hyleg is much afflicted. especially a malefic, and afflicted by the lord of J>he_eighth. house, the child will die. sixth house, and 4. The ruler of the ascendant in the 3. A planet rising, and by the lord of the eighth house, with no good aspects from the benefics, is an indication of early death. joined to a malefic, 5. If one of the lights be angular and or if the latter be an equal longitudinal distance from each luminary and no benefic aspecting them, the child afflicted will not live to maturity. 6. Either the Sun or Moon in an angle and conjoined with, or in, evil aspect to a malefic, without good aspects from the benefics is a sure indication of early death. Other indications of early death are to be found in the following :—If malefics afflict the Sun or Moon, or one malefic in bad aspeot to both luminaries. afflicted, malefics 7. The luminaries and ascendant angular, and no good aspects to the hyleg from either Jupiter or Venus. to each other and in 8. Two malefics in opposition square to the luminaries, and these in affliction with each other. The hyleg conjoined with a malefic in the first, sixth eighth or twelfth house, with the benefics not in aspect 9. thereto. On the other hand, life may be prolonged with the 30 Raphael's medical astrology. Jupiter or Venus be in the ascendant, strong and unafflicted, or if they assist the hyleg by good aspects, also, if the lord of the ascendant above positions if either be well placed and free from affliction. It is also necessary to note the sign rising, for children born under Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces possess less vitality than those born under the other signs, and evil positions or directions are more liable to kill. Taurus rising gives danger of fits during dentition, and if the figure be a weak one, death may result through this cause* The Fiery signs rising, and next to these, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarius, give the best stamina, and persons born with these signs on the ascendant will and live through sicknesses that would kiU others born under weaker signs. It is the difference in the quality of the signs which causes an apparent contradiction in the science, for one child will live and be thrive healthy with a very evil nativity, while another will die with but half the amount of radical evil, and this depends on the sign rising. As to the time when a child not fated to live to maturity will die, no very definite rules can be given. The directions of the Moon should be carefully noted, also the transits of the malefics over the afflicted portions of the figure. The longitude of the succeeding New Moons and the aspects to the radical figure should also be observed. Raphael's medical astrology. 31 CHAPTER Vm. EXAMPLES The OB» EARLY DEATH* following examples of death in infancy are taken and at random from an old collection of Horoscopes, will be of instruction to students in following the rules given in the previous chapter. Case 1. Male, born 11 a.m., September 8rd, 1849. Died October Hth, 1849. See Figure. Raphael's medical astbology. 32 We have the Sun (hyleg) in an angle, to 6 in eighth house, with the D See rules 5 and 6, Chapter VII. tenth house, in D in 8 to the and d 6 . with the Sun is powerless in this case, owing to the planet being debilitated in nj. The conjunction The On and of Jupiter has also an exact qi to # from the sixth house. the day of death, October 14th, the l was in 8 to h , D 6 , was nearly in 8 and P #. Male, born 8 a.m., December 2nd, 1848. and the Case 2. Augast 2nd, 1849. See above Figure. Died raphabl's mkdical \strology. 33 (hyleg) is rising in this case, but it has a square of Saturn, whilo we find the Moon, ruler of the The Sun aighth house, heavily afflicted by Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Neither Jupiter nor Venus throw any benofie aspect to the Sun, so that early death is clearly foreshadowed. On the day of death 4 was in a 24°, 8 6 and o Case )>. Male, born 2 a.m., August 29th, 1847. 8. December 18th, 1847. The beginning of Loo rises, the Died Sun being hyleg and n 4° and 8 and close to the cusp of the third house in P H in K 9°, the latter being ruler of the eighth house. The only just separating from the [j3 of ]£ Moon is conjoined with Uranus in the tenth house and in 8 to Venus in the fourth, also % . Neither benefios throw aspects to the hyleg, save Venus, who is in P, but being heavily afflicted this counts for nothing. On the day of death ^ was conjoined with the J at birth, and the Moon was 6 6 at birth. Male, born 8 r.M., June 30th, 1847. Died Case 4. August 22nd, 1847. The beginning of Capricorn rises in this caso. The Sun is hyleg, in an angle, seventh house, in ss 8° 30' in a 6 in 9° 8' T on cusp of third. The Sun is also /, 9 to on cusp of eighth. On the day of death <J was in the place of the ) at birth, and the Moon was crossing the The Sun is . ascendant. Case 5. Male, born 9,80 a.m., June 3rd, 1847. Lived 23 days. within 25' of n \ in eighth house and applying to the square of Mars in same house. No benefic aspects from either U or 9 . Cm d *y of cLoatb D was in 8 to the in sixth house <J • Leo rises. Sun on cusp Z and 5 and in of eleventh, J> to \ at birth. D RAPHAEL^ MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 34 Case 6. Male, born 1 3?,M., September 8th, 1849. Died April 25th, 1850. house in Sagittarius rises, the Sun (hyleg) is in ninth to * setting in n 16° 35'. There is no 15° 43' in ttjj a dear indication of early assistance from either % or ? , — April 19th, 1849. Case 7. Female, born 6 a.m., January 16th, 1850. See above Figure. Venus is rises in this figure in Taurus. conjoined with Mars and Neptune, The Moon P and Z Died (hyleg) ¥i aild Raphael's medical astbology. ^ 35 applying to 0. There is no assistance from either U or 9 . A New Moon took place three days before death, and on the afternoon R, D 1> R> 6 R> D of the day of death the Moon was applying to 6 of j) B, B. S Female, born 9 a,m., February 27th, 1848. Case 8. Died May 8th, 1848. See above Figure. In this figure we have Taurus again rising. The Moon (hyleg) is on the cusp of the eighth house, separating from the 8 of 6 and the Q of 0, applying to the O of \ . d 2 Z L Eand^ © |B, BAPHAEL's MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 36 There weak Is * no asistanoe from % 9 to the hyleg, and only a . Female, born 6 p.m., February 25th, 1847, Case 9. Died June 14th, 1847. Virgo rises. Moon (hyleg) on cusp of eleventh, q? 0, Q \ these being both in conjunction and close to the cusp of , seventh, n of eighth. ^ in eighth, separating from the 8 of <J lord On day of death }) was in exact q to by direction, and the J was nearly conjoined with its own place. Case 10. Female, born 6.30 p.m., August 29bh, 1848. Died April 25th, 1849. The end of Aquarius rises. The Moon (hyleg) is in the seventh house in ttj 17° 56', 6 6 in 22° 6' of same sign The & certainly has the 6 9 and 8 Tj in 23° 5' K but this planet is debilitated in Virgo and cannot render any assistance. Here we get the hyleg afflicted by two malefics without assistance. On the day of death <J was in 12° 44' K nearly 8 > B, and the Moon was in n in . , D 4* Case 11. Female, born 0.20 a.m., August 6th, 1847. Died January 4th, 1848. The end of Gemini rises, the Moon (hyleg) in 13° 35' B and in D to T2> ruler of eighth, also in ^-<J part ruler was 8 }) R, a h B. of sixth house. On the day of death Case 12. Female, born 9 a.m., January 31st, 1848. Died July Slst, 1848. Pisces rises with Saturn on the Ascendant. ) hyleg in J 12° 41' in \ in y 11° 23'. There is a soxtile of is in to <J and /. 9 . There the luminaries, but the are no transits of note on the day of death. The student should ereot the horoscopes of the cases where maps are not given, and carefully study them. J) CHAPTER XL THB SIXTH HOUSE. Wb Have now to consider the cause and nature of tho ailments arising from the position and con- diseases and figuration of the planets. As before mentioned, each planet and sign governs certain parts of the body, and according to the position of the former and especially to their aspects to the luminaries, so are we enabled to judge the various dis- eases the difierent parts of the body are liable to. First of all, the student must consider the Bixth house and the planets therein, or if there were no planets then the sign on the cusp of that house will show the part If planets are placed therein, of the body liable to suffer. then according to their nature and the sign in which they are placed so will the disorders be. If the planets are woll aspected, or are benefics, then the ailments will be slight and soon overcome but if malefics hold this house, and especially if they afflict the luminaries, then long and severe illnesses are denoted. The following is a general indication of the ailments caused by each sign of the zodiac when placed on the cusp of the sixth house ; T indicates that ailments will arise from the condition of the brain, and gives headaches, neuralgia, insomnia, and brain troubles. Affections of the eyes and face are ; also shown. brings disorders through the condition of the throat, quinsies, tonsilitis, and similar disorders. The heart, bladder and excretory systems are also influenced by this 8 sign. H causes ailments through the lungs, bronchial tubes, 38 Raphael's medical astrology, and the respiratory and nervous systems generally. The lungs are the weakest part, while the blood should be kept in good order. shows that ailments arise through the condition of the stomach and digestive organs, causing flatulency, S3 fermentation, gastric troubles. Si causes ailments through inharmonious living, excesses, and generally disturbs the heart and blood, and the condition of these acts on the throat and excretory system. tijj shows that the condition of the bowels is the ohief cause of ailments, and such disorders as colic, constipation, dysentery, and indigestion are likely to occur. =Oa denotes that ailments will arise through the condition of the kidneys, and such disorders as diabetes, Bright's disease, and suppression of urine are threatened. ni shows that the condition of the excretory system, generative organs and bladder will be the chief cause of the ailments. Piles, secret disorders, retention of urine, and inflammatory diseases are peculiar to this sign. t denotes that the condition of the blood and nervous system will have much to do with the ailments, and that consumption, blood troubles, and disorders of the liver will be experienced. Vf signifies that oolds and chills, imporfect circulation and all tendencies to melancholia will be the cause of ailments, which will be chiefly rheumatism, gout, constipation, and skin troubles, indicates that the blood and mental faculties will be the chief seat of any disorders arising. Bad circu- & eye troubles, and all spasmodio and nervous complaints are denoted by this sign. H signifies that ailments ohiefly arise through carelessness in personal cleanliness, impurities of the blood, Ail oomplaints of a tumourous and bad magnetism. lation, Raphael's medical astrology. 39 nature oome from this influence, and consumption and ailments of the fluidio system. NOTE.— Care must be taken in judging this £oint, because with a strong body, and hyleg well supported, there is little liability to the disorders as given above. The main influence of the sixth house is, that the sign on its cusp governs that part of the body in which disorders are most likely to arise. CHAPTER X. JM8EASEB 07 MERCURY, planet Mercury plays a somewhat important part in regard to diseases, for, governing the nervous system, and brain generally, ifc tends to produce complaints affecting these parts of the system. The chief influence is to do with the nerves, and we thus find such complaints as headache, neuralgia, insomnia, coming under an afflicted Mercury. In addition to this, The lethargy, defects in memory, giddiness, vertigo, convulsions, and all nerve pains afflicting those parts of the body according to the sign occupied by the planet. we Ifind Mercury, however, must be taken according to its connection with other planets, but when placed in the sixth house, it is a sure sign of nervous* troubles arising from worry or over study, The following are the various disorders connected with the planet Mercury when placed in the twelve signs. Headaches, facial neuralgia, insomnia, and nervous f affeotions of the head. kaphael's medical astkology. 40 8 Hoarseness, throat troubles through, nerve affections, vocal disorders, convulsions during dentition. H Nerve pains in the shoulders, arms and hands bronchitis, defects in the respiratory organs. as Colic, spasms, flatulence and digestive troubles due to worry and anxiety. pains Si Palpitation and spasms of the heart, swooning, in the spinal nerves. bb Obstruction worms and and colic in the bowels, diarrhoea, intestinal irritation. Urinary obstructions, neuralgia of the kidneys, n Neuralgia and disorders of the generative organs, suppression of c&tamenia in females, disorders of the ,c± nerves in the privy parts. % Sciatica, nervousness, and weakness of the thighs. yy Rheumatism, gout, constipation and bowel troubles due to worry and melancholic tendencies. £* Hysteria and general debility of the nervous system. H Consumption, cold feet, colic, corns and bunions. CHAPTER XI. DIBEASBS OF VENUS, planet Venus, though naturally bonefio in action, is frequently the cause of numerous little disorders, espooially among the fair sex. It has a nutritive and relaxing nature, but its evil is mostly shown in general relaxation and debility of the system, and affections of the throat, venous system, and kidneys. The chief complaints are heartburn, enlarged tonsils, cysts, swellings, renal troubles and maladies duo to indiscretion both in diet and habits. The general influence of Venus in the sixth house pro- The BAPHAKl/S MEDICAL ASTKOLOGY, much 41 bad aspect to the Moon or Ascendant, produces complaints according to .the position of the planet in the twelve signs tects the health, but if afflioted therein, or in as follows. T Eczema, skin troubles, yellowness and irritation due to cosmetics. of the complexion, « Throat troubles, mumps, goitre, quinsy and abscesses. S Bad respiration due to tight lacing and indiscretion in dress. If much sb Indigestion, surfeit, nausea, cyst of breast, afflicted, irregularities in catamenia. £l Heart troubles, swoons, and palpitation due to tight lacing. mucus, worms, intestinal troubles due to wrong diet and bad habits in eating. tig Irregularities of the bowels, =Qx Kidney tri Venereal troubles, weakness of bladder, troubles, diabetes, uraemia, eczema, orders, diseases of ovaries, womb dis- and in the vaginal passage, and painful catamenial discharges. t Gout in the hips, and lung troubles. V? Knee troubles, constipation, nausea, skin disorders, worms. %X Poorness of blood, anemia, hysteria. X Tender feet, bunions, chilblains, tumours. afflicted, disorders through intemperance, CHAMEB If much XII. DISEASES OF MASS. Thh Mars the chief influence in producing all feverish, inflammatory and acute complaints. Its nature is hot, expansive and exciting in action, and causes fevers of planet all is descriptions, infectious and inflammatory com- • Raphael's medical astbology. 42 sharp and sudden sickness caused by an overabundance of animal beat, and all suoh complaints as plaints, all shingles, fistula, burns, scalds, ruptures of blood-vessels and the like. When placed in the sixth house or afflicting the luminaries, it will cause many sudden and sharp complaints, some Bevere, others not so intense, according to the strength or affliction of the planet. The following are the chief disorders produced by Mars when placed in the twelve signs. T Brain fever, ruptures of blood-vessels in the brain, cerebral congestion, ringworm, small pox, inflammation of the eyes. 8 Diphtheria, tonsilitis, quinsies, inflammation of the larynx, stone in the bladder, erysipelas. H Bronchitis, inflammation of lungs, pneumonia, impurities of the blood, spitting of blood, eruptions on the arms and shoulders. m Gastric fever, bilious complaints, typhoid and enteric With females it gives fever, haemorrhage of the stomach. extreme danger in childbirth, puerperal fever and abortions. CI Hypertrophy and palpitation of the heart, malarial fever, pleurisy, aneurisms and syncope. itQ Diarrhoea, inflammation of the bowels, peritonitis, cholera, hernia, dysentery, enteritis. r£* Inflammation of the kidneys, pains in the lumbar region, and a tendency to fevers due to disordered kidneys. «t Piles, fistulas, venereal diseases, stone in the. bladder, gout, septio poisoning, and in females, inflammation of the womb, heemorrhage, abortions and catamenial disorders. Sciatica, ulcers on the hips and thighs, fevers, inflammation of the lungs, boils and troubles with the anus. yj Bheumatic fever, inflammation of the knee joint, t jaundice, dysentery, and inflammatory skin complaints. Raphael's medical astrology. 43 & Varicose veins in the legs, intermittent fevers, erysipelas, blood poisoning, ulcers on the legs, palpitation of the heart. complaints, infectious disX Consumption, tumourous orders and complaints arising through intemperance. OHAPTEB XEX DISEASES Otf JUPITEB. Jupiter is by nature beneflc, it has nevertheless an evil influence when placed in the sixth house and It is conservative and afflicting the hyleg or ascendant. preservative in actions and conduoes to blood changes, accumulation of fluid, either in the form of tumourous complaints or obesity. It has particular rule over the Although liver and causes pleurisy, boils and abscesses. when placed in the sixth house and unamicted, it benefits the health and wards off complaints while most of the maladies due to its influence Generally speaking, arise from indiscretion in diet, etc. are the chief disorders of Jupiter when placed in the twelve zodiacal signs. T Dizziness, swoons, determination of blood to the head, congestion of the brain. 8 Gout, distemper in the throat and complaints caused by gluttony and over-indulgence in living. The following H Pleurisy, blood disorders, lung affections. cs Dropsy, indigestion, flatulence, scurvy. a Pleurisy, feverish and overheated state of blood, apoplexy, fatty degeneration of the heart, palpitation. Weakness of bowels, impurities of blood, liver ui! troubles, abscesses on liver or bowels, jaundice. RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. 44 zOm Kidney troubles, diabetes, tumours in the reins, obstructions, urinary and seminal complaints, eruptions in the secrets, mucus in the urine, abscesses, dropsy. X Pains and swellings in the legs and hips, gout, 1*. Piles, sciatica. Eczema and skin troubles due to indiscretions in diet, sluggish circulation of blood. X? Lumbago, blood-poisoning, over-abundance of blood y$ in the system. X Dropsical complaints, poor conditions of the blood, tumouroufl disorders. CHAPTEB XIV. DISEASES 07 SATURN. Satob:k is the chief planet in producing diseases. It is by nature cold and contracting, and in this state it is opposed to tho luminaries, and when placed in the sixth house, or afflicting the hyleg or ascendant, produces all oold, lingering and chronic complaints. The chief complaints arise from cold, depression, contraction and obstruction, and comprise all chronio dis- rheumatism, gout, impediments and deafness, paralysis, atrophy, ague, palsy, cutaneous disorders, consumption, gangrene and, as Saturn is chief ruler of the bones, all disorders affecting them, such as ossification, orders, ; mortification, and maladies of the spinal cord. His position in each of the twelve signs should be noted, and the following are a tabulation of the diseases produced by this planet when placed in each of the zodiaoal signs. kaphael's mkdical astrology. T Head, *° stomach, and liver troubles, colds in the head, toothache, cerebral troubles, deafness. 8 Diphtheria, quinsies, mumps, loss of voice, laryngitis and disorders of the gullet, also deafness. E Consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatic arms and shoulders, and disorders the of the respiratory organs. S3 Ga3trio, digestive and asthmatical complaints, cancer in breast, dyspeptic troubles, and, in females, affection of the womb. Si Organic weakness of the heart, syncope, jaundice, spinal troubles, gout, and liver complaints. i® Constipation, obstructions in the bowels, oostiveness, mal-nutrition, catarrh of the bowels and colic. affections 4± of Head and kidney troubles, blood disorders, renal affections, suppression of urine, ni Gout, retention of urine, lumbago, Bright's disease. piles, fistula, gravel, stone, and, in females, suppression of the oatamenia, and uterine troubles. t Gout, sciatica, hip-joint disease, chitis, debility of consumption, bron- the nervous system. Bheumatism, ague, skin diseases, constipation and bowel complaints, and painful and ohronic troubles Yt affecting the knee-joint. %? Oramp, aneemia, spinal troubles, weak circulation of the blood, affections of the eyes, ankles, and legs. X Consumption, catarrh, gout, bunions, rheumatism, tender feet. feet, danger of taking cold through getting wet Raphael's medical asteology. 46 CHAPTER XV. DISEASES OF UBANTJS. planet Uranus has a peculiar influence in relation diseases to the human body, and does not usually cause of an ordinary character. It is responsible for sudden and spasmodic disorders, such as cramp, spasms, ruptures, strictures and the like. It has a very remarkable influence over the nervous system, especially the motor nerves. When placed in the sixth house it causes complaints according of this nature, and affecting parts of the body to its sign position. The following are the chief complaints due to Uranus The in the twelve signs. the head, inflammation of the coverings iand membranes of the brain, paralysis of the facial nerves. « Trouble with the vocal cords, and motor nerves of T Spasmodic pains in the throat, n gs Oramp in the arms and shoulders, asthma. Oramp of stomach, cancer in stomach, mental illusion. a Oramp or of the heart, stoppage of heart's action sudden death. njj =£v til in the bowels, wind spasms. Spasmodic lumbago, disorders of the kidneys. Spasm of bladder, cancer of generative system, Cramp deformities of womb in females. j Cramp in hips and thighs, sciatica. T3> Deformities of knees, cramp in knees. %? Hysteria, cramp in ankles, nervous disorders. bunions. X Sweating of feet, cramp in feet and toes, BAPHAEl/s MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. CHAPTER 47 XVI. DISEASES ©E NEPTUNE. The planet Neptune has rule over various peculiar and uncommon disorders, these having a more psychic source than arising from physical conditions. Unfortunately the influence of this planet known that is so little impossible to give very definite hints in regard to the diseases caused by its influence, but it generally produces disorders due to moral lapsing, and the like. People under the influence of Neptune frequently resort to the use of narcotics, opiates, and drugs of a soothing nature, some are great smokers, others are exceedingly intemperate. Neptune also has the power of causing demoniacal affections, obsessions, and other psychic it is disorders. Its influence in the sixth house, and when afflicting the hyleg or ascendant, should be particularly noted, and its chief disorders when placed in the twelve signs are as follows T Demoniacal affections. Conjunctivitis and myopia Brain troubles and delusions. of eye. 8 Affections of the eyes, septic poisoning in throat. I Consumption and wasting of the system. sj Dipsomania, hypochondria. SI Suspension of heart's action through taking opiates. tip Consumption of bowels, malnutrition. : tn Dropsy. Venereal diseases, demoniacal affections. I Nervous so* disorders. ^? Skin disorders, leprosy. & H Obsession, nervous affections. Disorders of the fluidic system, dropsy, obsession. * 48 Raphael's medical astrology. CHAPTER XVII. MENTAL MSOBDERS. Ik judging the mental weaknesses and liability to insanity similar disorders the positions of the Moon and Mercury should be considered. If neither the Moon nor Mercury be in good aspect with the ascendant, nor with each other, then mental weakness is sure to occur, the mind having no real strength, being unable to understand or comprehend things. n,ud If while the Moon and Mercury be unconnected with each other* and also with the ascendant, Saturn should afflict either in a daylight horoscope, then epilepsy is sura to occur, but if by night then insanity is to be feared. If Mars be the afflicting planet, it will cause insanity by day and epilepsy by night. This is more especially so if the signs Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces are concerned, that is, if the Moon, Mercury, Saturn or Mars be plaoed in either of these signs. Insanity also occurs when the luminaries are conjoined, and afflicted by Saturn, or opposed and afflicted by Mars, and especially when placed in Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces. All such infirmities will be incurable, if there be no good aspects of the benefice to the luminaries or Mercury. Backwardness shown by Mercury in the sixth or twelfth houses and, if in affliction by the Moon, Saturn or Mars, it may cause an impediment in the speech, or the native may be born dumb. This is especially so should Mercury be in a mute sign (® m , # ), acd afflicted hy Saturn. Neptune plays an important part in insanity and, of speeoh is , Raphael's medical astrology. 49 should he add his evil influence to those of Saturn or Mars, it will produce demoniacal affections and obsession. Uranus also causes insanity, especially if he be so elevated above and afflicting both the Moon and Mercury at the same time. Every care is required in judging the above, for the strength of Mercury must be considered, and only when weakly placed will the worst effects be experienced. CHAPTER XVIII. INJURIES, ACCIDENTS, AND DEFORMITIES This subject requires very careful handling, but the following simple rules will be found generally correct. Injuries and Accidents. Note the ascendant, cusp of sixth house, and whether Mars or Saturn afflicts the luminaries. Saturn on ascendant causes injuries through falls, also when in D or $ thereto. Mars on the ascendant causes cuts and injuries to the head, and bloodshed. There is also generally a mark or scar on that part of the body governed by the sign in which Mars is placed. This does not necessarily mean that the native is born with such scar; it may be caused after birth, or by acoident. Mars afflicting the luminaries by d or 8 is a sure sign of danger of accidents, and according to the house posiFor instance, if in tion, so will such accidents occur. the first, by impulsive and precipitate action ; in the third, by rail or road j if in the fifth, at pleasure parties, etc. Blindness. Note that the Sun rules the right eye in a — — E RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY, 50 male, and left eye in a female, while the Moon rules the right eye in a female and the left eye in a male. or 8 Either luminary in an angle, afflicted by a 6 or of Mars, will cause blindness. The Moon in Aries, or Taurus, afflicted by Neptune, causes eye troubles, myopia, or conjunctivitis. The Sun afflicted by Neptune, and either planet angular will cause weakness of the optic nerve. The sign Aquarius has particular rule over the eyesight, and the Sun conjoined with Saturn therein is a sure sign of blindness. — Deformities. This relates to dwarfs, and those born with distorted limbs. Taurus, Scorpio, or Capricorn are generally found to be rising at the birth of dwarfs, and there is usually an affliction between Mars and Uranus, or Mars and Saturn. the aspeots occur in common signs the legs and arms will be deformed; if in fixed signs there is usually a deformity of body, and, if in cardinal signs, then of the head. If CHAPTER XIX. DEATH. The last matter we have to deal with is the cause of a twofold manner. First, ordinary or natural deaths, and secondly, violent and accidental deaths. Ordinary deaths. Observe the hyleg, and the ruler of usually the eighth house or a planet therein. Death will death, and this we must take in Raphael's medical astrology. 51 occur when the hyleg comes to evil directions of the ruler of the eighth house, or to a planet therein, provided there are no benefic directions to it at the same time. Saturn in the sixth or eighth houses denotes death through lingering diseases, affecting parts of the hody ruled by the sign in which he is placed. Mars therein causes death through fevers, spitting of and all inflammatory diseases. Venus and Jupiter in the eighth house show a peaceful and quiet end, without pain. In a female horoscope the Sun will cause death by severe illnesses, and feverish disorders long and painful blood, ; diseases. house or a planet therein is also of assistance in determining the cause of death, for this house is the part ruling the end of life. The time of death can only be judged by directions, and unless the affliction of the hyleg is very severe, and there be no contrary indications, w., benefic directions to the hyleg, do not judge death, but only ill-health. Violent deaths. Observe the hyleg, eighth house and planet or planets therein as before, but note whether Uranus, Mars, or Saturn be elevated above the hyleg, and throw evil aspects thereto. A violent death generally results when both malefica attack the luminaries, and the asoendant be at the same time afflicted. Saturn in a fixed sign so placed causes death by suffocation or strangling, or by hanging. If in animal signs (T, 8, ft, f ^)» *>y bites of animals or beasts. If Jupiter be in affliction at the same time, then death will be public, or by sentence of a judge. Saturn in Scorpio so plaoed causes death by poison, or bites of serpents, and, if Venus be oonjoined to the aspect, then by treachery, or Saturn so placed in a watery sign shows death poison. The lord of the fourth , K 2 RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 52 by drowning. In Cardinal signs, by tbe fall of buildings, in the fourth house, by earthquakes. Mars when so placed, that is, afflicting the hyleg and being elevated above, denotes violent deaths by wounds, fires, stabbing, war, and all deaths caused by the shedding of blood. In Taurus, by beheading, or if suicidal tendencies are shown, by cutting the throat. In Scorpio and Taurus death may occur by surgical operations. If in the fiery signs by burning and suchlike. Mars placed in a human sign (n trj %; and first half of I ) shows death by the hand of man, either assassination or in war. Mars setting in 8 to the luminaries denotes death by fire. Should Jupiter be in aspect at the same time, death is indicated by judicial condemnation. Uranus so placed causes death by explosions, violent and incendiary means, machinery, eleotrical apparatus, lightning, railway or motor-car accidents, and particularly suicides in any form. Neptune so placed causes death by drug-taking, opiates, poison, and the like. and, if PART SECOND. I&TBODUCTION. some length with the iStrological causes of disease, the planetary and zodiacal rulerahip of the human hody, and all the various influences relating to the diagnosis of diseases by reference to the horoscope of birth, we must now turn our attention to the other side of the question, that of proper ways of living and; keeping healthy by studying the laws of life in accordance Havi&o ' dealt at own individual horoscopes. Personally, I have great faith in the old maxim that "Prevention is better than cure," and I also believe that it is possible to live healthy lives, and make ourselves less liable to complaints and diseases, by a study of with our Astrology, oombined with hygiene, and rational methods of living. Also, I have great belief in the efficacy of herbal remedies, based on Astrological principles, when illness actually takes place. I am therefore dealing first with preventive remedies, and rules for living healthy Jives, according to the varying influences in horoscopes, and also briefly dealing with the Astrological properties of herbs, and their application. The matter is being dealt with in as simple a manner learned as possible, in order that the younger and less student will be able to understand the rules, just as easily as the more advanced reader. Raphael's medical astbology. 54 CHAFEER--'!/';:^ HEALTH AND THE HOROSCOPE, The first and most important step in relation to healtli is a study of one's own horoscope, and a simple diagnosis of the bodily and constitutional strength, natural functions, and of the various ailments and disorders shown therein. It is therefore necessary to analyse the various zodiacal and planetary influences, and give simple and reliable rules for the preservation of health and prevention of disease. First of all the zodiacal influences must be considered, taking each sign separately, and showing when each one is rising, or containing the Sun or Moon, how its special influence can be utilised and its evil effects prevented by simple methods. .-.'' This a mental ZI.'.'i:;'Aries. and as the Head ther©h!eY'p»r£''' affected, it is necessary to have a proper amount of sleep, natural, but not induced sleep, bodily and mental rest, and peaceful and harmonious surroundings. There is nothing like worry, anxiety, and overstrain of the brain to upset the general health, while excitement of all kinds is especially inimical, and will soon overbalance the brain. Those who have this influence in their horoscope should always be careful never to overdo things, either physically or mentally, to observe regular hours for work and rest; to avoid worry and anxiety, and, when feeling out of sorts, to seek peaceful and harmonious surroundings. In matters of diet, brain food should be especially chosen, a small amount of animal food, and an avoidance of Fresh air and daily walking exercise arc stimulants, most is desirable. sign, is Raphael's medical astrology. 55 Taurus. This is a vital sign, arid the heart and throat aTe the chief parts affected. Eegular habits are most essential in this case, and as there is a fondness for too much ease, physical exercise should be taken* This influence frequently conduces to obesity and usually gives a large appetite, so that every care should be taken in diet, and all food of a fattening and heating nature avoided. Temperance in food and drink is an essential. As the heart is liable to be affected by this position, all excitement, hurry and hasty movements should be avoided. Never hurry to catch a train. When run down or depressed, pleasure and company will act as a stimulant, and music will have an especial harmonious influence on the system. Food or drink of a malt nature should be avoided, but spirits which stimulate the heart should be used medicinally. Gemini. a motive sign, while the vitality is more mental than physical. The lungs and nervous system are the tfhis is i chief parts affected. One of the finest things for people with this influence is breathing exercises, so that the respiratory organs are kept in a proper condition. All excesses of activity, worry and mental excitement, are injurious to the nervous system, but a fair amount of walking, dumb-bell exercise and the like should be indulged in. The nature being very mental, care is required in study, as overstrain is likely to affect the nervous system. Wasting of the vital fluids should be particularly Warm clothing is important for lung protection, and particular care is required in diet, mental and nerve foods being essential, animal food only slightly guarded against. necessary. Raphael's medical astrology. 56 Cancer. owing to its receptivity to external conditions. The stomaoh being affected principally, it is essential that pure food is taken, well cooked, taking nothing that causes fermentation. Intoxicating liquors should be avoided. All worry and anxiety, overtaxing of the mind, will disturb the digestive organs, hence it is necessary to keep the mind free therefrom. Colds and chills should be guarded against. When the system is run down, a change of scenery, or a sea voyage, will be One great evil of this influence is a very beneficial. disordered imagination, there being a tendency for people to imagine themselves suffering from all kinds of complaints, when really there is little or nothing the matter Drugs of all kinds should be particularly with them. (This is a weak sipi, avoided. t.e6» and Temperate living Is the essential with this influence, because once the life gets into an inharmonious groove, or goes to ex* tremes, then disorders are likely to arise. It is necessary that the life should not be allowed to run into discord or disorder, and that temperate habits and harmonious surroundings should be cultivated. Diet should be carefully attended to, and all heating and stimulating food or drink should be avoided, for nutritious blood-strengthening food is absolutely necessary. Excitement and haste should be avoided, and everything done quietly, calmly and orderly. It is very necessary to keep the blood pure and the system in balance, while any feverish tendency should at once be remedied. This is * vital sign, rules the heart. baphael's medical astrology. 57 Virgo. This is a particularly mental sign, and the condition of the rriind has much to do with the general health. The bowels are the parts mostly affected, and worry, anxiety, constitutional changes, weather, etc., tend to disturb the system. Diet is a very particular thing with people having this influence, while regular habits should be observed in all things, especially meals. Drugs should on no account be taken, and every effort made to live naturally and quietly. The general condition of business affairs will have much to do with the health, for it will be found that people with this influence will suffer in health if their material affairs are upset, or going wrong, while if things are in a flourishing condition, the health will be good, and the native will enjoy " a healthy mind in a healthy body," - Libra, ', This sign 'Is of a mental and refined nature, and the kidneys are the chief organs affected. Harmony and congenial surroundings are essential, plenty of fresh air, mild physical exeroise, and a well-balanced mind, are required to keep the system in good order. All indulgences, both in pleasure and diet, should be avoided. The use of cosmetics should be guarded against by the fair sex, owing to the tendency of this sign to produce cutaneous disorders. It is very important that Libra folk should be careful in drinking water, as impurities therein are apt to cause typhoid or enteric fever. They should also keep the lumbar region well clothed so as to prevent taking cold in those parts. Kidney troubles may be soon felt by a pain across the lower part of the back, and should have immediate attention. baphael's medical astbologt, 58 ^ Scorpio. and governs the and affects the heart and throat. One of the chief faults of this sign is over-indulgence, and many ailments may be entirely averted by being temperate in food and drink, and discreet in sexual relations. It is a sign which gives great danger of infection, and when epidemics are prevalent, particular care is required, as owing to the magnetic nature of Scorpio, persons will easily fall a victim to such diseases. All heating and stimulating foods should be avoided, very little meat taken, while This is a vital sign, intoxicants of all kinds should never be touched, unless medicinally. A conservation of the life forces, and a study of the laws of magnetism, are essential for good health, while a regular flushing of the colon with cold water is a Bplendid tonic for keeping the excretory system in good order. '";;;;;;;;;Sagittariusi-- This is a motive sign, and governs the thighs and nervous system. Healthy exercise, physical recreation, riding, cycling, and all kinds of sport in moderation, are the best means of keeping the system in order. Moderation is essential, as this sign always gives a tendency to over-activity, doing things with a rush and putting too much exertion into actions. This is sure Everything should be done to weaken the system. When the health quietly and over-exertion avoided. runs down, good walking exercise will do more than medicine, while literature of an elevating and philoCare is always sophical nature will benefit the mind. required with this influence to avoid accidents, cuts and injuries, also bites horses. and kicks from animals, especially The blood should be kept pure. BAPHABl/s MEDICAL ASTBOLOOY. 59 Capricorn. a weak sign, and governs the knees and skin. It gives great danger of depression and melancholia: all morbid tendencies, despondency, discontent and the like, shonld be most strenuously guarded against. Care should be taken to keep the system free from colds and chills. Mild purgatives should be taken occasionally, as there is A heating a danger of the bowels being constipated. and stimulating diet is required, and malt liquors may be taken in moderation. Cheerful company, bright and oongenial surroundings, a fair amount of physical exercise, are necessary to keep the system in good order. Care should be taken with the skin, and cosmetics avoided, as they are likely to be injurious and cause irritation and This is cutaneous troubles. AquaHus.'ZZZZZIZIIII sign, and rules the Mood and ankles. ••",• This is a vital There is also a good deal of mental vitality with this sign, and it is very essential that the mind be kept free from worry and anxiety. The blood should be kept in good order, and promptly attended to at the first inPlenty of fresh air, exercise, dication of impurity. harmonious surroundings, regular but moderate mental exercise, are very necessary to keep the system in good condition. Care is also required in diet, the food being of a brain and blood-building nature, but nothing in the way of a heating or stimulating nature. The eyesight should be very carefully attended to, as the eyea are a very sensitive part, and they should be at once tested if affected in any way, as complaints under this sign are likely to be lasting and perhaps permanent. 60 Raphael's medioal astrology. ....Pisces. This a motive sign, very weak, and governs the "feet" and fluidio system. Over-anxiety and worry often weaken the constitution and bring on functional ailments, and care is particularly neoessary to avoid taking cold through the feet. Temperance is a great essential with this sign, and cleanliness over the person* Care is required in matters of diet, as there is a danger of taking too much liquid, and all stimulants and intoxicating liquors should be most strenuously avoided. This sign also gives danger of infectious and contagious disorders, so that it is necessary to be careful, when epidemics are prevalent, to keep the blood and system in proper order. One particular is i evil of this sign is forgetfulness and carelessness, there being a tendency to be careless of personal comforts and necessaries, and thus ailments may arise by these means, CHAPTER n. ;-•;'••; DIET AND THE HOROSCOPE* This is an especially important matter, and one w ft n which all students of Medical Astrology should make themselves familiar, for there is probably no greater cause of ill-health than improper diet and irregular habits of living. It is therefore proposed to take each sign in rotation, and give the best suggestions for diet in accordance with astrological principles. Aries.—This being a mental sign and ruling the head, brain food is the best, cereals, wheat food, very little meat, but fish in plenty. Stimulants are not required, and all intoxicating liquors should be avoided. The last baphael's medical astbology. meal of the day should bo taken at least 61 two hours before All heating food should be avoided, Taurus. This sign gives a good appetite, but heating and fattening foods must not be taken. Starchy and farinaceous foods are not recommended. Stimulants may be taken in moderation, but no malt liquors. Iiemon Moderation in diet drinks are useful for the throat. should be practised owing to the fondness for high living. Gemim. This is another mental sign, and all brain food as essential, especially food which builds up the nerve cells, and strengthens the red corpuscles of the blood. Animal food may be taken at one meal of the day, but this in moderation. Jfruit and milk are suitable, and no heavy meals should be taken before retiring to rest. > Ccmcer. Cancer people should be most; particular in All foods which cause fermentation or heat in the diet. stomach should be avoided. Malt liquors and stimulants are not good. A glass of cold water taken on rising and at bedtime is an excellent thing. Animal food is not to be recommended, but fish, cereals and meat diet are best. retiring. — — — Pastry is most injurious. Leo. This is a vital sign, and a diet which rejuvenates the blood and increases the red corpuscles is the best. All heating, fattening and stimulating food should be avoided, and regular and harmonious habits rigidly adhered to. A vegetarian diet is to be recommended. Virgo.—Diet is an important matter in this sign. Meals should be taken regularly and food well masticated. Milk, fruits and all foods which regulate the bowels Such food should be taken, but only in moderation. as heats the bowels should be avoided, and plain, wollcooked food only Bhould be taken. Libra. Libra people require light diet, fish, game and milk. All food which contains sugar, starch and malt, should be avoided, as it will affect the kidneys. Eggs — — Raphael's medical astrology. 62 are good, also cereals, but intoxicants should be avoided. Cold water is an excellent drink on rising and at bedtime. Scorpio. For this sign all heating, intoxicating and fattening food, should be avoided. Blood-forming diet is the best : milk, cereals, but no animal food or malt liquors. Nothing disturbs or excites the generative system more than drink and animal food, and the less taken of these the better. Sagittatius.— Nerve and blood-forming diet is required with this sign. A fair amount of animal food may be taken, but intoxioants are not recommended. Light meals in the middle of the day are better than ordinary dinners. — A walk after supper will be found beneficial, but this meal should be taken a considerable time before retiring. Capricorn. Meat diet is recommended, owing to the cold nature of the sign, and also food which acts on the blood and increases the red corpuscles. Malt liquors may be taken in moderation, and all food and drink which stimulates the natural functions of the body are essential. Aquarius, A nerve-sustaining and brain diet is required with this sign, also food which tends to excite the circulation of the blood. Animal food may be taken at one meal per day, and fish, milk and cereals are also beneficial — — to the general health. Extreme care and moderation are required with Pisces* this sign, as there is a tendency for food to disagree. Intoxicants are not necessary and should be avoided. — Temperance in both eating and drinking is absolutely necessary. Fish, milk, wheat foods and all nutriments which sustain the blood should be taken. These rules are applicable when the sign is rising or when the Sun and Moon are placed therein at the time of birth. RAPHAEl/8 MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. 63 OHAPTEB HI FJWSJVBNTIVB MEABUBES. step in our study of the hygienic and preventive methods in regard to health is to consider the planetary positions in horoscopes and their special influence in The next causing diseases. In the previous two chapters we dealt with the keeping of the health and constitution in good order by natural hygienic methods of living and proper diet; so now we deal with the simple preventive measures for protecting the body againBt the diseases caused by each planet in the twelve signs. Aries.—This sign is not and fiery in nature, and therefore heats and disturbs the system, causing inharmony therein* much reading and study should be avoided, and at night mental work should never be undertaken. With Venus therein, all cosmetics and injurious face and hair lotions must be avoided. With Mars therein, people should guard against impulsive and rash actions, and particularly blows on the face and head; animal foods should also be avoided. With Jupiter therein, the blood should have proper attention and plenty of With Mercury therein, too recommended. With Saturn therein, colds and chills should be guarded against, or deafness may result. With Uranus therein, the eyesight should be most carefully attended to, and all over-work and nervous strain avoided. With Neptune therein, the brain should be kept free from delusions and notions which outdoor exercise outrage common is sense. Taurus.—This is a cold and dry sign, and requires some energising from without. therefore 64 BAPHAEL'8 medical astbology, With Mercury therein, injudicious use of the voice, as loud speaking or singing, should he avoided. With Venus therein, the neck should be carefully protected, particularly in cold and damp weather. With Mara therein, the Jupiter therein, vocal organs should not be strained, over-indulgence in living is harmful. Saturn therein > the neck and throat .should be properly protected from cold. Uranus therein, over-straining of the vocal cords should be guarded against. With Neptune therein, the eyes should be safeguarded. Gemini. This sign is hot, moist and mental in nature* and disturbs the nervous system* With Mercury therein, the respiratory organs should have proper exercise and care taken in speaking or singing. Venus therein, the blood should be kept in good order — and indisoretions in dress avoided. With Mars therein, the chest should be well clothed and impurities of the system quickly eradicated. Jupiter therein, indiscretions in diet and dress are harmful Saturn therein warns against improper and insufficient clothing, and breathing recommended. Uranus therein warns against over-study and overstrain of the nervous system. Neptune in Gemini warns against fanciful and chaotic notions In dress, tight-lacing, and the like. Gamer.—This is a cold and moist sign, and affects the digestive organs and mind. With Mercury therein, a healthy imagination should be cultivated, and worry avoided. With Venus therein, indiscretions in diet should be avoided. Mars therein, infection and contagion should be guarded against, and exercises are females should be careful at childbirth. With Jupiter therein, the blood should be kept pure and over-indulgences avoided. Saturn therein, extreme care is required in diet, and ooldB and chills guarded against. With Uranus therein, people are warned against bathing. With Neptune therein, . 65 BAPHAEl/s MBDIOAL ASTBOLOGY. the Imagination should be kept pure and all morbid tendencies fought against. £<*>.-—This is a hot and fiery sign, and heats the system, causing loss of equilibrium. Meroury therein warns against overstudy and bending. With Venus therein, indiscretions in dress are most harmful. Mars therein, the native should guard against haste and outbursts of passion. With Jupiter therein, over-indulgence and indiscretions in diet, high living, and the like, are to be avoided. Saturn therein, physical strain is harmful, also sudden shocks. Slight stimulants taken at times will benefit the circulation. With Uranus therein, all shocks to the system are injurious. Neptune therein, opiates and sleeping potions of all kinds are harmful to the heart's action, Virgo. This is a cold and dry sign, and actsTon the digestive organs and mind. With Mercury therein, over mental strain should be Venus therein, avoided and regular habits cultivated. warns against wrong tendencies in feeding, carelessness in habits. Mars therein, is a warning against infectious and contagious diseases and improper feeding. Jupiter therein, warns against high living and over-indulgence in food. Saturn therein, denotes melancholic tendencies, depression and worry. The bowels should be kept in Uranus therein, bathing after meals and regular order, eating hurriedly should be avoided. Heptune therein, shows improper food, drug-taking, and too strong liquids. Libra. This is a warm and moist sign, and shows disturbances in the system which cause inharmony and want of tone. Mercury therein, warns against standing too long at a time, and against over-study. Venus therein, over-indulgence in sweet things, sugar and comfits. With Mars therein, infection and contagion should be guarded against. — — v 66 RAPHAELS MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. Jupiter therein, warns against high living. Saturn therein, denotes organio weakness, and cold and chiU in the lumbar region should be guarded against. Uranus warns against overstrain of the sinews, and Neptune in this sign points to disorders through indiscretions, both as regards sex and drug-taking. a cold and watery sign, and produces many disorders in the generative and excretory system. With Mercury therein, worry and anxiety should be avoided, and all carelessness and forgetfulness of nature's requirements guarded against. Venus therein points to excesses, both in food and sexual matters, indiscretions and lax morals. Mars therein, warns against infection and contagion, immorality and diseases of the privy parts Scorpio.—This is Jupiter in this sign produces disorders due thereto. through high living, fatty food, indiscretion and selfindulgenoe. Saturn warns against taking cold, and of laxness in attending to nature's wants. Uranus therein, warns against overstraining the excretory system, and Neptune therein, is an incentive to self-abuse, lax morals and sexual indiscretions. SagittaHus.—This is a hot and dry sign, and denotes loss of nerve power and volition. Mercury therein, warns against overstudy and mental Venus therein, indiscretions in sport (this .applies chiefly to females). Mars therein, warns against rash actions in sport, indiscretion and want of care. Jupiter strain. therein, denotes that the blood should be kept in good order. Saturn warns against cold and chill in the hips and thighs, and against overstraining and over-exertion. Uranus therein, warns against accidents in sport, and Neptune, indiscretions in general actions, producing of volitional power. Ca&icorn.—This is a cold and dry a depressing and lowering tendency. sign, loss and produces .Raphael's medical astkology. 67 Meroury therein, warns against all melancholy tendencies and worry, Venus therein, points to misuse of skin and hair lotions. With Mars therein, care should be taken to avoid falls. With Jupiter therein, the blood should be kept in good condition. With Saturn therein, proper care should be taken in regard to clothing, so that all colds and Uranus in Capricorn warns against chills are avoided. accidents to the legs. Hep tune in this sign shows blood impurities and indiscretion in the use of cosmetics. Aquarius. This is a warm, moiBt and airy sign, and rules disturbances of the nerves and blood. — With Mercury therein, the mind should be kept from worry, and all fanciful notions guarded against. Venus therein, is a warning against general blood debility. Mars in Aquarius denotes that the blood should be kept pure, and infection and contagion guarded against. Jupiter therein is an indication of blood troubles through indulgence, Saturn therein, warns against colds and ohiUs to the system, overstraining of the eyes, and over-exertion. Uranus therein, denotes that accidents should be guarded against and the mind and nervous system kept well under control. Neptune in Aquarius denotes that the imagination should be kept pure, and all fanciful and chaotic ideas guarded against. Pisces.—This is a cold and watery sign, and produces many ailments through carelessness and forgetfulness. With Mercury therein, the feet should be kept dry, and the mind free from worry and overstrain. With Venus therein, indiscretions and indulgence in diet should be guarded against. With Mars therein, temperance should With Jupiter be studied and drinking habits avoided. With therein, the blood requires careful attention. Saturn therein, every care is necessary to keep the system free from cold, for wet feet are the commencement of many serious troubles. Uranus warns against bathing, f 2 RAPHABl/S MBDIOAL ASTBOLOQ*. 68 and taking too much liquid with food, Neptune therein, denotes improper associations, too muoh drink, tampering with the mystical and psychic worlds. and CHAPTER TV. HEBBAIi EEMEDIES. It has been said that two hundred years ago an individual who entered upon the profession of a doctor of medicine, either in England or in any of the European countries, was obliged to pass an Astrological examination, and if found deficient in the knowledge of the soienoe, such was deemed remedy for every individual A unfit to practise his profession. disease is to be found among the herbs of our own clime, and if gathered at the proper times, and in accordance with Astrological principles, they will be of infinite use in every kind of ailment and disease. "As to the times of gathering these herbs,** wrote Coley, an old Astrologer, "it should be when the planet that governs the herb is essentially dignified ; if possible, however, let the planet be angular, either in the ascendant or tenth house, and in some good aspect of the Moon. Let them be taken in their prime, being full of juice and green, and from such places as they flourish and thrive most in. Forbear to gather them when they are decaying, or have lost most of their strength and lustre, and being so gathered they will be the more effectual in their operation being applied by a skilful hand." Also, for gathering herbs for medicinal purposes, the planetary hour is of great use, for a simple herb gathered kaphaei/b medical astrology. 69 during the hour of the planet which rules it imbibes its greatest strength and specific virtue* The manner in which herbs are used as remedies lor disease is by sympathy and antipathy* That is to say, diseases caused by any one planet can be cured by the application of herbs governed by the same planet. This On the other hand, diseases is a sympathetic cure. caused by a planet can be cured by herbs ruled by the planet which is antipathetic to it. As an old writer on this subject says, " Whatever griefs or infirmities are produced by any of the planets, there are herbs by sympathy as well as antipathy to euro them. Although an herb or plant may by elemental qualities be under the dominion of Mars, as being hot and dry, and so be gathered at his hour, yet because of his virtues, and being good to cure such infirmities as are under the dominion of Saturn, it may be justly called a sympathetic cure ; and bo herbs under the dominion of the Sun cure infirmities by sympathy produced by Mars, because the Sun is exalted in Aries, the house of Mars. Also herbs under Venus cure by sympathy infirmities under Jupiter, beoause Venus is exalted in Pisces, the house of Jupiter so herbs of Jupiter cure by sympathy such diseases as are under the dominion of the Moon, because Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, the house of the Moon. The benefit we have from this observation is this if Saturn, Mars, or any other planet be the affiiotiiig planet, and strong, which argues a complaint, then those herbs which are under the dominion of that planet which curing the is exalted in his (house, being good for infirmity, may be used, and for this reason it shall be ; a sympathetical cure, for when planets are strong and afflicting we must comply with them." On the same basis, cures by antipathy are to be found, but in this respect the herb remedy for the disease must called 70 BAPHAEl/S MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. be governed by the planet which is opposed to that causing the disease, Thus diseases oi Venus can be cured by herbs under Mars* Diseases of Saturn by herbs under the|3un, diseases of Jupiter by the herbs of Mercury, " First Culpepper writes on this subject as follows : — consider what planet causes the disease ; second, consider what part of the body is afflicted by the disease, and whether it lies in flesh, blood or bones; third, consider by what planet the afflicted portion of the body is governed." Then he goes on to say: "You may oppose diseases by herbs of the planet opposite to the planet that causes them ; as diseases of Jupiter by herbs of Mercury, and the contrary ; diseases of the Imixunaries by herbs of Saturn, and the contrary ; diseases of Mars by herbs of Venus, and the contrary. Also there is a way to cure diseases by sympathy, so every planet cures his own disease as the Sun and Moon by their herbs cure the eyes; Saturn the spleen; Jupiter the liver; Mars the gall, etc, and Venus all ailments influenced by her." Thus it will be seen that the application of herbal remedies is simple, and governed by Astrological principles, and the student will have little difficulty in under* — standing them. MUMMWMtf 71 BAPHAEl/S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. ....,---;;uHiLPTEE : v. A LIST OF HBBBS tJNDBE THE J>WWJSB3S3ST FIuiafrETS. of This following list of the different herba under each the planets is now given. Herbs wider the Sun, Almond, Angelica, Ashtree; Baytree. Camomile, Celandine, Centaury, Com Hornwort. iEyebright. Heart TietcfiLr^^;jzZ'.'"—^ Juniper, Hale Peony, Marigolds, Mistletbe, Mustard. '"" oiive, ...Pimpernel. •, ^ZZZZZEosemary, Rice, (Meadow) Eue: Safiron, St. John's Wort, St. Peter's Wort, Sundew, Tormentil, Turnsole. Viper's Bugloss, Vine. Walnut. •"'zzzzizzz: Eeris Buled by ttekoon* "••••• Adder's tongue. ; Cabbage, Colewort, Caltrops, (water) Ohiokweea, Cuckoo flowers, Ooralwort, Clary, Cleavers Cucumbers, Cress, Daisy, Dogtooth, Buck's-meat. Iris. Iiettuce, LUles, ^ • Meroury, Moonwort, Mouse-ear, '-Orpine. Pearlwort, Pdvet;Ptunpkm, Putslain, RAPHAEL'S MKDICAL ASTROLOGY. 72 Battle grass, Saxifrage (winter), Stoneorop, Trefoil. Water "anow'JhLe^7Water^ oress, Water Lily, Water Violet, White Lily, White Poppy, White Rose, Whitlow grass, Wild Waterflag, Wallflowers, wallflower, Winter Green, Willows. Herbs ruled by Mercury* Amara-dulois. Azaleas. Calamint, Oarraway, Carrots (wild). Coraline,""Cow" Parsnip. Dill. Elecampane, Endive. '•"Fern, Fennell. , ;-' ::.Beraiander, Hare's foot, Hazel nut, Horehound, tongue. Lavender, Lily of the Valley, Liquorice. Hound's '"'.'.'.'.."••• Male fern, Mandrake, Maidenhair (white), Maiden, hair (golden), Marjoram (wild), Marjoram (sweet), Mulberry, Myrtle. Hailwort. Olive spurge, Oats. Parsley (wild), Pellifeory of the wall. Southernwood, Starwort, Scabious, Sinallage. Valerian. ; ::i.Wintersavoury. : :.-; Herbs ruled by Venus. :::: ~:::::::ii::::i. Alkanet, Alehoof, Alder tree (bla^k and c^ Arrack, Archangel (wild and stinking), Artiohoke. Beans, Birch, Bishop^weed, Bramble, Blites, Bugle holly, Burdock. RAPHAEL'S MKDICAL A8TB0L0OY. 73 Cherry, Chestnut (earth), Chickpease, Oook's-nead, Columbines, Coltsfoot, Oouohgrass, Cowslip, Cranesbill, Cudweed, Grabsolaw, Cross wort. DeviTs-bit, Dropwort, -'"Elder. Featherfew, Figwort, Foxglove. Groundsel, Ground Ivy, Gromel, Goldenrod, Gooseberry. Herb Robert. •-Kidney wort. ;;;;;™ > Ladies' Bedstr6w7SSdies Mantle, Little Daisy, Marshmallow, Mercury (dog and French), Mints, ; Mint-money-wort, Motherwort, Mugwort. Orchis. Parsley, Penny Royal, Penny wort, Peppermint, Peaohtree, Peartree, Plums, Poppy. [Queen of the Meadows. Ragwort, Rose (damask), Rye f Red Cherries. Saniole, Selfheal, Soapworfc, Sorrel, Sowthistle, Spignel, Strawberry. Tansey, Teasel, Thyme, ThroatwOrt. Vervain, Violets, "Wheat. "Yarrow. HerU \ "^ZZZZZZZ"' ruled ty Mari. All-heal, Aloes, Anemone; Boxtree, Broom, BHbny, Brooklime^ Barbery, Basil, Butcher's broom, Broomrape. Carduus benediotus, Civet, Cresses (various), Cotton Crowfoot, Capers, Catmint, Coriander, ibove's-foot, Dragon's flarweed, Dyer's-weed. thistle, Furzebush. Garlic, Gentian; raphaei/s medical abtbologt. 74 Hawthorn, Honeysuckle, Hops, Horsetongue, Hedge hyssop, Horseradish. Leeks. Madder, Masterwort, Mousetail, Mustard, :.•/.> • "Netties. Onions. Pepperwort, Pine. :'.'.-; : :.v;. :>Booket, Bhubarb. ;-''Starfchistle, Slavin.-—' ; -ZIII~IZ ".!..'•• Tobacco* :'• •.-'• '.'.Wormwood, Wakerobin. Herbs ruled by Jupiter. Agrimony, Aniseed, Apricx>ts7 Asp&ra^ Avens. Balm, Balsam, Beet (white), Betony, Bilberry, Borage, Bloodwort. Chervil, Chestnut tree, Oinguefoil, Costmary. Dandelion, Dog grass, Dock. Endive. iPigtree. Oilliflowers, '"Hart's tonguef-HyiBSo^V"H^ ..Jessamine. Liverwort, Lungwort, Lime wort. Maple, Myrrh, Melitot. Nailwort. Oak. Pinks (wild); Bosea (red). : 'zz:zi~zz.:r- Z. Sage, Scurvygrlg^ low wort. Thistle, Thorn Apple. 'ZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Raphael's medical astrology. 75 Herb* ruled by Satwnu Aconite, Amaranthus. Barley, Barrenwort, Beebhtree, Beeib (red), Black Hellebore, Bluebottle, Bifoil, Birdsfoot, Bistort, Blackthorn, Buoksthorn, Plantain, iZ Clown's Woundwort, Comfrey, Crosswort, ITlaxweed, Fumitory, Fleawort. Gladwin, Ground Moss, Goutwort Heartsease, Holly. I". ....-• Hawkweed, Hemp, Henbane, Horsetail, tvy- Jew's ear.- -'''Knapweed, 'Knotgrass'. Mosses, Medlar, ZZZIZZZZJ Navelwort. Poplar. Quince. Bupturewort, Busies, Bye. •gp^^^--j^^;" Service tree, Shepherd's-purse, Sciatica wort, Solomon's Seal. ZZTulsan, • ^ Thistle. These are the prmoipal Herbs of tHs bounty the several planets, and they should be gathered in accordance with the rules laid down in the previous chapters. mum Raphael's medical astrology. 76 CHAPTER""VI, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, Ws now give an extended list of all the various ailments which flesh is heir to, and the names of all the different herbs which are useful as remedies therefor. Aches caused by eold Rosemary, Gamomile, Rue, Angelica. Aches caused by heat ... Ague, to relieve CamomUe, Balm; St. John's Wort* Vervain, Featherfew, Wormwood, Angelica, ;;;.c Mistletoe, lavender, Wallflowers, •'Appwcy ,.. # Marjoram, m,^Adder's Tongue, Oidons, Rye. Aposthumes^,;« Appetite, loss of •-.» Sorrel, Sloes, Apples, Wormwood, Centaury, Asthma ... .-;«" ••*••; Zl Elecampane, Hyssop, Lobelia. Alianet, St. John's Wort, Balm, Angelica, Rosemary. Belohings, soui'>••• v;C~ Aniseed, Camomile, Wormwood. Back, weak ;;. Bile •.•"".'..>•• ,., ... ;vi Bladder, affection of ... Bleeding, to stop ZDakiBJ* Goldenrod, Marsh Mallow. Aloes, Red Beans, Comfrey, Tor* mentil, Chestnut, Archangel, ^.••••••••-.'Cinquefoil, Blood, spitting of Blood, to cleanse Nettles. ... Comfrcy. ... Angelica, Rue, Sage, Blood Wort, Avens, Brooklime. Bowels, looseness of ;.. Breath, stinking : Agrimony. Rosemary, Cowslip, Rue, wood. Worm- RAPHAEt/S MEDICAL ASTBOLOGY. Broken bones, to help Burns ana scalds ... Burstings or ruptures Bugle Holly, Solomon's Seal. Adder's Tongue, Oat-tail, House Leek, Lettuoe, Archangel. Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Saniole, Bupture »« Carbuncles Catarrh or rheum ... ... 77 Wort Tobacco, Walnut, Fennel, Cabbage. Saffron, Angelica, Flax, Hore* hound, Hyssop. .. Agrimony. ... Chicken-pox Choler and phlegm, Biackalder, Hyssop, Mercury , Tormentih to purge Angelica* Aniseed, Colic or wind . „ •». Agrimony, Marjoram, Camomile, Fennel, Ginger, Groundsel. ;-"Il:.:i 'Z: Aniseed, Dandelion, Consumption ,,;".. ^.Balsam, Horehound. ,.••."1; Mistletoe, Balm, Cowslip, LavenConvulsions : •• '• : der. ...... Costiveness Coughs, colds and hoarseness Cramps, to ease ••# Bucktbome, Goldenrod. Angelica, , Pennyroyal, Hore- hound, Juniper, Coltsfoot, Elecampane. Wild Carrot, Pennyroyal, Bosemary, Turpentine, Camomile, Lavender, •'_.•»."••.••••* #7Z Lobelia. Croup Cutaneous diseases... Buckbean. Deafness .». ... Digestion, to help ... ... Angelica, Balm, Lavender. Angelica, Balm, Cinnamon, Ladysmook. Houndstongue, Betony, Pimper* The flesh of the same nel. dog is a present oure. Cloves, Dog bites, help mad, to RAPHAELS MEDICAL ASTROLOGY, 78 Dropsy Agrimony, Camomile, Celandine, Vervain, Aniseed, Buokbean, Broom, Dandelion, "riZ. 7lV\;"Z.'"-"""..Btiwlookf .•, .. » ,. . : '"litis, Dyspepsia ;";;""J.7.# '"..•»? .Camomile. Ears, pains and noise Eyesight, to help Garlio. Jew's Ear, Coriander, Parsley, Pellitory, Plantain. Eyebright, Celandine, Valerian, ..* Lavender* Eyes, inflamed bloodshot Bluebottle, Clary, Houseleek, Ivy, Cinquefoil. or Feet,- inflammation' of ..Alder. Fevers Marigolds, Boses, Hyssop. Adderstongue, Crowfoot, Daisies, Dandelion, Fevers, burning ... j?iiss »•« «»» ... ... «-«v '_..»•• Flatulency ... Gripes ; ivi ["""".'> Headaches... Carraway, Fennel, Ginger, ;;. iii «"!".". .ArraeK. Dandelion, Mint, Adder's Tongue, Camomile, Centaury. ;^ JQadysmook, Burdock, Camomile, Comfrey, Gentian, Gastric disorders Gout : . J7-1 . ;.: ... Head, giddiness Heart palpitation *•;'.' ... Aniseed, Camomile Betony, Butcher's Broom, Balm, Cudweed, Mint, Marjoram, Vervain, Alehoof. Aniseed, Catmint, Featherfew. Angelica, Marigolds, Balm, Cloves, Lavender. Heart, to fortify ,...,';* Angelica, Rosemary, Marigolds, Saffron. Hemorrhoids or piles Pilewort, Bantam, Celandine, Elder. Gaickweed, Raphael's medical astrology. Hoarseness and loss of voice Hysteria ..•:.-•«•*•*•••' :.Vi"; Insomnia ... Jaundice • 1" ••»• * Burdock, Omguefoil, Horehound, Saffron. Arrack, Garlic. «".T. Hops, •*» 79 Lettuce* ^ Agrimony, Wormwood, ore . Tormentil, hound, Alehoof, Broom, Ginquefoil, Dandelion, Fumitory, Gentian, Groundsel, Hyssop, Nettles, Pellitory of the Wall. Kernels and knots in Archangel, Gmquefdil, Mandrake. the flesh Kidneys, to cleanse ..Kidne^ . King's "evil;:; ... .,; -"; Juniper. Angelica, Camomile, Balm, Hiewort, Throatwort, Archangel, '•':::."i;.:..- Liver obstructions Measles ••* Menstruation (excessive) ••••« ... «••«•. -''..Barley. Liverwort, -Agrimony, Dandelion, Juniper, Avens. Agrimony, Marigold, Saffron. Bilberry. Menstruation (irregular) .;, Featherfew. ... Lavender. ;. Hyssop, Menstruation (obstructed) Numbness . Lavender, Wormwood, Sage, Camomile, Dandelion, Marigolds. Angelica, BAPHABl/S UBDICAL ASTBOLOGY. 80 Palsy ... ... ... ... Angelica, Balm, Rosemary, Sage, Camomile, Featherfew, Vervain. Paralysis Piles .. Pleurisy » :. ... ,.. ...:*;. '"..'.».. .-••.. ... ... Nettles. Hemorrhoids. Marshmallows, Sage, <Sfee Clary, Nettles, Angelica. Quinsey ...••. ... Cudweed, GmquefoU, Wonnwood, ••• Leeks. '. Seaholly, Featherfew, Hops. Hyssop, Alder, Ladysmock, Buckbean, Burdock, Comfrey. Beini, to cleanse . Rheumatism ... ... Rickets ^"Zn-u^- Water Book. ;•;•; Ringworms Ruptures . . ... ... Barberries, Celandine, „..-•'';.. ... See Burstings. Scabs and scurf Sealdhead... -•;;; »•»•»:.-•••*; '>;; Sciatica >.. ... Scrofula ... Ground Ivy, Hops, Horehound, Elm. £he bark of an Ashtree, burnt to ashes, and made into a lye to use ""',•;'.•;• ... .--... Spleen disorders freckles pimples w a bath. Siee Burns. Agrimony. Ground Ivy, Angelica, Burdock, Fumitory. '•"^'•See King's Evil. :".".». Sores and splinters Spots, V. ...... ,C Scurvy :': I Alehoof or ""Z:z. .'.'. Scalds.;; Scarlet fever Hops. ... *<;-' and Ladysmock, Daisy, Funaitbry, Garlio, Horseradish. Betony, Agrimony juice and hog's lard together, Archangel. Ground Ivy. Basil, Daffodil, Savin, Seal. Solomon's BAPHABL'S MBDIOAL A8TBOLOGY. Stomach, bad ... ... Stomach troublesT Stone and gravel • Agrimony, Balm, Angelica, Camo- mile. ;*;&£$ " Gastric aisorders. ,, Apples, Apricots, Parsley, *.. Vervain, mile, Stranguary ••• C- Balm. Throat, sore Ground Toothaches ..•.;. Vertigo - «•*•* «•*•« ...<".' *.. Vomiting:, to repress Barley, Pellitory, Nettles. Agrimony, Angelica, Bramble, Barley, Cootie, Comfrey, Water- '.'Il; Urine, to promote Ivy, Camomile. Ivy berries, Angelica, Crowfoot, .--. Ulcers and sores, to heal Featherfew, Mallow. Swooning *..;;*>;. ;.. Camo- Ladysmock, Birch Tree. Agrimony, Apples, Dandelion, Max, Tormentil, Barley, Marsh \"—I^..:ZZ.::'"- .*. 81 '.. cress. Carraway, Aniseed, Dandelions, Juniper. Carrots, Flag Sweet. Spearmint, Fennel. Onidns, dinnamon, •;V'3"»"»"ZC e l WiJ ^ no * Warts ••« Whites 'H... I... ... Archangel, Comfrey. Whooping cough ... Iceland Moss, Lobelia. Wind, to expel ... ... Aniseed, Carraway, Ginger, Worms, to kill ... Wounds, to heal ... ,„ Cloves, Peppermint. Male Fern, Calamint Hops, Featherfew, Garlic, Mulberry. Balm, Cranesbill, Goldenrod, Madder, Marsh Mallow, Alkanet, Archangel, Beto , a 82 RAPHAEL'S MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. chapter vii, •;:;:::;;:;::::: LTOAB INFLUENCE ON THE HEALTH." The ancient astrologers always averred that "it was unsafe to pierce that part of the body governed by the sf gn through which the Moon may be passing," and from this the following observations may be drawn. Operations on the head, eyes, and pulling of teetb should not be undertaken while the Moon is in Aries. Operations on the throat, bleeding, cutting tonsils and the like, should not be performed while the Moon is in Taurus. Operations on the Imibs, ampu^ be undertaken with the Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius. The stomach should not be operated on when the Moon Is in Cancer, nor the spine when it is in Leo. Abdominal operations should not be conducted while the Moon is in Virgo, nor operations on the kidneys when in Libra. Piles, appendicitis, and all operations affecting the urinary, excretory and generative system should not be conducted while the Moon is in Scorpio. The hips and thighs should not be touched while the Moon is in Sagittarius. The knees and skin should not be operated the Moon is in Capricorn. upon when Varicose veins, the eyes, and ankles, should not be operated upon when the Moon is in Aquarius. Operations on the feet should not be conducted whet* the Moon is in Pisces. Physic should not be "given when the Moon is in a RAPHAEL^ MEDICAL ASTROLOGY. 83 fixed sign, and if in Aries, Taurus, or Capricorn, it proves nauseous to the patient and may cause vomiting. For taking purgatives, that is medicine for opening the bowels, select a time when the Moon and the lord of the ascendant are below the horizon ; for vomiting let them be above the horizon. Both bleeding and purging should be done while the Moon is in moist signs, especially Pisces and Cancer. Scorpio should not be used, as it is the sign governing the excretory system. Medicine of all kinds should be taken when the Moon is in Pisces and Cancer, on account of the moist and absorbing tendencies of these signs. The eyes should never be tampered with when the Moon is in a sign of the earthly triplicit, nor in conjunction, square, or opposition to the Sun. Let the Moon be well placed, increasing in light, and free from the affliction of either the Sun or the Malefies. The fifth house and its lord show the medicines and their nature, whether proper or improper. The significator of the disease in a double-bodied sign signifies a relapse, or that it will change into some other disorder. The sign in which the significator of the disease is posited shows the member or parts of the body principally afflicted. The Astrologer states as follows " Lilly, writing on the subject of diseases, : The figure should be taken for the exact moment ol the person falling sick or taking to his bed, secondly, if that cannot be obtained, accept that time when first any persons spoke to a physician regarding the disease, or let the physician himself note the time of his firBfc speaking with the patient, and let the figure be erected for that time. " The cause and nature of the sickness is shown by 84 Raphael's medical astbologt. the position of the significators and of the nature of the signs on the ascendant and sixth house. " If the disease be not chronic, great alteration in the patient will be found near those times when the Moon arrives at a distance from her first place when the patient was taken ill, of 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees. To learn whether the crisis will be good or evil, see how she is aspected at those times. If she be in good aspect with a benevolent planet, it promises ease and an improved condition ; but if she meet with evil aspects of malevolent planets of the lords of the sixth or eighth houses, he will be worse a»d the medicines do little good. I have always observed ithat when the Moon at a crisis came to conjunction, square or opposition with that planet which did afflict the ascendant, Moon or lord of the ascendant, oi when she came to such aspect of the lord of the sixth House, the patient suffered muoh, the disease ran high, and medicines given about that time worked little or no good. When she came, however, to sextile or trine of the lords of the ascendant, ninth, tenth, or eleventh house, I observed some interval of ease and amendment.* 8 In view of the progress in latter years of psychic healing and hypnotism, I should judge for the former that the best times should be when the Moon is in Cancer or Pisces, and for the latter when the Moon is in the Airy latter more signs, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, the especially. BAPHAEl/fl MBDIOAIi ASTBOIiOOY. 85 chapter ym. TK& COURSE OF DISEASE, course or progress of any particular diseaser'can' always be prognosticated by taking a figure for the beginning of an illness, or better still from the time when a person takes to his or her bed, which is known in Astrological terms as the deeumbiture. If at the time of sickness the Moon apply to a planet contrary to the sickness, especially if it be a benefic, then the disease will change for the better. When the Moon at the decumbiture shall be under the beams of the Sun, or with Saturn and Mars, or Uranus, then death will result, and even if the sick person be young, the beneflo influences of Jupiter or Venus will The avail but little. When at the beginning of a disease the luminaries are both with the infortunes, or in opposition thereto, the sick will not escape. If at the deoumbiture the Moon apply to the Sun* unafflicted, or to the benefics, then recovery is certain, but if to the malefics or evil aspects of the Sun, then death is to be feared. Mars in the ascendant makes the disease swift and violent, and if the luminaries and their dispositors be afflicted, death will follow. The most striking influence to be considered in cases of illness is the motion of the Moon, as it indicates the severity and duration of all diseases by the nature of the days which accompany every acute attack. The periodical course of the Moon round the critical circle AY... -1 - -- - BAPHAEI/8 MBDIOAL ASTBOLOGY. takes nearly twenty-eight days, that is from a given place until she comes to the same place again. Now it is also well known that no acute disease can extend beyond this period, at which time the disease must either terminate in death, convalescence, or turn to a chronic condition. About the seventh, fourteenth and twenty-first days danger is always shown in acute diseases, and these days are termed critical days, because thereon, the Moon arrives at evil configurations with the place she held at the decumbiture. Some illnesses are only seven days before they arrive at the critical point, others nine, fourteen, eighteen, and so on. During the lunar period "of twentjr-eight days there are no less than eight critical dates, the exact day of which varies slightly according to whether the Moon is slow or swift in motion, as follows 1st crisis 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th »! » 9* I) 11 •• II about 4th day. 7th ri 11 10th u .-•II 14th n f* 18th ii -•"" II : Moon tt » ' ii . ..... 11 ..-•-fi . »! semisquare Moon's place. square II sesquiquadrats >i ' M : 21st 24th 28th » it >> '..•' ii : ; opposition sesquiquadrate square semisquare conjunction ..ii ii - n ii ii These answer to the times when the sick person becomes convalescent or dies, or when the disease takes either a favourable or unfavourable turn. Raphael's medical abtbology. ......,-•••• chapteb 87 ix, ASTBOLO0Y AND COLOURS. investigations in the domain of colours by foreign scientists have brought to light the fact that the chemical BsdBST rays of the Sun, when analysed through various coloured glasses, are of powerful use in the healing of skin and other diseases. However remarkable may be to ordinary minds, it is to astrologers only the working of a natural law. The rays of the Sun, when analysed through the spectrum, exhibit seven colours, and these colours correspond to the seven planets. Bed is the colour of Mars ; Blue of Venusi: Telbw of Mercury ; Green of Saturn ; Purple of Jupiter ; Orange of the Sun, and Violet of the Moon. Now Bed is of use in all inflammatory diseases, Kail* pox, lupus, i and inflammatory skin diseases, and the patient should be placed in a room where everything is coloured red, and all rays of light passing into the room should be red* Blue is an especially soothing influence. Brain workers will find their work easier when working in a room with blue hangings, or working at night with a blue light. It Is a splendid remedy for insanity, and even the most violent maniac will suooumb to the soothing influence if the padded room* were radiated with blue. It is also a good colour for weak eyes. Green is efficacious for inflamed eyes, while Orange will sharpen the appetite. Yellow will act as a remedy for bowel troubles. Tests of this have been made by an Italian doctor, this • baphael's medical astrology. 88 upon a maniac and upon a sufferer from melancholy, when put In a bine room lighted by blue glass, were suoh that the former bo far succumbed in a The effect fortnight to the influence as to be free to go whither he might choose. The hypochondriac was put into a room lighted with red glass, and on the second day he began to eat his square meal with gusto, There is nothing remarkable in this* It has been shown that herbs under Mars will cure disorders of that planet, and it is only the same thing that the colour ruled by Mars should cure diseases ruled by that planet. The same process of sympathy and antipathy can be utilised in this, and the science of Astrology is alone the key to it all. Even water kept in coloured bottles and subjected to the rays of the Sun will gain chemical properties, and can be used medicinally. Bed being a stimulating colour would probably act as a tonic. Blue as a nerve palliative. Yellow as an opening medicine. Purple for blood and liver disorders. Students are recommended to put these simple cures to practical use. rmtaz&o or qbjcat Britain by wiluxk clowes aha «o»s, ukitbd, X0KDO* AJTO BKOCLSS,