noun: opposition; plural noun: oppositions
resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
"there was considerable opposition to the proposal"
synonyms: resistance, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, objection, dissent, criticism, defiance, non-compliance, obstruction, obstructiveness, counteraction; More
dislike, disapproval, demurral
"the proposal met with considerable opposition"
a group of opponents, especially in sport, business, or politics.
noun: the opposition
"the home team made short work of the opposition"
synonyms: opponents, opposing side, other side, other team, competition, competitors, opposers, rivals, adversaries, antagonists, enemies;
"the home team made short work of the opposition"
the principal parliamentary party opposed to that in office.
noun: Opposition; noun: the Opposition
"the leader of the Opposition"
the apparent position of two celestial objects that are directly opposite each other in the sky, especially the position of a planet when opposite the sun.
a contrast or antithesis.
"a nature–culture opposition"
synonyms: conflict, clash, difference, contrast, disparity, antithesis, polarity
"the opposition between the public and the private domains"