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The Early Development of the Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of Pelliot Tibétain

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Journal of the American Oriental Society

hold that Padmasambhava always acted like a mirror ,perfectly reflecting what ever aspects of the Buddhist teachings are required by his faithful followers. Perhaps we too learn more by seeing Padmasambhava in this way, less as a historically locatable person than as a shift in the matrix of meanings constantly calling for interpretation.

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/myidgyeslathugsdamskongsnanagmo ralpacantre'ulabcibs/rkonglademo zheskyang bgyi/'di bdungyigtsomolags//rdorjekun tubzangskumdodkarmocangshes dkarpo'igdanlabzhugs shingthugsdamkha chuladgyes/shamyedgangsdkarzheskyang bgyi/rdorjekungsalma/ skumdogsnarmona bza'gtsos gsol/rtasngon polabcibs/

lha rig.ya'maskyolzheskyang bgyi//rdorje yeshesmchog/skumdogsnar mo nabza'snatshogsgsol//mdzo mosprultebcibs/brda' labtsan mo zhesbgyi/rdorje sgronma/nabza'gtsos gsol gdan/ smyan sprultebcibs/kharag khyungbtsun zhesbgyi/rdorje'odchagsma/skubdogdmar mo na bza'gtsos gsol//gdankhri 'bri khamyusprultebcigs/byang gigser tangyige'khor'dulmazhesbgyi/rdorje g.yu sgronma/skumdog sngonmogdankhri rtasngonposprultebcibs/lho'iting tingzhesbgyi'o/

772Journalofthe American OrientalSociety124.4(2004)

@/:/'dibdunyangmkhagromazheskyangbgyi/shug 'groma zheskyang bgyi/ma chen mo bdunzheskyangbgyi/srin mochen mobdun zheskyang bgyistel/thogma nidkyil'khorrnamgnyisbshamsshingbyungbadang/matangru ta bthulba'ile'udanglas//damstsolzhinglassubskoste//durkhrod chenpophye

dangbdunsrungba'isrungsmar/ /herukas bka'stsolto//deyangchenchung'dra' ba'itshogsso//deslanchadnidpal gyi yanggzungsdampa'o//de'i'ogdunirgyagargyimkhanpo padma sam ba badang/ rlang dpalgyi seng ge gnyis

kyisbtulcingdambrnantel/bodkhamsgyibdagmo'dirnamslagdurdorjebyinnas rdorje 'chang gigraldumying btagsso/ /denasgzhungbzhingsangsngagssgrub parnamskyimthudangstong grogs bgyidpa dang/bod khamsmtharmyi'jigpa'i srungsmarbcolzhing/ sringmoyangyin/chejechen mornamskyiszhalgyisbzhesshing/dam bcasso//damtsigkha chu ladga'/mchodpalhagladgyesso/bsgombadangrdzasdagnantan cherbgyi'tshal/Vphyagmtshanyang 'jigstshulrnatshogs pa

thogsso/(b)ar'ga'niphyagmtshansdugcingmdzespa thogsso///bdag nyidchen mordorjekungragsma/gangsdkarshamyedrdorjekuntubzang/dpalIdanIharirdorjekungsalma/brda' la btsan mordorje yeshesmchog/kharagkhyungbtsunrdorje sgronma zhe'o/byanggigser tangrdorje'odchagsma/lho'iting tingrdorjeg.yusgronma//semscandonphyir'phagspa'ispyan sngar khyed//dambcaskhas'chesgang yinde

Itargyis//dkonmchogbslussam/yangna damnyamsnalrang rgyud sreg cing dmyalmyeskyig.ya'ba'i//'jigschenmyibzadde soms'dirgshegsla//zhi/rgyas/

dbangdang/mngonspyodlaskyirnams//rdzogs parmdzodlaskyon myed grub par gyis//
