A mahāsāla brahmin, contemporary of the Buddha, reputed for his great learning and highly esteemed in brahmin gatherings - e.g., at Icchānangala (SN., p.115) and at Manasākata (D.i.235).
He is mentioned together with such eminent and wealthy brahmins as Tārukkha, Pokkharasādi, Jānussoni and Todeyya (E.g., M.ii.202).
Cankī lived in the brahmin village of Opasāda, on a royal fief granted him by Pasenadi. When the Buddha came to Opasāda, Cankī visited him, in spite of the protests of his friends and colleagues, and on this occasion was preached the Cankī Sutta (M.ii.164f).
We are not told that Cankī ever became a follower of the Buddha, though Buddhaghosa says that he held the Buddha in great esteem. MA.i.394; this also appears from the introductory part of the Cankī Sutta.