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  • (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]) Not remaining in [[Doubt]] concerning this unique [[stat
    149 bytes (18 words) - 05:19, 9 January 2016
  • ...Tibetan|ཐག་གཅིག་ཐོག་ཏུ་བཅད། །}} ''[[tak chik tok tu ché]]'', Wyl. ''[[thag gcig thog tu bcad]]''
    215 bytes (26 words) - 04:27, 11 October 2013
  • {{BigTibetan|[[ཐག་གཅིག་ཐོག་ཏུ་བཅད]]།}} (Wyl. ''[[thag gcig thog tu bcad]]'') ''n.'' {{Color|#00000|''Pron.:'' [[tak chik tok tu ché]]
    362 bytes (40 words) - 10:59, 28 July 2014
  • ...mordially pure nature]]]] by a [[lineage]] [[Dzogchen master]] ([[ngo rang thog-tu sprad-pa]]); ...LESSLY and directly discovering this unique [[state]] ([[thag gcig thog-tu bcad-pa]]);
    5 KB (651 words) - 02:45, 11 December 2023
  • (1) [[Ngo-rang thog-tu sprad]]. (2) [[Thag gCig thog-tu bcad]].
    6 KB (822 words) - 00:03, 5 April 2016
  • ...bzhin gshegs pa'i skad brda bam po lnga / byams pa'i bstod [[chen]] bam po gcig [[lhag pa]] [[sogs]] [[bstan bcos]] gzhung tshan che ba dang / grub pa'i [[ [[gser]] gyi [[rdzas]] ltar gcig [[las snang]] ||
    86 KB (13,829 words) - 19:04, 30 March 2024
  • ...thal ’gyur]] rtsa ’grel, 19: tshig don ’brel pa [[dbyer]] [[mi phyed pa]] thag pa [[lta bu]] dang/ [[rgyun]] du [[gnas pa]] til ’bru la mar gyis [[khyab ...eanings on The [[Great Perfection]] ([[Rdzogs pa chen po]] [[tshig don bcu gcig pa]]). That the title of [[Nyi ma]] ’bum’s work focuses on eleven “wo
    56 KB (8,689 words) - 08:36, 19 December 2020
  • gcig las ’phros par kun gzhi’i [[ming]] gis bstan // las ni byas ma thag tu [[’gag]] [[phyir]] te //
    48 KB (7,027 words) - 14:37, 17 June 2020
  • mgon chos kyi rje/ /bde gshegs kun gyi yab gcig 'jam pa'i pa'i yon tan brnyes pa'i tshul lo/ /dang po ni/ lo nyer gcig tshun
    556 KB (121,876 words) - 15:11, 19 July 2019
  • ...]] [[gnyis]] kyi ’jog mtshams go [[yang]] rung [[zhing]] / de’ang bshad ma thag pa ltar [[tshul gsum]] gyi sgo nas nges par bya’o/ ’dir smras pa’i [[ thams cad las ’das pa’i [[zung]] ’jug [[chen]] [[por]] [[dgongs]] [[don gcig]] tu grub na {{Wiki|legs}} te/ ([[Padma]] bi dza, Dri lan tshes pa’i [[zl
    33 KB (5,055 words) - 23:09, 4 April 2016
  • ...tan|[[ཐག་གཅིག་ཐོག་ཏུ་བཅད། །]]}} ''[[tak chik tok tu ché]]'', Wyl. ''[[thag gcig thog tu bcad]]'' * [[grol sa gcig-pu]] - unique state of [[liberation]]
    67 KB (8,498 words) - 09:49, 7 March 2016
  • Not remaining in [[doubt]] concerning this unique [[state]] (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]) ...rein the great {{Wiki|continuum}} of 'one {{Wiki|taste}}' ([[Wylie]]: [[ro gcig]]) or as Capriles renders it "single [[state]]" is the effortless '[[contem
    34 KB (4,789 words) - 13:49, 20 July 2024
  • ...he Second Diffusion of [[Buddhism]], mainly through the [[effort]] of [[Ma gcig lab sgron]] (1055-1149), the [[Tibetan]] [[yoginī]] who is considered its ...ons of [[Chöd]], pp. 25-38. 2 [[rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po]] ni: [[nyag gcig]] rtsad nas [[gcod]] pa'i [[phyir]]: [[gcod]] bya [[gcod]] [[byed las]] [['
    117 KB (17,891 words) - 02:37, 11 December 2023
  • ...Not remaining in [[Doubt]] concerning this unique [[state]] (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]) ...rein the great {{Wiki|continuum}} of 'one {{Wiki|taste}}' ([[Wylie]]: [[ro gcig]]) or as Capriles renders it "single [[state]]" is the effortless '[[contem
    36 KB (4,958 words) - 13:30, 10 May 2023
  • [[sbas don]] [[zung 'jug]] lam dang chabs gcig par || ...'i gangs can [[thar pa]] [['dod pa]] [[rnams]] [3r] kyi gtsug gi [[rgyan]] gcig pu | [['khrungs]] yul las [[mtshan]] gsol ba [[tsha ba gru]] pa | [[gzhon n
    265 KB (46,140 words) - 07:32, 4 April 2016
  • * [[grol sa gcig-pu]] - unique state of [[liberation]] * [[grol sa gcig~po yin-par" ngo-sh~s]] - [[recognize]] to be the unique state of [[liberati
    59 KB (7,509 words) - 15:22, 16 March 2015
  • ..., 016 (9) [[rigs pa]] {{Wiki|drug}} bcu pa la 5, 017 (10) zhib mo [[rnam]] thag la 3, 018 (11) [[rin chen]] [['phreng ba]] la 30, khyon 73, 019 [[spyod 'ju
    77 KB (11,589 words) - 10:56, 28 November 2023
  • ...d, the [[master]] left clear imprints of his hands and feet at Brag-spyang Thag-mo (ibid., p. 32). ...-ba/ ma-yengs-pa ma-dran-pa/ ma-brjed-pa ma-’byams-pa/ ma-bsam-pa-la/ skad-gcig tsam [[yang]] g.yel-ba med-par lta’o/
    68 KB (9,346 words) - 03:01, 22 December 2020
  • ...ersité de Berne) ith regard to the text The Eleven Themes ([[Tshig don bcu gcig pa]]) composed by [[Klong chen rab ‘byams]] (1308-1364) it has to be ment Being rather short, the text The [[Eleven Themes]] (''[[Tshig don bcu gcig pa]]'') helps us not to loose the overall [[view]]. On the other hand, many
    98 KB (15,324 words) - 14:37, 20 March 2014
  • ...i yab smos pa vo de gung rgyal lags sku lhavi yum smos pa g.yu]] bya gshog gcig sku lhavi [[nyid]] smos pa [[Myths]] about this [[heavenly rope]] ([[dmu-thag]] in [[Tibetan]]) were, not surprisingly, especially prevalent among the va
    47 KB (6,745 words) - 23:49, 3 April 2023
  • ...stead of [[kun rdzob]] tu. The numbering of the title page is given as “ka gcig” which 1A {ka$gcig} [1a1] dbu ma’i [[man ngag]] gi ’buM /
    132 KB (21,864 words) - 18:31, 2 February 2020
  • ...a]] ~ [[cig car ba]] ~ ‘immediate’ type of [[practitioner]] [[chigpa]] ~ [[gcig pa]] ~ same, one single thing [[chigpu]] ~ [[gcig pu]] ~ unique, unique {{Wiki|taste}}, 1 of the 4 tamtsig [[chikhai bardo]]
    63 KB (7,784 words) - 13:33, 12 August 2021
  • Not remaining in [[doubt]] concerning this unique [[state]] (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]);
    47 KB (6,466 words) - 03:50, 21 December 2020
  • ...] ’[[byung-gnas]], [[dGe-sdings-pa]], the [[acarya]] [[rTa-sgom]] and [[Ma-gcig ong-jo (or Ma-cig ong-bhyo ras-ma) are to be mentioned. Cf. Deb-ther sngon- ...n Tshul-khrims]] ’[[byung-gnas]], [[dGe-sdings-pa]], [[rTa-sgom]] and [[Ma-gcig ong-jo]] ([[Roerich]] 1949: 445-48).
    91 KB (14,437 words) - 07:41, 16 May 2023
  • ...tions of the fifty-one key [[mental factors]] ( [[sems byung lnga bcu rtsa gcig]] ) presented by the [[Dalai Lama]] and contemporary [[Tibetan scholars]] i ...bout all the fifty-one key [[mental factors]] ( [[sems byung lnga bcu rtsa gcig]] ).
    120 KB (18,917 words) - 10:15, 25 March 2023
  • ...[Rig-pa]] [[dmar]] thag-bcad-pas 'khrul [[sgrib]] ka nas dag/ blo [[dmar]] thag­ bcad-pas [[ye-shes]] [[rtsal]] du [[shar]]. (65) gZhi rtsa med-pa'i [[bon (6) [[Kun-gzhi]] ngos-bzung [[rig-pa]] [[dmar]] thag-bcad. (7) sMos-pa'i [[phyogs]] su las byas nasi ngal-ba med-par kun [[kyang
    179 KB (26,676 words) - 07:05, 7 May 2020
  • 2. Not remaining in [[doubt]] concerning this unique [[state]] (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]) ...rein the great {{Wiki|continuum}} of 'one {{Wiki|taste}}' ([[Wylie]]: [[ro gcig]]) or as Capriles renders it "single [[state]]" is the effortless '[[contem
    51 KB (6,835 words) - 12:26, 18 December 2020
  • ...[[gsum]] la thun gcig byas pa’i / srod934 la thun gcig / nam phyed935 thun gcig / ...cig / snga gro thun gcig / [[nyi ma]] phyed thun gcig / [[dgongs]] mo thun gcig / de ltar
    208 KB (31,084 words) - 15:23, 13 July 2021
  • ...haṃd› [exp. de dag thamd cad] kyi [[bsdus don]] lta bu’i rgyud [[chen po]] gcig dang bco brgyad do||. Lo [[chen]] [[Dharma]] shrī, too, ascribes this {{Wi
    186 KB (29,233 words) - 00:42, 19 December 2020
  • Source: Rdo-rje-shes-rab, Dam-chos [[Dgongs-pa]] Gcig-pa'i 'Grel-chen Snang-mdzad [[Ye-shes]] Sgron-me, [[Drikung Kagyu Institute ...ab tu byung ba'i [[gzhi]] las mkhan po'i [[chos]] lnga phrugs nyi shu rtsa gcig. 631.4: mi 'khrugs pa'i [[zhing]] bkod las / [[sangs rgyas spyan]] [[chen
    109 KB (16,774 words) - 22:09, 4 April 2016
  • :'di nas [[byang]] [[phyogs]] thag ring po [[zhig]] na // [[ri rgyal]] po spos kyi ngad ldan [[zhes bya ba]] [ [[gling bzhi]] gling phran bshad pa'i skabs te bcu {{Wiki|drug}} [gcig] pa'o // //
    571 KB (96,148 words) - 07:25, 31 January 2020
  • ...gangs can [[dkar po]] / [[rlung]] du dpal gyi ri sngon po // dge'o // // gcig zhus // //] [[ye shes]] gcig [[sbyor]] [[sdom]] pa'o //
    87 KB (14,028 words) - 03:52, 20 December 2020
  • kun [[kyang]] [[rang byung]] [[sems]] [[yin]] pas / / bsgom mkhan gcig gis bsgom du med / / ci byung [[rang shar]] byung tshor [[rnams]] / / lhan ...]] [[gcod]] kyi mi re [[dogs]] pa'i [[mtha']] dang bral / / ‘[[dzin]] pa'i thag pa bcad pa las / / nges par [[sangs rgyas]] ga la mchis / §
    469 KB (71,357 words) - 08:31, 19 December 2020
  • ...[[por]]/ [[chos thams cad]] [[skye ba med pa]] A ti [[rdzogs pa chen po]] gcig bur ‘dus par [[bstan pa]] ‘dir ‘dus te/ Great Secret ([[gsang chen]] [[rigs]] gcig don la bsgrub [[lugs]] lnga); and The Mode of [[Accomplishment]] of the [[W
    87 KB (12,591 words) - 14:41, 30 December 2023
  • ...[spro bsdu med]] par [[bzhag]] pas [[gsal]] stong du yer yer byung: [[rtse gcig]] [[bya ba]] 'di [[yin]] ...[[kyang]] [[gcig tu]] 'dus pas spangs bya dang bsgub bya mi 'dug pas [[ro gcig]] [[bya ba]] 'di rang [[yin]] par 'dug: --- de [[bas lhag]] pa [[yod]] mi s
    201 KB (29,022 words) - 20:32, 15 December 2023
  • Not remaining in [[doubt]] concerning this unique [[state]] (Tib. [[thag gcig thog tu bcad pa]]); [[rdzogs pa chen po tshig don bcu gcig pa bzhugs]] so
    80 KB (10,542 words) - 15:44, 20 September 2021
  • ...'byor]] . . . kha 1-48 [[Tshe]] gcig gi [[nyams]] len . . . ga 1-99 [[Ma gcig]]? pa'i rgyal mo'i [[lugs]] . . . nga 1-65 Bstan bsrung [[chen po]] . . . ...1-3 ma, 'dul ff. 1-33 tsa, [[sbyin sreg]] ff. 1-24 "bse ru" f. 1 gdan gcig ff. 1-20 [[Subject]]: [[Gcod]] kyi skor 915 (B. no. 238) T. 'Di na
    535 KB (75,243 words) - 23:19, 2 February 2020
  • gcig bu pa chikbupa [[recluse]] Term gshin rje’i rang thag [[Shinjé]] Rangtak the Mill of the [[Shinjé]] Term
    97 KB (14,042 words) - 04:56, 5 August 2022
  • ...lanation for the [[Experiential Transmission]] ([[nyams-rgyud]] dmar-khrid gcig). But we live in two distant places and so it is unlikely that we will meet ...within him a confident [[belief]] and a definitive [[decision]] (yid-ches thag-chod) regarding the Natural [[State]] without reverting to either [[Wikiped
    703 KB (104,482 words) - 03:19, 22 December 2020
  • ...yid brgyud pa’i [[gdams ngag]] lags btsal bas/ /nges pa’i [[klong]] bskyed thag bcad [[rtogs]] par bya/ /de don ma ’ongs ’gro ba blo ldan pa/ /[[sgrub ...a snyim pa gang phul brda’i phyag lan bcu gnyis btsal nas rgyud ’bum phrag gcig dang bzhi brgya lnga bcu rtsa lnga gsan / de’i nang nas don dam pa’i rg
    194 KB (26,412 words) - 11:04, 9 February 2016
  • rgyal bas/_bkal ba brgyar 52 brjod kyang/_yon tan sna gcig gi phyogs tsam brjod nyid chen 56 po yin par thag chod cing/_
    579 KB (97,806 words) - 11:43, 8 August 2022
  • ...(1979) p.139 50 rtogs pa’i mthar thug: Roerich (1976) p.566 51 Tib. lhan gcig skyes sbyor.19 148 thag pa 149 Tib. ma mo; Skt. mātṛkā; A class of ferocious female semi-divin
    241 KB (42,131 words) - 14:22, 12 April 2020
  • ...when [[gods]] and [[demons]] were numerous in [[Tibet]], gya' spang skyes gcig of yar klungs shar and si li ma having married, a bloodless [[demon]] had i Of the three sons born to the Lady zha lu ma ma gcig gzhon nu 'bum, the eldest kun dga' nyi ma'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po rece
    497 KB (85,778 words) - 17:10, 3 April 2016
  • ...oncerning the {{Wiki|theory}} of the “Single circle” ([[thig le]] [[nyag]] gcig),19 which dispute is taken to be a bad {{Wiki|omen}} for the disclosure of ...s]] given from the viewpoint of the [[subject]] (don las [[btags pa]]), Sa gcig pa8 or Rig [[byed]] [[snang]] ba’i [[rgyan]] given from the viewpoint of
    761 KB (118,393 words) - 02:54, 22 December 2020
  • ...cig char all-pervading, all-encompassing: [[phyam gdal]] all-sufficient: gcig [[chod]] alpha-pure: [[ka dag]] ...essence]]: [[ngo bo gcig la ldog pa tha dad]] difference that refutes one: gcig pa bkag pa [[tha dad]] direct [[liberation]]: cer grol [[Wikipedia:Discont
    521 KB (73,731 words) - 04:01, 1 February 2020
  • ...’i [[rkyen]] nye bar [[gnas]] par gyur na ‘ang [[mig gi rnam par shes pa]] gcig kho na lan cig ‘byung ngo // gal te [[rnam]] par shes pa’i [[tshogs]] l
    356 KB (50,871 words) - 22:25, 2 February 2020
  • ...the limited [[emptiness]] of non-Buddhists, through a firm conclusion (phu thag [[chod]]) with {{Wiki|certainty}} induced by [[reason]] ... Although the wo ...he [[two truths]] are "[[essentially]] [[neither one nor many]]" ([[ngo bo gcig]] du bral), meaning that they are neither the same nor different. Also, he
    816 KB (117,337 words) - 21:42, 19 May 2020
  • ...e coextensive. Indeed, [[Tibetans]] regularly use the technical term [[don gcig]] (literally: same [[objects]]) for this extensional [[Wikipedia:Identity ( ...s of an [[idea]] of “{{Wiki|conceptual}} identity/difference” ([[ldog pa]] gcig/tha dad) such that to each meaningful [[subject]] or predicate term in a [[
    763 KB (117,620 words) - 06:52, 17 November 2020
  • ([[Ma gcig]] labs kyi [[sgron ma]], ca. 1055-1149).2 The [[Chöd]] praxis of [[Machik] ...lings of her [[name]] include “Ma cig,” “[[Ma gcig]] labs gron,” and “[[Ma gcig]] kyi [[lab sgron]] ma.”
    1.37 MB (208,236 words) - 16:31, 13 July 2021
  • ...g 'dir glegs bam kha langs pa'i ched du phur pa'i sgrub skor rnams/ phyogs gcig ...antra, a Phur pa bcu gnyis and its uttaratantra, a Guhyatantra, and a rTse gcig 'dus pa. The
    847 KB (144,785 words) - 22:15, 14 August 2021
  • ...ig ma, dPal gyi yum, Drag mo rgyal, Klu mo dkar mo, Bod khams skyong, sMan gcig ma, gYar mo sil and gYu sgron (in Buddhist tradition the name of each of th ...rGyal bza’ klong yang. He studied under several teachers, like A nu ’phrag thag, so that he was finally able to accomplish his learning.
    1.09 MB (200,361 words) - 18:32, 3 August 2022
  • [[immediate condition]] [[samanantarapratyaya]] [[de ma thag rkyen]] [[de ma thag rkyen]] [[samanantarapratyaya]] [[immediate condition]]
    463 KB (66,766 words) - 14:59, 19 March 2016
  • [[one-pointed]] [[rtse gcig]] pa sincerely [[bsam pa]] thag pa nas
    609 KB (91,141 words) - 05:02, 20 June 2020
  • [[yod]] do// de yi [[phyogs]] gcig na ‘[[phags pa]] [[mang]] pos bkur ba’i sde pa gzhung [[sna tshogs]] [[ ...’i [[phyir]]/ [[u rgyan]] gyi yul la bya’o// der bgrod nas de’i [[phyogs]] gcig
    1.78 MB (313,002 words) - 19:58, 30 June 2021
  • ...[[bag med pa]] mams k),i); pramiiditiio: G II 13 anantaroktalJ1: Tj (de ma thag tu brjod par) II 15 sumargaratnalJ1; .summarggaratnalJ1: G II 18 in G °[[v ...asya vi!asya: conjecture; itarasyarthavi!asya: "0; in TI we read [[gzhan]] gcig shos g.yon can II 23 before bhavati a dar.zq.a is in 0 II
    865 KB (138,020 words) - 02:44, 5 April 2016
  • ...the right. See Thub-bstan bshad-grub rgya-mtsho, Sgrolma phyag-'tshal nyer-gcig rgyud-kyi 'grel-chung phan-bde'i gter-bum mchog-sbyin zhes bya-ba |block pr ...CA 45a-46b. This text is also called Sgrol-ma-la phyag-'tshal ngi-shurtsa gcig-gis bstod-pa phan-yon dang bcas-pa, and variations thereof; there are innum
    1.18 MB (210,551 words) - 05:40, 14 December 2018
  • ...btsun]] bstan ‘[[dzin]] ras pa’i [[rnam thar]] [[mdzad pa]] [[nyung ngu]] gcig. In Autobiography. Section Ka. 17 folios. Also NGMPP L409/8. ———. Rna ...293. [[Urgyan]] [[Dorje]], {{Wiki|New Delhi}}. 1976. Ratnas´rı ¯. Zhal bcu gcig pa’i [[smyung gnas]] [[brgyud]] pa’i bla ma’i [[rnam thar ngo mtshar
    618 KB (90,709 words) - 06:08, 17 November 2020
  • ...Elegantly Woven [[Scripture]] (Skt. Vaidalya-sūtra, Tib. Zhib mo [[rnam]] ’thag); (3) Reversing the [[Roots]] of the [[Mind]] (Skt. [[Vigrahavyāvartanī]]
    1.46 MB (219,344 words) - 05:02, 23 December 2020