Pristine cognition
- One of the five fruitional aspects of a buddha, equivalent to buddha-mind. Although all sentient beings possess the potential for generating pristine cognition within their mental continumm, the psychological confusions and deluded tendencies which defile the mind obstruct the development of these inherent potentials, making them appear instead as aspects of mundane consciousness (vijñāna). Buddhist literature mentions five types of pristine cognition which are the actual perceptual modes of the three buddha-bodies, and the quintessential perfected states of our own mental faculties. Each of the five is also associated with one or other of the five male buddhas. Thus, Vairocana's pristine cogntion of reality's expanse (dharmadhātujñāna) is the perception of the buddha-body of reality (dharmakāya); Akṣobhya Vajrasattva's mirror-like pristine cognition (ādarśajñāna), Ratnasambhava's pristine cognition of sameness (samatājñāna), and Amitābha's pristine cogntion of discernment (pratyavekṣaṇajñāna) are collectively the perception of the buddha-body of perfect resource (sambhogakāya); and Amoghasiddhi's pristine cognition of accomplishment (kötyupasthānajñāna) is the perception of the buddha-body of emanation (nirmāṇakāya). For a rNying-ma interpretation of these five types of pristine cognition, see bDud-'joms Rin-po-che, NSTB, pp. 139-148. See also under buddha-mind. GD (from the Glossary to Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings)
khyung chen - great garuda [in the manner of a great garuda who glides effortlessly through the sky and discerns all without special regard. This view is one of effortless conduct through realization of the indivisibility of the expanse and pristine cognition) [IW]
dga' ba'i ye shes - pristine cognition of delight; wisdom of joy [RY]
dga' bral ye shes - pristine cognition which is free from delight [RY]
rgyal ba'i khams - man's buddha-nature, pristine cognition sensitive to the facticity of being, province or sphere of buddhas [JV]
sngags gsum - three kinds of mantras. Gnostic mantras {rigs sngags} vidyamantra - dharani mantras {gzung sngags} and secret mantras {gsang sngags} or guhyamantra. Gnostic mantras are the essence of skillful means, dharanis are the essence of discriminative awareness, and secret mantras are the non- dual pristine cognition [RY]
sngags gsum - three kinds of mantras Gnostic mantras rigs sngags} vidya^mantra - dha^rani^ mantras {gzung sngags} or dha^rani^ and secret mantras {gsang sngags} or guhyamantra The [[{dgongs pa grub pa'i rgyud]]} says, "One should know that all mantras are divided into three classes, gnostic mantras which are the essence of skillful means, dha^rani^s which are the essence of discriminative awareness, and secret mantras which are the non- dual pristine cognition" Thus dha^rani^s originate from the teachings of the Transcendent perfection of discriminative awareness, gnostic mantras from the kriya tantra and secret mantras from the mahayoga, anuyoga and atiyoga [gd] yid mtshan rtog las skyob pa'i sngags te, dbye na, thabs kyi ngo bo rig sngags dang, shes rab kyi ngo bo gzungs sngags dang, gnyis med ye shes kyi ngo bo gsang sngags te gsum] [IW]
chos lnga - Five Doctrines. Def. by Jamgön Kongtrül: {[rgyu mtshan/ ming/ rnam par rtog pa/ de bzhin nyid/ yang dag pa'i ye shes so}. name {ming}, nama. causal characteristics {rgyu mtshan}, nimitta. thoughts {rnam rtog}, vikalpa. the pristine cognition of the pure expanse {dbyings dag pa'i ye shes}, samyag jnana. and the absolute {yongs grub}, tathata [RY]
chos dbyings kyi ye shes - The pristine cognition of the expanse of reality, dharmadhatu wisdom one of the five wisdoms)/ ye shes lnga stong nyid rtogs pa'i ye shes [IW]
chos dbyings kyi ye shes - The pristine cognition of the expanse of reality, dharmadhatu wisdom [IW]
chos dbyings kyi ye shes - dharmadhatu wisdom, pristine cognition of the expanse of reality [RY]
chos dbyings ye shes - dharmadhatu wisdom (awareness of the expanse of dharma, pristine cognition of the expanse of reality, expanse of qualities wisdom (one of the {ye shes lnga}, = five wisdoms) [IW]
chos dbyings ye shes - dharmadhatu wisdom, wisdom of dharmadhatu; dharmadhatu pristine awareness; awareness of the expanse of dharma. pristine cognition of the expanse of reality. one of the {ye shes lnga} [RY]
mchog dga'i ye shes - the wisdom of supreme joy [the throat centre gives rise to the pristine cognition of supreme delight Gd-mk) [IW]
mchog dga'i ye shes - the wisdom / pristine cognition of supreme delight [RY]
ji snyed pa mkhyan pa'i ye shes - pristine cognition which qualitatively knows phenomena [IW]
ji snyed pa mkhyen pa'i ye shes - the knowledge that perceives all possibly existing things; the knowledge of quantity, the knowledge which knows the quantity of all phenomena; pristine cognition which qualitatively knows phenomena; pristine awareness that knows/ perceives the multiplicity of things [RY]
ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes - yathavadjnana intuition, pristine cognition which qualitatively knows the view, the wisdom of knowing the nature [IW]
ji lta ba mkhyen pa'i ye shes - pristine awareness that knows the real nature of things just as it is; intuition, pristine cognition which qualitatively knows the view; intuition [RY]
mnyam nyid kyi ye shes - wisdom of equality, pristine cognition of sameness [RY]
mnyam nyid kyi ye shes - pristine cognition/ wisdom of sameness GD [IW]
mnyam nyid nyon yid thugs dam rgya - commitment seal of buddha mind, which secures/ seals the mind of conflicting emotions in the pristine cognition/ wisdom of sameness GD [IW]
mnyam nyid ye shes - equality wisdom, wisdom of equality, pristine cognition of sameness; all-equalizing wisdom [RY]
mnyam nyid ye shes - =ity wisdom, wisdom of =ity, pristine cognition of sameness GD (one of the five wisdoms {ye shes lnga} [IW]
mnyam nyid ye shes - equality wisdom, wisdom of equality, pristine cognition of sameness (Gd-mk) (one of the five wisdoms {ye shes lnga} snang srid 'khor 'das kyi chos rnams ngo bo la bzang ngan med par rang bzhin mnyam pa nyid du mkhyen pa'i ye shes [IW]
rton pa bzhi - four kinds of reliance [reliance on meaning rather than words, reliance on the doctrine rather than upon individuals, reliance upon pristine cognition rather than on consciousness, and reliance on the definitive rather than on the provisional meaning, mvt 1546-1549- (chn] [IW]
rton pa bzhi - four kinds of reliance. Reliance on meaning rather than words, reliance on the doctrine rather than upon individuals, reliance upon pristine cognition rather than on consciousness, and reliance on the definitive rather than on the provisional meaning, [TRS 132-6] + expl [RY]
thugs lnga - five aspects of mind, [Syn {ye shes lnga}. Five Kinds of Buddha-Mind. See the entry under five kinds of pristine cognition. Syn {ye shes lnga}
1) {chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes} / {chos sku rnam par mi rtag pa'i thugs}. 2) {me long lta bu'i ye shes} / {mngon byang cir yang sa ler mkhyen pa'i thugs} 3) {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes} / {sprul sku 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs} 4) {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes} / {mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs} 5) {mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes} / {longs sku mnyam pa chen po'i thugs} [RY]
thugs lnga - five aspects of (buddha) mind [= {ye shes lnga}.]. five kinds of buddha-mind [Gd-mk].
1) {[[chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes}, {chos sku rnam par mi rtag pa'i thugs}. 2) {me long lta bu'i ye shes}, {mngon byang cir yang sa ler mkhyen pa'i thugs}. 3) {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes}, {sprul sku 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs}. 4) {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes}, {mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs}. 5) {mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes}, {longs sku mnyam pa chen po'i thugs}. five aspects of mind, [= {ye shes lnga}.].
Five kinds of buddha-mind. See the entry under five kinds of pristine cognition. [Gd-mk]. = {ye shes lnga}.
1) {chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes}, {chos sku rnam par mi rtag pa'i thugs}. 2) {me long lta bu'i ye shes}, {mngon byang cir yang sa ler mkhyen pa'i thugs}. 3) {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes}, {sprul sku 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs}. 4) {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes}, {mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs}. 5) {mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes}, {longs sku mnyam pa chen po'i thugs}. sangs rgyas kyi 'bras chos nyer lnga'i nang gses shig rnying ma'i gzhung du bshad pa'i mi rtog chen po'i thugs dang, mnyam pa chen po'i thugs, 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs, mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs, mngon byang gi thugs te lnga'o [IW]
thugs lnga - five aspects of mind, [= {ye shes lnga}.]. five kinds of buddha-mind. See the entry under five kinds of pristine cognition. [Gd-mk]. = {ye shes lnga}.
1) {chos kyi dbyings kyi ye shes}, {chos sku rnam par mi rtag pa'i thugs}. 2) {me long lta bu'i ye shes}, {mngon byang cir yang sa ler mkhyen pa'i thugs}.; 3) {bya ba grub pa'i ye shes}, {sprul sku 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs}. 4) {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes}, {mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs}. 5) {mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes}, {longs sku mnyam pa chen po'i thugs}. among sangs rgyas kyi 'bras chos nyer lnga; [[rnying ma'i gzhung du bshad pa'i mi rtog chen po'i thugs dang, mnyam pa chen po'i thugs, 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs, mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs, mngon byang gi thugs te lnga'o [IW]
thun min mchog dbang gong ma gsum - Three Higher Supreme Empowerments Which Are Uncommon. The secret empowerment {gsang dbang} the empowerment of discriminating pristine cognition {shes rab ye shes kyi dbang} also known as the third empowerment {dbang gsum pa} and the empowerment of word and meaning {tshig don gyi dbang} [RY]
thun min mchog dbang gong ma gsum - three Higher supreme empowerments which are uncommon [the secret empowerment {gsang dbang}. the empowerment of discriminating pristine cognition {shes rab ye shes kyi dbang}. also known as the 3rd empowerment {dbang gsum pa}. and the empowerment of word and meaning {tshig don gyi dbang}. the secret 1 is associated w the commitments such as the five meats, and five nectars, w/o concepts of purity. or impurity, the 3rd is associated w conduct which concerns the consort embodying awareness {rig ma}. and the fourth is associated w the sameness of all things. Refer, for example, to mipam rinpoche, {spyi-don 'od gsal snying po}., p. 146, and Jamgo"n kongtru"l, {shes bya kub khyab mdzod}., Vol. 2, pp. 656-682. [Gd] [IW]
thun min mchog dbang gong ma gsum - three higher supreme empowerments which are uncommon -the secret empowerment {gsang dbang}. the empowerment of discriminating pristine cognition {shes rab ye shes kyi dbang}. also known as the 3rd empowerment {dbang gsum pa}. and the empowerment of word and meaning {tshig don gyi dbang}. the secret one is associated with the commitments such as the five meats, and five nectars, without concepts of purity. or impurity, the third is associated with conduct which concerns the consort embodying awareness {rig ma}. and the fourth is associated with the sameness of all things. Refer, for example, to mipam rinpoche, {spyi-don 'od gsal snying po}., p. 146, and Jamgon kongtrul, {shes bya kub khyab mdzod}., Vol. 2, pp. 656-682 (Gdmk) [IW]
thob pa'i ye shes - Syn {snang ba thob pa'i ye shes} the reached pristine cognition, the achieving wisdom, achievement of {mthong lam}; wisdom of attainment, {snang mched thob gsum gyi ye shes}. the reached pristine cognition, the achieving wisdom [RY]
thob pa'i ye shes - [= {snang ba thob pa'i ye shes}, {snang mched thob gsum gyi ye shes) achievement of {mthong lam} the reached pristine cognition, the achieving wisdom, wisdom of attainment, [IW]
thob pa'i ye shes - * the reached pristine cognition, the achieving wisdom, wisdom of attainment, [IW]
thob pa'i ye shes - the reached pristine cognition, the achieving wisdom, achievement of {mthong lam}, wisdom of attainment {snang ba thob pa'i ye shes}. {snang mched thob gsum gyi ye shes}.] [IW]
de kho na nyid ye shes - the pristine cognition of reality [RY]
de kho na nyid ye shes - the pristine cognition of reality, the wisdom of suchness [IW]
don gyi ye shes - True wisdom. The wisdom which is the unity of awareness and emptiness introduced through the fourth empowerment. actual wisdom, genuine pristine cognition, the ultimate / real wisdom; real knowledge; true/ actual pristine awareness [RY]
don gyi ye shes - actual wisdom, the meaning that shows you how to proceed, dharmat without reference point, genuine pristine cognition, the ultimate real wisdom [vs example wisdom {dpe'i ye shes} [IW]
don gyi ye shes - actual/ genuine/ ultimate/ real wisdom/ pristine cognition, the meaning that shows how to proceed, dharmat w/o reference point, [IW]
don dam pa'i ye shes - ultimate/ absolute wisdom, wisdom/ pristine cognition of the absolute [IW]
'das pa'i dus la ma chags ma thogs pa'i ye shes gzigs pa 'jug pa - to enter into the perception of the pristine cognition which is unobstructed and unimpeded in respect of the past [RY]
rnam par grol ba'i ye shes mthong ba'i phung po - the component which perceives the liberated pristine cognition [RY]
snang ba'i ye shes - the dawning of pristine cognition, perfects the {tshogs lam} def. {sems nyid kyi ngang du blo'i 'jug pa zhi nas dangs gsal g.yo ba med ma'i ye shes thog mar skyes pa gang yin pa de ni} the wisdom of appearance, def. {shes pa'i rang gdangs gsal bar snang ba} mental consciousness of appearance [RY]
snang ba'i ye shes - 1) the dawning of pristine cognition *perfects the {tshogs lam} def {sems nyid kyi ngang du blo'i 'jug pa zhi nas dngas gsal gyo ba med ma'i ye shes thog mar skyes pa the; 2) wisdom of appearance [IW]
dpe'i ye shes - example wisdom, pristine cognition which may be exemplified [IW]
dpe'i ye shes - knowledge indicated by example; the example wisdom, pristine cognition which may be exemplified [RY]
pha rol tu phyin pa bcu - ten transcendental perfections. The six with the addition of skillful means {thabs} or upaya. aspiration {smon lam} or pranidhana. power {stobs} or bala and pristine cognition {ye shes} or jnana [RY]
phung po lnga - five components/ aggregates/ compositional factors, consciousness, discrimination, feeling, form,
1 the component of moral discipline {tshul khrims kyi phung po} or s'i^laskandha, two the component of contemplation {ting 'dzin gyi phung po} or sam dhiskandha, three the component of discriminative awareness {shes rab kyi phung po} or prajn~ skandha, four the component of liberation {rnam par grol ba'i phung po} or vimuktiskandha, five and the component which perceives the liberated pristine cognition {rnam par grol ba'i ye shes mthong ba'i phung po} or vimuktijn~ nadars'anaskandha, mvt 104-108 - the five skandhas: form, 2) feeling, 3) idea, perception 4) formation 5) consciousness 1 {gzugs} 2) {tshor ba} 3) {'du shes} 4) {'du byed} 5) {rnam shes}. zag bcas kyi phung po lnga dang zag med kyi phung po lnga'o [IW]
bya ba sgo lnga phrin las las rgya - action seal of enlightened activity which secures the fives senses as the accomplishing pristine cognition [IW]
bya ba'i ye shes - pristine cognition of accomplishment, all- accomplishing wisdom [IW]
bya ba'i ye shes - pristine cognition of accomplishment [RY]
dbang bcu - the 10 powers [of a bodhisattva) [at the time of being a sentient being rang dbang med par gnod pa bcu dang rgyun du ldan la as for bodhisattva possessing the antidote to that the 10 powers, the 10 harms do not arise. Ten powers (according to Candragomin, commentary on the secret tantra of manjushri, 75-71-3-2, they are power over life {tshe} -}-seeds {las} -}-necessities {yo byad} -}-devotion {mos pa} -}-aspiration {smon lam} -}-miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul} -}-birth {skye ba} -}-doctrine {chos} -}-mind {sems}and pristine cognition {ye shes} [IW]
dbang bcu - [TRS 55-2]; Ten Powers. According to Chandra Gomin, Commentary on the Secret Tantra of Manjushri,75-71-3-2, they are power over life {tshe} deeds {las} necessities {yo byad} devotion {mos pa} aspiration {smon lam} miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul} birth {skye ba} doctrine {chos} mind {sems} and pristine cognition {ye shes}; ten masteries [RY]
dbang bcu - the 10 powers [of a bodhisattva) [at the time of being a sentient being rang dbang med par gnod pa bcu dang rgyun du ldan la as for bodhisattva possessing the antidote to that the 10 powers, the 10 harms do not arise. Ten powers (according to Candragomin, commentary on the secret tantra of manjushri, 75-71-3-2, they are power over life {tshe} -seeds {las} -necessities {yo byad} -devotion {mos pa} -aspiration {smon lam} -miraculous abilities {rdzu 'phrul} -birth {skye ba} -doctrine {chos} -mind {sems}and pristine cognition {ye shes} [IW]
dbyings dag pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition of the pure expanse [RY]
dbyings dag pa'i ye shes - wisdom/ pristine cognition of the pure expanse [IW]
mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is/ defilements are not recreated GD, the wisdom of knowing non-arising [IW]
mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives that corruption is/defilements are not recreated (Gdmk) the wisdom of cognizing nonarising, the wisdom of knowing non-arising [one of {ye shes gnyis} [IW]
mi skye ba shes pa'i ye shes - the pristine cognition which perceives corruption as not recreated. the wisdom of cognizing nonarising, the wisdom which perceives that (defilements are] not re-created, One of {ye shes gnyis} the wisdom of knowing non-arising [RY]
mi rtog pa'i ye shes - wisdom of non-thought, non- conceptual wakefulness/ pristine cognition [IW]
me long gi ye shes - the mirror-like pristine cognition [Gd-mk) (vajra family wisdom, one of the five wisdoms) [IW]
me long gi ye shes - the mirror-like pristine cognition [RY]
me long ye shes - mirror-like wisdom, mirror-like pristine cognition [RY]
tshogs gnyis - bsod nams kyi tshogs dang, ye shes kyi tshogs two provisions/ gatherings. the provision of merit {bsod nams kyi tshogs}, and the provision of pristine cognition {ye shes kyi tshogs}. [IW]
tshogs gnyis - the two accumulations (bsod nams kyi tshogs &, ye shes kyi tshogs gathering/ provision of merit {bsod nams kyi tshogs}, of pristine cognition {ye shes kyi tshogs}.