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Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs

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Bibliography references:

A list of abbreviations used in the bibliography and citations appears at the beginning of this book.

Primary Sources

Chinese Texts Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa, Nāgārjuna, and Āryadeva (Deva)

Bai lun 百論 (Śata[ka]śāstra). Verse attributed to Deva, commentary by a certain Vasu Bodhisattva; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 402, revised in 404. T no. 1569, 30. Baizi lun 百字論 (Akṣaraśataka[[[vṛtti]]]). Attributed to Deva; trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–535). T no. 1572, 30. Baoxing wang zheng lun 寶行王正論 (Ratnāvalī). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Paramārtha (499–569). T no. 1656, 32. Bore deng lun shi 般若燈論釋 (Prajñāpradīpa). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Prabhākaramitra (564–633). T no. 1566, 30. Chimingzang yuqie dajiao Zunna pusa daming chengjiu yigui jing 持明藏瑜伽大教尊那菩薩大明成就儀軌經. Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dharmabhadra (d. 1001) ca. 989–999. T no. 1169, 20. Dasheng ershisong lun 大乘二十頌論 (Mahāyānaviṁśikā). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980–1017). T no. 1576, 30. Dasheng guang bailun shi lun 大乘廣百論釋論 (Commentary by Dharmapāla on Deva’s Catuḥśatikā). Trans. Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) in 650. T no. 1571, 30. Dasheng poyou lun 大乘破有論 (Mahāyānabhavabhedaśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980–1017). T no. 1574, 30.

Dasheng qixin lun 大乘起信論. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Paramārtha (499–569) in ca. 550. T no. 1666, 32. Dasheng qixin lun 大乘起信論. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Śikṣānanda (652–710) ca. 700. T no. 1667, 32. Da zhangfu lun 大丈夫論 (Mahāpurusaśāstra). Attributed to Deva; trans. Daotai 道泰 (fl. ca. 437– 439). T no. 1577, 30. Da zhidu lun 大智度論 (Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 406. T no. 1509, 25. (p.292) Da zhuangyan jing lun 大莊嚴經論 (Kalpanāmaṇḍitikā or Sūtrālaṃkāraśāstra). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 201, 4.

Dazong di xuanwen benlun 大宗地玄文本論. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Paramārtha (599–569). T no. 1669, 32. Fo suo xing zan 佛所行讚 (Buddhacarita). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Dharmakṣema (385–433) ca. 414–421. T no. 192, 4. Fu gai zhengxing suo ji jing 福蓋正行所集經. Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Richeng 日稱 (1017– after 1073) after 1064. T no. 1671, 32. Guang bailun ben 廣百論本 (Catuḥśatikāśāstrakārikā). Attributed to Deva; trans. Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) in 647 or 650. T no. 1570, 30. Guangda fayuan song 廣大發願頌 (Mahāpraṇidhānotpādagāthā). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980–1017). T no. 1676, 32. Hui zheng lun 迴諍論 (Vigrahavyāvartanī). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Vimokṣapra (fl. early 6th century) and Gautama Prajñāruci (arrived in China 516). T no. 1631, 32.

Liuqu lunhui jing 六趣輪迴經 (Ṣaḍgatikārikā). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Richeng 日稱 (1017– after 1073). T no. 726, 17. Liushi song ruli lun 六十頌如理論 (Yuktiṣaṣṭikā). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980– 1017). T no. 1575, 30. Longshu pusa li Emituo fo wen 龍樹菩薩禮阿彌陀佛文. BJ 8503 (果 088). Longshu pusa quanjie wang jing 龍樹菩薩勸誡王經 (Suhṛllekha). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Yijing 義淨 (635–713). T no. 1674, 32. Longshu pusa tuoluoni 龍樹菩薩陀羅尼. Attributed to Nāgārjuna. P 2322a.

Longshu pusa wei chantuojia wang shuo fayao jie 龍樹菩薩為禪陀迦王說法要偈 (Suhṛllekha). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Guṇavarman (367–431) in 421. T no. 1672, 32. Longshu pusa yan lun 龍樹菩薩眼論. Attributed to Nāgārjuna. In Yifang leiju 醫方類聚. Taipei: Zhonghua shijie ziliao gongying chubanshe, 1978. Longshu wuming lun 龍樹五明論. Attributed to Nāgārjuna and Aśvaghoṣa. T no. 1420, 21. Maming pusa chengjiu xidi niansong 馬鳴菩薩成就悉地念誦. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Amoghavajra (705–774). Z 1:3:5:416b–d Maming pusa dashenli wubiyanfa niansong guiyi 馬鳴菩薩大神力無比驗法念誦軌儀. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; translation attributed to Vajrabodhi (662–732). T no. 1166, 20.

Miaofa lianhua jing Maming pusa pin di sanshi 妙法蓮華經馬明菩薩品第三十. Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa. T no. 2899, 85; S 2734. Niganzi wen wuwo yi jing 尼乾子問無我義經 (Nairātmyaparipṛcchā). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Richeng 日稱 (1017–after 1073). T no. 1643, 32. Puti xing lun 菩提行論 (Bodhicaryāvatāra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Tianxizai 天息災 (perhaps Devaśānti; d. 1000). T no. 1662, 32. Puti xin lixiang lun 菩提心離相論 (Lakṣaṇavimuktabodhihrdaya[[[citta]]]śāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980–1017). T no. 1661, 32. Puti ziliang lun 菩提資糧論 (Bodhisambhāraśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dharmagupta (d. 619). T no. 1660, 32.

(p.293) Quan fa zhuwang yao jie 勸發諸王要偈 (Suhṛllekha). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Sanghavarman (fl. 420–445) in 434–442. T no. 1673, 32. Shibakong lun 十八空論 (Aṣṭādaśaśūnyatāśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Paramārtha (499–569). T no. 1616, 31. Shibushan yedao jing 十不善業道經 (Daśākuśalakarmapathanirdeśa). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Richeng 日稱 (1017–after 1073). T no. 727, 17. Shi’er li 十二禮 (Zan Emitofo wen 讚阿彌陀佛文). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; translation attributed to Jñānagupta (523–600). Z 1:2:2:195a–c; BJ 8503 (果 088). Shi’ermen lun 十二門論 (Dvādaśamukhaśāstra or Dvādaśanikāyaśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 409. T no. 1568, 30. Shi moheyan lun 釋摩訶衍論. Attributed to Nāgārjuna; translation attributed to Vṛddhimata (n.d.) ca. 401, but likely written in Korea ca. 720–779 by the monk Wŏlch’ung 月忠 (n.d.). T no. 1668, 32.

Shishi fa wushisong 事師法五十頌 (Gurupañcāśikā). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Richeng 日稱 (1017–after 1073). T no. 1687, 32. Shizhu piposha lun 十住毘婆沙論 (Daśabhūmikavibhāṣāśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 408. T no. 1521, 26. Shun zhonglun yi ru da bore boluomi jing chupin famen 順中論義入大般若波羅蜜經初品法門 (Madhyamakānugamaśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Gautama Prajñāruci (arrived in China 516). T no. 1565, 30. Tipo pusa po Lengqie jing zhong waidao xiaosheng sizong lun 提婆菩薩破楞伽經中外道小乘四宗論. Attributed to Deva; trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–535). T no. 1639, 32. Tipo pusa shi Lengqie jing zhong waidao xiaosheng niepan lun 提婆菩薩釋楞伽經中外道小乘涅槃論. Attributed to Deva; trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–535). T no. 1640, 32. Wuchang jing 無常經 (Anityatāsūtra). Attributed to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Yijing 義淨 (635–713) in 701. T no. 801, 17. Yinyuan xin lun song 因緣心論頌; or Yin yuan xin lun shi 因緣心論釋 (Pratītyasamutpād ahṛdayaśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna (Longmeng 龍猛). T no. 1654, 32. Yishu lujia lun 壹輪盧迦論 (Ekaślokaśāstra). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Gautama Prajñāruci (arrived in China 516). T no. 1573, 30. Zan fajie song 讚法界頌 (Dharmadhātustava). Attributed to Nāgārjuna; trans. Dānapāla (fl. 980– 1017). T no. 1675, 32.

Zhong lun 中論 (Madhyamakaśāstra). Verse attributed to Nāgārjuna, commentary by Qingmu 青目; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 409. T no. 1564, 30. Zuochan sanmei jing 坐禪三昧經. Attributed in part to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 402. T no. 614, 15. Other Primary Sources Anle ji 安樂集. By Daochuo 道綽 (562–645). T no. 1958, 47.

Apidamo jushe lun 阿毘達磨俱舍論 (Abhidharmakośabhyāṣa). By Vasubandhu (4th century). T nos. 1558–1559, 29. Asabashō 阿娑縛抄. By Shōchō 承澄 (1205–1281). T no. 3190, 94 (Zuzō supplement, vol. 9). Ayuwang jing 阿育王經 (Aśokarājasūtra). Trans. Sanghapāla (460–524) in 512. T no. 2043, 50. (p.294) Ayuwang zhuan 阿育王傳 (Aśokāvadāna). Trans. An Faqin 安法欽 (fl. 281–306) ca. 306. T no. 2042, 50. Bailun shu 百論疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623); presented as a lecture in 608. T no. 1827, 42. Baolin zhuan 寶林傳. By Zhiju 智矩 (n. d.) ca. 801; ed. Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山 1983. Sōzō ichin: Hōrinden, Dentō gyokuei shū 宋藏遺珍: 寶林傳, 傳燈玉英集. Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha.

Ba yiqie yezhang genben desheng jingtu shenzhou 拔一切業障根本得生淨土神咒. Trans. Guṇabhadra (392–468). T no. 368, 12. Beishan lu 北山錄. By Shenqing 神清 (d. ca. 814). T no. 2113, 52. Bessonzakki 別尊雜記. By Shinkaku 心覺 (1117–1180). T no. 3007, 88 (Zuzō supplement, vol. 3). Bianzheng lun 辯正論. By Falin 法琳 (572–640). T no. 2110, 52.

Bukong xingzhuang 不空行狀. By Zhao Qian 趙遷 (d. after 775) in 774. T no. 2056, 50. Byakuhōkushō 白寶口抄. By Ryōson 亮尊 (fl. 1300). T no. 3119, 92 (Zuzō supplement, vol. 7). Chanfa yaojie 禪法要解. Trans. attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 616, 15. Chang ahan jing 長阿含經 (Dīrghāgama). Trans. Buddhayaśas (fl. 384–417) and Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 (n. d.) in 412–413. T no. 1, 1. Chengshi lun 成實論 (Satyasiddhiśāstra). Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 1646, 32. Cheng weishi lun yanmi 成唯識論演祕. By Zhizhou 智周 (678–733 or 688–723). T no. 1833, 43. Chen shu 陳書. By Yao Silian 姚思廉 (d. 637); completed in 636. 2 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1972. Chishi jing 持世經 (Vasudharasūtra). Trans. attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 482, 14. Chuanfa zhengzong dingzu tu 傳法正宗定祖圖. By Qisong 契嵩 (1007–1072). T no. 2079, 51. Chuanfa zhengzong ji 傳法正宗記. By Qisong 契嵩 (1007–1072) in 1061. T no. 2078, 51. Chu sanzang jiji 出三藏記集. By Sengyou 僧祐 (445–518) ca. 515. T no. 2145, 55.

Da aluohan Nantimiduoluo suoshuo fazhu ji 大阿羅漢難提蜜多羅所說法住記 (Nandimitrāvadāna). Trans. Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664). T no. 2030, 49. Da fangdeng tuoluoni jing 大方等陀羅尼經 (Pratyutpannabuddhasaṃmukhāvasthitasamā dhisūtra). Trans. Fazhong 法眾 (n.d.) 402–413. T no. 1339, 21. Da fangguang fo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 (Avataṃsakasūtra). Trans. Buddhabhadra (ca. 360– 429) ca. 420. T no. 278, 9. Trans. Śikṣānanda (652–710) ca. 699. T no. 279, 10. Trans. Prajñā (ca. 734–810) ca. 800. T no. 293, 10.

Da fangguang fo huayan jing suishu yanyi chao 大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔. By Chengguan 澄觀 (738–839). T no. 1736, 36. Da fangguang pusa zang wenshushili genben yigui jing 大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經 (Āryamañjuśrīmūlakalpa). Trans. Tianxizai 天息災 (perhaps Devaśānti; d. 1000) ca. 980. T no. 1191, 20. Da fangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing lüeshu 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經略疏. By Zongmi 宗密 (780–841). T no. 1795, 39. (p.295) Dainippon kōtei shukusatsu daizōkyō 大日本校訂縮刷大藏經. 419 vols. Ed. Fukuda Gyōkai 福田行誡, Shimada Bankon 島田蕃根, and Shikikawa Seiichi 色川誠一, 1880–1885. Tokyo: Kōkyō Shoin.

Daji jing xukong mu fen 大集經虛空目分. Trans. Dharmakṣema (385–433) 414–426. T no. 397.10, 13. Daji jing Yuezang fen 大集經月藏分 (Candragarbhasūtra). Trans. Narendrayaśas (ca. 490–589). T no. 397.15, 13. Damoduoluo chan jing 達摩多羅禪經. Trans. Buddhabhadra (359/60–429) ca. 410. T no. 618, 15. Dasheng baifa mingmen lun kaizong yijue 大乘百法明門論開宗義決. By Tankuang 曇曠 (ca. 700– before 788). T no. 2812, 85. Dasheng qixin lun bieji 大乘起信論別記. By Wŏnhyo 元曉 (617–686). T no. 1845, 44. Dasheng qixin lun neiyi luetan ji 大乘起信論內義略探記. By Daehyeon 大賢 (fl. ca. 753). T no. 1849, 44. Dasheng qixin lun yiji 大乘起信論義記. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 1846, 44.

Dasheng qixin lun yiji bieji 大乘起信論義記別記. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 1847, 44. Dasheng qixin lun yishu 大乘起信論義疏. Attributed to Huiyuan 慧遠 (523–592). T no. 1843, 44. Dasheng ru lengqie jing 大乘入楞伽經 (Laṅkāvatārasūtra). Trans. Śikṣānanda (652–710) 700–704. T no. 672, 16. Dasheng xuan lun 大乘玄論. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1853, 45.

Dasheng yizhang 大乘義章. By Huiyuan 慧遠 (523–592) ca. 590. T no. 1851, 44. Da Tang Da Ci’ensi Sanzang fashi zhuan 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳. By Huili 慧立 (b. 615) and Yancong 彥悰 (fl. 627–649). T no. 2053, 50. Da Tang neidian lu 大唐內典錄. By Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667) in 664. T no. 2149, 55. Da Tang xiyu ji 大唐西域記. By Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664) in 646. T no. 2087, 51.

Da Tang xiyu qiufa gaoseng zhuan 大唐西域求法高僧傳. By Yijing 義淨 (635–713) in 691. T no. 2066, 51. Da Zhou kanding zhongjing mulu 大周刊定眾經目錄. By Mingquan 明佺 (d. after 695) in 695. T no. 2153, 55. Dunhuang baozang 敦煌寶藏. 140 vols. Ed. Huang Yongwu 黃永武 1981–1986. Taipei: Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi. Emituo jing yishu 阿彌陀經義述. By Huijing 慧淨 (578–645). T no. 1756, 37. Fahua yi shu 法華義疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1721, 34.

Fahua zhuanji 法華傳記. By Sengxiang 僧詳 (var. Huixiang 慧/惠詳; fl. 667). T no. 2068, 51. Fajing jing 法鏡經 (Ugra[[[Wikipedia:data|data]]]paripṛcchā). Trans. Anxuan 安玄 (fl. 181). T no. 322, 12. Fangbian xin lun 方便心論. Trans. Kiṅkara (fl. ca. 460–472) and Tanyao 曇曜 (ca. 410–485) in 472. T no. 1632, 32. Fantian huoluo jiuyao 梵天火羅九曜. By Yixing 一行 (683–727). T no. 1311, 21. Fanyi ming yi ji 翻譯名義集. By Fayun 法雲 (1088–1158) in 1151. T no. 2131, 54.

Fayuan zhulin 法苑珠林. By Daoshi 道世 (ca. 596–683) in 668. T no. 2122, 53. Fo benxing jing 佛本行經. Trans. Baoyun 寶雲 (376–449) ca. 424–449. T no. 193, 4. Foshuo beidou qixing yanming jing 佛說北斗七星延命經. T no. 1307, 21. (p.296) Foshuo dasheng wuliangshou zhuangyan jing 佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴經 (Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra). Trans. Dharmabhadra (d. 1001) in 991. T no. 363, 12. Foshuo Emituo jing 佛說阿彌陀經. Translation attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 366, 12. Foshuo hailongwang jing 佛說海龍王經. Trans. Dharmarakṣa (fl. 266–313) in 285. T no. 598, 15.

Foshuo jinpiluo tongzi weide jing 佛說金毘羅童子威德經. Trans. Amoghavajra (705–774). T no. 1289, 21. Foshuo jueding pini jing 佛說決定毘尼經 (Vinayaviniścaya or Upāliparipṛccha). Trans. Dharmarakṣa (fl. 266–313). T no. 325, 12. Foshuo renwang boreboluomi jing 佛說仁王般若波羅蜜經. Translation attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 245, 8. Fozu tongji 佛祖統紀. By Zhipan 志磐 (1220–1275), completed 1269. T no. 2035, 49. Fu fazang yinyuan zhuan 付法藏因緣傳. Trans. attributed to Kiṅkara (fl. ca. 460–472) and Tanyao 曇曜 (ca. 410–485) in 472. T no. 2058, 50. Gaoseng Faxian zhuan 高僧法顯傳. By Faxian 法顯 (ca. 337–422) in 416. T no. 2085, 51. Gaoseng zhuan 高僧傳. By Huijiao 慧皎 (497–554) ca. 531. T no. 2059, 50.

Guan fo sanmei hai jing 觀佛三昧海經 (Buddhānusmṛtisamādhisāgarasūtra). Trans. attributed to Buddhabhadra (ca. 360–429). T no. 643, 15. Guang bailun shu 廣百論疏. By Wengui 文軌 (n.d.) in 707. T no. 2800, 85. Guang hongming ji 廣弘明集. By Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667). T no. 2103, 52. Guang qingliang zhuan 廣清涼傳. By Yanyi 延一 (fl. ca. 1060). T no. 2099, 51. Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經. Trans. Kālayaśas (fl. early 5th century). T no. 365, 12. Guan wuliangshou jing yishu 觀無量壽經義疏. By Huiyuan 慧遠 (523–592). T no. 1749, 37. Guan wuliangshou jing yishu 觀無量壽經義疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no 1752, 37.

Guanxin lun 觀心論. Presented as a lecture by Zhiyi 智顗 (538–97) in 597. T no. 1920, 46. Gujin yijing tuji 古今譯經圖紀. By Jingmai 靜邁 (fl. ca. 665) in 664–665. T no. 2151, 55. Guoqing bailu 國清百錄. Compiled by Guanding 灌頂 (561–632) ca. 601–607. T no. 1934, 46. Huandan zhongxian lun 還丹眾仙論. By Yang Zai 楊在 in 1052. DZ 233. Huayan jing chuan ji 華嚴經傳記. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 2073, 51. Huayan jing tanxuan ji 華嚴經探玄記. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 1733, 35.

Jianlao ditian yigui 堅牢地天儀軌. Trans. Śubhakarasiṃha (637–735) ca. 717–734. T no. 1286, 21. Jin’gang boreboluomi jing 金剛般若波羅蜜經 (Vajracchedikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra). Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 403. T no. 235, 8. Jin’gang bore jing po quzhao buhuai jiaming lun deng sizhong 金剛波若經破取著不壞假名論等四種. Ed. Liu Xiuqiao 劉修橋. Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 1977. Jingang ding jing da yujia mimi xin di famen yijue 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣. By Amoghavajra (705–774). T no. 1798, 39. Jingde chuandeng lu 景德傳燈錄. By Daoyuan 道原 (fl. ca. 1004) in 1004. T no. 2076, 51. Jingming xuan lun 淨名玄論. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1780, 38. Jingtu lun 淨土論. By Jiacai 迦才 (fl. ca. 627–649). T no. 1963, 47. (p.297) Jingtu shiyi lun 淨土十疑論. By Zhiyi 智顗 (538–97). T no. 1961, 47.

Jingtu wangsheng zhuan 淨土往生傳. By Jiezhu 戒珠 (985–1077). T no. 2071, 51. Ji zhujing lichan yi 集諸經禮懺儀. By Zhisheng 智昇 (fl. 700–786). T no. 1982, 47. Jōgyō kasho shōrai mokuroku 常曉和尚請來目錄. By Jōgyō 常曉 (d. 865). T no. 2163, 55.

Jueding pini jing 決定毘尼經 (Vinayaviniścaya). Translation attributed to Dharmarakṣa (fl. 266– 313). T no. 325, 12. Kaiyuan shijiao lu 開元釋教錄. By Zhisheng 智昇 (fl. 700–786) in 730. T no. 2154, 55. Koryŏ taejanggyŏng 高麗大藏經. 47 vols. 1976. Seoul: Tongguk University Press.

Lengqie abaduoluo bao jing 楞伽阿跋多羅寶經 (Laṅkāvatārasūtra). Trans. Guṇabhadra (392–468) in 443. T no. 670, 16. Lengqie shizi ji 楞伽師資記. By Jingjue 淨覺 (683–ca. 750) ca. 710–720. T no. 2837, 85. Lidai fabao ji 曆代法寶記. By disciples of the monk Wuzhu 無住 (714–774) ca. 780. T no. 2075, 51. Lidai sanbao ji 歷代三寶紀. By Fei Zhangfang 費長房 (d. after 598); completed in 598. T no. 2034, 49. Lingbao tianzun shuo yangcan yingzhong jing 靈寳天尊說養蠶營種經. DZ 360. Lingjian zi yindao ziwu ji 靈劍子引導子午記. Northern Song dynasty (960–1127). DZ 571.

Liudu jijing 六度集經. Trans. Kang Senghui 康僧會 (d. ca. 280). T no. 152, 3. Longshu pusa zhuan 龍樹菩薩傳. Translation attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 2047, 50. Longshu zengguang jingtu wen 龍舒增廣凈土文. By Wang Rixiu 王日休 (d. 1173) in 1161–1162 or 1173. T no. 1970, 47. Maming pusa zhuan 馬鳴菩薩傳. Translation attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 2046, 50. Nanatsu-dera 七寺 edition in Ochiai and Saitō 2000. Miaofa lianhua jing 妙法蓮華經. Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 262, 9.

Mohemoye jing 摩訶摩耶經 (Mahāmāyāsūtra). Trans. Tanjing 曇景 (fl. 479–502). T no. 383, 12. Mohe sengqi lü 摩訶僧祇律 (Mahāsāṃghikavinaya). Trans. Buddhabhadra (ca. 360–429) and Faxian 法顯 (ca. 337–422). T no. 1425, 22. Mohe zhiguan 摩訶止觀. Presented as a lecture by Zhiyi 智顗 (538–97) and recorded by Guanding 灌頂 (561–632) ca. 607–632. T no. 1911, 46. Poshupandou fashi zhuan 婆藪槃豆法師傳. Trans. Paramārtha (499–569). T no. 2049, 50.

Pusa chutai jing 菩薩處胎經. Trans. Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 (fl. ca. 365–416). T no. 384, 12. Pusa he seyu fa jing 菩薩訶色欲法經. Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 615, 15. Pusa shizhu xingdao pin 菩薩十住行道品 (Daśabhūmikasūtra). Trans. Dharmarakṣa (fl. 266–313). T no. 283, 10. Qianlong dazangjing 乾隆大藏經. 168 vols. Ed. Chuanzheng Youxian Gongsi Bianjibu 傳正有限公司編輯部, 1997. Zhanghua, Taipei County, Taiwan: Chuanzheng youxian gongsi. Qixin lun shu 起信論疏. By Wŏnhyo 元曉 (617–686). T no. 1844, 44. Qixin lun shu bixue ji 起信論疏筆削記. By Zixuan 子璿 (965–1038). T no. 1848, 44. Qixin lun yishu 起信論義疏. Attributed to Tanyan 曇延 (516–588). Z 1:71:3.

Quan Tang shi 全唐詩. 900 juan. Compiled by Peng Dingqiu 彭定求 (1645–1719) et al.; printed by Cao Yin 曹寅 (1658–1712), imperial preface of 1707. Modern edition published in 1960, 25 vol. (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju). (p.298) Renwang bore jing shu 仁王般若經疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1707, 33.

Renwang huguo bore jing shu 仁王護國般若經疏. Attributed to Zhiyi 智顗 (538–97) and Guanding 灌頂 (561–632). T no. 1705, 33. Ru lengqie jing 入楞伽經 (Laṅkāvatārasūtra). Trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–35) in 513. T no. 671, 16. Ru lengqie xin xuanyi 入楞伽心玄義. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 1790, 39.

Sanbao ganying yaolüe lu 三寶感應要略錄. By Feizhuo 非濁 (d. 1063). T no. 2084, 51. Sanguo zhi 三國志. By Chen Shou 陳壽 (233–397); completed in 297. Modern edition published in 1982, 5 vols. (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju). Sanlun xuanyi 三論玄義. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1852, 45.

Sanlun youyi yi 三論遊意義. By Dharma-master Qi 磧法師 (fl. 590–618). T no. 1855, 45. Shanjian lü piposha 善見律毘婆沙 (Samantapāsādikā). Trans. Sanghabhadra (fl. ca. 488–489) in 488. T no. 1462, 24. Shelifu wen jing 舍利弗問經 (Śāriputraparipṛcchāsūtra). Trans. ca. 317–420. T no. 1465, 24. Shenxian zhuan 神仙傳. By Ge Hong 葛洪 (283–343) ca. 317. Taipei: Sanmin shuju, 2004.

Shidi jing lun 十地經論 (Daśabhūmikasūtraśāstra). By Vasubandhu (4th century); trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–535) et al. T no. 1522, 26. Shi’ermen lun shu 十二門論疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623); presented as a lecture in 608. T no. 1825, 42. Shi’ermen lun zongzhi yi ji 十二門論宗致義記. By Fazang 法藏 (643–712). T no. 1826, 42. Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志. By Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667). T no. 2088, 51. Shijia pu 釋迦譜. By Sengyou 僧祐 (445–518). T no. 2040, 50.

Shijia shipu 釋迦氏譜. By Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667). T no. 2041, 50. Shimen yingyong wen(fan) 釋門應用文(範). See Yinyuan lun 因緣論. Shisong lü 十誦律 (Sarvāstivādavinaya or Daśādhyāyavinaya). Trans. Puṇyatara (active in Chang’an ca. 399–415); Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409); and Dharmaruci (fl. early 5th century) 404–409. T no. 1435, 23.

Shizhu jing 十住經 (Daśabhūmikasūtra). Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 286, 10. Sho ajari shingon mikkyō burui sōroku 諸阿闍梨真言密教部類總錄. By Annen 安然 (841–ca. 889). T no. 2176, 55. Shu pu 鼠璞. By Daizhi 戴植 (or 埴) (fl. 1241); “styled” (zi 字) Zhongpei 仲培. Modern edition ed. Zhou Guangpei 周光培 1995. Songdai biji xiaoshuo 宋代筆記小說 (Notebook Fictions of the Song Dynasty). Vol. 23 of Lidai biji xiaoshuo jicheng 歷代筆記小說集成 (Collection of Notebook Fictions through the Ages) (Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe).

Sifen lü 四分律 (Dharmaguptakavinaya). Trans. Buddhayaśas (fl. 384–417) and Zhu Fonian 竺佛念 (n.d.). T no. 1428, 22. Sishi’erzhang jing 四十二章經. Trans. Jiayemoteng 迦葉摩騰 (d. ca. 73 CE) and Zhu Falan 竺法蘭 (arrived in China 67 or 75 CE). T no. 784, 17. Songdai biji xiaoshuo 宋代筆記小説. Ed. Zhong Guangpei 周光培, 1995 (Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe). Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳. By Zanning 賛寧 (919–1001). T no. 2061, 50.

Soushen ji 搜神記. By Gan Bao 干寶 (fl. 317–322). Ed. Yang Jialuo 楊家駱, 1962. Xinjiao Soushen ji 新校搜神記 (Taipei: Shijie shuju). (p.299) Sui shu 隋書. By Wei Zheng 魏徵 (580–643); completed in 636. Modern edition published 1973 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju). Sui Tiantai Zhizhe dashi biezhuan 隋天台智者大師別傳. Compiled by Guanding 灌頂 (561–632) ca. 601–605. T no. 2050, 50. Taishang ganying pian 太上感應篇. By Li Changling 李昌齡 (937–1008). DZ 1167. Taishang shuo liyi canwang miaojing 太上說利益蠶王妙經. DZ 365.

Tan jing 壇經. Composed ca. 820. T no. 2007, 48. Tipo pusa zhuan 提婆菩薩傳. Trans. attributed to Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409). T no. 2048, 50. Wangsheng lizan jie 往生禮讚偈. By Shandao 善導 (613–681). T no. 1980, 47.

Wangsheng xifang jingtu ruiying zhuan 往生西方淨土瑞應傳. Compiled by Shaotang 少唐 (d. 805) and Wenshen 文諗 (n.d.). T no. 2070, 51. Weimojie suoshuo jing 維摩詰所說經 (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa). Trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350– 409) in 406. T no. 475, 14. Weimo jing yi shu 維摩經義疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623). T no. 1781, 38.

Weishi sanshi lun song 唯識三十論頌 (Triṃśikāvijñaptikārikā), T no. 1586, 31. By Vasubandhu (4th century); trans. Xuanzang 玄奘 (602–664). Wuliangshou jing youpotishe 無量壽經優波提舍 (Sukhāvativyūhopadeśa). By Vasubandhu (4th century); trans. Bodhiruci (fl. 508–535) in 529. T no. 1524, 26. Wuliangshou jing youpotishe yuansheng jie zhu 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註. By Tanluan 曇鸞 (476– 542). T no. 1819, 40. Xin huayan jing lun 新華嚴經論. By Li Tongxuan 李通玄 (ca. 635–730). T no. 1739, 36.

Xu gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳. By Daoxuan 道宣 (596–667); initially completed in 645, supplemented until 667. T no. 2060, 50. Yingyin Song qisha zangjing 影印宋磧砂藏經. 591 vols. Ed. Yingyin Songban Zangjinghui 影印宋版藏經會, 1935. Shanghai: Songban zangjinghui. Yinyuan lun 因緣論(a.k.a. Shimen yingyong wen[fan] 釋門應用文[範]). S 5639. Yiqie jing yinyi 一切經音義. By Huilin 慧琳 (737–820) 783–807. T no. 2128, 54.

Youposai jie jing 優婆塞戒經 (Upāsakaśīlasūtra). Trans. Dharmakṣema (385–433). T no. 1488, 24. Za ahan jing 雜阿含經 (Saṃyuktāgama). Trans. Guṇabhadra (392–468) 435–443. T no. 99, 2. Za baozang jing 雜寶藏經. Trans. Kiṅkara (Jijiaye 吉迦夜) (fl. ca. 460–472) and Tanyao 曇曜 (ca. 410–485) in 472. T no. 203, 4. Zan Emituofo jie 讚阿彌陀佛偈. By Tanluan 曇鸞 (476–542). T no. 1978, 47.

Zhao lun 肇論. By Sengzhao 僧肇 (ca. 374–414). T no. 1858, 45. Zheng fahua jing 正法華經 (Saddharmapuṇḍriīka). Trans. Dharmarakṣa (fl. 266–313). T no. 263, 9. Zhenyuan xinding shijiao mulu 貞元新定釋教目錄. By Yuanzhao 圓照 (fl. ca. 778–800) in 800. T no. 2157, 55. Zhiguan fuxing chuanhong jue 止觀輔行傳弘決. By Zhanran 湛然 (711–782). T no. 1912, 46.

Zhong ahan jing 中阿含經 (Mādhyamāgama). Trans. Gautama Sanghadeva (fl. ca. 383–398) in 397–398. T no. 26, 1. Zhongguan lun shu 中觀論疏. By Jizang 吉藏 (549–623); presented as a lecture in 608. T no. 1824, 42. (p.300) Zhongjing mulu 眾經目錄. By Fajing 法經 (n.d.); completed ca. 594. T no. 2146, 55. Zhongjing mulu 眾經目錄. By Yancong 彥琮 (557–610) in 602. T no. 2147, 55. Zhongjing mulu 眾經目錄. By Jingtai 靜泰 (n.d.); completed ca. 665. T no. 2148, 55. Zhong lun juan di yi 中論卷第一. S 3286. Zhuangzi jinzhu jinyi 莊子今注今譯. Modern Chinese trans. Chen Guying 陳鼓應, 1990 (Xianggang: Zhonghua shuju). Zhujing yao lüewen 諸經要略文. Early ninth century. T no. 2821, 85; S. 779. Zhu weimojie jing 注維摩詰經. By Sengzhao 僧肇 (384–414) ca. 406–410. T no. 1775, 38. Zongjing lu 宗鏡錄. By Yanshou 延壽 (904–975) in 961. T no. 2016, 48. Zuochan sanmei jing 坐禪三昧經. Attributed in part to Aśvaghoṣa; trans. Kumārajīva (344–413 or 350–409) in 402. T no. 614, 15.

Secondary Sources

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