The Sadanga Yoga by Anupamaraksita
Sadanga Yoga called the “six-limbed yoga” (ṣaḍaṅgayoga, sbyor ba yang lag drug). These six yogas are visionary practices, designed to induce luminous appearances that
Text and annotated translation
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The $aljarigayoga by Anupamarak~ita, presented here for the first time in Sanskrit along with an English translation, is the most important treatise on the sixfold yoga in the Buddhist tantric tradition of the Kiilacakra.
Notwithstanding. its importance, this text has been lost in Sanskrit, sharing the same fate as many other fundamental Indian works. Fortunately, with respect to other unfound texts, the $aljarigayoga was translated into Tibetan J between the 12th and 13th centuries by Vibhiiticandra, Mi-mnyam bzang-po and the Lo-tshii-va dPal-ldan-blo-gros brtan-pa. Since the Tibetan translation clearly shows that this text was mainly composed of passages from other works, the major part of which are available to us in manuscripts and printed editions, a fairly reliable reconstruction of the Sanskrit text has been possible. The few passages of which we do not possess the corresponding Sanskrit have been retranslated with the help of the Tibetan translation and the Sanskrit commentary on the $aljarigayoga itself, the GUI}abharaI}I by RavisrIjfiiina. This latter work has come down to us in one MS copy only, preserved in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London), and was edited and translated into German by Gunter Gronbold (1969) at a time when studies in this field were just beginning. The GUI}abharaI}I has been edited anew here and its most important passages have been translated again in the notes.
I would like to thank Professor Gherardo Gnoli, President of the IsIAO, and the Board of Directors for having accepted this work for publication in the Serie Orientale Roma - the famous series founded by Professor Giuseppe Tucci, whose life and work is for me a constant point of reference and inspiration.
This work has also been made possible with the help of Professor Mauro Maggi, formerly Director of the IsIAO Library, Klaus-Dieter Mathes of the Nepal German Manuscript Preservation Project, and the authorities of the Royal Asiatic Society, who have allowed me to use the necessary Sanskrit manuscript sources. I am grateful to all of them. 9
I am also indebted to Professor Giacomella Orofino, who has studied some passages from the Tibetan translation with me, and Professor Raffaele Torella, who has carefully read my work and made helpful suggestions, and whose scholarship and guidance are of inestimable value tome.
Special thanks are due to Dr. Harunaga Isaacson for having most kindly read my work and for his many valuable suggestions and comments.
Words cannot express the gratitude and high esteem I have for Professor Raniero Gnoli, an extraordinary and gifted man. He has never hesitated to help me with my research and to offer me his time and his knowledge that extends into many fields. With particular reference to this work, he showed me the relationship between the Tibetan and the Sanskrit texts and encouraged me to continue my research in this direction. Without his invaluable and constant help, this work would not have been possible. This book is dedicated to him.
I would also like to thank Anne Coulson who helped me in revising the English text.
Rome, September 1999
§ 1. THE SIXFOLD YOGA. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Besides the more widespread and famous eightfold yoga (a~tiirigayoga), the classic formulation of which was established by Patafijali (Yogasfitra, II, 29-III, 3),~ there are also important ancient testimonies of a sixfold yoga (ialjarigayoga) present in many Hindu and Buddhist worksl. Several scholars have ah-eady turned their attention to this shortened yoga and many starting points for further research in this field are present in their works2.
Many questions about the sixfold yoga remain unanswered: questions concerning its origins3 , its relationship with the a~tiirigayoga traditions, and 1 It is worth mentioning that there also exist texts in which the yoga has a number of limbs other than six or eight (see Gronbold 1983b: 182-3). Let us consider, for instance, the ViiyupuriiI}8 (X, 76: priiI}iiyiimas tathii dhyiinaI!l pratyiihiiro 'tha dhiiraI}ii I smaraI}aI!l caiva yoge 'smin patica dharmiii} prakJrtitiii} II) and the Mrgendriigama (Yogapiida, 3: priil}iiyiimah pratyiihiiro dhiir8J!ii dhyiinavik~aI}e I japai} samiidhir ity aJigiiny aIigi yoga '~ramai} svayam II). 2 See Zigmund-Cerbu 1963; Pensa 1969; Gronbold 1969, 1982, 1983a, 1983b, 1983c, 1984; Rastogi 1992; Brunner-Lachaux 1994; Orofino 1996; Isoda 1976. Cf. also Pandey 19632: 534-8; Dviveda 1984, Upodghiita, pp. 112-9; S.B. Dasgupta 1958: 164-70; Garde 1973. Recently, an English translation of four articles by G. Gronbold (1982, 1983b, 1983c, 1984) has been published with indexes: G. Gronbold 1996. 3 At present, the most ancient Indian text dealing with yoga is the Maitri Upani~ad (cf. Cowell 1935: 129-36).
A. Zigmund-Cerbu (1963: 130) has advanced the hypothesis that the limb-list found in this work (VI, 18) represents the original yoga framework, common to Hindu and Buddhist schools. Cf. also Hauer 19582: 102. In Maitd Upani~ad VI, 18, the six limbs are listed and the aim of the sixfold yoga is stated. Through its practice the wise yogin sees Brahman and, having abandoned merit and demerit, unites everything in the supreme unperishable (paramiik~ara). Riimatjrtha in his commentary explains that 1) priiI}iiyiima is breath-control performed through the three phases beginning with the piJraka; 2) pratyiihiira corresponds to withdrawal of the senses from external objects; 3) dhyiina is the entrance of the antai}karaI}a into an object of meditation, in accordance with the nature of that object; 4) dhiiraI}ii is when the antai}karaI}a 11
the transmission over the centuries of its teaching within the same school or from one school to another.
Since many works have not come down to us and, in many cases, we have only ariga-lists, and very often living traditions no longer exist or, if they do, are not linked to the ancient schools, we can only indicate issues and suggest some hypotheses. Here, we will focus our attention only on a few questions. At first, it should be noted that ~agarigayoga, even more than a~fiirigayoga, ca=ot be studied as a unitary phenomenon4 . Each of the six limbs is explained and practised in various ways in the different traditions, and at least five ariga lists can be found in Hindu works alones: focuses without intenuption on this object, like oil flowing; 5) taJka is a) the examination performed in order to see if the mind is well-concentrated on the object, or b) to see the obstacles to reaching concentration, which are caused by the inferior powers that have been generated through dhyana and dharm/a, or c) the savikalpasamadhi (lit., 'the concentration endowed with conceptual construction'); 6) samadhi cOITesponds to the fusion of the mind with the fonn of knowable reality. The mind reaches a state of calm and steadiness, similar to that of the tip of a lamp in a closed space. In Maitl] Upani~ad VI, 19, it is said that after the mind has been fixed on a single point (ekatra sthirmp kf'tvii), after having abandoned sensorial objects, after having controlled the breath, the wise yogin remains without conceptual
construction (nii}sarpkaipaj. Then the individual soul (atman), which is identified with the vital breath (praI}a), is fixed in the fourth state. In Maitr! Upani~ad VI, 20, a superior (parii) kind of dhw'alJa is explained. The yogin sees Brahman through the taTka (tmkeI}a), which is explained by Ramatlrtha as niscitJriipeI}a jnanena, after having pressed the tip of the tongue on the palate and having anested his mind, word and breath. He identifies with Brahman and becomes niriitman, limitless, or, in other words, free. 4 C. Pensa writes: "Una prima carattelistica dello ~agarigayoga e questa, che ad esso non si puo fare riferimento come a una categOlia fissa, qua!'e I' a~riiilgayoga - in cui gli otto elementi che 10 compongono sono sempre gli stessi, per 10 meno come numero e tipo - bensl come a un insieme di pratiche di cui alcune mutano e sono sostituite a seconda dei contesti dottrinari. La tradizione dello ~agaJiga, dunque, attestata in un periodo abbastanza antico - e potrebbe essere forse pili antica dell'altra - appare fiorente, come vedremo, in epoca tarda, ed ha caratteli di instabilita, in contrapposizione con la stabile e conservativa tradizione dello yoga a otto 'membri n, (1969: 522). Obviously, it can also be the case that in some texts that accept the a~rwigllyoga the meaning ascribed to the aligas does not coincide with their usual explanation. See, for example, the Trisikhabriihmapa (S. Dasgupta 1922: 454). See also Colas 1988. 5 However, it is worth noting that these lists can be divided into two groups - G. Gronbold was the first clearly to distinguish two groups in the ~agailgayoga tradition: the tmka-class and the iisana-class (1983b) - and that sometimes can be distinguished only for the order of their limbs.
Some references to other Hindu works dealing with the ~adailgayoga are in Kane 1962: 1419, note 2327, and Gupta, Hoens, Goudriaan 1979: 166. 12
A) prapayama, pratyahiira, dhyana, dharapa, tarka, samadhi (Maitri Upani~ad, VI, 18), B) asana, prapasarpmdha (prapayama), pratyahiira, dharapa, dhyiina, samadhi (Dhyanabindu Upani~ad, 41; Yogaciirjamapi Upani~ad, 2; Gbraksasataka, 7; Gorak~avacallasaJpgraha; 62; Akuiagamatantra6 ). C) pratyahara, dhyana, prapayama, dhiirapa, taJka (vIk~apa), samadhi (Rauraviigama, Vidyiipiida, VII, 5; MatangapiiramesvaJ'iigama, Yogapada, I, 6; Amrtanada Upani~ad, 6). D) pratyiihara, dhyana, priipiiyiima, dhiirapii, asana, samiidhi (Kirapagama, Yogapiida, I, 3). E) priipiiyiima, pratyahiira, dhiirapii, tarka, samiidhi, dhyana (Vi~pus8Iphita, XXX, 57 ff). The most evident difference between the classic a~tiiIigayoga fonnulation and the ~ac;1arigayoga is the absence of yama and niyama and the presence, in some texts, of taTka (also called vik~~a) instead of asana. The absence of yama and niyama has been explained by deeming these two arigas to be presupposed, particularly in the case of tantric schools (Pens a 1969: 524-5; Bmnner-Lachaux 1994: 439-40). As a matter of fact, it is well known that the tantric practitioner has to observe many restrictions described at length in the Caryapadas of the Agamas and the Tantras. The word tm:ka needs further analysis on the aim of the yoga (lit., 'union') itself, on the different ways in which this aim is understood, and on the different doctrinal contexts that underlie the yogic traditions. This subject will not be examined in depth heres.
It is worth mentioning that the sixfold yoga neither necessarily contradicts nor excludes the eightfold yoga. In Hinduism, these two kinds of yoga are sometimes mentioned or even described in texts belonging to the same school or tradition, In the Kasmrrian advaita saiva tradition, for example, the eightfold yoga is dealt with in the Netratantra (also called M[tyuiijayabhattaraka) (chap. VIII) - although the limbs are explained in a different way with respect to Pataiijali's yoga (Rastogi 1992: 259-60; see above note 4) - and in the TantTiiloka (IV, 87 ff), whereas references to the sixfold yoga are found in the Malinivijayottm'atantra (chap. XVII)9 and in another part of the Tantriiloka (IV, 15-16), where Abhinavagupta quotes 6 A MS of the Akuliigamatantra is described in Bagchi 1934: 61-3. 7 The word yoga has been traditionally explained as 'concentration', in confOimity with yuj samadhau (ef. Yogasiitrabhii~ya, ed., Madras 1952, p. 5; see also Yogaratnamiila, ed. p. 143, and below, gloss on sl. 2), and 'connecting', in conformity with yujir yoge (see S. Dasgupta 1975: 226-7).
8 See below, p. 37, note 68.
9 One of the most important tantras of the saiva tradition. It has been published by M.K. SastrI in the Kashmir Selies of Texts and Studies, vol. 37, Srlnagar 1922. Chapters 1- 6, 8-9, 11 have been translated into Italian by R. Gnoli (19993 : 645-89). On this text, see also Sanderson 1992.
crucial passages from this tantra that deal with yoga 10. Furthermore, in the Netratantroddyota I, 8, K~emaraja states that yogins are those who worship the Lord through the yoga of six limbs, etc. (yoginalJ. ~ac;larigadiyogenesvararadhakaJ;.) l1. G. Gronbold has already noted that in late Gorak~ayoga texts both the ~ac;larigayoga and the a~tangayoga were known (l983b). Similar considerations could be made with reference to vai~J?ava schools. Thus, even if the major part of the Pancaratra Sarphitas accepts the division of yoga into eight limbs (even though these are arranged in different lists) 12, the Vi~J?usarphita (chap. XXX, 57 ff) and the SanatkumfiI: asarphita (cf. J;?~iratra, I, 14cd; III, 59cd) adopt the ~ar;1arigayoga. The latter text refers to the yoga tradition of the Padmodbhava[sarphitfij, but it does not give an ariga list13 . Epigraphy provides us with more evidence of ~ar;1arigayoga practice in this vai~J?ava sect. Zigmund-Cerbu (1963: 129-30) partially quotes the first verse of a Piificaratra inscription dated Saka 879 (957 A. D.) found in Cambodia and published with a translation by G. Coedes, in which the sixfold yoga is clearly cited (1954: 132-9)14. Despite the undeniable differences, in general the sixfold yoga described in Hindu works seems to be closer to the classic formulation of 10 Cf. also the Tantriilokaviveka by Jayaratha, ed., vol. III, pp. 15-6 and pp. 102-3 (comm. on IV, 96),
11 Ed.p, 4.
12 The AhirbudhnyasaIphita (XXXI, 15 ff, XXXII), the Naradiyasarphita (XXX, 9cd- 21), the Brhadbrahmasarphita (IV. vii, 52-74), the Sriprasnasarphita (III, 18-19ab), the Paramesvarasarphita (VII, 438-503) and the isvarasarphita (IV, 83 ff) follow Patafija!i's scheme: yaIfla, niyama, asana, praI}ayama, pratyiihara, dhiiraI}a, dhyana and samadhi. In the Padmasarphita (Yogapada I-V) niyama is replaced by tapas, whereas in the Jayakhyasarphita, yama, niyaIfla and asana are substituted with japa, yoga and iiha respectively (chap. XXXIII). Japa is also present in the yoga-limb list of the Mrgendragama (Yogapada 1,3) (see above note I, and also Brunner-Lachaux 1994: 449, 454), A reference to the eightfold yoga is also in the Satvatasarphita II, 7c. 13 On the Padmodbhavasamhita, see Schrader 1916: 8. 14 yas srisaIikharathaIigasa;iJgadharaI}iprodyadgadakhadgadhrk dhmmmo dhmmmavidam ajiidinidhano vedyo ya eko vibhu/;11 sevyo yas ca ~acjaIigayogavisadair yyogipravinair hrdi sreya/;1praptyabhila~ibhis sa bhagavan narayaI}o namyatam II "Hommage soit rendu au bienheureux Narayal!a, portant Sri, la conque, Ie disque, I'arc, la terre, la massue levee et I'epee, dharma de ceux qui connaissent Ie dharma, premier receptacle de l' Aja, inconnaissable, unique, souverain, digne d'etre honore dans leur crer par ceux qui brillent par Ie yoga' it six divisions, qui possedent I'intelligence des yogin et qui desirent obtenir I'emancipation" (trans. Coedes, p. 136). 14
the a${arigayoga (at least when considering the explanation of certain limbs)15 than is the si{cfold yoga of the Buddhist tantras, where the six limbs are explained in a completely different way. The most ancient testimony of a Buddhist $aq.arigayoga (Tib., sbyor ba yan lag drug pa) is found in the GSU (stt. 141-154)16. Here, the six limbs are expounded according to this sequence: 1) pratyiihara (Tib., so sor sdud pa, 'withdrawal'); 2) dhyana (Tib., bsam gtan, 'contemplation'); 3) prapayama (Tib., srog gi rtsol ba, 'restraint of the breath' or 'breathcontrol'); 4) dharap.a (Tib., 'dzin pa, 'retention'); 5) anusmrti (Tib., rjes su dranpa, 'recollection' or 'subsequent mindfulness'); and 6) samadhi (Tib., ting nge 'dzin, 'concentration') (st. 141). The description of the yoga limbs that we fmd in the GSU most likely represents one of the most ancient (if not the most ancient) traditions of the sixfold yoga in the Buddhist schools. This is proved not only by the fact that the yoga adopted by other later Buddhist works, such as the SU, the LKC and the 1;)VP, follows the same list as the GSU, but also by the fact that some of the most crucial stanzas of this text are quoted and glossed in those works, which seem to depart from or contradict in some way the GSU teaching. As a matter of fact, it is a typical and a well known Indian practice to adapt ancient authoritative texts or sentences to a context different from their own in order to confirm new teachings, practices, or interpretations, without entailing any conscious idea to betray the quoted source.
Stanzas 142-154 of the GSU were also quoted and glossed by two important teachers of the Kalacakra, namely, Niiropa (Nastapada) in his Sur and Ravisrijiiana in the GBh (see below pp. 128-36). The latter bases his commentary on the GSPU by Deutero-Candrakirti, who quotes and 15 Rastogi (1992) has shown the extent to which the sixfold yoga of KiiSmIrian Saivism was influenced by the a~!iiIigayoga. He has analysed several texts, among which also the passages of the Svacchandatantra in which the yoga is treated, i.e., VIT, 286 ff. 16 Chapter XVITr of the GS, which is called GSU, was probably added to the GS. There are different opinions among scholars as to the date of the GS. Y. Matsunaga has convincingly proved that "in the first half of the 8th century [ ... J the Guhyasamiija-tantra as an Anuttarayoga-tantra was not completed", but was probably in a formative stage (1978: xxiv). "The Guhyasamiija-tantra including the Uttaratantra part was completed during the latter half of the 8th century" (ibid., p. xxvi). A. Wayman (1995: 141) places the GS around the beginning of the N century A.D.
Several commentaries on the GSU are preserved only in Tibetan translation. See, for instance, the A~!iidaSapa!alavistaravyiikhyii by Nligfujuna (Wayman 1977: 164-6) (Peking ed., voL 60, # 2649), the A~!iida§apa!alavyiikhyiina by Candraprabha (Peking ed., vol. 64, # 2712) and the Sriguhyasamiijatantrapafijikiiby Jinadatta (peking ed., voL 63, # 2710). 15
comments several parts of the GSU in chapter XII of his work17. The text of the GSPU was reproduced by Ravisrljfiana almost verbatim. His intervention consists of simply changing a few words and moving the commentary on stanzas 150cd-151, which in the.GSPU is a part of the gloss on anusmrti, to the explanation of the first limb, pratyiihiira, following a disposition of the verses of the GSU more similar (at that point) to Naropa's. The way in which the above-mentioned authors and Nagarjuna (the author of a -,?Y preserved in Tibetan, see below p. 49) divide verses 142-154 of the GSU on the basis of the six yoga-limbs is summarized in the following tablel8 :
Here follows the translation of GSU, 141-154 with the commentary by Ravisrijfiana and some parts of the gloss by Naropal9. The principal differences will be briefly discussed afterwards: The sixfold yoga consists of withdrawal, contemplation, restraint of the breath, retention, recollection and concentration [141]. The interiorization (svavftti) of the ten senses, which takes place with respect to all food of desire, is called withdrawal [142]. GBh: Here, the word 'senses' means the senses and their objects. 'The interiorization of the ten senses' (again, the senses and their objects) is their acting as perceptors and perceivables respectively. [ ... ] [This refrainment] is performed 'with respect to all food of desire', be it low, middle, or high. Withdrawal (pratyiihiira) is the repeated eating (iiharal}a), 17 Probably the GSPU represents an ancient tradition close to the original text of the GS. A part of the commentary of the GSPU on chap. XII of the GS has also been edited and translated by A. Wayman (1977: 36-50).
18 In the GSPU (GBh and ~y by NagiiIjuna), GSU, 144cd-145ab (guhyatantre~u sarve~u vividhiil;1 parikirtitiif;J I guhyarp tarkodayarp tarkarp viciirarp tatprayogatafJ II, ed., p. 132) is quoted in the following shortened version: guhyatrayarp vitmkas ca viciirarp tatprabhogatli (ed., p. 116), whereas it is fully quoted in the SUT (ed., p. 30). 19 See GSPU, ed., pp. 116-9 (cf. below GBh, Text, fols. 23a6-25b4), and SUT, ed., pp.31-5.
viz., perception through sensorial faculties, of desires - i.e., of colours, etc. -, which are desired, wished.
sur: [ ... ]. With the words 'ten senses' one should understand senses and sense objects. 'The interiorization' of these ten (senses and sense objects) simply means their persisting in themselves, i.e., their tuming inward. In other words, it corresponds to [their] pure existence (sattfimfitratfi): senses and sense objects respectively avoid becoming perceiver and percept. The interiorization corresponds to their being in this condition and not to their acting as perceivables and perceptors [ ... ]. The idea that "the five desn:es are wholly [united] thmugh the application of the five Buddhas" is called contemplation. This is fivefold. That is, in contemplation the following five aspects are gathered:
examination, analysis, joy, pleasure and the fixedness of thought on a single object. Examination cOlTesponds to (the arising of) the three secrets, whereas analysis is its development. The third aspect is the apparition of joy, the fourth is the sum of pleasure, and the fifth has to be known as ow' own mind, which is [characterized by] the dissolution of the arising of knowledge in knowable reality. [This mind) consists of all Buddhas; it is pacified and well established on the ether of all things [143-144cd, 145-146].
GBh: 'The five desires', colours, and so on, are the objects of the senses. 'Wholly' means at one with the senses. 'The five Buddhas' are the eyes, and so on. There is a union, a connection, between these [[[senses]] and sense . objects) 'through the application of the five Buddhas'. Therefore, contemplation is the pure idea: "also fmID, and so on, are the five Buddhas". This [contemplation] is fivefold, according to examination, and so on. [ ... ] 'The three secrets' are the senses, the objects and the [different kinds of] knowledge. Examination is the idea: "the five senses, the five kinds of sensmial knowledge and their objects have the same nature as the five Tathagatas". The insistence (vicfira;;Jasthitl) of this idea is analysis. For the practitioner, 'the apparition of joy' corresponds to a relaxation due to a profound adherence to the truth. 'The sum of pleasure' is the pleasure obtained by this adhesion. It is characterized by a relaxation of the body. Thus, for he who has applied himself repeatedly and has reached the pinnacle of excellence, there is 'the arising of knowledge' - that is, the six kinds of active knowledge (prav!ttivijiiiina), namely, the knowledge of the eyes, and so on - in knowable reality, which extends from fmID to the dharrnadhfiW.
The 17 dissolution of this mind is 'the fIxedness of thought on one single object', which is characterized by perfect knowledge of the voidness of perceivable and perceptor. It corresponds to the [[[yogins]]'] own mind. [This mind) has the nature of all Buddhas and is pacifIed [since the conceptual constructions of perceivable, and so on, are dissolved] (GSPU). It consists only of light, and is fIrmly and exclusively based upon the voidness of all things. sur: [ ... ]. The words 'five desires' mean all beings, both movable and unmovable. These 'are united with the five Buddhas'. In other words, it means that all beings are naturally united with all Buddhas, namely, consist of all Buddhas. 'Wholly' means that there is a mental creation (kalpanii) of all beings who are all Buddhas, according to an apparition of the three times and the three worlds, which the yogins can directly perceive. This mental creation is devoid of conceptual construction; it is vision devoid of conceptual construction and error. It happens continuously and is called contemplation (dhyiina) [ ... ]. The 'three secrets' are the three worlds, which extend to the three times and are made of body, word and mind. Their 'arising' corresponds to the knowledge of them [ ... ]. Breathing consists of five kinds of knowledge and corresponds to the . five elements. Breathing out, one has to conceive 'the great jewel of five colours' in the fonn of a ball on the tip of the nose [of the lotuses) (GSPU). This is called 'restraint of the breath '. Having meditated on one's own mantra in the heart, [the breath) should be propelled to the bindu [147-148].
GBh: ['Breathing' has the nature of 'the fIve kinds of knowledge', beginning with that of the mirror. Having emitted it from the hole of one's own vajra, one has to meditate on this [[[breathing]]), which consists of earth, and so forth, 'in the form of a ball', viz., in the form of a drop of bodhicitta, 'on the tip' of the lotus or of the nose] (GSPU). It has 'five colours', that is, it has the nature of the five Tathagatas. Therefore, the restraint of the breath is called (or known) in this way because through it the great jewel, the vital breath, the life, is restrained or, in other words, prolonged. [ ... ]. 'Having meditated· on one's own mantra in the heart', in the lotus of one's heart, '[the yogin) should propel' the vital breath 'to the bindu'. SUr: [ ... ]. The 'fIve kinds of knowledge' correspond to the five Buddhas beginning with Ak~obhya, that are the five aggregates, knowledge (vijiiiina), and so on, which belong to the five mar;.qalas of la1ana. Breathing, which consists of these, occurs in the left nostril. The words 'five elements' mean 18
the five elements beginning with earth, which belong to the five m8{l jalas of rasana. Breathing, which consists of these, i.e., of the five elements, occurs in the right nostril. 'Breathing out in the form of a ball'. Here, the ball is the vital breath of the right and left m8{ljalas that is unified in the central channel, in the avadhiiti The vital breath, once pushed out in the form of a ball, has to be 'conceived', that is, meditated on, 'on the tip of the nose'. The word 'nose' means the pericarps of the navel, heart, throat, forehead and crown. It will be conceived, that is, meditated on, from the middle of one pericarp to the middle of another one, and not from the right petals of the lotus to the left ones. Due to the suppression of the left ~d right courses, tllls vital breath that flows in the central channel is called 'the great jewel of five colours'. [This exercice] is called restraint of the breath (prapayama) and adamantine muttering (vajrajapa). The latter has to be performed in unity with the central channel (see below, p. 293, note 156) [ ... ]. 'One's own mantra' is the vital breath that has to be meditated on 'in the heart', from the middle of one pericarp to another, and that 'should be propelled to the bindu'. In other words, it must be arrested in the bindu-place, the forehead [ ... J. Once this jewel, which is accompanied by sensorial faculties and their [[[objects]]), has been restrained, it has to be fixed. This is retention [149ab]. GBh: Retention is what causes the fixation once the jewel - the jewel of the mind -, which is the basis of the senses and their objects (that is, eyes, colours, and so on), has been restrained, i.e., dissolved through breath-control [ ... ].
Once the mind has reached the alTest-vajra, the perception of the signs occurs. Bodhivajra said the signs are five. The first sign has the aspect of a mirage, the second is similar to smoke, the thiJ:d has the aspect of a firefly, the fourth of a shining lamp, and the fifth of an everlasting light similar to a cloudless sky [149cd-15l].
GSPU (cf. GBh, fols. 22bs-232): With the aspect of a mirage, the first sign appears through the dissolution of earth into water. Then, through the dissolution of water into fire, there is the second [sign] with the aspect of smoke. Through the dissolution of fire into wind, there is the third [sign] with the aspect of a firefly. Then, through the dissolution of wind into knowledge [lit. 'three lights'], we have the fourth [sign], which is similar to a lamp and consists of a mass of light. Through the dissolution of knowledge [lit. 'eilsentiallight' (prak[tyabhasa)], we have the fifth [sign],
which is similar to a cloudless sky. It is an uninteITupted and shining light. These five signs lead to nirvapa. It has been said in the Kmwantavibhaga: "At first, earth goes into water, water goes into fire, fire goes into wind, wind goes into knowledge, and knowledge goes into light". SUT: The two and a half verses beginning with the words 'Once the mind ... ' refer to the withdrawal limb. Their position after the retention limb is wrong, since it contradicts the master's teaching [ ... J. The words 'aITest-vajra' mean the path of the avadhuti[ ... J. Once 'the mind', namely, the vital breath, has reached this [[[path]]), 'the perception of the signs', that is, their arising, the apparition of the smoke, and so on, occurs. The change of position between the first sign and the second one shows that one should have faith in the master's teaching.
[The yogin) should expand [his] motionless [mind/great jewel) in the elements of the ethel" (khadhatu~u) thmugh the adamantine way. Having meditated on this [[[mind]]), he should diffuse it according to the aspect reached thmugh recollection. This [moment] is recollection. In it the appmition occurs [152-153].
GBh: '[The yogin) should expand', [viz., meditate on] (GSPU), '[his] motionless', pure 'mind in the elements of the ether', that is, in the worldelements, 'through the adamantine way', i.e., through absorption into the radiance that inconceivably follows the five signs, according to the nature of the Dharmakaya. Thus, 'having meditated on', that is, having directly experienced his own radiance, [the yogin) 'should diffuse' [his mind) 'according to the aspect' previously reached 'through recollection'; in other words, through the appearance of the mirage, etc. he reached the limit of beings (bhutakO!l)' He should diffuse [his mind) according to the same process. The fifth limb, that is, recollection, has been described. [The apparition or the consciousness occurs in this limb, anusmrti, not in another one] (GSPU).
sur: It is 'motionless', devoid of movement, due to the retention limb. The agent, that is, the great jewel, will cause the arising of the caprjalifrom the wheel of the navel, 'through the adamantine way', i.e., through the central channel, 'in the elements of the ether', that is, in the wheel of the crown. The cm}rjaJi, arisen from the pericarp of the lotus of the crown, will melt the syllable harp and, thereafter, will conduct the four bindus (consisting of body, word, mind and knowledge, and cOITesponding to the 20
four relative delights) until reaching the pericarp of the lotus of the vajra gem. Soon after the retention the capJiili bums .. This is the masters' teaching [ ... J. First of all, one should 'meditate on', that is, stabilize through withdrawal and contemplation, this comprehensive apparition of the three worlds, which cou-esponds to the relative truth. Subsequently, it should be radiated in this form 'through recollection'. 'According to this aspect', namely, according to the relative uuth. The [[[yogin]]) should see that it pervades the whole sky. Recollection, the yoga limb called in this way, is here the vision of all the three worlds in the three times. It is said that 'in it the apparition occurs' because in it, in the limb called recollection, tl1e apparition of the three worlds occurs.
Having collected together all existences (bhiiva) in the fOlID of a ball thmugh the union of wisdom and means, [the yogin) should meditate on the image in the middle [of the ball]. Suddenly, the arising of knowledge occurs. This is called 'concentration' [154].
GBh: Having unified every form of existence (sarvabhiiva), movable and unmovable, 'in the form of a ball', namely, according to the nature of mahiimudrii, 'through the union of wisdom and means', that is, through the unification of the relative and absolute truth, '[the yogin) should meditate on', create, 'the [image]" i.e., the nature of the great Vajra-holder, whose nature is [the condition of] 'two in one' (yuganaddha), 'in the middle' of this [ball], which is movable and unmovable. Through this process, knowledge arises 'suddenly', in a moment. [It is the mising of the Body of Gnosis (jfilinadeha), concentration, the sixth limb] (GSPU). Sur: [ ... ]. The words 'through the union of wisdom and means' refer to the condition of purity dependent on the perfect fusion of knowable and knowledge, and caused by the unchanging pleasure. This condition is the final state of the successive moments beginning with n4J~yanda that occur when the [seed] ascends towards the ethereal lotus. ill this condition of purity, the yogin will collect 'together', in an entire whole, 'all existences', movable and unmovable, consisting of reflections (pratibhiisa). These will be collected 'in the form of a ball'; in other words, they will become unique and radiant (prabhiisvaJ-a), consist of supreme, pure, and great pleasure, and be similar to an elixir that has devoured and unified the essence of all metals, beginning with iron. [Having collected all existences) in the middle of this light, which is perfectly fused with the great, supreme and pure pleasure, [the yogin) will 'meditate on', namely will see, the image consisting of relative truth. According to the detailed teaching (pratinirdesa), concentration corresponds to 'the arising of lmowledge', that is, the comprehension occuring 'suddenly' of the non-duality of the two truths [ ... J. In Kalacakra texts, such as the LTT by VajrapiiJ)Po, the SU (and its commentaries)21, the LKC (and the VP) and the ~y by Anupamarak~ita (and the GBh), the yoga practice is dealt with differently than in the GSU, with the exception of several elements that remain the same. Since a clear exposition of the ~arjarigayoga according to the Kalacakra tradition can be studied elsewhere22, here we will examine only some aspects of it. 1) The ~agarigayoga practice begins with withdrawal. On the one hand, it consists of the interruption of the ordinary function of the senses and their external activity, and on the other hand, of their remaining at rest (svavrttistha). It is said that the sense faculties act in a 'divine' way, namely, that they perceive their objects as non-differentiated realities, i.e., as realities not included among those that can be conceptually conceived. Through the withdrawal, the yogin remains in a condition of direct perception (pratyak~a) devoid of conceptual construction (nil:vikaJpa)23. In order to do this he engages the so-called gaze of Vighniintaka, that is, he turns his eyes upward towards the crown and fixes his mind in the void. If this exercice is performed well, some signs (nimitta), the number and order of which differ from one text to another, appear to him24. 20 The L TT by VajrapiiI.1i is certainly one of the most ancient texts of the Kiilacakra. See Cicuzza-Sferra 1997.
21 In the SU, which probably contains the first formulation of the ~a;iaJigayoga according to the Kiilacakra school, stanzas 24-34 deal with pratyiihiiJ'8 and dhyiina, stanzas 35-69 with priijliiyiima, and stanzas 77-145 with dhiiraflii. The commentaries do not concur on the verses treating anusmrti and samiidhi. Naropa thinks that stanzas 91-92 deal with anLlsmrti and stanza 145 with samiidhi, whereas according to Srjdharananda, anusmrti is dealt with in stanzas 80-81, samiidhi in stanza 82ab, and stanzas 82cd ff explain both anusmrti and samiidhi.
22' See Gronbold 1983a, Dhargyey 1985: 128-53, Mullin 1991: 109-26 (based mainly on the Tibetan tradition) and Orofino 1996.
23 Deep experience and the knowledge of reality are attained - according to the Buddhist point of view - the moment when there is direct perception (pratyak~a) of things as they are, namely, pure sensation of pmticular entities (svalak~aJ.18) free from conceptual construction and illusion. Usually this phase occurs in the first instant of perception and lasts only a moment.
24 The apparition of images during the first phase of the meditation (in order to calm the body and the mind) is also described by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu. Although this master 22
According to the LKC (V, 115), the signs are ten25; these are divided into two groups, on the. basis of the place in which the yogin practises. His practice can be performed either in a open space or in a closed space. In the former case it is called day-yoga, in the latter case night-yoga. During the night-yoga, that is, during the yoga performed in darkness (see below pp. 276-77, 292), four signs appear from a cloudless sky: smoke (dhUma), mirage (marIcl), firefly (khadyota) and lamp (pradipa). During the dayyoga (see below pp. 276-78, 292) six signs appear: flame (jviillf), moon (cancb:a), sun (arka), Riihu, lightning (vidyut) and bindu, which is similar to a blue lunar disc that illuminates all things. According to the SU (st. 26), when this last sign has arisen the yogin can see and then meditate on a last apparition in the middle of it, which is technically called the 'universal image' (visvabimba; Tib., sna tshogs gzugs). This text does not mention a 'Buddha's image' (buddhabimba; Tib., sangs rgyas gzugs) and 'void image' or 'image of the void' (sunyabimba; Tib., stong pa'j gzugs), which appear in the same context in other sources, such as the LKC and the LTT26.
belongs to the contemporary Theravada tradition, I am quoting here an extract from one of his books, as interesting comparisons can be made with the subject matter we are discussing here. "Now, the breath refines and calms further when We create a mental image (nimitta) at the guarding point. This mental image is only imaginary, it is not real. It is created by the citta, it is mind-made. You can close the eyes and 'see' it. It is like a hallucination that the mind creates by itself to calm the breath. To do so, the mind must be subtle. The breath, everything, must be refined in order to raise a mental image. The breath must become finer and calmer until the image is created. The mental image can be any kind of shape or form, depending on what is appropriate for the body of each person. Some people might create a sphere - red, white, green, or any color. It could be a candle flame, for instance, or a puff of cotton, or a wisp of smoke. It can look like the sun, or the moon, or a star. Even the image of a spider's web glimmering in the sunlight is within the abilities of the mind's creative powers. The kind of image depends on the one who creates it. The mind merely inclines in a certain way and the image arises by itself. It is a purely mental phenomenon that has no physical reality" (1989: 41-2).
25 It is worth mentioning that according to Naropa and Ravisrijfiana during the anusmrti the ten signs appear again and are related to the ten phases of love described in LKC IV, 126 (below pp. 104,266 note 82).
26 While considering the Sanskrit texts of the Kalacakra, we have to note that sometimes the three terms visvabimba, buddhabimba - which conesponds to the realization of Buddha's body of enjoyment (sambhogakaya) - and siinyabimba are sometimes used as synonyms and sometimes not. As a matter of fact, in LKC V, 115 (and VP, where NS 61c- 63b is quoted) we find mention of the buddhabimba, but not of the visvabimba, whereas commenting on NS 6Ic-63b, in both the LTT and the pilkinijiilasarpvararahasya (which is mostly based on the L TT), we find the compound sarvakiiratraidhiitukapratibhasa 23
In other texts (see, for instance, the GSU, the pVP and the TIS by Samadhivajra)27, there is no mention of night-yoga and day-yoga and only the first four signs aTe listed along with the cloudless sky, which is considered to be the fifth and last sign. The inversion of the first and second signs, which we fInd in some of these texts, such as the TIS and the liianodayatantra, is worth mentioning because it is criticized by VajrapalJi in his LTT (see below pp. 126, 289-90). He explicitly writes: "According to the master's teaching, the yogin first sees the smoke and not the mirage in the ether", then - a few lines below - he concludes by declaring that this order of the five signs was stated by the Blessed One in the GSU and also in the pVP. I was not able to find this concept in the Tibetan text of the pVP. On the contrary, while I was reading a part of the fourth chapter of this tantra, at precisely the part where there are the three stanzas quoted by VajrapalJi in his teaching on yoga28, I found a passage that seemingly contradicts VajrapalJi's statement. In the following transcription and translation, the order of the stanzas is in accordance with the Tibetan translation.
~a;iangaql bhavayet tasmat svadhi~thanasamaql punaJ:! I pascat saqllak~ayec cihnam anulomavidhikramaiJ:! 1130 ('apparition of the three worlds endowed with all the aspects'), which could be a paraphrase of visvabimba, instead of bLlddhabimba. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the compound visvabimba is glossed by Sadhuputra Srjdharananda with the words sarviikiiravaropetasilnyatii (, comm. on st. 29). Sometimes it seems that Ravisr!jfiana sees a difference between visvabimba and bLlddhabimba. While glossing SU 26, he strictly follows Niiropa's commentary and makes only a few changes. Instead of °buddhabimbadarsanasahitam [ ... ] visvabimbam, he writes °buddhabimbadarsanapilrvam [ ... ] visvabimbam, that is, "the universal image is preceded by the vision of the Buddha's image" (see also below comm. on st. Ja). In other parts of the GBh (see, for instance G, fo!. 26a6) the two terms are synonymous.
27 The TJS has been edited and translated into Italian by R. Gnoli (RSO 1966). An edition of the Sanskrit text with a commentary has been published at Kathmandu with the title TattvajiiiinasarpsiddhilJ MahiisukiJaprakiisikii, Dharmodayagranthamala (37), 2013 Vikrama Samvat.
28 In hi~ LTT Vajrapa\li quotes six and a half other stanzas from the QVP; see MS B, fols. 4a, 52b-53a (Cicuzza, personal communication). Other stanzas of the QVP can be traced in other texts, such as the SUT (ed. pp. 4, 27), the Vasantatilakii (ed., p. 15) and the piikinijiilasarpvararahasya (ed., p. II).
29 Aryaqiikinivajrapaiijaramahiitantrariijakalpa, ed. Peking, voL 1, # 11, p. 227, foL 272b.
30 The first two piidas are also quoted in the piikinijiilasarpvararahasya (ed., p. 8), which continues with the following stanzas: sarviiIigasLlndararp ramyarp sarviisaIiga- 24
I rang byin brlab pas byin brlabs te I I de la yan lag drug [dug: ed.] . bsgombyal
I phyi nas yang ni dam tshig gi II cho ga'i go rims [go rim: ed.] rim pa yis I (lines 1_2)31.
Thel-eiore, [the yogin) has to meditate on the sixfold yoga, similaJ: to a self-blessing, and then he will see the signs in their regular sequence. [ ... J (cf. Jiianodayatantra 12c, 13).
I mtshan ma yang dag mtshon par by'a I I dang po sprin gyi mam pa ste I I gnyis pa du ba 'dra ba yin II gsum pa me khyer mam pa yin I I bzhi pa mar me nyer 'bar ba I Ilnga pa rtag tu snang ba ste I I sprin med nam mkha' 'dra banyid I (lines 2-3). The first sign that he will see is the one with the aspect of a cloud, the second is similm' to smoke, the third has the aspect of fiieflies, the fourth is a shining lamp, and the f'rfth is a continuous light, similar to a cloudless sky.
sarvajfiahetukrup. tad dhi siddhinikate nivartakam I paseau mayopamakarrup. svapnakarrup. k~aI.1at k~aI.1am II I de ni thams cad mkhyen pa'i rgyu II dngos grub nye bar ' gyur pa yin I I phyi nas sgyu ma'i mam pa ltarllrmi lam mam par skad cig 'gyur I (line 3)32.
The [initial sign] is caused by the Omniscient One, and does not detennine the attainment of the [[[mundane]]) perfections. Later, moment by vivarjitam II ramyarp tu cfiikinlcakrarp sviidhi~thanarp mahiidbhutam I yad tldeti k~aJlenaiva gUI11piick1prasiidatl0l1. See also DhifJ 10 (1990) 28. 31 We find the reading go rims (for go lim) in the sTog Palace Kanjur, fol. 161b7 (H. Isaacson, personal communication). In the Tibetan translation (Peking ed.) of the ~y this verse has been translated with the following words: I yan lag drug sgom [bsgoms: sDe-dge) de las ni II slar yang rang byin brlab pa ste II byin brlabs [rlabs: sDe-dge) mam pa'i rim pa yis II phyi nas mtshan ma mtshon par bya I.
32 In the Tibetan text of the ~y this verse has been translated with the following words: I de ni thams cad mkhyen pa 'i rgyu II dngos grub nye bar 'jug byed pa II phyi nas sgyu ma 'i mam pa ste II rmi lam mam pa skad cig las I.
moment, the [[[manifestations]] of the other signs having an] aspect similar to that of Maya, the aspect of a dream, appea?3.
sidhyaty ase~aniJ:!se~arp traidhatukarp caracararn I Iokadhatu~u sarve~u yavanto vajradehinaJ:! II
I kharns gsurn rgyu dang rni rgyu ba'i II rna Ius Ius pa rnedpa 'grub I I 'jig rten kharns ni tharns cad du I I ji srid rdo rje'i Ius can marns (lines 3-4)34.
The entire universe (with its movable and immovable entities) attains realization as faT as the number of adamantine creatures is concerned in all the world~5.
GSU, 150cd-151
1) dhiima (Tib., du ba)
2) marlcika (Tib., smig rgyu)
3) khadyota (Tib., mkha' snang ba)
4) pradlpa (Tib., mar me)
5) nirabhragagana (Tib., sprin med pa'i nam mkha') TJS (II, 13-15)
Jiiiinodayatantra, 12-13 (ed" p. 8)
J;lVP (chapter IV)36
1) I11!ga!)"~l,1abha / marici
2) dhiimra (dhiima)
3) khadyota
4) dlpojjvala
5) vigatabhragagana
33 This stanza is difficult, especially in the first half. The translation, which has to be considered provisional, is based on the context (see below, pp. 289-290, and also SUr, GnoIi-Orofino: 233-34) and it is not supported by the Tibetan translation, according to which, the word sarvajiiahetllkam should not be taken as a bahuvrlhi. Moreover, "it is pruticularly noteworthy [ ... J that the Tibetan translators took nivmtakam to have not a negative sense but apparently a positive one; possibly they assume that here nivartakam is m.c. for nirvmtakam ([ ... J there is considerable confusion between niv!t and nirv[t, and indeed also some other cases where forms from roots used with both upasargas are concemed). The Tibetan translation of the verse as quoted in the ~y (see above, note 32) even translates 'jug byed pa, as if reading/understanding pravmtakam. This reading might most naturally be understood 'which urge one onward when siddhi is near', the idea being that the practitioner would be encouraged by the signs" (H. Isaacson, personal communication). The reading pravmtakam occurs also in the SUr (ed., p. 40; NAK, MS 5-116, NGMPP, Mf. B 94/9, fo1. 43a3).
34 In the. Tibetan translation of the ~y this verse has been translated with the following words: I 'jig rten khams ni thams cad du I I ji srid rdo rje'i ius dang idan II khanJs gsum 19yU dang mi rgyu ba I I ma ius ius pa med par 'grub I. 35 I have also consulted a MS of the piikinlvajrapaiijaratippa1,1I, but the gloss on these verses seems to be COlTUpt (Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, MS 230, NGMPP, Mf. C26/3, fols. 3br 4al)'
36 See also Appendix IX.
Both PUI.1farilca in the VP (comm. on LKCV, 115) and VajrapaI,li in the LTT quote NS IV, 20c-22b (61c-63b) as the scriptural basis for the six signs of the day-yoga, jviiIa, and so on. It is interesting to note that these stanzas of the NS have also been quoted and commented on the piikinijaIasarpvaTm'ahasya by Anailgayogin, using almost the same words as VajrapaI,li37. However, since the cloudless sky and the apparition of the three worlds endowed with all the aspects are counted in the sign list, the passage of the NS in this text is interpreted as a reference to eight signs and not six38.
SU, 26; LKC V, 115
1) dhilma (smoke)
2) mariCi (mirage)
3) khadyota (firefly)
4) pradlpa (lamp)
'" nirabhragagana
5) jviila (flame)
6) candra (moon)
7) arka (sun)
8) vajra (Rahu)
9) paramakalii (vidyut)
10) bindu
- buddhabimba
DiikinijiilasaJpvararahasya (ed., p. 7)
1) nirabhragagana
2) jfiana
3) candra
4) silrya
5) Riihu
6) vidyut
7) citta (bindu)
8) sarviikaratraidhatukapratibhasa
The perception of these signs corresponds to what could be described as an initial realization of the voidness. These, in fact, are described as existing realities but devoid of self-nature and transcending material nature. In order to explain the nature of this vision, which lacks conceptual construction (voidness cannot be understood as a concept), a simile is given in the SU (vv. 24-34): the yogin's vision is similar to the vision seen by a virgin in the mirror during the magical image (pratisena) rite39. The 37 Anangayogin bases the major part of his work on Vajrapa1)i's LTT, which he quotes copiously.
38 The I)iikinijiilasarpvararahasya by Anangayogin is also included in the I)iikiniguhyasamayasiidhanamiiliitantrariija (NAK, MS 3-719, NGMPP, Mf. AI40/4, fols. 1l0b4-117a7).
39 On this divinatory rite, see Orofino 1994a; PAJS (VP, ed., vol. III, pp. 87-8). In Hindu works the same ritual is called prasenii (cf., for example, Bha\\otpala's gloss on Brhatsarphitii 76; Tantriilokaviveka III, 65). Another litual similar to the pratisenii rite is
commentators on these verses of the SU and also Ravisrljiii'ina in his GBh (these stanzas are also quoted in the -,?Y) diverge on only a few points (see below pp. 115-19,280-83)40.
S.B. Dasgupta (1969: 107-8) gives an interesting explanation of the meaning of the five signs mentioned in the GSU according to a MS commentary on the MmmakaJikatantra preserved in Paris (Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Sans. No. 83, p. 45b): "In the commentary on the Mmmakalika- tantra it has been explained that the sign of mirage signifies the knowledge about the nature of the world, which at that time appears to the yogin to be as illusory as a mirage. When the illusory nature of the Dhmmas is thus realised, there remains no appearance (pratibhasa) , and, therefore, everything appears to be smoky, a mere illusory happening through the collocation of the causes and conditions like the origination of an elephant in magic; this dependent origination (pratitya-samutpada) is the smoky nature of the world and hence is the second sign. Again as for the third sign it is said that as the firefly shines in the sky now and then for a single moment, so also in this stage perfect knowledge appears through the void-nature of the Dharmas like momentary flashes and hence is the appropriateness of the third sign. In the fourth stage knowledge becomes as bright as a burning lamp and in the fifth or the final stage it becomes like the clear blue mid-day sky of autumn".
2) The second limb of the yoga, contemplation (dhyiina), consists in stabilizing the mind and consolidating the image arising at the end of the signs. It takes place in five phases corresponding to the five moments into which the first of the four dhyanas (jhana) was divided in ancient Buddhism41 : examination (vitm-ka), analysis (vieara), joy (Pdtl) , bliss (sukha) and the fixedness of thought on a single object (eittaikagratif)42. In described in the HT (I.ii, 28) and explained in the HTPT by Vajragarbha (Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, MS 128, NGMPP, Mf. CI4/6, fol. 42a). Stanzas' of the HT are numbered here according to the edition by G.W. Fan'ow and l. Menon (1992).
40 Commenting on SU, 24-34, rNam-par rgyal-ba-dbang-po (Vijayendra) strictly follows Naropa's gloss (see dBan mdor-brtan-pa'i bljed-byang (SUTippaJ}lJ, Peking ed., vol. 48, # 2104, fols. 6b3-lOb4).
41 Cf., for instance, Sarpyutta Nikaya XVLix-xi (PTS, vol. II, p. 210 ff), Majjhima Nikaya l.v, 3 Mahavedallasutta (PTS, vol. I, p. 294), Digha Nikaya XXXIILi, 11 (PTS, vol. III, p. 222). See also Zigmund-Cerbu 1963: 132; Griinbold 1983a: 32; Gnoli 1994: 96. 42 Sometimes cittaikagrata is called samtidhi: cf. Sarpyutta Nikaya XXXV, 99 and commentary (Sarattha Pakasini by Buddhaghosa), ADhK VIII, 7 (ed. by S.D. Sastrl, p. 28
the LKC (IV, 116) there is another list: prajfia, tarka, vicara, rati and niscalasukha (in the VP this latter moment is identified by PUl).;larika with cittaikagratay.
According to Theravada practice, vitakka (applied thought) and vicara (sustained thought) operate together; vitakka has the function of directing the mind to an object (the breath, and so on), whereas vicara has the characteristic of keeping attention on it. Whenever the object is out of the awareness-field, the yogin leads his mind back to it through the vitakka43 . Buddhaghosa writes: "Applied thought is like the hand that grips firmly and sustained thought is like the hand that rubs, when one grips a tarnished metal dish filmly with one hand and rubs it with powder and oil and a wollen pad with the other hand" (trans. NaI).amoli Bhildffiu, pp. 148-9)44. After this initial phase, characterized by vitakka and vicara, a state of contentment or happiness (pftl) arises45 . In this state the mind is contented and the body refreshed. Pfti is not peaceful, for it is characterized by a kind of excitement or disturbance of the mind that ceases only when bliss (sukha) takes over. Bliss is a state of joy that follows and intensifies pfti. Body and mind are calm and pacified. One-pointedness (ekaggatay is the last phase of the first jhana. The yogin's mind is fully focused on one single point, on the chosen object for the meditation.oo In the Kalacakra texts, these five dhyiina phases are explained in a slightly different way. The principal differences are in the explanation of the first two factors and the last one. Vitarka is the vision of the three 1140), Arthaviniscayasiitranibandhana (ed. by N.H. Samtani, p. 181), GSPU (ed., p. 52). On vitarka and vicara, see also Stcherbatsky 19882: 104-5. 43 In this context the translation of vitakka and vicifra with 'applied thought' and 'sustained thought' could be misleading. We should remember that, strictly speaking, the practice of vitakka and vicifra does not entail any kind of 'thought': at least in the way in which it is ordinarily meant. The reflective activity of mind, even if still partially present, is reduced here to its capacity of focusing and maintaining the awareness on the chosen object of meditation: " ... the first level of absorption still comprises elements of reflection and mental discourse: thoughts arise (applied thought) and are pursued (sustained thought). However, these reflective activities are sllictly integrated in the meditative process and serve to strengthen it. Applied thought consists of applying of focusing the thinking capacity of the mind exclusively on the meditation subject (and on the counterpart sign once this has alisen), while sustained thought means maintaining the reflective activity steady on the subject, without distractions" (Solt~-Leris 1986: 59). 44 Visuddhimagga IV Parhavfkasi{laniddeso (ed., p. 142): malaggahital[l kal[lsabhifjanal[l ekena hatthena dafh8l[l gahetvif, itarena hatthena cU{l{latelaviflajJgupakena parimajjantassa, dalhagaha{lahauho viya vitakko, parimajjanahattho viya vicifro. 45 In the Visuddhimagga, five kinds of pHi are listed, see trans. pp. 149-51.
worlds, that is, of all the realities as an indistinct whole. With vicfira this vision is directed towards particular realities, which are seen in their individuality, but always in a non-conceptual way. Following the phase characterized by vitarka and view'a, pIiti and sukha correspond respectively to mental tranquillity and to physical and psychological relaxation (prasrabdhl)46. The last phase is a non-conceptual and non-dual kind of concentration on the universal image (vi§vabimba) arisen at the end of the signs. In it, the polarities of perceiver and perceivable reality vanish. 3) Restraint of the breath (priU;Jayama), the third limb of the yoga, consists of arresting the left and right courses of the vital breath and making it enter into the central channel, which in Buddhist tantras is usually called a vadhatf7 .
Two methods are described. The first consists of adamantine muttering (vajrajapa): according to the Kalacakra teachings it consists of the repetition of the syllable OIp. during inhalation, the syllable haIp. during retention, and the syllable alJ during exhalation (cf. G, fo1. 12b6_7)48. The second method consists of hafhayoga: the vital breath is violently pushed into the central channel once the bodhieitta has been arrested in the lotus of the wisdom (see below, pp. 270-71).
46 See ADhK VIII, 9 (ed., p. 1142). In the first two dhyiinas, sukha is defined with the word prasrabdhi. Cf. also Al1haviniscayasiltranibandhana, ed., p. 180. PIiti is called sallmanasya (see trans. L. de La Vallee Poussin, pp. 150-1). See below G, fol. 15a2_3; cf. SUT (Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 214).
47 The disposition of the channels (niirji), which are imagined in the human body and in which the vital breath flows, has recently been the object of study (Gnoli-Orofino 1994; Orofino 1996; Cicuzza-Sferra 1997: 122-5). The principal concepts that have to be kept in mind are summarized here: 1) the three principal narjis change position above and below the navel; 2) the terms pral}a and apiina (in the LKC, HTPT, etc.) sometimes have a technical meaning and denote respectively the breath that flows above and below the navel; 3) below the navel, the avadhiltI changes name according to the reality that it bears (cf. SU, 50, 56); 4) the channels reflect a microcosm-macrocosm relationship. G. Orofino (1996: 132) writes: "These channels are interconnected in a reiationship of wisdom and means, related to the male and female essence, semen and menstrual blood, in their tum differentiated into the standard Tantric Buddhist threefold division of body, voice and mind (kiiya, vak, citta), that is, from the most tangible to the most subtle level. Moreover, following a mal}rjaJa pattern, in their sublimated dimension each of them represents a Tathagata of the six families, related to the six aggregates, the six elements, the six sense organs, the six sense objects, the six action senses and the six actions. In this way the representation of the inner channels reflects a universal vision of microcosmic existence that is symmetrical with the outer macrocosm". 48 On this practice, which is explained differently in the GS, see Dhargyey 1985: 137. 30
4) Retention (dhiira1J8.), the fourth limb, consists of the unification of the vital breath with the bindu, viz., the semen, and the fixation of the latter in the four cahas of the· tlu'oat, heart, navel and secret parts. In each one of these cmas, only one of the four aspects of the bindu is fixed: the jiiiinabindu is fixed in the throat, the cittabindu in the heart, the viigbindu in the navel, and the kiiyabindu in the secret parts (see VP ad LKC V, 75 and Gnoli-Orofmo 1994: 151, note 4)49.
It is worth mentioning that Naropa also describes the practice of retention in his SUr when he explains the method for deceiving the ari~ta (Tib., chi Itas), the breath that causes death (comm. on SU, 77-78; ed., p. 54)50: after having assumed a sitting position with the legs crossed (paryarika), the yogin must press his right breast with his right arm and his left breast with his left arm in order to make the vital breath flow out from the right or left nostril and enter into the other one. Then he should focus his mind on the bindu, which is in the forehead, and meditate on the syllable mp. (which has to be conceived as a white line directed upwards) in the wheel of the navel. He should arrest the two courses while mantaining the vajTa (male organ) erect with the help of his hand. The exercise is correctly performed if there is no ejection of the moon (i.e., the semen).
5) During the practice of the f:tfth limb, viz., recollection (an usIIl[tI) , the yogin unites with one of the three types of consorts, technically called mudriis. The karrnamudrii is a real woman, the jiiiinamudrii is the mental image of a woman created by the yogin himself, and the mahamudrii is the consort of Kalacakra51.
According to a famous stanza of the HT, due to this union the warmth of passion lights the C~q.ali (Tib., gtum mo), the female energy or also the real woman. Her fire melts the semen (which corresponds to the syllable hmp. and to the moon)52 and the latter begins to flow downward, starting from the head 49 The bindu, lit. 'drop' (Tib., thig Ie), is identified in Buddhist Tantric texts with the bodhicitta, the 'thought of enlightenment'. Sometimes it is called "moon". 50 On the ari~ra, see SUr (Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 287-301). 51 Cf. Dhargyey 1985: 151-2.
52 See P. Kvrerne 1977: 31. In the HT (l.i, 32) we read: clJI;J(j51f jvalitii niibhau dahati palicatathiigatiin I dahati ca Iocaniidfn [ed., IocaniidIf:J; Snellgrove 1959 vol. II: 6] dagdhe haJJI ['hmp: ed.] sravate sasf II "CaJ).SUilI, ablaze in the navel, burns the five Tathagatas. She [also] burns Locana, and so f011h. When hmp is burnt, the moon melts". On this verse, see also Snellgrove 1959 vol. II: 36-7,. YoglJI'atnamiiIii (ed., p. 110). This verse is quoted in the commentary on the TJS (ed., p. 4) with the reading IocaniidiIJls ca dagdhohaIJ1 (cf. also VP, 31
and arriving at the top of the vajra with a gradual increase of pleasure. The semen passes through four states called prathamiinanda (or simply iinanda) , paramiinanda, viJ:amiinandc?3 and sahajiinanda54, respectively connected to kaya, viik, citta and jiiiina55• This descent, technically called binduyoga (lit., 'yoga of the bindu' or 'yoga of the bindus '), is related to the white fortnight of the moon. It is very important that the semen, also called bodhicitta, does not flow outward, because only then can the yogin transcend both concupiscence and non-concupiscence, the black and the white fortnights, and reach a pleasure which goes beyond ordinary pleasure. This pleasure is technically called 'immutable bliss' or 'unchanging pleasure' (ak~arasukha). When this pleasure reaches the highest degree, it is called 'supreme unchanging pleasure' (paramiik~arasukha) or simply 'supreme unchanging' (paramiik~ ara). It represents both the supreme level of spiritual advancement and spiritual realization in its essence, that is, the Vajra-holder, the Adamantine Being and his creative power. In other words, the supreme unchanging corresponds to a state of bliss and to the impelishable source of the universe56. The knowledge of the 'supreme unchanging', that is, the direct experience of it, is a state of pleasure and wisdom. ed., vol. II, p. 205, lines 7-8). Commenting on this verse, which occurs also in the Sahajasiddhi (I, 12) - the major part of the verses of this text can be traced back to the HT (see Shendge 1967: 129, note 7) -, Vajragarbha quotes 110 stanzas from a text called Paiicalak~ahevajra, the supposed miilatantra of the HT (HTPT, MS H, fols. 19b-25b; Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, MS 128, NGMPP, Mf. CI4/6, fols. 21a-26a). It is probably an explicative tantra of the HT. Vajragarbha considers the Paiicalak~ahevajra to be the miilatantra of the HT; see GnoE-Orofino 1994: 66; SfelTa (forthcoming). It is worth noting that in some MSS (of the Muktavali, Sahajasiddhi and HTPT) we find the reading loeanadinam and 'ham.
53 In the SUT (c~mm. on stanza 81), the word virama (lit., 'cessation') is interpreted as 'multiform pleasure' (vividharamaI,w).
54 On the term sahaja, see GnoE-Orofino 1994: 72, note 2. 55 In the HT these states are also called vicitra, vipaka, vimarda and vilak~al}a (cf. HT ILiii, 6-10; iv, 59-61). See below, p. 294.
56 Cf. SarvadurgatipariSodhanatantra (pp. 94, 272, line 1). "Ak~ara is that which is impeIishable" (ak~aI'arp [ ... ] ak~ayarp bhavati; Nirukta XIII, 12). The word ak~aI'a also means 'syllable'. The supreme unchanging is also the supreme syllable: it has the nature of the phoneme "a", which is the source of all other sounds. In the SUT (where we can find six explanations of the term ak~ara; ed. pp. 69-70) we read: paramak~aro 'py akaral;1 I akarasambhavaI; samyaksambuddhaI; prajiiopayatmako vajrasattvo napurpsakapadarp sahajakaya ity ueyate I jiianajiieyatmako hetuphalayor abhedatvat I sa ca kfilaeakro bhagavan paramak~arasukhapadam I ([ktmp ea namasangityarp "sarvamantrarthajanako mahabindur anak~araI; I pafieak~aro mahasiinyo bindusiinyaI; sajak~araI; II" [NS X, 2] miilatantre ea "akarasafijiiakaI; prokto dhannadhfitur mahak~araI; I vajrayonir jinendral}arp 32
After the bodhicitta has been retained, it begins to flow upward. This ascent of the semen is called siik~mayoga (lit., 'subtle yoga') and is related to the black fortnight. The semen passes through four phases called ni1}.~yanda, vipaka, puru~akara and vaimalya57. The whole process was clearly described by Vajragarbha in his HTPT58 :
kiiyaviikeittakiiraI.lam II tadyathii bhagaviin buddhal} sambuddho 'kiirasambhaval} I akiira{J sarvaval1JiigIYo mahiirthal} paramiik~aral} II mahiipriiI.lo hy anutpiido viikyatiihiiravarjital} I sarviibhiiiipahetvagral} satvaviiksu prabhiisvaral} II" [ef. NS v, 1-2] (ed., p. 69; see GnoliOrofino 1994: 352-3). The same concept is expressed in the AK ([ ... ] paramiik~aral} akiirasvabhiival}; ed., p. 21) and the Vasantatiiakii X, 7d (cf. also DhII} vol. 8, p. 44). The fundamental role of the phoneme 'a' as imperishable source of language (and thought) is stressed not only in Indian Phonetics and Grammar, but also in Hindu tantric schools (see, for instance, Torella 19992: 88-89, note 133; Padoux 1990: 235-43). 57 The words vipiika, nil}~yanda and puru~akiira are generally used in Buddhist texts to denote three kinds of effect (phaia). See, for instance, ADhK (ed., pp. 330 ff), Stcherbatsky 19882: 81, 106; Bodhisattvabhiimi, chap. VIII. Cf. Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 74 and note. 58 Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, MS 128, NGMPP, Mf. C14j6, fols. 55b-56a: tathatiiyiiIp gatal} srjmiin iigatas ea tathaiva ea I anayiiprajfiayiiyuktas tathiigato 'bhidhlyate II [HT Lv, 8] iti I iha anaya prajfiaya sunyataya yukta~ sunyatabimbena saha tathatayaip guhyakamale vajramaJ)iparyantam aprati~lhitanirvfu.1abhumau u~I!I~ad akasadhator lalalakaIflhahrnnabhiguhyakamale~ u viiyutejojalap!thivIjfianadhatusvabhave~u vajrayo~idbhage~u vih,taviin iti srIman bodhicittavajro gata~ I iigatas ca tathaiva ceti I yathadhobhagena gatas tatha vajramaIfer guhyakamale jfianadhiitor agato nabhau h;'daye kal!lhe lalale u~I!I~e urddhvaretasii I evaIJ.l yathii gatas tathagata~ siddh~ I dvadasanganirodhena dvadasabhUmiprapt~ I yatha lokasal)1Vrtya anandaparamanandaviramanandasahajabhedenagato laHilad adh~ I tatha viv!'tya ni~yandavipakapuru~akaravaimalyena guhyallalalar~ gata~ I tatba caha I nabhau ni~yandata prokta vipako dharmacakrake I sambhoge puru~akaro [puru~akaras ca: MS] vaimalyal)1 tu mahasukhe II iti niyamo vak~yamal!e I eval)1 yatha pratipadadipaficadasakalabhedena u~I!I~ad guhyakamale pUl1)akaliisvabhavenagatal)1 sal)1v!tyadhoretasa jfianacittam I tatha vajramal!er uddhrtal)1 yogabalena guhyakamalad vivrtya pratipadadikalabhedena sal)1pul1)akaHisvabhavena urddhvaretasa lalalakamale gatam u~I!I~e ~o9asIkalasvabhavena I evaIJ.l sal)1saril! al)1 rajodhatu~ kr~l!apratipadadibhedena guhyad u~I!I~al)1 gato 'mavasyante [[[gata]]~ j amavasyante: MS] ~o9asI kalahanibhedena I sa eva buddhanam vivrtya u~I!I~at kr~l!apratipadadikaliibhedena amavasyante ~o9asI na~lacandrakalabhedena guhyakamale gata~ I tatha caha sal)1vrtyadibuddhe I
adhas candraIIl!·tal)1 yati maraJ)e sarvadehinam I urddhve suryarajo rahuvijfianal)1 bhavalak~al!e [Olak~al!al)1: MS]II [SU, 86] atas candraIIl!·tasyorddhve kartavyal)1 gamanal)1llfPa I adho 'rkarajaso rahuvijfianasyak~are sukhe II [SU, 87] viv!·tya I
The GlOljOUS One has gone into the tathata and similmly he has retul7led. United with this wisdom, he is called Tathagata [HT Lv, 8]. Here "united with this wisdom", namely with voidness, [in other words] together with the image of voidness, "the Glorious One", the diamond of the bodhicitta, "has gone into the tathata' - namely, into the lotus of the secret parts to the jewel of the vajra, or, in other words, into the aprati~thitaniJ:vfiI}.a
- starting from the crown (the element of ether) and descending through the lotuses of the forehead, throat, heart, navel and secret parts, which correspond to the wind, fire, water, earth and knowledge, according to the principle "He dwelt in the matrixes of the adamantine women". "And similarly he has returned". In the same way as he has gone down to, he has come up from the jewel of the vajnJ (the element of knowledge), which is in the lotus of the secret parts, through the navel, heart, throat, forehead and crown, because the semen was directed upwards. Thus, it is proved that he has gone in the same way that he has come back. He has reached the twelve Earths through the arrest of the twelve limbs. As, from the worldly point of view, he has gone [downward] starting from the forehead through the four delights: the [first] delight, the supreme delight, the multiform delight and the innate delight; in the same way, from the superior point of view, he has gone from the secret parts to the forehead, through the four steps of nil}~yanda, ripeness, effort and purity. It has been said: The niJ:l~yanda is said to be present in the navel; ripeness, in the wheel of dharma; effort, in the (wheel of) f11lition; and PUljty, in the great pleasure.
This is the rule according to what will be said later. In the same way that from the worldly point of view and on the basis of the semen directed upwards, the bodhicitta, characterized by the fifteen kalas (pratipad, and so on), flows into the lotus of the secret parts, where it manifests in the form of the kala called pilrI}a, so also from the superior point of view and on the basis of the semen directed upwards, the bodhicitta (drawn from the jewel of the vajTa by the force of yoga) ascends from the lotus of the vajTa, which is characterized by the [fifteen kalas, such as] pTatipad, and so on, until it reaches the lotus of the forehead, where it manifests in the form of the kala called piln}a, and then continues further beyond until it reaches the crown, where it manifests in the form of the sixteenth kala. Similarly, for those who live in silT[lsaTa, blood (characterized by the pi"atipad, and so on, of the black fortnight) ascends from the secret lotus to the crown, where, at the end of the amavasya, it manifests in the form of "the absence of kalas",
namely, the sixteenth kaJi;i. From the superior point of view, in the case of those who are awakened, the blood (characterized by the various kalas of the black fortnight) descends from the crown until the lotus of the secret parts, where, at the end of the amavasya, it assumes the form of the black moon, namely, the sixteenth kala. In the Adibuddha it has been said that, from the worldly point of view:
For all beings, at the moment of death, the ambrosia of the moon descends and the blood ascends; the blood of the sun goes upward and the conscience of Rahu goes into transmigration [SU, 86]. And, from the superior point of view:
o King, for this reason it is necessary that the ambrosia of the moon ascend, the blood of the sun descend, and that the conscience of Riihu go into the unchanging pleasure [SU, 87].
The descent and ascent of the bodhicitta and their relationship to the cakJ'as is summarized in the following table:
suklapak~a59 (descent)60 (cakra)61 (ascent)62 kr~(lapak~a suklapaii.camj prathamananda u~(llsa-tiir(la vaimalya ~01asjkala dasami paramananda ka(l!ha-thrt puru~akiira piir(limii pLin;imii viramananda nabhi-tguhya vipiika dasami ~01asikalii sahajiinanda guhya ni~~yanda suklapaficami With the unification of the two courses of the breath and the ascent of the bodhicitta, a process of reabsorbtion of the elements and of the aggregates begins. According to a conception that we find in several works of the Kalacakra, such as the SU (stt. 57 ff), the VP (ad LKC II, 47) and the LTT (ed., pp. 58-9), and - with a few differences - also in the Yogasastra by Hemacandra (IV, 36 ff), one thinks that aggregates and elements characterize some specific places called maryjalas, in which the vital breath enters, moves and an"ests. These maryjalas constitute five parts 59 In each fortnight there are three moments called pilr{lii; the third of these coincides with the viramiinanda, whereas the ~orja§ikalii corresponds to the sahajiinanda (cf. SUTippa{ll, comm. on stt. 83-85). On the sixteen kalas, cf. Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 199 note. 60 Cf. VP, comm. on LKC III, 124; HT II.iii, 6 ff. 61 It is worth noting that the space between the ilfl.lii and ka{ltha, and between hrt and niibhi, is not related to anyone of these delights (iinanda) (cf. Snellgrove 1987: 264 and SUT, ed., p. 54).
62 Cf. VP, comm. on LKC IV, 111 (ed., vol. II, p. 206, line 8 ff). 35
in which we can divide each of the 'petals' (dala) , i.e., channels, of the navel and, similarly, the two nostrils. The left nostril- connected with the lalanii - is characterized by the five elements (earth, etc.) and the right nostril - connected with the rasanii - by the five aggregates (perception, etc.)63. Thus, the unification of the breath implies the progressive assimilation of the five m8J}ljalas flowing in the right channel (the m8J}ljalas of the elements) and the five mar)Cjalas flowing in the left channel (the m~~alas of the aggregates). These m~~alas dissolve gradually - the earth in water, and so on - and unify in the central channel where the m~~ala of gnosis flows. This process is summarized by a contemporary teacher with the following words: "When one is highly advanced in the stage of completion, one never allows the white bodhicitta to be emitted but, as it descends to the very tip of tIre genitals, without (it) wavering, one retains it without any emission whatsoever. It is at this point that one experiences the initial moment of immutable bliss and that the material components of the body and the various active energies begin to be exhausted. This process has begun and it will continue as one proceeds in the later stages of meditation" (Dhargyey 1985: 143). 6) With concentration (samiidhl), the last limb of the yoga, the progressive purification of the elements and the aggregates is complete. This purification entails the progressive suppression of the 21,600 breaths that occur in one day and one night and their replacement by the corresponding number of unchanging moments (ak$arak$~a) of pleasure. It is also connected to the gradual attainment of the six wheels and of the twelve Earths64: from the top of the vajra up to the crown, 3,600 breaths are suppressed and two Earths are attained in each wheel65.
Locana (Alqobhya)
P~c!-ara (Vairocana)
Vajradhatvisvari (Amitabha)
Ma:makl (Ratnasambhava)
Tara~l (Amoghasiddhi)
Visvamata (Vajrasattva)
pramudita; vimala
prabhakarl; arci~mati
sudurjaya; abhimukhi
diirailgama; acala
siidhumati; dharmameghii
samantaprabhii; jfiiinavati
63 See Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 276 note 1, 279; and below, trans., notes 99 and 119. 64 On the Earths, see below pp. 261-62, 298 .
. 65 See Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 76-7,133, note 3. During this process, the thirty-six elements that constitute the physical body stop their ordinary activity and reveal their adamantine nature: they appear like thirty-six deities, different (anya) from what they were before. The yogin remains in a pure condition devoid of conceptual construction. A halo of light radiates from the sunyabimba (or jiiiinabimba) and also from the pores of his own skin. After three years and three fortnights, he becomes a Buddha with a 'body of gnosis' (jiiiinadeha). "With the culmination of this tantric path, one actualizes the body of empty form of the deity and consort and attains the consciousness that simultaneously directly experiences all phenomena and is, itself, of the nature of the great immutable bliss. Upon this attainment, one has become a fully enlightened Buddha [ ... ]. Furthelmore, one attains the four-fold Body of the Buddha [ ... ]. Being a Buddha, one is now immensely capable of serving sentient beings. In just one instant, one is able to emanate oneself in many, many ways throughout the world in order to be of service to sentient beings,,66. In the ~a9migayoga tradition of the GS (which - as we have already seen
- differs slightly from that of the Kalacakra)67, during the anusTI1!1i and the samiidhi there are respectively an irradiation and a reabsorption of the mind. After the mind has been arrested, the above-mentioned five signs are perceived and the mind (or the three worlds) is radiated in all the elements. More precisely, with the gradual rising of the signs, a progressive dissolution of the elements (earth into water, water into fire, and so on) occurs until one realizes the pure light or voidness. The dissolved elements have to be radiated throughout the universe. In the samiidhi a kind of reabsorption of these elements occurs along with the realization of the unity of wisdom and means, that is, of a state of perfect pUlity. In this condition of purity (which is determined by the unchanging bliss, the last moment in the ascent of the bindu towards the u~.¢~a), the yogin gathers all the forms of existence, both movable and unmovable, in a single ball made of light and bliss, and inside this ball he sees the image of voidness (see above, pp. 20-22)68. 66 Dhargyey 1985: 157.
67 " ... there are two types of methods for attaining Buddhahood in the tantric practice. In the Guhyasamaja practice, for example, one actualizes the illusory body apart from the gross body and, in this way, attains full enlightenment. In contrast, in the Kalacakra system one actually extinguishes this material body and actualizes the body of the deity and consort. Both of these methods are perfectly authentic and they are completely effective". (Dhargyey 1985: 157-8).
68 On the basis of this description, we cannot agree with Zigmund-Cerbu' s statement that equates the Hindu tarka with the Buddhist anusmrti (1963: 131-2). See also Pens a 1969: 526-7; cf. above note 3.
The realization of the sixfold yoga entails a different way of perceiving oneself and the world. All reality is seen by the yogin as the manifestation of divine energies that, according to Tantric Buddhism, can be divided - for didactic purposes - into the families of the Bodhisattvas. Each one of the elements of which the world is composed is ruled by one of the Bodhisattvas or one of their partners: form (riipa) is purified by Vairocana, notion (sarp.jiiii) by Amitabha, and so on. In Kalacakra texts we have six families69. Vajrasattva is the head of the sixth family, which purifies the jiiiinaskandha, the jiiiinadhiitu, the manas, and so forth 70. Thus, through the sixfold yoga the yogin directly perceives and realizes the general interrelationship between all the planes of reality; an interrelationship that also extends through the microcosm and the different degrees marking the path of spiritual advancement. At this point, in some texts a description of reality is given that recalls some coeval (and some previous) Hindu speculations on the role of viic, the word. The joining of the elements to each other and even the succession of time (kiila) is descrilled as the combination and play of purely sonorous elements. Alqobhya, Khaslgin (Amoghasiddhi), Ratnap~ (Ratnasambhava), Kamaladhara (Amitabha) and Cakrin (Vairocana) are each associated with one of the vowels (both short and long: a, i, T, u, /, and ii, i, t, ii, J) and with one of the five classes of consonants, which are both arranged according to the order described in Kalacakra texts (see VP comm. on LKC I, 8): gutturals (ka, kha, ga, gha, ria), palatals (ca, cha, ja, jha, iia), retroflexes eta, tha, ga, gha, {la), labials (pa, pha, ba, bha, rna) and dentals (ta, tha, da, dha, na). Both the five vowels and the five classes of consonants correspond respectively to the elements: ether, wind, fire, water and emth 71. The list also includes a couple of vowels (visarjaniya and anusviira) not mentioned in the GBh and a sixth class of consonants, the spirants (sa, .9pa - also called upadhmiiniya - ~a, sa, .pka - also called jihviimiiliya)72. The latter phonemes (.fI, rp and spirants) are associated with Vajrasattva and 69 See, for instance, SU, 161-172, LKC V, 101-107 and below, pp. 297-304. 70 The complete table is in Gnoli-Orofino 1994: 79; see below, pp. 314-15. On this theme, see also NS III, 1-2 and AK (with AKU); GSPU (ed., p. 17); PAJS (VP, ed., vol. III, pp. 71-3); Tucci 1949:.67.
71 Cf. Newman 1987a: 417-8; HTPT, MS H, fols. 14a-15a. 72 Each of the five spirants belongs· to one of the preceding classes: sa is a dental, l)pa is a labial, and so forth.
COlTespond to the knowledge (jfiIina) element. Phonemes can be combined according to a progression representing the phonetic counterpart of cosmic evolution and involution. From this perspective, temporal sequence (the solar year and the lunar month), which is nothing but the external manifestation of the intelTelationship existing between all things, can be described in terms of phonematic combination. In the LKC (I, 8) we read: "A and so forth, the thirty - the vowels joined with HA, YA, RA, V A, LA
- are the digits of the moon. Also, the day-maker sun courses in the series of KA and so forth endowed with vowels by [ ... J 360 solar days. HA and so forth, that are also vowels, are the niiq1s. Gods, humans, and hooded nagas, as well as the birth places of living beings, are 'mantras'. Indeed, 0 king, the three realms are generated like this from A and so forth joined with KA and so forth,,73 (trans. Newman 1987a: 442-3). The 360 days of the year cOlTespond to the combination of each one of the consonants (30 in all) with each vowel (12 in all, if we also count J;!. and rp) (30x12 = 360). During the six months of the dak~iI;.iiyana, the southern passage of the sun, we have 180 days characterized by a short vowel and one consonant. These syllables are divided in six groups, each one cOlTesponding to the transit of a constellation (Cancer, and so forth) and to a class of phonemes according to the following sequence: Iia, Iii, ri!~ Iiu, Ii!, Iiarp, gha, ghi, gh!', etc. (see table in VP, ed., vol. I, p. 62; Newman 1987a: 458) - each class of phonemes includes 30 syllables divided into five groups of six sounds. The moon prevails over the sun and the night increases. During the six months of the uttal"iiyR+1a, the northern passage of the sun, we have 180 days characterized by a long vowel and a double consonant (sarpyuktavyafijana, lit., 'conjoined consonant'). These follow a regressive sequence: ssiiJ;!., ssT, ssii, sst, sSl, ssii, J;!.pJ;!.piiJ;!., etc., and cOlTespond to Capricorn, and so on (see table in VP, ed. vol. I, p. 62; Newman 1987a: 459-60). The sun prevails over the moon and the day increases. Newman (1987a: 451) writes: "The six series, KA and so forth, are the six elements, space and so forth, and the six families. The five in each of them are the five elements and the five families, i. e., in one month there are five sections of six lunar days - the five families". Rahu cOlTesponds to the transits of the constellations. These transits occur twelve times a day and, during each transit, on the microcosmic 73 adyas triI"(1sat svara ye hayaravalayutas te kalendor dinais ea kadyan vargan samatraI"(1s carati dinakaral} slinya~ac1vahnimanail} I hadya matras ea niic1yal} suranaraphaI)ino bhlitayonis ca mantra ity iidau kadiyukte bhavati khalu npotpattir evaI"(1 tridhiitol} II 39
level, the prfiI}a flows into the avadhfitI. Therefore, the temporal progression is strictly related to breathing and its flow in the najls 74. The white and black fortnights con'espond respectively to the fifteen short "vowels" (a, i,1", u, !, a, e, 81~ 0, aI, ha, ya, ra, va,laf5 and fifteen long ones (a, 1, t, etc.). Each of the two groups is divided into three series of five digits (kalfi, tithl) corresponding to tamas, rajas and sattva. Moreover, the digits - named respectively nanda, bhadra, jaya, rikta and piirI}a - are connected with one of the elements, ether, and so forth76. §3. SUBDIVISION OF THE ANGAS (SEV A, ETC.)
In some texts we find another subdivision of the yoga limbs. They are disposed in four groups, each one of which is equivalent to a different phase of yoga practice. The technical terms used (seva, upasadhana, sfidhana and mahasadhana) for these levels first appear in the GSU, in Vajrapfu.J.i.'s LTT, in the HTPT (Section Nine, stt. 50-51), and then in the LKC77. Vajrapfu:J.i and PUlfc;larika, commenting on GSU, 173cd-175ab and LKC IV, 120 respectively, explain that seva (practice) corresponds to pratyfihfira and dhyfina, upasadhana (near-realizationf8 to prfiI}ayama and dhfir8I}a, and sadhana (realization) to anusmrti. Implicitly mahasadhana (great realization) is related to samadhi.
This scheme does not agree with LKC (and VP) IV, 113-114. Both verses and commentary are cryptic, and the passage of the GBh in which these are glossed presents some obscure passages79• The most evident difference is that in LKC (and VP) IV, 113 pratyahara, dhyfina, praI}ayama and dhfir8I}a are all considered to be aspects of the upasadhana, whereas seva only represents an initial phase, in which the yogin performs some exercises of self-control, control of the breath (praI}asamyama), and so on, in order to achieve worldly perfections (siddhJ). 74 Cf. HTPT, Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, MS 128, NGMPP, Mf. C14/6 fol. 23a ff. 75 In the VP we read: akiirildilakariintii/;1 pancadasa svarii/;1- air u ! I a e ar a all ha ya ra 1a vii iti (ed., voL II, p. 33, lines 1-2). 76 On this theme, see also Newman 1987a: 381-2,418,442-70; Onoli-Orofino 1994: 220-1, note 3. On the names of the lunar digits, see also Varahamihira's Brhatsarphitii, 99.2. 77 See also OS XII, 60-76; Wayman 1977: 36-50. 78 Cf. GSPU, ed., p. 115: upasildhanam upa samfpe siidhymp ni~piidyate iti lqtvii. 79 The same text seems con'upt and must be emended in order to make sense; see below Text, fol. 13b6•
This kind of sevif, which represents an introduction to the practice of the six limbs of the yoga, can be compared with the 'common prac*e' (sifmifnyasevif) described in the GSU (stanzas 134-140) where, as a matter of fact, a distinction is drawn between the 'common practice' and the 'supreme practice' (uttamasevif). The 'common practice' is connected to the four vajras, namely, the four moments that make up the utpattil(J:ama (sunyatifbodhi, and so on), and to the laukikasiddhi; the 'supreme practice' is connected to the completion of the sixfold yoga that makes up the utpannakrama and to the lokottm·asiddlu-8O.
Invisibility, etc., Me called 'commonpelfections'. Buddhas have said that supreme perrection is the means of accomplishing Buddhahood. The means disclosed by Bodhivajra is fOUlfold. In all the YogatantJ:as it is always honoured by the yo gins. 'Practice' is called the fiIst, 'neM-realization' the second, 'realization' the third, and 'great realization' the fOUlth. Practice is twofold:.common and supreme (uttama). The common one occurs through the four vajras, [whereas] the sUp1"eme one occurs through the six limbs. The first [[[vajra]]) is the intuition of voidness, the second is the seizing of the lunm· bindu, the thiJ:d is the Mising of the image, and the fourth is the projection of the 'unchangings ,81. The practice occurring through the four vajras is the common realization. The practice occurring through the ambrosia of knowledge has to be accomplished always and in every way. Having perrOlmed the [supreme] practice through the sixfold yoga, [the yogin) will accomplish the supreme realization. Supreme perrection does not arise in any other wa/2 [GSU, 134-140].
A reference to the four vajras is also present in LKC (and VP) IV, 114, where the different moments of the yogin's generation of the chosen deity 80 We should note that according to Naropa (SUr, ed., p. 31) the uttamasevii is connected only to the first two yoga limbs (pratyiihiira and dhyiina), whereas according to the GSU it is related to all six yoga limbs.
81 See HT I.iii, 2. Gnoli-Orofino (1994: 209) translate aksara with 'sillaba'. 82 antardhiiniidayap siddhisiimiinyii iti kfrtit!iP I siddhlm uttamiim ity iihur buddhii buddhatvasiidhanam II (134) caturvidham upiiymp tu bodhivajrepa varpitam I yogatantre~u sarve~u §asyate yoginiirp sada II (135) seviividhiinmp prathamarp dvitfyam upasiidhanam I siidhanarp tu trtfyarp vai mahiisiidhanarp eaturthakam II (136) siimiinyottamabhedena sevii ea dvividhii bhavet I vajraeatu~kepa siimiinyottamii ~at;Ibhir migatap II (137) prathamarp §iinyatiibodhir dvitfyarp bfjasarpgraham I trtfyaIp bimbani~patti§ eaturtharp nyiisam ak~aram II (138) ebhir vajracatu~kepa sevii siimiinyasiidhanam I sevii jiiiiniimrtenaiva kartavyii saJyatap sadii II (139) seviiIp ~at;Imigayogena lqtvii siidhanam uttamam I siidhayed anyathii naivajiiyate siddhir uttamiill (140). Cf. also SUr (ed., pp. 29-30).
are related to the different phases of man's life and to seva, etc. In this stanza, there is also a reference to the correlation between human life and the four vajras, which in this case are the vajra of the body, word, mind and knowledge. This correlation is clearly expounded in LKC (and VP) II, l7ab. The kayavajra is present from conception until birth, the vagvajra from the first breath until the eruption of the milk teeth, the cittavajra from the appearance of the milk teeth onward, and the jiianavajra from the loss of the milk teeth and the consequent appearance of new teeth until the period in which a person is able to procreate (12 years old for woman, and 16 for man): garbhe sTikayavajTarp prathamam iha bhaved vaksvanlparp pTasiite cittarp dantodbhave vai punaT api patanad udbhave jiianavajram83 . In some Buddhist texts the same concept of samanyaseva and uttamaseva is expressed through another pair of terms: utpattikrama and utpannakrama84 . The first marks a phase that could be defined 'introductory', the second a phase of accomplishment. The latter phase consists in the practice of the sixfold yoga. It is central to the meditative practice, since it is the only means that enables the yogin to achieve the Great Perfection (mahasiddhl), mahamudTa. All the other practices, albeit necessary, represent preliminary steps based on conceptual constructions (vikaJpa) that merely permit the achievement of worldly pelfections85 . These practices can be also performed through some yogic exercises (breath-control, recitation of particular mantras, and so forth), but are not comprised in the practice of true yoga.
Sometimes no technical term is used, in order to emphasize the distinction between these two kinds of practices. In the LTT, for instance, 83 In the VP (ed., vol. I, p. 165, lines 3-8) we read: atra prathamarp garbhe srIkayavajrarp bhavati prasiltyavadhirp yavat, kayavayavani~pattir ity arthal,J I tatal,J prasilte vagvajrarp pral}asarpcaral,J prajJOtpattil,J I tatas cittarp sarpjfiagrahakarp dvatrirpsaddantodbhave sati bhavati I [Oo.J punar api dantapatantid dvatljrpsaddantodbhave sati stril}arp dvadasavar~avadhi jiitinavajrarp sukracyutyavasthalak~al}arp sahajiinandalak~al}arp naral}arp ~o;lasavar~avadher veditavyam iti kayavfikcittajfianani~pattikathanam I. 84 The compound utpannakrama has been translated in several ways, such as "process of the perfected or fully developed nature" (Shendge 1967: 134), "accomplishment process" (Orofino 1996), "completion process" (Newman 1987a), "processo di adempimento" (Gnoli-Orofino 1994), "Stufe des Entstandenseins" (Gronbold). It is explained in the GBh with the following words: utpanno ni{ipanna fikasabhavanagamyal,J I tasya kramo dhilmadimargal,J (fol. 6b4 _s). On the difference between utpattikrama and utpannakrama, see also Shendge 1967: 129-34.
85 Through mantras, and so on, one cannot obtain true perfection, see Advayasiddhi, 2, JS I, 5, GBh (see below, p. 248, note 37).
Vajrapal!i clearly hints at these two kinds of yoga: that performed by beginners with the aim of achieving worldly perfections and the yoga performed in order to reach the lokottarasiddhi. In both cases he speaks of pratyiihiira, but the distinction between these two kinds of pratyiihiira is clear. The first is performed through the utterance of the syllable DIP. and is connected with certain breathing exercises; the second is the first limb of the yoga. In the first case one can obtain the mundane yogin's nature; in the second case one can achieve the supramundane yogin's nature, namely, Buddhahood86.
§4. ANUPAMARAK-?ITA'S ~Y AND OTHER TEXTS ON THE SIXFOLD YOGA Anupamarak~ita, who is quoted by Naropa (956-1040), lived between the end of the X and the beginning of the XI century. His main work, the ~Y, cannot be considered original. Apart from the nine initial stanzas composed by the author, this text consists of a well arranged collage of quotations drawn from other works (see Basic Structure of the ~Y) and connected sporadically through short sentences. Furthermore, the central corpus of these quotations is also present in a later work, the SUr by Naropa, who quotes one of the introductory verses by Anupamarak~ita (see below p. 80, verse jha).· However, since Anupamarak~ita presents these quotations in a more linear and congruent manner than Naropa (cf. GnoliOrofino 1994: 101-2), the ~Y, along with the GBh by Ravisrijfiana, is certainly the most famous and exhaustive treatment of the sixfold yoga in the Buddhist tantric tradition of the Kalacakra87• This is proved by the great success of this work in India and Tibet beginning in the XI century88. 86 See below, pp. 284-86.
87 Anupamarak~ita quotes several verses from the VP, the LKC and the Tantrottara that are not present in the SUr, whereas Naropa cites and glosses stanzas 133-157ab of the GSU, some of which are quoted by Ravisrljniina in the GBh On Naropa's and Anupamarak~ita's date, see below, note 101.
88 One of the most significant parts of the ~y is quoted from the section devoted to yoga in the L TT by Vajrapagi (Peking ed., # 2117). He attempts to interpret the first ten and a half stanzas of the CST (also called Laghusarpvaratantra or Herukiibhidhiinatantra) - a work of seven hundred stanzas that briefly explains the teaching of the Lak~iibhidhiinatantra (a text that probably never existed, which is considered to be the basic tantra of the Sarpvara school) -, not only in light of the Sarpvara doctrines, but also according to the Kalacakra teachings. The tendency (also present in Hinduism) to interpret originally independent and not always consistent texts and teachings (even though belonging to the same tradition) as 43
As a matter of fact, several sources deal with the teacher lineage (gurupm:arppaTii) of the Anupamarak~ita school of ~acjangayoga. These sources (all in Tibetan, with the exception of the GBh) include: 1) the Tibetan translation of RavisrijfUina's $acjangayogatika; 2) four works by Bu-ston (1290-1364) (1: dPe-med-'tsho'i-sbyor-druggi- brgyud-pa, which is contained in the gSang-sngags-rgyud-sde-bzhi'igzungs- 'bum; 2: Bla-ma-dam-pa-mams-la-gsol- 'debs-kyi-dpe-le-tshanbrgyad- pa; 3: sByol'-ba-yan-lag-drug-gi-sngon- 'gl'O 'i-lim-pa; 4: gSan-yig); 3) one work by Tsong-kha-pa (1357-1419) (sByol'-ba-yan-lag-drug-girdzogs- l'im-gyi-gnad-bsdus-pa, a text compiled by rGyal-stengs-pa, a disciple of Tsong-kha-pa);
4) the Blue Annals (Deb-thel'-sngon-po) by 'Gos-lo-tsa-ba gZhon-nudpal (1392-1481);
5) a work by Padma-dkar-po (1526-1592) (dPe-med-'tsho'i-lugs-kyimal- 'byol'-yan-lag-drug-pa 'i-khlid-l'do-l'je 'i-tshig- 'byed). These texts have been studied by Gronbold (1982), who has analysed the differences between their accounts and who has also proposed a lineage chart in which all the teachers mentioned are placed in successive order, from Vajradhara until Padma dkar-po. All the sources, excluding the Blue Annals (Roerich 1979: 764, 800)89, consider Dharmakarasanti to be Ravisrljiiana's teacher; the same statement is made at the beginning of the Tibetan translation of Ravisrljiiana's two works dealing with ~acjangayoga (namely, the GBh and the $acjangayogatIkii). The admissibility of this affirmation is proved by the following arguments: different ways of explaining a single view is justified by a dictum often repeated by Vajrapal!i and Vajragarbha (cf., for example, HTPT, MS H, fols, 16b, 25a): tantral)l tantrfintm'eI}a boddhavyam, "A tantra has to be understood on the basis of another tantra", A MS of the CST (Peking ed., Tan trariijasrilagh uSaJpbamniima, vol. 2, # 16, pp, 25-40) is preserved in the Baroda Library (Gaekwad Oriental Institute, MS 13285, Baroda), It has been described in DhIJ:1 13 (1992) 7-9, where only the first four stanzas are published. Another MS is in the Kaiser Library, Kathmandu (Henzkilbhidh,Tnatantra, MS 410, NGMPP, Mf. C44/3), Among the commentmies available in manuscript, there is the Cakrasal)1varaviv!'ti (NAK, MS 3-720, NGMPP, Bl 12/21+1 13/1) and the Cakrasal) 1varapaiijikil by Jayabhadra (NAK, MS 5-112, NGMPP, Mf. B30/43; MS 3-365, NGMPP, Mf. B30/41). A modern MS of the Cakrasal)1varapaiijikii is also preserved in the IsIAO Library among G, Tucci's MSS (not catalogued), Stanzas of the CST can be found in the Abhidhiinottaratantra.
89 The Blue Annals state that RavisrIjfiiina was the teacher and not the disciple of Dharmakarasanti (see also Gronbold 1969: 129).
A) As we have said, in the Tibetan translation of the GBh there is a sentence declaring that Ravisrijfiiina was Dharmi'ikarasiinti's disciple. This sentence is not present" ~ the Sanskrit manuscript of the GBh, but is found with a few differences in the translation of the ~a!aIi.gayoga!ikii, the commentary by Ravisrijfiiina on another text by Anupamarak~ita dev:oted to the sixfold yoga (see Appendix VIII).
We should note that in the Sanskrit manuscript of the GBh, the sentence in which Dharmi'ikarasiinti is mentioned could be missing due to a case of saut du meme au meme, whereas it may actually have been present in the two copies of the GBh that the author of the Blue Annals declares to have read in Indian books, i. e., in Sanskrit manuscripts (Roerich 1979: 764). As a matter of fact, the declaration by 'Gos-Io-tsa-ba gZhon-nu-dpal, that Ravisrijfiiina's statement is an example of the unreliability of some of the accounts by Indian teachers (Roerich 1979: 764), makes sense only if the Tibetan historian believed that this sentence was really by Ravisrijfiiina and not an addition made by a Tibetan translator9o. B) The author of the Blue Annals preferred to follow Sakyasribhadra's statement (ca. 1127-1225) that Ravisrijfiiina was Dharmi'ikarasiinti's teacher. In this case, it would be logical to admit that Ravisrijfiana was elder than Dharmi'ikaraSiinti and that he was the disciple of Sadhuputra Sridhariinanda. Nevertheless, we should remember that, at another point of the Blue Annals, the same 'Gos-Io-tsa-ba gZhon-nu-dpal writes that Dharmi'ikaraSiinti (along with Bhaskaradeva) was a disciple of Sadhuputra (Roerich 1979: 761), the direct disciple of Anupamarak~ita91. J. Newman (1987a: 82, note 28) refers to a note by L. Chimpa and A. Chattopadhyaya where it is emphasized that two of Sadhuputra's works were apparently written for Dharmi'ikarasiinti92; a fact already cited by Gronbold (1969: 126-7). Moreover, in Taranatha's rGya-gar chos- 'byung (fol. 124a) it is declared that during the period of the four Sena kings the Law was nourished by Dharmi'ikarasiinti and others shortly after
- Subhi'ikaragupta, *Ravisrijfiiina, *Nayakapasri and *DaSabalaSn-93. 90 spyir na rgya gar ba dag la yang gtam nges pa med pa srid de I nyi ma dpal gyis mdzad pa 'i yan lag drug gi 'grel pa dpang gis bsgyur bar nyi ma dpaJ chos 'byung zhi ba'i slob mar byas la pap chen rin po che'i gsung gis nyi ma dpal ni chos 'byung zhi ba'i bla ma yin zhes gsung la I kho bos rgya dpe gnyis mthong ba la yang de kho na ltar snang ngo I (fo!. 6724_5),
91 That Bhiiskaradeva was Sndharananda's disciple is also stated in another passage of the Blue Annals (Roelich 1979: 795).
92 Chimpa-Chattopadhyaya 1970: 308, note 18.
93 Chimpa-Chattopadhyaya 1970: 316.
Of course, it is possible that there was a small age difference between Dhmmakarasanti and Ravisrijfiana, and that in some particular field Dharmakarasanti could actually have been Ravisrijfiana's teacher, but probably not in the ~agarigayoga.
C) Moreover, B. La! has recently pointed out (AK, ed., p. xxxi) that in the commentary by Vibhilticandra on one of the initial verses of the AK it is declared that Dharmakarasanti was Ravisrijiiana's teacher: "yat [ ... ] papgitacahacilgamapeT dhmmiikaTasanticarapad adhigatarp jiianarp tad dipyate [tat tipyate: ed.] likhyate samasat sarpJqepaf' (AKU, ed., p. 113). On the basis of these arguments, in the introduction of the GBh I have retranslated the missing sentence into Sanskrit. The whole passage, in which I have also made other minor emendations (see notes in the Text below), could be translated in the following way: Having honoured the Lord, the GloTious Kalacakra, and the masters (guru), who m'e burdened (guru) with virtues, I compose the GUlfabharaJ).i, a commentmy on the GIOlious [Anupamarak~ita 's] ~a;laiJ.gayoga. Here, the teacher Anupamarak~ita, whose flow of thought was purified by the continuous exercise of knowledge of external and internal [[[realities]]), spent twelve years at SrikhasarpaI).a94 meditating on the teaching of reality devoid of base and conceptual construction. Here, when he was sleeping, distressed because he was unable to obtain higher knowledge [lit. 'particular acquisition'] (vise~adhigama), he received a command by Vajrayogini: "0 son, go to Vikramapura95 , there you will receive higher knowledge!". Greatly esteeming her command, he went to Vikramapura, followed by his disciple of that time, the great learned Sadhuputra Sridhara96. Here, on a full moon night, at midnight, he received a teaching from the Blessed One who, having assumed the semblance of an ascetic, appeared in front of him: "0 son, this is the truth". As soon as he received this teaching, he entered into samadhi and the 94 According to J. Newman (1987a: 87, note 45; 1991: 70) "the Khasarpal!a vihilra was nearby and attached to the great SomaplIra vihara, the ruins of which are located at Paharpur, Rajshahi District, Bangladesh". See also Tatz 1987: 701 and note 31. See also Gronbold 1969: 57, note 3.
95 "Vikramapura is probably the modern Bikrampllr in the region of Dacca" (M. Tatz, op. cit., p. 700, note 23). See also Gronbold 1969: 58, note 4. 96 The author of the Kalacakrasadhana, the KalacakramaIJqalavidhi and the SVTippani The latter work has been edited by R. Gnoli (1997b). On Sadhuputra Sridharananda, see also Gronbold 1969: 126-7.
Blessed One vanished. Then, as soon as the night passed, he came out samiidhi. He, the glorious master, the mahiitma, passed on his experience to the glorious Sridhara, [his] honourable assistant. The latter, in his tum, endowed with supreme compassion, passed on his experience to the great learned Bhaskaradeva, after having understood that [his disciple) was from every aspect worthy of receiving the teaching. Subsequently, this glorious master, who was a great learned one, an omniscient one in a time of degradation (ka~iiyakiilasarvajfia)97, instructed Dharmiikarasanti, a venerable master, a jewel-mine of incomparable and unquestionable virtues, such as compassion. The truth has also been reached by me, Ravisri, a wise one in the series of teachers that is at the feet of the glorious master [Anupamarak~ita]. This is the masters' chain (G fols. 1bj-2aj). As we have already seen, this passage is also present, but with a few differences, in the introduction of the $ai;farigayoga?Ikii by Ravisrijiiana (see Gronbold 1984)98. The Tibetan translation of these two passages (that of the GBh and that of the $ai;farigayogatIkfi), which in neither case corresponds fully to the Sanskrit manuscript of the GBh, has been transcribed below (pp. 189-90; Appendix VIII). We also have some information about the date of Dharmiikarasanti. From the colophon of his KiilacakrabhagavatsiidhanavidhP9, it transpires 97 On the ka?fiyakiila see, for instance, Lalitavistara, XVII, 11-12 (ed. by P.L. Vaidya, p. 188), Saddhmmapw;Jljarfkasiitra, II (ed. by P.L. Vaidya, pp. 28-9); for other references, see Edgerton 1970 vol. II: 174.
98 In this paper, the Gennan scholar has shown the principal characteristics, the structure and the importance of this account, also on the basis of passages from other works in which this story is expounded (1: sByor-ba yan-lag dl'llg-gi sngon 'gro'i rim-pa by Bustan, 2: Blue Annals, 3: Chos- 'byung bstan-pa'i padma rgyas-pa' nyin byed and 4: dPemed- 'tsho'i lugs-kyi mal- 'byor yan-lag drug-pa'i khrid rdo-lje'i tshig 'byed by Padmadkar- po, 5: rOya-gar chos- 'byung by Tiiranatha, and 6: dPag bsam ljon bzang by Sum-pa mkhan-po ye-shes-dpal- 'byor).
99 iti srfmallokesvm·aninniipapu~cjmIkaviracitavimalaprabhoddh!'tal.l slikfilacakrabhagavatsfidhanavidhilJ samiiptai,J I Iqtir iyaIp k?mfipfilagopiilakiriita[sic, read °kilipo; in the MS preserved in Kathmandu (see below in this note) we read °kirftaO, fol. 48a5] ko[igha[itacar81,lasarasijamahfipal}cjitadhmmfikm'asantipfidfinfim II. In a note (Sferra 1995: 359, note 1), I erroneously ascribed the authorship of the Kfilacalcrabhagavatsfidhanavidhi to PUI,lqarlka. Two MSS of this work are available: 1) Tokyo (Matsunami 1965: 42-3, MS No. 100); 2) Kathmandu (P.B. Kamsakara, Private Collection, NGMPP, Mf. E22290/1104/5); cf. DhiJ.111 (1991) 10-2. The text has been published recently in DhiJ.124 (1997) 129-174. 47
that he lived and taught under the patronage of king K?mapala (= Mahipala II), who ruled around 1070100.
Thus, I propose the following line of descent: Vajradhara
(rDo-rje- 'chang; rDo-rje- 'dzin)
(dPe-med-'tsho; dPe-med-bsrung-ba) 101
(dPal-'dzin) ca. 1040 (coeval with Naropa)
('Od-byed-Iha; 'Od-mdzad-Iha)
(Chos-kyi-'byung-gnas-zhi-ba) ca. 1070 (coeval with Mahlpala II) (Nyi-ma-dpal-ye-shes) 11th-12th cent. .
(Rin-chen-' tsho)
(Bi-bhil-ti-tsandra) 12th-13th cent. 102
It should be kept in mind that, as already noticed by Gronbold (1982: 340-1), VibhUticandra was at the centre of different traditions of the $ajaiJgayoga. He would also have received the $ajarigayoga teaching by Sabar! (see Roerich 1949: 727, 796).
It is worth mentioning that in the bsTan-'gyur (rGyud-'grel) another ~y by Anupamarak~ita (vol. 47, # 2083) is preserved along with its commentary, the ~Ytjka by Ravisrijiiiina (vol. 47, # 2084)103. Both texts have been translated into Tibetan by Vibhuticandra. In the Tibetan Tripi!aka there are several texts on the sixfold yogalO4: 1) the $ajaiJgayoganama by VajrapiiI}i (vol. 47, # 2080), which is simply a copy of the section on yoga ofthe LTT by VajrapiiI}i (see below pp. 119-135), 2) the Triyogabrdayavyakarap.anama by Maiijnsrirajakirti (vol. 47, # 2087),
100 See Newman 1987a: 90. Cf. also AKU, ed. p. 113, line 20. Mahlpala I ruled between circa 974/977 and 1026/1027 and therefore in a period that, at the best, can coincide with the beginning of the first diffusion of the Kiilacakra teachings and the compilation of the LTT and the HTPT. J. Newman has recently pointed out that the LKC and the VP were probably composed between 1025 and ca. 1040 CEo See Newman 1998b. 101 It is worth mentioning that according to Taranatha Anupamarak$ita lived during the period of kings Bheyapiila (1008-1040) and Neyapala (1040-1075) (Chimpa-Chattopadhyaya 1970: 307). On Naropa's date, see Wylie 1982.
102 On Vibhilticandra and his life, see Steams 1996. 103 Anupamarak$ita also wrote other works (see Gronbold 1984: 55-6): 1) Srlkhasarpa, Jaiokesvaravistarasadhana (Sadhanamaia, 24, ed., pp. 54-62; Peking ed., vol. 79, # 3686), 2) Aryakhasarpapasadhana (Peking ed., vol. 80, # 4233), 3) Tiirasadhana (Sadhanamala, 98, ed., pp. 200-206; Peking ed., vol. 80, # 4313), 4) AlYatarabhatrarikasadhana (Peking ed., vol. 48, # 2105), 5) AJyamafijusrIniimasarpgltyamrtabindupratyiilokavrttiniima (Peking ed., vol. 48, # 2112).
104 Cf. Gronbold 1983c. In the sDe-dge edition (bsTan 'gyur rgyud), all the texts concerning the ~a;IaiJgayoga are in vol. pa, fols. 198b-328b. 48
3) the kyakfilacakrapfidasampradfiyanfima~ar;Iailgayogopade§a by Aryakalacakrapada (vol. 47, # 2088),
4) the Slikfilacakmpade§ayoga~ar;Iailgatantrapafijikiinfima by Avadhiltipada (vol. 47, # 2089),
5) the $ar;Iailgayogopade§a by Cilu (voL 47, # 2090), 6) the Yoga~ar;IaIiganfima by SrIsabarisvara (vol. 47, # 2091), 7) the Yogamfilfi by Buddhakirti (vol. 47, # 2092), 8) the $ar;IaIigayoganfima.tIkfiby Candrakirti (vol. 60, # 2651), 9) the $ar;IaIigayogfilokakrama by SrIvairocanavajra (vol. 65, # 2742), 10) the $ar;IaIigayoganfima!Ikfi by Pal!qita Smrti (vol. 66, # 2764), 11) the $ar;Iailgayoganfima (anonymous) (vol. 66, # 2765), 12) the $ar;Iailgayoganfima by Nagarjuna (vol. 85, # 4792). The major part of this work corresponds verbatim to a section of the GSPU (ed., pp. 116-9: p1'atyfihfiras tathfi dhyfinarp [ ... J samfidhir iti ~a~!ham 8ligarp kathyate; see above pp. 17-21). It finishes with a list of teachers according to the GS lineage 105.
The sixfold yoga is also dealt with in other texts. Among these, the Srlkfilacakranfimatantrag81'bha is worth mentioning. It is a short work of 47 §lokas, translated into Tibetan by Bhadrabodhi (vol. 1, # 6)106 and glossed by PUl!qarika (Aryavalokitesvara) in the Kfilacakratantrag81'bhavrttivimalaprabhfinfima (vol. 81, # 4608). The yoga is also u'eatened in some parts of the Srlparamfirthaseviiby PUl!qarika (vol. 47, # 2065)107 and of the commentary on the GS by Cilu (voL 63, # 2709). Other important teachings on the sixfold yoga are present in the works of Bu-ston, Tsong- 105 See Wayman 1977: 36,164; Gronbold 1982: 338. 106 J. Newman assigns the authorship of this work to Yasas (1991: 63). 107 The Sanskrit text of this important work was seen by A. Otto Francke at the end of the 19'h century. He sent the transcription of the first two folios to F. Kielhorn, who published it. This transcription complises stanzas 9-12 (see Kielhorn 1969: 838). At the beginning of this century a photographic copy of the MS examined by Francke was made by H. Maspero. Now, all hope of finding the Sanskrit text of the Paramal'thasevii is confined to the photos, because the original palm-leaves were probably destroyed in a fire that broke out during a robbery at the monastery where they were preserved along with other texts (see Finot 1934: 1-4). R. Torella has tried to find the photos of this MS among Maspero's papers in Paris (January 1996), but for the moment no trace of them has been found. Other verses of the Paramiirthasevii can be found in other texts (Subhii~itasaJ!1graha, GBh, SUT). On this work see Sakai 1960: 359-352. An incomplete MS of the Paramiirthaseviihas been recently identified by J. Newman (1998a: 314, note 5). The MS is kept in the NAK, where it is "misleadingly catalogued under the title Kiilacakratantra" (MS No. 5-7235, NGMPP reel No. B 30/31).
kha-pa (1357-1419) and rGyaHshab-dar-ma-rin-chen (1364-1432) (see Chandra 1966: 11_15)108.
Another short work (3 folios) entitled $arjangayoga is preserved in the NAK109. I thank very much Prof. Kameshwar Nath Mishra, who most kindly gave me a photographic copy of this MS in Rome (March 1996). It consists in a slunmary of a part of the GBh, which appears also with a few differences in the AP by Abhayakaragupta (see below, Appendix IX)l1D. §5. ABOUT THIS EDITION
The .$y by Anupamarak~ita has been critically edited and translated into a modem language here for the first time. The Italian translation of some passages, those corresponding to the SUr, is found in Gnoli-Orofino 1994 (see Basic Structure of the .$Y). As regards the critical edition of this text and its commentary I have adopted the following criteria. With the meeting of two vowels, or. of a vowel and a diphthong at the end and at the beginning of words, I preferred leaving the sandhi in the form in which it appears in the MSS, even if the latter contradict the standard rules of vowel combination and do not reflect a constant practice. In MS G, for example, we read: parvvadivase arddhariitrasamaye 108 Bu-ston' s teachings on the sixfold yoga have been edited by L. Chandra in Collected Works of Bu-ston, International Academy of Indian Culture, New Delhi, 1965, part 3. These teachings are divided in the following way: folios 295-314 concern notes on ~a;fangayoga, folios 315-324 genealogies of sixfold yoga masters, 347-360 preliminroy performances of ~a;fangayoga, 361-480 guide to the six limbs, and 569-574 the yantra of the sixfold yoga. Bu-ston also composed a genealogy of the ~a;faIigayoga according to the Vibhiiticandra school (TWB 5170.3: MA 3b) and another one according to the Anupamark~ita school (TWB 5170.4: MA 3b-4a). Tsong-kha-pa composed some vajragiithiis on the sixfold yoga (TWB 5275.56: KHA 52a; 5351: DA 1-22). "His oral teachings on the ~a;faIigayoga have been recorded by rNam-dkar-bsdod-nams (TWB 5388: NA 1-22), by Shar-kha-ba-lin-chen-chos-rgyal (TWB 5376: DA 1-5), by rGyal-stengs-pa (TWB 5352: DA 1-21), or anonymously (TWB 5375: DA 1-7)" (Chandra 1966: 13-4). rGyal-tshab-dar-ma~lin-chen wrote an outline on the sixfold yoga (TWB 5431). 109 It is pro"! of a MS refened to as a whole as 'Siidhanavidhiina (Bauddhagranthasarpgraha)': NAK, MS 3-693, NGMPP, Mf. A936!11, fols. 36aT 37b6. It has been described in DhiJ;18 (1989) 15.
110 Cf. 1) NAK, MS 5-21, NGMPP, Mf. A48/2. fo!. 26a\.s; 2) Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, MS 3827, fols. 64a2-64b3' Abhayalcaragupta, in tum, probably summarized this pro'! of the GBh. On Abhayakara's date, see Bilhnemann 1992. Cf. also Newman 1987: 92-3.
'vadhiitam instead of parvadivase 'Tdhm:atrasamaye 'vadhiitam (fol. 1b4) and °sarpkhyaya iinta instead of °sarpldJyayama (fol. 2as)111. In MS V3 we find gagane wfllr instead of gagana wfllr (fol. 273b3); °dt~?ya iti instead of ° dr~?yeti (fol. 317b2), etc. When the meeting of two vowels occurs at the end of a verse, I preferred putting two (or one) dap.cjas in the text and, if necessary, modifying the sandhi of the MS (or of the MSS). For example, in MS G we read yathiiTkka iti (fol. 7 ~), but I have changed it to yathw:kaf;111 iti.
In almost all the MSS used, we find the ending ° ml instead of ° arp before the palatals c, ch, j and jiJ. Sometimes we find the nasal 'n' instead of the anusvw'a when the word that follows begins with a dental or with the nasal 'n'. The anusvw'a inside the word (or also at the end of the word) is usually written as 'm', 'n', or oil', respectively before semivowels, dentals and gutturals; for example, in MS G we read sam vat (fol. 1 b2), sandoha (fols. 6al, 19b4), santati (fol. Ib2), sangraha (fol. 13a6, even if in the same line also the form sarpgraha occurs), kartavyan katharp (fol. 3b2), kiTttanan gup.oo (fol. 3b3) and 'stangate (fol. 24b6). In all the MSS the anusvara is often at the end of the sentence before the daI}cja I12 . The consonant or semi-vowel following an or' is doubled (with a few exceptions, such as in MS G, where we find gUrLlpw'arppmyam; fol. Ib7). The words tattva, sattva, and so on, are written respectively tatva, satva, and so on. The alternance of the palatal sibilant with the dental sibilant occurs in MS G, but without any regularity; for instance, in line 1 b3 we read sa ca, whereas in line 1 bs sa ca; in line 20as we find prabhasvm'a and in line 2b6 prabhasvm·a. In MS V3 we read sarira instead of smira (see, for instance, fol. 214a4)113. Sometimes, at the end of a word we find the dental or the lingual instead of the corresponding nasal, such as blJavayet nasikagre (B l , fol. 78bs), kwyat mantriti (B, fol. 57br58al) and ~a? nimittiini (G, fo1. 20a3_4). Finally, in MS Al we can note that before a word beginning with '3' it is possible to find a final Om' when On' should be expected, such as bhagavam aha instead of bhagavan aha (cf. fol. 45al)' Other irregularities III Sometimes an avagraha is used in order to explicit the sandhi inside a compound; cf. MS G, fol. 26b3, where we read slldllrjjayii 'bhimukhf' and dilrangamii 'calif'. 112 In MS G the final "m" (when followed by a vowel) is episodically precedeed by an anusviira (presumably a slip in handwriting), such as °vyatit8Ipm acittaO (fol. 3b t) and te~iimm indriyairCfol. 23b I ).
113 It is worth mentioning that in MS G there are other irregularities. For instance, we find nilysviisam (neuter; fol. 22aI) and Ilif:Jsviisaly (masculine; fol. 21 bs), and also nisviisa (fol. 26aI); gagaJ}a (fol. 20a2) and gagana (fol. 20a4). 51
can be traced; in MS V3 , for instance, we find dasavidhaJ;. dhiimao instead of dasavidho dhiimao (fol. 315bs). In all of these cases the sandhi has been standardized. Some words that appear in MS G could denote linguistic peculiarities: madda for manda (fol. 4a3), mahimam for mahimiinam (6aS)114, and susi~ita for susik~ita (6a3)llS. All the other changes I have made to the text (including the elimination of dap!jas or their shifting) are noted in the Critical Apparatus, with the exception of the double dap!ja, which I have placed only at the end of the paragraphs (in the MSS there is no regularity) and the verses. Sometimes I have also pointed out in the notes the handwritten corrections of the copyist (see, for instance, MS G, fols. 19b6, 21al)' The MSS used in the ~y for the section taken from the LTT belong to three families: A and Al belong to a hyparchetype [ex], B and BI , to a hyparchetype [~], and C to a hyparchetype [y]. I "have also consulted a modem copy of MS A (henceforth Ac), which G. Tucci brought from Nepal. It is preserved in the IsIAO Library in Rome (not catalogued) and is written on Nepalese paper in Devanagari characters with nine lines per page (cm. 32x16). There are some corrections above the incorrect words. The MS is numbered in the right margin of the verso. In the Critical Apparatus I have only recorded a few of the different readings of this MS. More information on it and on the relationship between the codices of the work by Vajrapfu;1i, is given in the edition of the LTT by C. Cicuzza (Serie Orientale Roma, vol. 86); therefore it is not necessary to deal with this subject at length.
The italics in the text indicates the parts that have been retranslated from Tibetan. Obviously, I do not claim to have perfectly restored the original text of these parts. However, I think that, at least in this case, a ret:ranslation, even if imperfect, could be useful in finding the original text in other MSS and in giving an idea of how this text may have been articulated in Sanskrit (cf. Seyfort Ruegg 1992: 388). In the Basic Structure of the ~y (below, pp. 63-65) I have adopted the technical telminology proposed by Ernst Steinl(ellner (1988). The paragraph titles have been inserted into the translation in order to help the reader; they are not present in the original work. In the text the words glossed are in bold character. Occasionally I have used two semicolons in order to place a sentence between brackets (see, for instance, MS 52
114 See below, p. 83, note on line 20.
115 See below, p. 83, note on line 14.
G, fol. 6b6_7). Additions are usually placed between two hooked parentheses « ... » and explained in the critical apparatus. Shifted sentences are placed between brackets ([ ... D. Furthennore, I have put the sentences or words that I was not able to understand fully or that seem 'uncertain between two cruces desperationis (t ... t). The Tibetan texts of the ~y and the GBh have been printed here to allow the reader to make an immediate comparison with the Sanskrit text. For Tibetan orthographic transcription - which is based on the sDe-dge edition and the Peking edition of the Tibetan Canon - I have adopted the system proposed by T. Wylie (1959).
The transcription of the Tibetan translations1l6 is based on the Peking edition. I have placed in the notes all the variant readings of the sDe-dge edition.
116 The translation of the GBh diverges quite often from the Sanskrit text ofMS O. 53
(For the sigla used in the Critical Apparatus, see pp. 57-61) Abhidharmakosa
Abhayapaddhati (Buddhakapii!amahiitantrariija.iJkii) Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
Dhi{l. A Review of Rare Buddhist Texts. Samath piikinivajrapaiijara
East and West
Indo-Iranian louma!
National Archives of Kathmandu
Nepal German Manuscript Preservation Project
Pali Text Society
Rivista degJi Studi Orientali
Serie Otienta1e Roma
A Catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan Works on Buddhism, ed. by Y. Kanakura et aI., Sendai, 1953. Vyaktabhiiviinugatatattvasiddhi
Wiener Zeitschrift fijr die Kunde Siidasiens
A The MS of the LTT by Vajrapfu.1i preserved in the Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, and listed as No. 225, NGMPP, Mf., C 25/6. It consists of 30 palm-leaves written in Protobengali script (em. 55x5.5). Each page contains seven lines. There are a few COlTections in the margins. It is numbered on the verso in both the left and right margins. It begins with: oIp namap' sTicakrasaIpvaraya and finishes with: iti lak~abhidhiinad uddhrte laghvabhidhiine pj-99arthavivaT~arp nama prathamatikapillicchedap. II II. It was probably written between the XI and the XII centuries. Fol. nab is missing.
Al The MS of the LTT by Vajrapfu.1i preserved in the NAK and listed as No. 5-109, NGMPP, Mf., B 112/14. It consists of 50 folios written on paper in Devanagari script with nine lines per page (cm. 32x12). There are a few colTections in the left and light margins of the folios. It is numbered on the verso in both the left and right margins. This MS is described in DhiP. 11 (1991) 4-7. It begins with: oIp namap. slicab"asaIpvlll'aya and finishes with: iti lak~abhidhanad uddhrte laghvabhidhiine pi~9arthavivlll'~aIp nama pTathamatikaplllicchedap. II II. In the MS there is a lacuna colTesponding to the pmt missing in MS A.
Ac See above p. 52.
B The MS of the LTT by Vajrapfu.1i preserved in the NAK and listed as No. 3-715, NGMPP, Mf., A 47/20. It consists of 65 folios written in Bhujimol script on palm-leaves. Each page (cm. 29.5x6.5) contains seven lines and two columns of which the first, on the left, is about II? More infOimation on MSS A, Ai A" B, BI and C can be found in the forthcoming edition of the LTT by C. Cicuzza.
half as wide as the second on the right. The MS is numbered in the right margin of the verso from 2 to 65. Folios 1 b, 43ab and 62ab are missing. It begins with: yojanaprayojanany abhisamvik$ya vaineyajananiirp niyamarahitaniirp svacittiibhipriiyeI}.a and finishes with: iti lak$iibhidhiiniid uddh!te laghvabhidhane piprjiirthaviv81·aI}.arp niima prathamaf;1 tikiip811cchedaf;111 II siidhyasiidhanasarpyogiit yat tat seveti bhanyate II vajrapadmasamiiyogiitm upasiidhanam ucyate II siidhanarp ciilanarp proktarp hurpphatkiiJ'asamanvitarp II II svabhiivarp svasukharp siirptam mahiisiidhanam ucyate II II. The last two verses, which conespond to GSU 176-177, have been added by a later hand. B 1 The MS of the L TT by VajrapaI).i preserved in the NAK and listed as No. 4-2489, NGMPP, Mf., A 135/23. It is a modern copy made on Nepalese paper and written in Nevari script. Each page (cm. 31.5x12.5) contains seven lines. The MS consists of 88 folios numbered in the right margin of the verso. The MS is incomplete. Folio 18ab is missing and in folios 33b, 60a and 84a there are lacunas. These latter conespond to the missing parts of MS B. It begins with: yojanaprayojanany abhisarpvik$ya vaineyajananiirp niyamarahitaniirp svacittiibhip1'iiyeI}.a and finishes with: III lak$iibhidhaniid uddh!'te laghvabhidhiine piI}.rjiirthavivaraI}.arp niima prathamaf;1 tikiiparicchedaf;111 II subharp II II siidhyasiidhanasarpyogiit yat tat seveti bhanyate II vajT8padmasamiiyogiim upasiidhanam ucyate II siidhanarp ciilanarp proktarp hurpphatkiirasamanvitarp II svabhiivarp svasukharp santam mahiisiidhanam ucyate II Illikhitarp [- - -J II II subharp II.
C A photographic copy of 50 palm-leaves of the LTT preserved in the IsIAO Library of Rome (not catalogued) in four negatives and a photo between the MSS of G. Tucci. The folios contain five lines per page. The conections are found above the first line and below the fifth. The numbers, which appear in the left margin, are not easily legible. Folios 31ab, 34ab, 35ab and 49a are missing. The beginning words are not easily legible until himagiritanayii (stanza 1). The last folio finishes with: iha lak$iibhidhiiniid uddh!·te laghutantre 'smin laukikalokott81·asiddhisii. It is in Nevari script. G The MS of the GBh preserved in the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. It is listed as Hodgson Sanskrit Collection, No. 68. The MS consists of 29 f;llios (em. 30.5x5) 58
numbered on the light side of the verso from 1 to 28 with seven lines per page (except fols. 16a-19b, 21a-28b that have six lines and fol. 29a that has two liiles). It is in Nevan script. See also Dhi1;121 (1996) 24-5.
H The MS of the HTPT by Vajragarbhadasabhfimisvara preserved in the NAK. It is listed as No. 3-693, NGMPP, Mf. A 1267/6. It begins with: namap slihevajraya II lokacm:avivmjitarp jinamayarp nityoditarp vyapinarp nirdvarpdvarp vimalarp nilindljyasukharp sarvajiiam evarp pm·am I siintarp cittam acittacittam ajafjarp sm-vencbjyarp sarvato buddhiiniiIp. prm;llpatya kayam amrtarp svabhavikarp bodhaye II and finishes abruptly with the words: atra laghutantre abhi~ekapata. The MS consists of 30 folios numbered on the verso from 1 to 44b. Folios 30a-43b are missing. It is in Maithili script. LJ The edition of the LKC by B. Baneljee; see Bibliography. L2 The MS copy of the LKC that G. Tucci had someone copy from a more ancient one during a scientific mission in Nepal. I have described this MS in a brief note (Sferra 1995, note 5). L3 The photographic edition of a palm-leaf MS of the LKC published by L. Chandra in Sanslajt Manuscljpts From Tibet (Facsimile edition of the Kiilacakratantra and of an unidentified palm-leaf manuscript, both from the Nm·thang monastery), International Academy of Indian Culture, Sata-Pitaka Series vol. 81, New Delhi, 1971. The MS is written in old Bengali script and consists of 240 folios numbered on the verso. It is dated "parinirvi4J.a 1808" and "Saka 1186", viz., 1263- 1264 A.D.
L4 The edition of the LKC by R. Vira and L. Chandra; see Bibliography. (T) indicate a particular reference to the Tibetan translation of the LKC according to the Peking edition (reprinted in the book along with the Mongolian translation, pp. 53-331).
Nc The MS of the AK by Ravisrijfiiina preserved in the Cambridge University Library and listed as No. 1108. It was described by C. Bendall with the following words: "Palm-leaf; 53 leaves, 6-7 lines, 13x2 in.; dated N.S. 512 (A.D. 1392). Niinla-sailgHHippa¢ or AmrtakaJ. 1ika. Some leaves are rather broken at the edges, and many pages,
especially those at the beginning, are bluned and illegible. For this Commentary on the Nama-sanglti entitled the Am]1a-K3.I}ika, see R.A.S. Cat. No. 35. Begins: vi~ayavi~ayivyomiisle~aprav~tanimittakarp. ravisasitamovartmiiv~ttyiisariiricalahiyarp. I' [ .. .]" (Bendall 1883: 29).
Nk The MS of the AK by Ravisrljfiiina preserved in the Kaiser Library, Kathmandu, and listed as No. 9-133 Mf. C 14/10. The MS consists of 70 folios numbered on the right and left side of the verso from 1 to . 70. Most of the MS has nine lines per page. It begins with: aIp nama buddhaya II vi~ayavi~ayivyamasle~apravrttanimittakaJ.i. and finishes with: tadfitmasukhanippatya hr~!aJ.i. I ayatisukhani~patya (cf. ed., p. 109). It is in NeviirI script.
Nt The photographic copy of a palm-leaf MS of the AK by RavisrIjfiiina preserved in the NAK and listed as 4-21, NGMPP, Mf. B 24/23). It consists of 101 leaves and begins with: aIp nama maiijunfithaya II vi~ayavi~aylvyamasle~ap1"avrttanimittaka{1 (fo1. 1 b) and finishes with: yatha dr~!arp tatha likhitarp lekhika nasti da~a{1 I subham astu sal"vada II (fo1. lOla). The folios are numbered on the right side of the verso from 1 to 100 with five lines per page (except fo1. lOla that has two lines). The leaf that contains folios 97a and 97b is the only damaged one. It is in Neviiri script. A photo of this MS is also preserved in the IsIAO Library among G. Tucci's MSS (not catalogued).
T The Tibetan translation of the -?Y (sByor-ba yan-Iag drug-pa) by Anupamarak~ita (dPe-med-pas gsungs-pa) that was rendered by Vibhuticandra and Mi-mnyam bzang-po with the help of Blo-grosbrtan- pa. When a specific reference is made to one of the two editions of this version that I studied (Peking or sDe-dge), the siglum T is replaced by P or D respectively. More complete information is given in Bibliography.
T I The Tibetan translation of the GBh (INal- 'byal"-yan-lag-drug-gi bljedbyang- yon-tan-gyis- 'gengs-pa shes-bya-ba) by Ravisrljfiana (Nyi-ma dpal-ye-shes) that was rendered by Vibhuticandra and revised by Blogros- brtan-pa. As with the siglum T, PI and DI indicate a particular reference to the Peking or sDe-dge editions of the Tibetan Tripi1aka. See Bibliography.
V 1 The copy of the first three chapters of a MS of the VP of which G. Tucci ·had a copy made from a more ancient one (apparently not V 3) during a scientific expedition in Nepal. I have desclibed this MS in a brief note (Sferra 1995: 360).
V2 The palm-leaf MS of theVP preserved in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta and listed as No. 10766/ R.B.4 / D 136. This is the only MS of the VP that is complete. It consists of 222 folios numbered on the left side of the verso from 1 to 221, with seven lines per page. It is in Archaic Bengali script. The P AJS is also included in it (fols. 186b2-206b6). Sometimes the margins of the pages are damaged. In general, the MS is correct: there are a few emendations in the margins and a few glosses apparently made by another hand. For more information on this MS, see Rara Prasad Shastri 1917: 79-82.
V 3 The Mf. of an ancient palm-leaf MS of the first four chapters of the VP in Bhujimol characters, which G. Tucci brought from Nepal. I have described this MS in a brief note (Sferra 1995: 360). 61
a ... a
~ ... ~
y ... y
0 ... 0
e ... e
1; ... 1;
TJ .. ·TJ
~ ... ~
K ... K
'A ... 'A
Il .. ·Il
v ... v
Citatum in alia. Stanzas ka, kha, gha, na, ca, cha and ja have been retranslated on the basis of G, where almost all the words are quoted (see below notes on the Text), and with the help of T (see below, pp. 153-54). Stanza ga is quoted in the AKU (NAK, MS 3-655, NGMPP, Mf. A 117/10, fol. 19a2_3; Tokyo University Library, MS 18, fol. 18b3_5; ed., p. 133). Piidas a and b are also quoted in the AKU (MS 3-655, fols. 11 bs-12al; MS 18, fol. 11 b4; ed., p. 122). Stanza jha is quoted in the AK (Nc fol. 18a5_6; Nk fol. 25as_9; Nt fol. 33b4-5; ed., p. 34) and in the SUr (ed., p. 48).
Citatum ex alia. In T the verse (LKC V, 127) is introduced with the words "[ ... J rgyud gyi rgyal pa dang po'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa" (= "[ ... J tantrariija iidibuddha uktam").
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from the PAIS by Pmy;!arika (V 2 fol. 187b4_7; VP, ed., vol. III, p. 62, line 23 - p. 63, line 5). Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. These 25 stanzas are drawlJ from the introduction of the VP where they appear in a different order (V3 chap. I, fols. 4b5-5b6; VI fols. 3a6-3b7; ed., vol. I, pp. 6, line 9 - 8, line 6). Stanza 19 is also quoted in the AKU (ed., p. 146; cf. also p. 127, lines 5-6). Verse 20ab is also quoted in the AK (ed., p. 3). The last verse consists of the first two piidas of a sragdharii stanza (V 3 chap. I, fol. 2b6; V I fol. 2a5; ed., vol. I, p. 3, lines 9-10). Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. The passage corresponds to LKC III, 2; IV, 232. Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC IV, 232 (V3 chap. IV, fols. 273bz-274a2; V2 fol. 168bl -4; ed., vol. II, pp. 249-50); it is also quoted in the SUr by Naropa (ed., p. 48/3). Citatum ex alia usus secundmii. This passage con'esponds to LKC IV, 113. Citatum ex alia usus secundmii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC IV, 113 (V3 chap. IV, fols. 31484-315a2; ed., vol. II, pp. 207-8); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., p. 43).
Citatum ex alio usus seculldarii. This passage con'esponds to LKC IV, 114. Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC IV, 114 (V3 chap. IV, fols. 315a2-315bs; ed., vol. II, pp. 208-9); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., pp. 43-4).
Citatum ex alia usus seculldmii. This passage cOlTesponds to LKC II, 108. Citatum ex alia. The following stanzas are also quoted in the PAIS (V2 fol. 206b2_3; VP, ed., vol. III, p. 102). In T these verses are introduced with the following words: "[ ... J dang pa'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa" (= "[ ... J paramiidibuddha ukta/f'). .
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. The following passage corresponds to LKC IV, 115-120.
0 ... 0
IT •.. IT
p ... p
'1: ... '1:
1) ... 1)
Cjl ... Cjl
x .. ·x
OJ ... OJ
aa ... aa
~~ ... ~~
Yf ... Yf
00 ... 00
EE ... EE
Citatum ex alia usus secundaTii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. an LKC IV, 115-119 (V3 chap. IV, fols. 315bs-317b[; ed., vol. II, pp. 209-12); it is also quated in the SUr (ed., pp. 35-6, 44-5). Stanzas IV, 115c, 116, and 117ab are also quoted in the AK (ed., pp. 30-2). Verses IV, 116 and 117ab are briefly commented on in the AKU (ed., pp. 142-3). Citatum ex alia. This passage con-esponds to LKC IV, 196-197. In T it is introduced with the words: "[ ... ] 'di nyid du bsgrub thabs kyi le'uT bcam ldan 'das kyis gsungs te" (= "[ ... ] atraiva siidhanapa!ale bhagavatakta1;J"). Citat1lm ex alia US1/S secundaTii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC IV, 120 (V3 chap. IV, fols. 317b[-318a1; ed., vol. II, p. 212); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., pp. 36-7).
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage con-esponds to LKC IV, 198; V, 113-114.
Citatum ex alia usus secundaTii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, 114 (V2 fol. 184b1.3; ed., vol. III, p. 53); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., p. 46). .
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage con-esponds to LKC V, lIS. This stanza is also quoted in the AK (ed., p. 30) and glossed on in the AKU (ed., p. 142).
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, lIS (V2 fol. 184b3_6; ed., vol. III, p. 54); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., pp. 37-8).
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage con-esponds to LKC V, 116. Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, 116 (V2 fols. 184b6-185a[; ed., vol. III, pp. 54-5); it is also quoted in the SUr (ed., p. 38).
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage correspands to LKC V, 119, 122, 121.
Citatum ex alia. This passage corresponds ta SU, 24-34 (see ed. by R. Gnoli and Orofino 1994b: 133-4). In T it is introduced with the words: "[ ... ] mchag gi dang pa'i sangs rgyas kyis kyang Tab tu gsungs pa" (= "[ ... ] paramiidibuddhe 'pi proktaJ/'). Stanzas 24-27 have also been quoted and commented on in the AK (ed., pp. 33-4). Verse 28cd is quoted in full in the SUTippaJ,li(ed., p. 122, lines 26-7).
Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. The following passage is drawn from Vajrapfu:!i's LTT (A fols. 25a2'27a6; Ac fols. 57b2-62b7; A[ fols. 42as-45b7; B fols. 53bT 58b2; B[ fols. 73a4-79bs; C fols. 41a[-44a4)' This paI1 is also quoted in the SUr (ed., pp. 38-42). Citatum ex alia usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from the L Tr (A fol. 28b2_3; Ac fols. 65bT 66a[; A[ fols. 47b9-48a2; B fols. 6Ia6-61b2; B1 fol. 83b3-7; C fol. 46a3-4); it is also quoted in the AK by Ravisrljfiana (Nk fo1. 61 bS_9; Nc fols. 45aT 45b2; Nt fol. 87b2_4 ; ed., p. 90). Citatum ex alia. This passage is drawn from Vajragarbha's HTPr (H fol. 12b4.6). In T it is introduced with the wards: "[ ... ] byang chub sems dpa' chen pa dpal Tda lje snying pa zhabs kyis gsungs pa I 'di Ita ste" (= "[ ... J mahiibadhisattvasrivajragarbhapiidaiT ukta1;J1 tadyathii"). Citatum ex alia. This passage is drawn from the SrikiilacakJ'atantrottara (= Tantrottara) (cf. TibetmJ Tripi!aka, bKa' 'gyur, rGyud I, Peking ed., # 5, vol. I, fols. 145as-146a3). In T it is introduced with the words: "[ ... ] rgyud phyi mal" sa bcu'i dbang phyug 'jam dpaJ zhabs kyis gsungs pa" (= "[ ... ] talltrottare dasabhumIsvm·amafijusrlpiidair uktam"). Stanzas 36-38 have been retranslated on the basis of d and T (see below, pp. 137-39, 182-83). Stanzas 34-35 are also quoted in the SUr (ed., p. 34); stanzas 39-40 are also quoted in RavisrijiUina's AK (Nk fols. 9ag-9b4; Nc fols. 7bs-8al; Nt 13b4-14a2; ed., p .. 15; see Appendix VI), in the plinted edition of the VP (vol. III, p. 156) and in DhI~ 11 (1991)52.
1;,1;, ••• 1;,1;, Citatum ex alio usus secundarii. This passage cOlTesponds to LKC V, 162, 160, 101-107; V, 98,163. Stanzas 101-103 are quoted in the PAIS (VP, ed., vol. III, p. 101), AK (ed., pp. 98-9) and commented on by Vibhiiticandra in the AKU (ed., p. 207).
TlTl ... TlTl Citatum ex alio usus secundarii. This passage is drawn from the introduction of the VP (V3 chap. I, fols. l7as-l7bs; VI fol. 9b4-1l; ed., vol. I, p. 19, lines 16-28).
fols. 4b, 5-5a, 4 vimaleti ... sambandhI: this passage has been incorporated with few modifications in Vibhiiticandra's AKU (NAK, MS 3-655, fols. 2Sa7-2Sbl; Tokyo University Library, MS. IS, fol. 27bl _6; ed., p. 144).
fols. 5a, 4 - 5b, 3 kiilacakre ... taddharasya: this passage is a summary of the beginning of the PAJS, cf. Appendix V.
fol. 12a, 1-6 idiinfrp ... nirmapakiiyena: this passage is a summary of VP, comm. on LKC m, 2, cf. Appendix I.
fol. 14a, 1-6 idiinfrp ... ityartha{l: this passage is almost identical to Vp, comm. on LKC II, IDS and presents only a few differences (cf. ed., vol. I, pp. 22S-9; V3 chap. II, fol. 63al_6; VI fol. 101119_14). fols. 15a, I - 15b, 7 bhiivagrahaflllIJl ... bhavet " iti: this passage is similar to a portion of the AP (see above, p. 50) and of a brief anonymous work entitled $ar;Iarigayoganiima (see Appendix IX).
fols. 15b, 7 - 16a, 4 ayantritaprapatayii ... °k~BfIaliibha{l: this passage is also quoted in the AK VI, 2 (43); ed., p. 29; cf. DhIJ;! 11 (1991) 55-6. fols. 17b, 5 -lSb, 2 iha siinya O ••• iti niyama{l: this passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, 119 (V2 fol. lS5a5_7; ed., vol. m, p. 56). fols. 18b, 2 - 19a, 1 idiinfrp : .. miirgapravesaniyama{l: this passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, 122 (Vz fols. 185b6-186al; ed., vol. III, pp. 57-S) and is also quoted in the SUT (ed., pp. 46-7). fol. 19a, 1-5 idiinfrp ... yogiibhyiisaniyamaJ;!: this passage is drawn from VP, comm. on LKC V, 121 (Vz fol. 185b4-6; ed., vol. III, p. 57) and is also quoted in the SUT (ed., p. 46).
fols. 19a, 6 - 21a, 6 asyaivetyiidi ... supiniintare sminn ityiidi: this passage (which corresponds to the commentary on SU, 24-34) is almost identical to that of Naropa (cf. SUT, ed., pp. 47-9). See also Vijayendra's SUTipPBflf (Peking ed., vol. 4S, pp. 4-6, fols. 6b3-10b4). In particular, the text comprehended between fol. 19a6 and fol. 20bl cOITesponds (with a few differences) to a part of the AK (ed., p. 33, line 11 - p. 34, line 10).
fols. 22b, 5 - 23a, 2 prthivyii ambhasi ... athiivised I iti: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 118).
fols. 23a, 6 - 23b, 2 asya pratinirdesaJ;! ... pratinirdesa{l: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 117).
fols. 23b, 5 - 24a, 6 pratyiihiira... dvitfyam angam: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., pp. 117-8).
fol. 24b, 2-4
fol. 24b, 5-6
fol. 25a, 2-3
fol. 25a, 4-6
fol. 25b, 2-4
pratmirdesa ucyate ... trtiyam arigam: thIs passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 118).
asya pratinirdesai} ... caturtham arigam: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 118).
The commentary by RavisrUiUina echoes PK I, 33cd, 34cd (ed., p. 7) and PKTippwJi by Parahitarak~ita (ed., pp. 23, 25). vajramargeI,l8 ... paficamam anusmrtiJ: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 119).
sarvabhavarp ... ~a~rham arigam: this passage is drawn from the GSPU (ed., p. 119).
GUQ.abharru:Unama~a;laIigayoga!ippaQ.ya sahital).+ namal} srikiilacakriiya
anirastasarviivara1'}iibhrajiile nil}se~asa1!Zkhyiintavikalpaviiyau 1
- nama!) srildilacakraya II
srlkalacakram isvaram abhivandya gUl)air guriin guriiIps ca maya 1 5 srlmati ~a;tarigayoge gUl)abhar8.l)l !ipp8.l)I kriyate II Ib
ilia khalu bahiradhyatmavidyabhyasabha*vitacittasaIptatir aciiryanu- 2 pamarak~ito niralambakalpatattvopadesabhavanaya snKhasarp8.l)e dvadasasaIpvatsaran anai~It 1 tatra ca vise~iidhigamam anasadayato dinamanaso * nidrasamupagatasya tasya vajrayoginyadeSo bhiit 1 3 10 gaccha putraka vikramapuraIp tatra tava vise~iidhigamo bhavi~yatiti sa ca tadadesaIp sirasi nidhaya tatkalaSi~yena sadhu*putrel)a ma- 4 hap8.l);titaSrldharel)anugamyamano vikramapuram agat 1 tatra ca kasmiIpscit parvadivase ardharatrasamaye 'vadhiitaIp samasthaya bhagavata sak~ad upadi~!a~ putraka i*daIp tattvam iti sa ca 5 15 tadupadesalabhamatrel)a samadhisamapanno babhiiva sa ca bhagavaIps tadaivantarhita!) 1 atrantare ratrir atlta sa ca samadher vyudasthat 1 sa ca mahatma srlguru*~ sahakaril)aIp tatrabhavantaIp 6 :j: On the. criteria used for the edition, see above pp. 50-3 II 1 namaJ:! srikalacakraya: retranslated from T (dpaf dus kyi 'khor fa fa phyag 'tshal fa) II 2 the metre of st. ka is upajiiti; stanzas kha, ga, ca, cha and ja are siirdUlavikrlt/.ita; stanzas gha and Iia are va1!1sastha; st. jha is miilini (atisakvari) II 4 the metre of the verse is iilJIG II 8 anai~it; ane~it: G II 9 nidrasamupagatasya: conjecture; nidravasamupagatasya: G II 14 after upadi~taJ:! a dalJt/.a is placed in G I after tattvam a dalJt/.a is placed in G II 15 bhagavarps tadaivao: conjecture (tada is confirmed by TJ: de'i tshe); bhagavas tedevao: G \I 16 samadher; samadhyer: G II 17 sahakariI)arp: conjecture; in Tl we read dka' ba mdzad cing (= du~karmaklirinam, "one who undertakes difficult tasks"); klesakarinan: G I tatrabhavantam: conjecture; tatrabhagavanta: G \I .. .
sviikiisadhiitiiv udita~ suloko vibhiiti lokeSvarapfin!acandra~ II [ka] srlsridhararp svayam adhigatam upadi~tavan I sa ca srlgurulJ paramakarul) ikalJ sarvatha bhajanam adhigamya svadhigatarp mahapal); Iitarp bhaskaradevarp prasadIkrta*van I tato 'pi mahapal) ;lita- 7 5 srIgurulJ ka~ayakalasarvajfio dharmakarasantim upadi~tavan I tato pi canirvacanlyanavadyakarul)adigul)aratnakaralJ srlgurolJ srigurucaral)asaparyacaturel)a mayapi ravisriya tattvam asaditam iti gurupararpparyam I
tad evarp sacchi*~yadhye~al)avasad acaryanupamarak~ito nama 2a 10 vajradharapadavlpratilambhaheturp ~a;lai:tgayogarp cikir~ulJ sve~tadevatastutimukhena ~a;lai:tgayogam uddipayati sma II
nirastetyadi I nirastani * pratik~iptaI}i sarvam aVfl)vantlti 2 sarvavaralf)ani abhrajalani meghasarpcaya yatra sa tatha tatra nilp;e~asaI!lkhyaya samastyena anto vina~to bhramal)asi:Iatvad 15 vikalpal) pak~itulyo * vayur nabhasvan yatra I atas ca svii- 3 kasadhiitau saradamalagaganatale udita avirbhutalJ svlHokal). kalyal)asukhaloko lokesvaro buddhalJ padmapal)ir va sa eva sarvajanahIa*dakatvat purJ)acandral). I candre ca sarvarp yojyam 1 4 sadararthas tu I nirastasarvavaraJ)abhrajale grahyagrahaka- 20 roparahite I anena pratyaharadhyanaitge ukte I cak~ate pratyaharo dasa*narp vi~ayavi~ayinam apravrttilJ same 5 prajfia tarko vicaro ratir acalasukharp dhyanam apy ekacittam I [LKC IV, 116ab]
iti I nil)se~asal!1khyayii anto nirodhito baddho bahimirgamabha- 1 suloko: conjecture based on T (,od'bzang can) and on the requirements of the metre; in G the compound is commented on with svalokaJ:!, which in the verse is contra metrum II 4 tato 'pi mahapaI!qitasrlguruJ:! ... upadi~tavan: conjecture based on T 1 (des kyang pa~j(ji ta chen po rgyal pa 'i b!a ma snyigs ma'i dus kyi thams cad mkhyen pa chos kyi 'byung gnas zhi ba fa bshad do); the same sentence is found in the $a(iaizgayogatikii by Ravisrljfiana (Peking ed., vol. 47, p. 238, fol. 3, lines 3-4), see Appendix VIII II 6 °ratnakaraJ:!; °ratnakaran (followed by a da~l(ia): G II 9 °chi~yadhye~aI!ao; °chi~yadhe~anao; G I acaryanuO; acaryad anuo: G II 13 tatra ... nabhasvan yatra: this sentence has been translated slightly differently into Tibetan (T1: gang du 'khrul pa'i dang tshu! can nyid kyi phyir rnam rtag dang 1 phyags can dang mtshungs pa'i rlung ste 1 dbugs rnams grangs ma Ius pa mtha' bdag nyid nub ste zhig pa'a I) II 14 anto: conjecture (see line 24); arpto: G II 16 in G svalokao is preceded by a dal'}(ia II 17 kalyaI!ao; kalyaI!ao: G I after °aloko [°aJokaJ:!] a dal'}(ia is in G II 19 °grahakaropao: G; in T1 we read 'dzin pa fa sags par sgro btags pa dang bral ba la ste (= °grahakadyaropaO) II 20 ukte: conjecture; uktaJ:!; G II 21 apravrttiJ:!: see below, p. 102, line 16; apavrtiJ:!: Gil 24 anto: conjecture; anta: G II 74
ya~ salflsarasamavalambarahitas tabhyam abhinno vibhu~ siinya~ so 'pi dayamaJlah sthitim atikrantas ca bhiimlsvara~ 1 vad * vikalpas ca savasanacaturasltisahasracittak?al)alak?aJ)o va- 6 yus ca pra1)apanavatau yena yatra va 1 anena ca pra1)ayama- 5 dhara1)aiJge ukte I tatha ca 1
pral)ayamo dvimargaskhalanam api * bhaven madhyame pra1)aveso 7 bindau pra1)apraveso hy ubhayagatihato dhiira1)a caikacittam II [LKC IV, 116cd]
iti 1 s v a atma cittam sa eva akasadhatuh sarvakiiravaloki- 10 tavisvabimbarp tatra anena ca anusmrtya*iigam uktam 1 tatha ca 2b ca1)9a1yalokanarp yad bhavati khalu tanau c&mbare 'nusm[1i~ syad [LKC IV, 117a]
iti 1 uditas ca1);ialya sparsad u?l)l?acakrad agata~ 1 nirabhasaprakasatvat svaloka~ 1 sarvalokanarp ta*dadharatvat sarvabuddhai~ 2 15 sirasi vajragre ca dh[1atval lokesvara~ I ?o;iasanandasukratvat piir:l)acandral) pasciid vise?al)asamasa~ 1 anenapi samadhyaiJgam uktam 1
prajfiopayatmakenak~ara1)asukhavasa*j jiianabimbe samadhi~ 1 3 [LKC IV, 117b]
20 iti cak~ate 1 vibhiiti jayati 1 anena namaskiira ak?ipta~ 1 ten a tarp prati pral)ata iti labhyate II
idanirp ~a9ailgayogasyasya yad abhidhe*yarp tad virodhabha- 4 samukhena pratipadayann aha 1 ya ityadi I yo natha~ 1 sal!lsaro janmamaral)aprabandha~ samv[1isatyam 1 samas taduccheda~ 25 paramarthasatyam I tayo~ pratyeka*m avalamba alambanarp 5 tadrahitatvat tatha 1 ala eva tabhyaf!l samv[1iparamarthasatyabhyam 2 so 'pi: T (yang 'di ni) I °krantas ca; °kranto 'pi is also possible; in T we read 'das kyang II 3 °vasanao: see below, foL lOb6; °vasanao: G, equally possible II 6 bhaven: cf. below, p. 102, line 18; bhevet: Gil 7 bindau; bindo: G II 9 sva atma cittarr: G; in T1 we read rang gi bdag nyid kyi sems sa (= svatmacittam) II 10 tatra: G; candra: T 1 (zla ba) II 11 caD~alyO; caD~yalyo: G II 13 caD~alya sparsad: T1 (glum mas reg pa las); caD~alyasparSad: G II 16 °candra~: T1 (zla ba); °canda~: G I pascad vise~aDasamasa~: conjecture, cf. below, fo!. 8b4 and p. 238, note 3; pascat samasa~: G, T1 (phyin tshig sdud) I anenapi: T1 ('dis kyang); anenanapi: G II 20 before jayati a dalJcja is in G I tena tarr prati praData iti labhyate: conjecture based on T 1 (p. 187); tena tarp praty asmin praData iti labhyate: G; tena asmin praData iti labhyate is also possible; '~another possible emendation, which is much closer to what G reads, would be tena tarr praty asmi praData iti labhyate (asmi praData~ = pral}.ato 'smi, though the latter is the more common word-order in Sanskrit)" (H. Isaacson, personal communication) II 75
tanviino 'khilasaukhyam iigatimatiirrz kalpojjhito nirgatir niithaJ; kascid alarrzkarotujagatas cittarrz vicittodayaJ; II [kba] kirpcitkalpaparigraho graha iva grasaya baddhagrahas abhinno 'dvaidhariipo yuganaddhas trailokaikariipatvad vibhul) 5 sunyatisunyamahasu*nyasarvasunyataya prabhasvaratvac chiinya~ 6 parama1).udharmatatita ity arthag I darpa1).apratibimbopamasarvakaravaropetatvad dayamayal) sarvakaranirakara ity arthag I
sthitim ati*hanta alambananasaktacitto 'sthanayogena susthita ity 7 arthag I nirvikalpakajnanaprakar~avasthavise~a bhiimaya.!) I tasam 10 thaw dvadasabhumisvarag I gatimatal!l nirvikalpa*jnanopa- 3a desanirvedhinam I akhilasukhaqI paramak~arapancakamopabhogasukharp tanvana~ spharayan I kalpojjhito dvandvarahital). I nirgatir ak?aratvenacaladriipal). I jagadupasevyatva*n natha.!) I 2 avaggocaratvena kascit I alai!lkarotu adhiti~1hatu I jagatas cittaI!l 15 jaganmanasam I vicittam acittacittarp tenodetiti vicittodaya~ I virodhas tu sugamal). II
gurur buddho * gurur dharmo gurul). sailghas tathaiva ca I 3 gurur vajradharal). sriman gurur evatra kara1).am II iti sadbhutagu1).odbhavanapural).saram aviparitatattvopade~1ararp 20 srigururp namaskaram aha I ki * i!lcid iti I kiI!lcitkal- 4 papadgraha.!) I kirpcid apy astiti svikaral). I astlti sasvati dmir ity arthag I grasaya ~acfgatisarpsaradulfkhanubhavaya I avasyarp dul).- khahetutva*d baddhagraha:l). I uktarp ca I 5
tilatusamatta vi sallada veanu karai avassa II 25 .. [[[Sarahapada]], Dohiiko~a, 75cd]
1 the retranslation of this piida is uncertain; °saukhyam (which is very common in Kalacakra literature) and agatimatam are conjectures based on the requirements of the metre. In G we find akhilasukhaI)1 and gatimataI)1 II 4 'dvaidhao ; 'dvedha: G I before yuganaddhas a dwuja is in G II 5 °sarvasunyaO; sarvasunyao: G II 8 sthitim: conjecture; sthitam: G II 9 after nirvikalpakajfiana a dmJr.ja (perhaps erased) is in G II 1 2 dvandvao; dvandao: G II 13 ak~aratvena: conjecture; ar;ak~aratvena: G, T1 (mi 'gyur ba med pa nyid kyis) I nathalr conjecture based on T and T1 (mgon po) (see also Gronbold 1969: 16); nartha~: G II 14 after alamkarotu a danda is in G II 15 after acittacittam a danda is in G II 16 virodhas; virodh~;: G; in T 1 we read: 'gal ba'i dOll nl go sld'o II 17 this stanza is also quoted in the Abhisamayamaiijari (Dhif:t XIII, p. 154). The first half of the verse is very similar to JS I, 24ab (gurur buddha bhaved dharmaf:t saligha§ ciipi sa eva hi) II 1 9 °pura~saram: conjecture based on T 1 (SllgOl1 du 'gro bar); parasparam: G II 22 after grasaya a dalJr.ja is in G II 23 uktal)1 ca ... avassa deest in T 1; the verse has been restored on the basis of Bagchi 1938: 32, 129-30 (see also below, p. 239, note 7). In G we read: tilatusamatta vi saJlabha vesar;a karai tsavasma II
tattyagaJ:1 sahasojjhitaS cirataraparaprapataprasii~ 1 ittharp. satpathaviplave disati yas cittavyatitarp. habhobimbarp. vyomadayatm.!l tarp varagururp vande muda sarvada II [gal tatas tathiibht1taguror mahiitmana~
5 svabodhasarrzkirtanam eva kirtanam 1
na hi sphuradrt1padhanarrzjayiid rte
samujjvalii dhiimasikhii prafiyate II [gha]
tasya vikalpalesasyapi tyagas tattyaga ucchedadr~tir ity arthaJ:11 sa sahasojjhito 'vicaryocche*dadr~tir iti yavat 1 anantakalpadu~- 6 10 khahetutvat tivramahadu~ahetutvac ca cirataraparal}. sa casau prapatas ca avicyadinarakapatas tarp. prasiite tatra prasavati 15
preraya*titi va tatba uktarp. ca 1 7
ye~arp tu siinyata dmis tanasadhyan babha~ire 1 [Madhyamakakiirikii XIII, 8cd]
iti 1 ittham anena prakaret:la satpathaviplave mUktimargavyalope sati 1 yal}. srigurur nabhobimbal!l dhiima*disarvakaravis- 3b vabimbarp. cittavyatitam acittacittariiparp. vyomadayatma siinyatakarut: labhinnarp disati prayacchati sacchi~ebhya iti se~aJ:1 1 tal!l varagurul!l sngururp vande*nobhi~ pr~amiimi 1 2 muda harsena sada triskalam II
nanu srlguruprasactad eva yadi sanmargopalambhas tada sadgurugut: lakirtanam eva kartavyarp. katharp ~asIati.gayogaprakar~akarat:le pravrtto 'sI*ty aha 1 tata ityadi 1 yata evarp. tatas tasmat ta- 3 thabhiitaguror yathabhiitamargopade~tur mahatmanal}. paramakarut: latmana~ kirtanal!l gut:l0dbhavanarp svabodhasal!lkirtanam eva guruprasadaprapta*tmiyajfianaprakatikar~am eva 1 etad evar- 4 thantaranyasenaha 1 hir yasmat sphuradriipadhanal!ljayad rte 1 piidas band d (line 3) have been badly transcribed in the edition of the AKU (pp. 122, 133) I °prasiil): G, Tokyo University Library, MS 18, fols. llb4, 18b4; NAK MS 3-655, fol. 12aj; °pasiil) (or °yasiiJ:!): NAK, MS 3-655, fol. 19a3 II 2 satpathao: G, Tokyo University Library, MS 18; satyapathao: NAK, MS 3-655 II 3 talJ1 instead of °nalJ1, which is the reading found in both MSS, is the word suggested by G (see below, line 18) II 7 samujjvala is a conjecture based on the requirements of the metre; in T we read yang dag 'phyur ba; ujjviila: G II 9 'viciiryoo; 'vicaryauo: G I yavat; yavata: G II 10 before tivrao a dalJrja is in G II 1 1 before aVicyo a da~lI;la is in G II 12 before uktalJ1 a dalJrja is in G II 15 before anena a da~14a is in G I °viplave: Tj (slad par gyur cing); °vipleva: G II 17 before cittaO a da~lrja is in G II 21 °prasadiid eva: Tj (drin kha na las) II 23 tata ityiidi: Tj (de phyir zhes pa la sags pa ste); ya ityiidi: G I the sentence tathabhiitaguror. .. gUJ;l0dbhavanalJ1 is translated a few lines below in Tj II 26 °praka!ikar~am: Tj (rab tu gsal bar byed pa); °pralq1ikaraJ;lam: G II 77
na bodhamiino mama dosakiiranam
pravartakatvena pariirthasiidhana~ I
udiihrte vaktur aniscite janal}
pravartate viifichitasiddhaye katham II [Ji.a] 5 neyiirthapratipattigarvitadhiyo miirgojjhitii mantrilJo mandaprajfiatayii vidanti na vidhidviiriin ni~edhiin api I jvalajjvalanam antareIJa ujjvaHi sphu!abaddhami.lla dhiimasikhii na pratiyate I etena * srlguruprasadad evaitadgranthakaraIJapa!avarr 5 mamety uktarr bhavati II
10 nanu sarvamanyanapagatarp tattvamargam asadayato bhavataJ:l katharr tattvajfianaJabha iti cittasamunnatir iti parihara*m aha I neti I 6 mama bodhamano na do!?akara~aI!l bhavatlti se~aJ:l I yato muktyarthinarr pravartakatvena pararthasadhanam I ayam arthaJ:l I na Iabhadyasaya mama jfianavi~karaJ:l kirr tarhi 15 bhavabhayabhlru*l)am upayabhavasandarsanena pravartanaya I 7 arthantaranyasam aha I kasmirrscit pravp:tihetuke 'rthe udahrte kathite aniseite sarrdigdhe svayam aniscito vaktur abhidhatuJ:l sakasaj j a*n 0 'rthl viiiiehitasiddhaye i~tasiddhaye kathaI!l 4a pravartate naivety arthaJ:l yadi va vaktur abhidhatuJ:l 20 sambandhini udahrte vacane II
pp:hagjanakp:a!lkadibhir anekatantre~u neyarthapratipattigarvitabu* ddhayo durmantriJ)o nirayagaminaJ:l I aryavalokitesva- 2 rakp:aFkaya srllaghukalacakratantradhiraje ca neyanitarthavibhagapratipattir iti tantradhirajamahatmyam uddlpayann aha I ne*yeti I 3 25 neyartho yatharuto 'rthaJ:l I margojjhitaJ:l saJTlvp:iparamarthavibhagakusalaJ: l I ata eva mandaprajli:iataya vidhidvaran vidhimukhan ni~edhan na vidanti iti kp:va srima*dvajradharajfiaya 4 srlkalaeakrabhagavadajfiaya mali:ijusrl mahabodhisattvaJ:l srilaghukalaeakrabhagavattantram nee sambhaladeSe sarrgayati sma I
30 anena desakasarpgHikarayor a*rthad adhye~akasya srivajrapal)er 5 mahatmyam uddlpitarr bhavati II
6 api: T (kyang) 1\ 7 ujjvala (see above, p. 77, line 7); ujjvala (also preceded by a da(lcja): G I dhiimao; dhiimao: G II 10 °manyanao: cf. Edgerton 1970, vol. II: 419 and CatU(lstava II, 24 (quoted in AKU, ed., p. 176) II 11 °jfianalabha iti; °jfianalabhiti: G II 14 °asaya: conjecture based on T1 (re ba'i bsam pas) (see also Gronbold 1969: 17); °asraya: G II 16 udahfte; udahriyate (later corrected): G II 17 before aniscite a dalJcja is in G I aniscito; aniscintato: G II 21 pf!hagO; prthako: G 1\ 22 aryao: conjecture based on T1 ('phags pal; acaryao: G II 23 °nitarthaO; °nitharthao: G II 24 tantradhirajamahatmyam; tantrapirajamahatmyam: G I neyeti; nayeti: G II 25 yatharuto 'rthaJ:!; yatharutIrthaJ:!: G II 26 mandao; maddao: G II 27 vidanti; vindanti: G I °dhilrajfiaya; °dharajfiaya: G II 28 °laghukalacakrao; °laghukalacakrao: G II 29 ike: conjecture based on T and T1 (gsungs tel; acve (or iicche): G II
srzmadvajradhariijiiayii tribhuvanasyiirthaya Lice vibhur maiijusrzr laghukiilacakrabhagavattantrm.n prasannai~ padai~ II [ea] srzmiin yatra mahalq-po hi bhagavan lokesvaro nirmita~ sarvarthair vimalaprabhaf!l suvimalaio? tzkiim a karo? it padai~ I 5 tadvyaktzlq-tabuddharatnahrdayaf!l pUJ:zyatmana~ priipya hi nztarthamrtasevaya bhavavio?af!l bhindanti nandanti ca II [eha] sarvajiieyagm:zaspade bhagavata~ sarvajiiasaf!ljiianvita sattattvakara lsvaradigaditaf!l casU trl}af!l yatra hi I prajiiaparamitapi yatra sakalonmlladvikalpadruma- 10 pradhvaf!lsa gaganodbhavasyajanani buddhasya suddhiitmana~ II [ja]
snman iti I yatra ea mahatantre lokeSvaranirmitakaya~ srIpUIf4ariko nama I sarvarthasueanat sarvarthail). * I uktaT)1 ea I lika 6 sarvarthasueiketi [SU, Sb] I vimalaprabhal!l nama tIkam akar~Ic 15 eakara Itaya p"kaya vyaktikrtaIp sphullk:rtaT)1 yad buddharatnahrdayal! l sanmargopadesasaraT)1 pUI)yatmana~ sriguro*J:l sakasat 7 prapya nltarthamrtasevay a paramarthaeaturthanandapiyu~apraptya bhavaviljam ajavarrjavamahavi~aT)1 bhindanti paramak~ aratiiT)1 nay anti I ata eva nandanti ca sadana*bhogasukhavicehedat 4b 20 etena tikiikarasyapi mahimanam uddipayati II punas tantradhirajamahatmyam adarsayati I sarveti I sarvajfieyagaI) asya sakalabahyadhyatmikavidyasthana*nivahasya aspade 2 adhare I uktaf!1 ea I tan nasti yan noditam adibuddhe I yatra tantraraje bhagavato buddhasya sarvajfiasal!ljfia sarvajf1a ity abhi- 25 dhiinam I anvita anugatartha * asit I yatra ca sattaUva ratnaKara 3 lSvaradigaditaIp troavat plavamanatvenasaratvat trI)am asH I prajfiapararnitapi sarvadharmaSunyatapratipattir api I saKala*s ea 4 te unmilanto bahalThhavanto ye vikalpadrumas te~aT)1 pradhvaIpsal) paramak~arasamarasibhavo yasyaf!1 sa tatha I gaganod- 30 bhavasya visvabimbodbhavasya buddh.asya janani * mata sud- 5 dhatmana~ sakalavikalpanailkitamurte~ II
1 tribhuvanasyarthaya: T II 2 prasannai~ padai~: T II 3 mahakfpo: T (thugs rje chen po) I hi: conjecture I bhagavan: T II 4 suvima:ai~ ... padai~: T (shin tu gsa! ba'i tshig gis) II 8 casH troarp yatra hi; hy asH tp:larp yatra ca is also possible II 1 3 pUI)qariko; pUI!qarikao : G I apparently nama is followed by two da(ujas in G II 14 °suciketi: S U (ed., p. 131); °sucaketi: G II 1 6 sakasat; sakasata: G II 19 sadanabhogao : T] (rtag tu !hun gyis grub pa); satatanabhogaO (preceded by a da(l¢a): G II 22 aspade is preceded and followed by a dalJ¢a in G II 23 nodi tam; noditam aditam: G II 25 asH: conjecture (cf. also Gronbold 1969: 18); asat: G II 27 prajfiaparamiHipi: G; in T1 we read rgyud gang du shes rab pha rot phyin pa 'ang ste (= yatra tantre prajfiaparamitipi) II 30 buddhasya ... mata deest in T1 II 3 1 °murte~: conjecture; °murtil): G II
vimalanabhasi yasmin nirmite locana.rdhe
sphuradurukaruI)ardrad asayad asrayasat I
sadasadubhayabhavabhavani.rbhedy akasmad
udayadakhiladhumadyanvayaJ:1 sunyataya~ II [jha]U 5 evam utpannakramasya sphufikaraIJiiya mahiimudriimiirgabhiivaniinusiireIJa srimadiidibuddhatantriidiviikyaratnarrz samyaksarrzbuidanityl dhumadinimittodayakaraI)atyl ~aqailgayogasrayatyl srlgurusa'Tlpradayam upadisam aha I vimaleti I ya*smin virnala- 6
nabhasi meghadyavaraI)arahite I nirmite 'ntaraIavalambitaya vya- 10 parite Ilocanardhe pihitapihitanetre sphl.lradarukarul.laya ardrat sarasad asaya*c cittad asrayal!l vikalpacittam asnati n¢sva- 7 bhavlkaroti iti tasmat I anena sampradaya ukta~ I ukt~ ca I andhakare na ki'Tlcid api cintayed ity uddesa~ I anyatra ca I * 5a utpatya ca manomLila'Tl krtva sunye 'tha ghar~aI)am I 15 avidyatimi.randhanam afijana'Tl kim ata~ param II iti I sarahapadair api I
savvabhava vaqha khasama karijjai I
khasamasahave'Tl cia * dharijjai II
so vi cia acia karijjai I
20 tenaI)uttarabohi lahijjai II [Dohiiko~a, 77 (153)] 2 sphurado: Nk, G; sphurudo: Nc, Nt I asayad asrayasat: Nc, Nk, T; G and AKU (ed., p. 111) require this reading; asayad asrayadal): Nt; asayaga;lhamargat: SUT (ed., p. 48), AK (ed., p. 34) /I 3sadasado: Nb T, G; sahajado: Nc; sadasado: Nt /I 4 °akhilao: Nk, Nt, T, G; °asikhao: Nc /I 5 evam ... uktam: retranslated from T (de ltar rdzogs pa'i rim pa gsal bar byed pa phyag rgya chen po'i lam bsgom pa'i rjes su mthun pa dpal dang ldan pa'i rgyud dang po'i sangs rgyas la sogs par gsung rab rin po che yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas nyid kyi 'bras bu ster bar byed pa rnams yang dag par bsdu bar bya'o II gang sangs rgyas rin chen za ma tog rgyud gyi rgyal po dang po'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa I) /I 7 srIguruo; srIgurao: G II lOin G pihitapihitanetre is preceded and followed by a dmJcj.a I ardrat: Tj (brIan); adrat: G /I 11 before asrayaf!1 a dalJ.cj.a is placed in G II 12 andhakare na kificid api cintayed: T 1 (mun pa la cung zad kyang sems pa med par bya'o); andhakare~a kificid api cintayed: G /I 14 utpa\ya: Tj (phyung byas te), AKU, Tokyo, MS 18, fol. 27b3; utpadya: G, AKU, NAK, MS 3-655, fol. 28a5 II 1 6 °padair: conjecture; °pada: G II 17 this verse has been restored with the help of the AKU (MSS quoted). It does not correspond exactly to the same st. in the ed. by Bagchi (1938: 32,130-1; st. 77) and in the ed. by Bhayani (1997: 53, st. 153), especially regarding the pada d. In G we read: sarvvabhavava\a khasama karla kkhasamasahave cIa dharIjai / so vi cIa karIjai tena a~uttarabohi lahIjai; pada c has not been translated in T j (dngos kun mkha' dang mnyam byas shing I nam mkha' mnyam par sems gzung na I des ni bla med byang chub 'thob I) II
ddhatvaphalapradalfl salflk9ipyate I yad buddharatnakarandake tantrariija iidibuddha uktam I ' ,
~ekatvarp. hy adikadyoJ:! sasidinakarayor asanarp. vajril)o na hiirpkarel)aiva cihnarp. paril)atam apararp. ne~yate vaTl)ariipam I 5 utpannasyak~arel)a k~aranidhanagatasyiisya divyendriyasya iti I anena sarvakiiranirakaro hetur ity uktarp. bhavati I sadasadubhayabhavabhavanirbhedi
- sadasadadicatuskotivinirmuktah I 3
a!casmad vikalpahetum anapek~ya svanubhavo 'bhavatiti se~a~ I udayann utpadyamano 'khiladhiJrnadidaSanimittanugamo * yasya 4 10 sa sunyatayal) sambandhi I nimittany utpannakramadyotakani sarp.vrtiparamarthasatyaikatvaprakasakani II
kalacakre jfiiinapatale ~aqvirrsatsataslokanantaravrttena I eka* tvam ityadi I ak~arodbhavasahajakayasya alikalipadmacandraditya- 5 sanahiirrkaraparil)atacihnotpadariipavafl)abhujasarrsthanaparikalpana- 15 dharmaprati~edho hi * yasmat tasmad bhagavataJ:! paramak~ara- 6 jfianasiddhir ucyate I adir akiiradisvarasamiihas candraJ:! !cadi!). kakiiradivyafijanasamiihaJ:! siiryas tayor ekatvam ekikaral)am asanam adhara*J:! pakaravyafijanatmakarp padmam akiiratmakarp. 7 candramal)qalarp. rephatmakarr siiryama1)qalam I vajrill).a!). para- 20 mak~arajfianino neti nirastam I tatha hUqIkaraparill).ataI!l vajracihnaJ! l ta*tparil)ato devatakiiyavafl)abhujamukhasarp.sthanapari- 5b kalpanadharma adheyalak~al)o neljyate I abhinivesalak~al)atvena kprasvabhavatvat I akljarell).a paramak~arasukhenot*pannasya I 2 atas ca kljaranidhanagatasya prakrtajanakalpitakaradik~ararahi- 25 tasya utpadanirodharahitasya va divyendriyasya mahamudradhipatyasambhiitasya sarvakarasya trailokya*karasukhariipasya 3
bindo~ I paramajinapater vajrasattvasya I visvamayadhaJrasya visvamaya visvamata mahamudra taddharasya II
3 ekatvarp: Lj_. L3; ekatva: L2. L4 II 4 cihnarp: Lj. L3. L4; cinharp: L2 I apararp ne~yate: L1, L3; apararp nek~ate: L4; apadarp nek~atai: L2 II 6 ity; ituty (later corrected): G II 8 anapek~ya; anapek~ao: G II 9 udayann; udayan (followed by a da~j(!a): G II 10 utpannao: conjecture; upannao: G II 13 °sahajakayaO; °sahajakayao: G II 14 °sarpsthanao; Usasthanao: G II 18 before pakarao a da~j(!a is in G I °vyafijanatmakarp: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 20); °vyafijanatmakas: G I before akaratmakarp a is in G II 19 candramal) 9aIarp; candracandramal)9aIarp (also followed by a daw!a): G II 20 before nirastam a da~lI!a is in G \I 22 after ne~yate in G (in the upper margin of the fol io) we read 'tal) II 2 3 ak~arel)a: T 1 ('gyur ba med pas), V 2; ak~aral!a: G II 24 °kaipitakaradik~arao; °kaipitakaradyak~arao: G; in T1 we read: brlags pa'! a yig fa sags pa 'i mi 'gyur ba) II 25 mahamudradhipatyasambhutasya is translated in T1 withphyag rgya chen pa'i bdag nyid du gyurpa II 81
sarvakarasya bindo!J paramajinapater visvamiiyadharasya II [LKC V, 127]B
yata evarrz tasrnat Yparamak~arasukhasadhanabhiratena yogina sadgurupadesalabdhena du~~asaIlgaparivarjitena dhlimadinimittaparibha- 5 vitenadikarmikeI!a madhyamavisodhitena sakalasattvaikaputravatparamasnehanubaddhacittena laukikalokottarasatyasritena putrakalatradisvasarlranirapek~ akel).a ma~haviharagurudravyopabhogabahyabhutena buddhabodhisattvamargasritena maitrikarul).am uditopek~acaturbrahmaviharaviharil). a santikarmadilaukikasiddhisadhanabhil~avarji- 10 sadguriipadesalabdhena labdhasrigurusam*pradayena I du~- 4 !asangaparivarjitena parivarjitapapamitrel).a I paribhavitadhumadinimittatvad dhumadinimittaparibhavitena :bodhicittasthirlkaral) aikadak~el)a pra*thamapravrttatvad adikarmikel).a I 5 visodhitamadhyamavahatvan madhyamavisodhitena I uktarp ca I 15 dhlimadln bhavayitva tu cittam krtva tu niscalam I madhyamarp so*dhayitva tu bhavayet paramak~aram II 6 iti I ma!has chattradinilaya!J I viharo bhik~usailghikavasa!J I akasadhatau visvabimbe sarvakarasunyateva adarsas tatra pratisenava* t sadhakacintavat I anutpannadharmavalokitena ava- 7 20 lokitavikalpitadharmel).a I balajanakalpitabahirarthabhavat svaciUaspharaJ) apratibhasasvapnasadrsarthacittena I vaibha~ikasau- 6a trantikayogacaramatananta!Jpatat parama1.lusandohatmakadharmavicarasunyena I carvakamatapravesad dlirik[1occhedavadatvad
ucchedasu*nyatadiirIlqtena I adhyatmasukham eva divyamu- 2 1 paramajinapater: G, T 1 (rgyal pa'i bdag po I11chog gi); sakalajinapater: L], L2, L 3, L4, T (I11tha ' dag rgyal pa 'i bdag po). A variant paramajinapater occurs in the PAJS (YP, ed., vol. Ill, p. 60; Y2 fo!' 186b3), where this verse is quoted with its commentary. However, we must note that Bu-ston translates. the compound with the words I11tha' dag rgyal pa'i bdag po (= sakalajinapati; The Collected Works ofBu-ston, Part 3 [gal, fol. 1017) and PUl!siarika writes sakalajinapater in the comm. (see Appendix V). The word paramajinapati occurs elsewhere in the LKC (see below, p. 243, note 22) I visvamayadharasya: L1, L3, L4; visvanayadharasya: L211 3 yata evaf)l tasmat: T (see below, p. 151); these words recur in G (fol. 7aS; cf. below, p. 85, line 25) II 4 °paribhavitena: T, G; °bhavitena: Y 2 II 5 °nadikarmikel!a; read °nanadikarmikel!a ? (cf. Edgerton 1970, vol. II: 93) II 9 .~antikarmadjO: Y2; ,~antyadio: T II 12 after °paribhavitena a da~lIja occurs in G I bodhicittao: conjecture based on ~y (Y2, T); cittao: G, T1, equally possible II 17 °sanghikaO; °sanghjkao: G II 18 adarsas; adarsan: G II 19 after °dharmavalokitena a danda occurs in G II 20 before svacittaO a danda occurs in G II 22 after °anta~patai a dmuja occurs in G II 24 before uccheda~unyaO a d£l(u!a occurs in G II
tena sarvajfiapadavlm aro;!hukamena mal,l;!alacakradivikalpabhavanaparityaktena akasadhatau sarvakarasunyatadarsapratisenavad anutpannadharinavalokitena svacittaspharaI)apratibhasasvapnasadrsarthacittena paramaI)usarpdohatmakadharmavicarasunyena ucchedasunya- 5 tadurilqtena adhyatmasukhasvasarpvedyadharmanuraktena bahyendriyasvasarpvedyasukhadharmaparityaktena prajfiopayatmakenabodhicittasthirikaraI)
aikadak\eI)a paramak\aramahasukhaprajfiajfianamargopadesalabdhena adharadheyacihnavafI)abhujasarpsthanamaI)-
- !aladevataparikalpanadharmo ne\yata iti IY tatM 10 i5margarahito na tattvarp prapnoti tathagatena yat proktam I drasukham eva svasaJ
- !lvedyo dharmas tadanuraktena I karmanganajfian anganodbhutasukhanasangad bahy endri y as v asal! lvedyasukhadharmaparivarjitena I * prajnopayatmaken.a 3 dhumadinimittodayanantararp samadhyangasphutIbhavaya susi\,ita- 15 karmangananuragarasikena I uktarp ca I
vajrarp padme prati\,~hapya praI)arp bindau nive*sayet I bindun cakre~u bindunarp spandarp vajre nirodhayet \I iti I anavaratam mahamudrallnacittena va II
tathetyadina vimalaprabhatlkoktaryakadambakenasya ma*rgara- 5 20 jasya mahimanam uddlpayati I
idanIrp margad bhra~~asya tattvapraptim aha I tatha margetyadi I tatihagatena yat proktam yat ~o!asacatul).prabihedal!l tat tattval!l caturtharp srI*guruvaktrarp fia prapnoty ayogl vivi- 6 dhavikalpadimargcJga vividbavikalpa.l) padmasuryacandra- 25 rahukalagnibljacihnapariI)amamukhabhujavafI)asarpsthanavlrakramasvadhi*\! hanakramadi I adisabdena sarvadharmocchedasunyatavada- 7 2 akasadhatau: G, T (nam mkha'i khams la), V2; akasagatau: VP, ed., vol. III, p. 62, line 29 I °pratisenavad: T (pra phab pa bzhin), G; °pratisenadyo later corrected to pratisenao: V2 II 9 tatha: T (de bzhin du), G II 10 the metre of the following stanzas is i'iI)'ii, except for verses 2 and 23 that are gfti, verse 8 that is upag/ti, and verse 25, which consists of the first two piidas of a sragdharii stanza. The second half of verses 18 and 22 is irregular, and the first half of stanzas 21 and 24 is irregular II 12 °jfiananganodbhiitasukhao: T1 (ye shes kyi bud med las byung ba'i bde ba) I before bahyendriyaO a da~lIia is in G II 13 °dharmaparivarjitena: G; °dharrnaparityaktena: V 2 II 14 before dhiimadio a da~j(ja is in G I susi~itao: G (= susik~ita, cf. Edgerton 1970, vol. II: 529); in T1 we read: legs par bslabs pa II 1 8 anavaratarp: T 1 (rgyun mi 'chad par); anavaratao: G II 20 mahimanam (see above, p. 79, line 20); mahimam: G, equally possible (O.V. Bohtlingk, Sanskrit-Worterbuch, sub voce; M. Monier-Williams, A Sansla,it-English Dictional)" p. 803) II 25 °bijaO; °bijao: G II 26 °kramadi: conjecture based on T 1 (rim pal (see also Gronbold 1969: 21); °krarrnadilr G II 83
~oqasacatuJ:!prabhedarp vividhavikaJpadimargeI)a II [1] utpattikramamuktarp hurpphatkaradikaJpanarahitam I utpannakramayogas tattvarp tattvasya sadhanarp nanyat II [2] di I etat tattvaf!1 prakatam abhi~ekapataJe 139 [sic] I 5 kamanandas tu kampak~aram api ca catu~keI)a yogaJ:! sa ekaJ:! pUfI)a * sakty udbhavo vai bhavati ca paramananda eva dvitlyaJ:! 6b jvaJa bindus ca ghurma punar api viramananda evarp t[1iya oqqa nadas ca nidra bhavati ca sahajananda evarp catu*rthaJ:! II 2 [LKC III, 124]
10 iti II
ato vikaJpamargeI)a na tat tattvam I napi tattvasyatattvarp nama sadhanarp bhavati I yady etat sadhanarp na bhavati kirp tad astv ity aha I utpattityadi I tattvasya mahasukha*sya sadhanaf!l sadhyate 3 'neneti sadhanaf!l tattvam eva nanyat padmadisarpkaJpanam I kif!1 15 tat tattvam utpattikramamuktaf!l garbhavakramaI)akramarahitam hUl!lpha;kara iti * mantraJ:! I adisabdena mudradikalpana I 4 etadrahitaf!l tattvam I kif!1 tad ity aha utpannakramayoga iti I utpanno ni~panna akasabhavanagamyaJ:! tasya kramo dhuma* dimargaJ:! I tasya yogaf) prajnabimbena sahak~arajnanodayasanga 5 20 iti II
idanim aryadvayena sanidarsanabodhicittadarsanopayam anupayapratik~ epaI)a*d aha I ka~;hastha ityadi I ya iva yadvat I agnir 6 1 °catu~o: V3, G, VP ed.; °van)ao: Vj (this is the correction of the accepted reading) II 4 it is possible that the number 139 (which deest in Tj) corresponds to a previous numeration of LKC III, 124. On the different numerations of the LKC verses, see Cicuzza-Sferra 1997: 116-8 II 5 kamanandas: conjecture (see VP, ed., vol. Il, p. 109); kamanandan: Lj, L3, G; kamanandal)1: L2, L4 I after eka~ a dancja is in G II 6 eva: G, Tj, Lj, L2, L3, L4; eval)1: VP ed. II 7 ghiinna: G, L2, L4; ghiifI)a: L3; miirccha: Lj, Tj I eval)1: Lj, Tj; eva: L2, L3, L4, G I after trtlya~ a dWlcja is in G II 8 o;i;ia: Bu-ston (see Sferra 1995: 362), L4 (T), L3; o;ira: G; ol)1\\a: Tj; ona: Lj; odra: L2, L4 II 10 iti: conjecture based on Tj (zhes sa); siti (or miti): G II 11 ato ... tattvam: Tj (de'i phyir rnam par rtag pa'i fam gyis te kha na nyid ma yin zhing) I before nama a da~lcja is in G II 12 aha: conjecture based on the context and Tj; Qadi: G II 14 nanyat: conjecture; nanyata: G I kil)1 tat tattval)1: Tj (de kha na nyid de ci zhe na); kin tatva tval)1: G II 15 utpattiO; utpatio: G I garbhavakramanakramarahitam: conjecture; in T j we read: mngaf du jug pa'i rim pa dang brdf ba (see also Gronbold 1969: 22); garbhavajramaI)akrama / rahital)1: G II 19 °jiianodayasanga iti: G; °mahajiianodayasanga iti: Tj (ye shes chen po skye ba fa chags pa'o zhes pa'a; zhes pa 'a deest in P 1) II 21 aryaO; ayao: G II 2 2 °pratik~epaJ)ad aha: conjecture based on T1 (spangs pas gsungs pa); °pratik~edhal!atta: G I after iva a dalJcja is in G I agnir. .. apisabdartha~; in Tj we read: me rten med par re zhig [shig: PJl l71i mthong ba ni shing fa gnas kyang zhes pa'i kyang gi sgra'i dan to II
ka~thastho 'pi sadagnir na dpsyate chedabhedanopayail) I sarakal!4apal!irnathanat tatrasthal) sa drsyate yadvat II [3] tadvac cittabhaso na drsyate kalpabhavanopayail) I tatraiva drsyate 'sau lalanarasanaikayogena II [4] 5 dhlirnadinimittena pral!ayarnena rnadhyavahena I na drsyate; nirasrayas tavan rna drsyatarp; k.a~thastho 'pity apisabdarthal) I chedabhedanopayair iti I karal!e t[1iya I chedal) * 7 kutharadibhil) I bhedanani vrk~abhidadibhil) I upayo dvararn I sarasya kal)~o da1!4al) I pal)ir hastal) I tabhyarp mathanat so 10 ' gnis tatrastho 'plti tasrnin nirmanthyaka~the ti*~thatlti tatra- 7a sthah I sa iva tadvat I cittasyabhasas cittabhasas traidhatukadar §anarp na drsyate kalpabhavanopayair vikalpabhlk~l!abhirnukhlkaral! advarail) I asau ciWibha*s 0 drsyate lalana- 2 rasanaikayogeneti I karal!e t[1iya I ekayogo 'dvayayogas tatraiva 15 svacitta eveti I uktarp paramarthasevayarn api I ka~thad dhavi*s toyarn apindukantad 3
dadhna gh[iarp lohakularp silabhyal) I
striyonisailgad avina~tasaukhyarp
grhl!antu yogyas tadupayayogail) II
20 citte na kascid bhavatapaniyo
na k~e*pal!iyo na ca hanivrddhI I 4
citte svacittapratibhasamatrarp
traidhatukarp toyagato yatharkal) II [stt. 157, 173] iti I ekarn eva cittarp prajfiabirnbagatarn anekarn iti bhaval) II 25 etadeva * darsayannaha I yata evaf!1 tasmad ityadi 5 rnuktakena yad uktarp. pratyaharadipaficailgalabhinarp s am adhyailgasphu! Ibhavaya bodhicittasthirlkaral!aikadak~el!eti tad 2 sarakaI)9apal)io: V I, V3, G; sarakal)u(aral)i): VP ed. I tatrastha~: conjecture based on G; tatstho: V3 contra metrum; tats tho 'pi: VI contra metrum II 7 °bhedanopayair: conjecture; °bhedanopayer: G II 8 vrk~abhidadibhi~: conjecture based on T 1 (shing 'byed byed fa sogs pa rnams kyis); vrk~adroadibhi~: G II 10 nirmanthyao: G; manthyao: TI (bsrub par bya ba) II 12 after °darsanarp a dalJrja is in G I after °bhavanopayai~ a dalJrja is in G II 14 after ' dvayayoga~ a da~lrja is in G I tatraiva; tatreva: G II 16 st. 157 is also quoted in the Subhii!jitasamgraha (ed. Bendall, part II, p. 26); in the Tibetan translation of the Paramiirthasevii, Peking ed., voL 47, the first verse is on p. 7, fols. 12a8-12bj; the second verse is on p. 7, foL 13bj_3; the metre is upajiiti II 17dadhna: G; dadhno: Bendall, p. 26 I lohakularp: Tj (lcags rigs rnams) , Bendall, p. 26; lohagularp: G II 18 avina~!asaukhyarp; avi~!asokhyarp: G II 20 apaniyo; apal)iyo: G II 25 yata evarp ... tad evaha (p. 86, line 4) deest in TI (see below, p. 247, note 35) II 27 before tad a da~J(ja is in G II
vidyavratena vajrapatenaivordhvasukre1)a II [5] marge1)anena sukharp yogi prapnoti sarvabuddhanam I paramak~arabhisadhanarp sahajarp va sarvadiitinam II [6] eva*ha I dhfimetyadi I dhfima evadir yasya nimittasya tena 6 5 nimittarp pratyayo yena sucyate 'bhimatarp tad iti I kumbhaka urdhvadhas trinaqlnirodhatma 1 madhyavahena cittana*qyarp vaho 'nupravesaJ:l pra1)avayo~ 1 . vidyavratena 7 vidyapradhanarp vratal!l brahmacaryam 1 vidya svajinabhi~ikta gU1)avati grahya 1 guru1)a abhidhanottare 'pi 1 10 sarpprapya pukkasirp ca*nyarp. rupayauvanam31)qitam I 7b ekayogakrtabhyasarp samayajfiarp. drqhavratam II nirlajjarp ni~sprharp. dhlrarp vitr~1)arp. niraharpkrtam I vidyavratarp taya sardham acaren mantravit svayam II iti 1 tato va*jrapatena 1 vajrasyapatanarp stabdhyarp teneti 1 firdhva- 2 15 siikre~eti m31)ipadmat pratipagatya lalatarp gatena 1 uktarp ca 1 sada yogi urdhvareta~ sada bhavet 1 mahamudraprasaiJ.*gena vajravesair adhi~thita~ II 3 ekavirpsatsahasrais ca ~a!satai~ paramak~arai~ I iti II
20 margeJ).anena dhumadi~aqaiJ.gayogalak~31)ena 1 yogy utpannakramayogo 'syastIti s arv a*buddhanal!l sukhaf!l nirindriyarp 4 paramak~arabhisadhanal!l paramak~aram abhisadhyate samantan ni~padyate yeneti sahajaf!l tat prapnoti 1 sarvadfitinaf!l niruddhanarp dvasaptatisahasra*naqlsvabhavanarp qakinmam 5 25 sunyarp sahajam ity uktam 1 tribhavavarjitam anahatam 1 na tu lokaruqhya turyavar31)atmakarp sahajam 1 sunye hy aikyam ucyate sarvavara1)apaga*mad iti v asabdartha~ II 6
2 yogi": V3; yogi: VI II 3 paramak~arabhisadhanarp: conjecture, T (mngon par sgrub pa); paramak~arabhidhanarp: V I, V3, G (see belqw, note on line 22). The verse is hypermetrical I °diiti"nam: V3; °diitinam: VI II 7 before prfu)avayol) a da(zrja occurs in G II 8 vidya... abhidhanottare 'pi: conjecture, Tj (rig ma ni rang gi rgyal ba'i dbang bskur zhing yon tan lhag pa gzung par bya'o / mngon par brjod pa bla mar yang j); vidya svajinabhi~iktapi guruI;1a grahyii / / abhidhanottarepi: G II 10 canyarp: G ·(read carurp ? H. Isaacson's suggestion) I °yauvanao; °yovanao: G II 11 cf. GSU, 118cd II 12 nil)sprharp; nisprharp: Gil 1 4 stiibdhyarp: T I (reng ba nyid); starthyarp: G II 15 after o.~iikrel)eti a dalJrja occurs in G I uktarp ca... iti deest in T j; the verses are taken from the Paramadibuddha and are also quoted below, p. 102. For other references, see above, p. 63 II 20 yogy: conjecture; yoga: G II 22 paramak~arabhisadhanarp: conjecture based on T] (mngon par bsgrub pa) and also arising from the context; paramiik~ariibhidhanarp: G II 23 sahajarp tat: conjecture; sahajas tarp: G II
rupadisarpkalpanair mar;9alacakradibhavanabhyasai~ I sidhyati laukikasiddhi~ kirp punar i~~a mahasiddhi~ II [7] marga~ sadguruprasadato bhavati suddhasi~yar;am I nanv evam utpannakramayogas tattvaI!l tattvasya sadba- 5 nal!l nanyad ity uktam [cf. above, stanza 2cd] atas tad evastu kim aparer;anupayoginety aha I riipetyadi I lokas traidhatukarp tatrabhava
- laukikI casau siddhis ceti siddhir akani~!habhuvanaparyantam 7 aisvaryarp sidhyati I riipadisaI!lkalpanair iti rupyate badhyate iti riipam I tad evadi yasya tasya kalpanal!l manasarp * karmeti I 8a 10 tatra rupabhavana karmamudra I adisabdena jfianarp tasya bhavana jfianamudra I mal)~alacakradibhavanabhyasair iti mal)4alam adharalak~aI)arp cakraI!l devatasamuha adheya~ * adi- 2 sabdena mantramudrasanadi tesam bhiivana 'bhimukhikaranam tasyabhyasa abhlk~r;abhinivesas' talr iti I yady evam anenaiv'a 15 marger;a sarvasiddhi~ sidhyati I alarp dhumadi*margopadesenety 3 aha I kim iti mahati casau siddhis ceti mahasiddhir mahamudrasiddhi~ i~!a lokottara I kil!1 punal} kim u siddhir iti dhumadimargopa*desam antarer;a naivety artha~ II 4 nanv ayarp margopadesa~ kirp sarve~am eva samyaksarpbo- 20 dhipraptisamudyatamatinarp sarvasmad eva bhavati I ahosvit ke~afici*d eva suddhanarp jagadarthakarar;akusalotsahinarp kutascid 5 evety aha I marga ityadi I sadgurul). srigurus tasya lak~ar;arp paramarthasevayarp vistareI)akhyatarp * yatha
I 6 dhyayi bhavadhyanavimuktasariga~
25 kaml mahakamanibaddhacittah I
mahavrati dVindriyasaukhyayoge
mudraprasaIlge 'py avina~!araga~ II
candrarkamargapravina*~!ayoga~ 7
prajfianale yogabalat pravi~!a~ I
30 anantasaukhyamrtaseka eva
sa srigurur vajradharo 'ghahanta II [st1. 20-21] iti vistara~ I tasya prasadas tattvopadesanugraha~ I tasma*d bhava- 8b 2 sidhyati: V3; siddhyate: Vj I mahasiddhHr V3; mahasiddhi: VI II 11 °cakradibhavanao. °cakradibhavanao: G I before mandai am a danda is in G II 12 before cakram a danda is in G II 17 before maham'u'drasiddhih 'a' danda is iii G II 18 naivety: 'conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 24); nevety (preceded by a dw}cja): G II 19 before kif[! a dalJcja is in G II 24 the metre is upajati; these stt. were quoted by F. Kielhorn in a brief paper written in 1894 (1969: 838); in the Peking ed., vol. 47, # 2065, fols. 3aS-3b2 II 25 before kamI a da(1da is in G II 27 prasange; prasage: Gil 29 prajfianale: conjecture based on TI (shes rab me fa) (see also Gronbold 1969: 25); prajfiavalo: G II
ye~aIp sattve~u krPa parakaryasubhodyamo nit yam 1/ [8] anyasmai dattam idaIp sumargaratnaIp pramattasattvaya 1 hriyate kuvi~ayacaurai~ svagrharaI).yaIp pravi~tasya 1/ [9] vicikitsakauk[tyanidra-alasyauddhatyacaurais ca 1 5 hriyate sumargaratnaIp kutumbagahanaIp pravi~tasya 1/ [10] ty utpadyate ke~aIp suddhasi~yaJ"lam suddhal}. sekadibh~ prahl1)apriik[tahaIpkaramalas ca te si~yal}. pariirthakara1)adibhir anusasanlYas ceti 1 uktaIp maha*mudratilake 1 2 vi~aIp mantradibhir yadvat sodhyamanaIp rasayanam 1 . 10 tad vat sekadibhi~ si~yam asuddhaIp suddhimad bhaved II ~ti 1 te~iiIp parakaryasubhodyamal}. kalyii1)ot~aha * iti 1/ 3 idanlIp labdhamargii1)iiIp pramadiniiIp margapaharaI).animittam aha 1 anyetyadi 1 idam anantaroktaIp buddhatvaIp s ukhena mrgyate 'nvi~yate yen~ti margam 1 ra*tiIp tanotlti ratnal!l cintamaI).iratnam 4 15 iva ratnaIp durlabhatvac cintitiirthaphahpradatvac ca sumargaratnam pascad vise~a1)asamas~ 1 pramattal}. pramadaca*rl 5 hitasukhanapek~~ 1 ~a4gati~u sldatlti sattval}. 1 anyo y~ kfPadigu1)avikala~ parahitasukhanudyatamat~ 1 tasya pravi~!asya svasya grhal!l * daras tad evaraJ"lyal!l kriirasattvasrayam 1 6 20 kuvi~ayacaurair iti vi~ayantlndriya1)y e~v iti vi~aya riipadayo bahyabhogas te ca kutsita alpasvadatvad vipa*k~atvan miir- 7 chacittenadharmasevanac ca ta eva cauras tair dattam api sumargaratnal!l hriyate cauryata iti 1/
na kevalam ebhi~ svagrhara1)yarp. pravi~!asya sumargaratnaIp 25 hriya*te 1 ku~umbagahanal!l pravi~!asya vicikitsadicaurais ca 9a 1 ku!umbal}. kalatraputrapautradir gahanal!lvanam tribhir 4 °nidriHilasyao: the. hiatus is necessary for the arya metre; °nidriiliisyao: V j, V 3 II 5 hriyate: V], V3; iihriyate: VP ed. II 6 after suddhaJ:! a dalJlfa is in G II 8 anusiisaniyiis; al)usiisaniyiis: Gill 0 tadvat: Tj (de bzhin); tattviit: G I si~yam asuddhalJ1 suddhimad: the neuter gender (which could not be applied to disciples) is probably an intentional choice: si~yo 'suddha~ suddhimiin would be contra metrum II 12 °miirgal)iilJ1; °miirganiilJ1: G I pramiidiniilJ1: Tj (bag med pa mams k),i); pramiiditiio: G II 13 anantaroktalJ1: Tj (de ma thag tu brjod par) II 15 sumargaratnalJ1; .summarggaratnalJ1: G II 18 in G °vikala~ is followed by a dalJ.rJa I pravi~!asya; pravitasya: G II 19 °sattviisrayalJ1; °sattviisaya~: G II 20 vi~ayantindriyal)y: vi~ayantindriyiiny: G f I 21 after alpiisviidatviid a dalJ.rJa is in G I vipak~atviinmurchiicitteniidharmasevaniic ca: conjecture; vipak~atviit murchamohena dharmel)a sevaniic ca: G; vipiikaruk~atvan murchiicittena sevatvat: T] (mam par smin pa rtsub pa nyid kyi phyir dang brgyal ba'i sems kyis bsten pa nyid kyi phyir /"0) II 23 cauryata iti: conjecture based on Tj (rku bar byed do zhes pa'o); cauryate bhiiti: G II 26 °putrapautriidir: Tj (bu dang bu'i bu fa sogs pa); °putriidi~: G II
pral)atipatamithya-adattaparadarariik~apaisunyam I sambhinnavaco 'bhidhyavyapadakudr~ticaurais ca II [11] satpapakopapapakahatyadrohendriyabhisarpsaktiJ:! I paficakapaficabhir ebhis caurai ratnarp sada hriyate II [12] 5 api pratyayair niscite 'pi sumargaratne sarpsayo vicikitsa kim ayarp * sumargo na Yeti I kaukrtyaf!l kutsitarp karma maya krtam ato 2 naharp margarp sak~atkari~ya ity evamakaram I nidra svapaJ:! kayamanasor akarmal)yatapadanalak~m)arp styanamiddha*m iti yavat I 3 alasyam anutsaha auddhatyaf!1 vik~iptacittata nagaradicitta- 10 bhramal)am iti yavat I tad ami samadhimala anayaryayakhyata margarp bha*vayatam iti II 4
na kevalam ebhiJ:! samanair hriyate pral)atipatadibhir api I rat-nam iti sumargaratnam I sada kalatraye I pral)atipataJ.l sattvavadhaJ:! I mithye*ty anrtavacaJ:! I adatteti paradravyaharal)am I paradareti 5 15 kamamithyacaraJ:! I ruk::avacaJ:! paramarmodghatanam I paisunyavacaJ:! kli~!acittasya parabhedavacanam * I sarnbhinnavacaJ:! ka- 6 madyupasarphitasya hahaihehityadiragajanakarp vacaJ:! I abhidhya paradravye vi~amasprha I vyapado vadhacittam I kudr::!ir nastidrstih II
20 tatha'l" satpapa*kaf!1 hirpsadipaficakam I upapapakapaficakam 7 dyutadipaficakam I gohatyadipaficakarp mitradrohadipaficakam I cak~uradindriyabhisaf!1saktipaficakam iti I pafica parimal)am asyeti pa*ficakanarp pafica tair eva caurair iti I tatha I 9b hirpsasatyarp parastrlrp tyajasva paradhanarp madyapanarp tathaiva 25 sarpsare vajrapasaJ:! svakusalanidhanarp papam etani pafica I dyutarp savadya*bhojyarp kuvacanapathanarp bhutadaityendra- 2 dharmam
gobalastdnaral)arp tridasanaraguroJ:! paficahatyarp na kuryat I . 3 °opapapakao: V j, V3; °opapatakao: VP ed. I °saI)1saktiJ:!: V3; °saI)1saktiJ:!: V j II 5 niscite; nisrIte: G I saI)1sayo; sarigayo: G II 6 na veti; neveti: G II 8 akarmal)yaO; akarmal)ye: G II 9 before nagaradiO a da(lcj.a is in G II 10 samadhio; samadhio: G I anayaryayakhyiHa: T1 ('phags pa'i tshigs su bead pa 'di yis bshad); anaya 'paya akhyato: G II 12 irriyate: conjecture based on T\ ('phrog pa) (see also Gronbold 1969: 26); kriyate: G II 15 paramarmodghatanam; paramarmo\ghatanam: G I paisunyaO; paisiinyao: G II 20 upapapakao; upapapapakao (later corrected); G II 22 cak~uradlndriyaO; cak~ura / dlndriyao: G II 23 paficakanaI)1; paficakarpnaI)1: G II 24 parastrlI)1: G, cf. VP (ed., vol. II, p. 88); parastri: Lj, L2, L3, L4 II 27 °dharmarp: L2, L3, L4, G; °dharma: L\ II 28 tridasanaraguroJ:!: G, L1, L3, L4; tridasanaguroJ:!: L2 II
atyantakhanapanair nanabhogair anekacaurais taiJ:! 1 vlryavato 'pi hriyate pramadamurchiiIp gatasyaiva " [13] svayam eva na hi parik~aka itarasya vitasya darsayej jfiatum 1 bhavati mahiirgharp na bhavati tadvakyan muficateratnam " [14] 5 droharp mitraprabhuI)iiIp tridasanaraguroJ:! smp.ghavisvasiniiIp ca asakti*s tv indriyaI)iim iti bhuvanapateJ:! paficavirp.sad vratani " 3 [LKC III, 93ab, 94]
iti 1 papakaf!1 karma khyatam antarayakaram atra grhitarp paficanantaryakariI)am aplti "
10 na kevalam ebhiQ suma*rgaratnarp hriyate atyanta- 4 khanapanair nana bhogais ceti khanam atyanta miiIpsadibhak~ aI)arp. 1 panaf!1 suradipanam atyantarp. murchadharmeI) eti 1 bhufijyanta iti bhogal). srakcandana*dayaJ:! 1 nana 5 vicitriiJ:! 1 vlryavato 'pi ITIiirgabhiivanotsahino na kevalam 15 anantaroktasyiidf~lhavlryasya vlryavato 'plty apisabdarthaJ:! 1 pram ado 'tya*ntakhanapanadyakalyfu)amitrasaiJ.gaJ:! tasman 6 miirchaf!1 cetaso vikalatiiIp gatasya hriyata eveti 1 bhavabhogadiratir ukta 'ntarayakari kusalakiiriI)iim aplti "
nanv e*varp margaratnasya parik~akam abhisandhayokta 7 20 antarayakara do~iiJ:! 1 tasya ca miirgasya svayam aparik~akasya tu ka varttety aha 1 svayam ityiidi 1 hir yasmat svayam aparI*k~akas lOa tasmad itarasyanyasya vi!asya mahapapalqtasya darsayed bhavati maharghaf!1 mahiiratnam idam iti jfiatum 1 sa aha na bhavati 1 atas tadvakyad vitavacanan muficatae*veti 1 evam eva 2 3 parik~aka: V3; parik~aka: VI I darsayej; pradc:rsayej: VI, V3, VP ed. contra metrum. 0, commenting on this stanza, only reads darsayej. This latter reading appears to be more suitable for the iiryii metre. In the first case, we should have an iilyiigiti metre only in the first half of the verse II 4 tadvakyiin: V3; tadviikyal]1: V] II 5 drohal]1: L], L2, L3, L4; drohiil]1: 0 I mitrao: 0, LI (cf. note 1 of the critical apparatus, p. ll3), L2, L4; mitral]1: L3 I tridasanaragurol): 0, L] , L3, L4; trida.~anagurol:J: L2 I sal]1ghavisviisiniil]1: L I, L3, 0; sal]1ghavisviisanal]1: L2, L4 II 6 bhuvaiIapatel:J: L2 (cf. VP, ed., vol. II, p. 88); bhuvanapate: L I, L3, L4; bhunapatel:J: 0 II 10 atyantakhiinapiinair; . 'tyantakhiinapiithaur: 0 II 1 2 suriidipiinam; suriidail): 0; T I (chang 'thung ba la sags par grags pa'o) II 13 srakcandaniidayal:J: 0; srakcandanastrisayaniisaniidayal: J: T I (me tog phreng ba dang tsandana dang bud med dang mal stan fa sags pa ste; la sags deest in PI) II 14 °bhiivanoo; °bhiivaniio: 0 II 16 atyantakhiinao; atyantyantakhiinao (later corrected): 0 I °mitriio; °miitrao: 0 II 17 vikalatiil]1; vikalatiitiil]1: 0 II 19 °sandhiiyoktii; °sal]1ndhayoktaI)1 (followed by a dar;.q.a): 011 21 svayam ityiidi; svayamam ityadi (later corrected): 0 II 22 itara.~yiinyasya vi!asya: conjecture; itarasyarthavi!asya: "0; in TI we read gzhan gcig shos g.yon can II 23 before bhavati a dar.zq.a is in 0 II
yebhya~ karayati maharatnaparik~arp suratnavettrbhya~ I te~arp visuddhavakyai~ svaklyaratnarp hi vijfieyam II [15] mara~ karoti vighnarp rupai~ sambuddhabodhisattvanam I pitrmatrduhitrbhaginlputrabhratri~!abharyaI)am II [16] 5 tasmat sadgurudattarp sumargaratnarp hi yamata~ si~yai~ I kartavyam atisuguptarp eauraku!umbarp parityajya II [17] du~prajfiajatlya~ papamitravaeanad anargharp sumargaratnarp praptam api mufieatlti papamitropasaitgamanado~;a ukto margaparik~ arthinam aplti II
10 na*nv evarp katharp margaratnarp vijfieyarp svayam aparik~akeI)eti 3 eet I sat yam sa eet karayati maharatnaparlk~aI!l yebhyai). suratnavetq·bhyal). sakasat te~al!l visuddhava * kyaiT avisarp- 4 vadakavacanair hi sphutarp vijfieyaI!l niscetavyam anargham idam iti I evam eva kulaputreI)a prapto margaJ:1 kalyiiI)amitravaeanad 15 anargham idam iti parl*k~ya anubaddhavyo na moktavya iti 5 kalyaI)amitrasrayaJ:1 sreyan margabhavakanam iti II tad evarp margabhavanayarp prasthitasyapi na cittarp sthiribhavati mara*karmatyagarp vinety atas tad eva darsayann aha I mara ityadi 6 maw hi paplyan buddhadiruparp nirmaya bhavakasyantarayarp 20 kawti yatha nayarp margo bodhaye nanena kasci*n niryatItyadi 7 veditavyarp marakarmaparivarte II
evarp marakarmado~am upak~ipya sarvam upasarpharann aha I tasmad ityadi hiT yasmad etan margapaharanimittam asti tasmac cauraku!umba*m upalak~aI)arp vicikitsadikam api tya- lOb 25 ktva yatnatai) sadgurudattaIp margaratnaI!l guptaIp karyarp 1 °parlk~arp: V 3; °parik~arp: V 1 II 4°bhagin1o: V 3, V]; °bhaginio: VP ed. II 6 parityajya: V3; parityajyaJ:!: v] II 7 before sumargaratnam a dm:lI;la is in G II 8 °sangamanado~a: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 27); °sankumal)ado~a: G I ukto: conjecture based on T] (gsungs) (see also Gronbold 1969: 27); unto: Gil 12 suratnavettrbhyaJ:!: conjecture; suratnavettrsya: G II 14 prapto margaJ:!: G; praptarp margaratnarp: T] (lam rin po che thob pa) II 15 anargham idam: T t ('di ni rin thang med pa'o zhes) I parlk~ya; parlk~a: G; suparlk~a: T] (legs par yongs su brtags te) I after anubaddhavyo a dm;4a is in G II 20 yatha; yatha: G II 21 the sentence veditavyam ... °parivarte is slightly different in TJ (rig par bya ste zhes rgyas par shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin par bdud kyi las kyi Ie 'ur gsungs pa shesparbya'o) I °parivarte:Tt (Ie'ur); °parivrrtte: G 1122 evarp ... aha: Tj (de Itar bdud kyi las kyi skyon nye bar spangs nas thams cad nye bar bsdu ba gsungs pa) II 23 before etana da~u!a is in G I °nimittam: G; deest in T) II 24 before tasmac a da~lI;la is in G I before vicikitsadP a da~lrja is in G I tyaktva: G; parityaktva: T) (yongs su btang ste) II 25 margaratnarp guptarp: G; . sumargaratnam atisuguptarp: Tj (lam rin chen khyad par du 'phags pa [D) 'phags pas) legs par sba ba) II
vlrakramo na margaJ:! svadhi~1hanakramas ca mok~aya I suvisuddhakrama eko mok~aya sarpdarsito buddhaiJ:! II [18] saukhyena sarpgrhitaJ:! paficanantaryakaril!o yena I sekarthena jinendraiJ:! prajfiopayatmake tantrell [19] 5 vlrakramo na bahye dehe pral!ak~ayo hy asav uktaJ:! I svadhi~thanarp sunye traidhatukadarsanarp nama II [20] s i Hair iti margarak~okta II
nanv aparo 'pi margo 'sti mok~aya na vety a*ha I v ire- 2 tyadi I virakramo bahyaraudradevatapujalambanadiJ:! svadhi- 10 ~!ha~ahamas cittena santadevatayogasukhalambano mok~aya na des ito buddhaiQ I kaJ:! punas tarhi des ita ity a*ha I suvisud- 3 dhakrama eka iti utpannakramayogo 'dvitlyaJ:! II katham etaj jfiayate iti ced aha I saukhyenetyadi I yena kfual!ena jinendraiJ). salf!lgrhita visve samu*panitaJ:! paiicanan- 4 15 taryakariI)a iti I anantaryal!i matrPitrarhadvadhaJ:! sarpghabhedo dU~1acittena tathagate rudhirotpadas ceti I etadanyatarel!avi*cau 5 kalpam anantaram evasyata ity anantaryam ucyate I saukhyena sukhopayena sekarthena caturthena I anyatha paficanantaryakaril!arp vlrakramena raudra*karmaviratih sviidhisthanena vardhitasamsarasu- 6 20 khavasaniiSarptatena mok~avaptiJ) I tena k~raI).eneti II . nanu yadi idarp kramadvayarp vlrasvadhi~thanakhyam akramam e*va manyate tada bhagavatakimartham uktam iti ced aha 7 viretyadi hir yasmad dehe praI)ak~ayo hy asav ukta tasmad vlrahamo na bahye I nanv evarp bahye * svadhi- lla 25 ~!hanai!1 spa~1am astv iti cen na yasmiit svasya cittasyadhi~ thanarp pratibhasaJ:! tac ca siinye traidhatukadarsanaI!l na- 4 jinendrail): VI, V3, AKU, ed., p. 146; jinendral): VP ed. II 6 svadhi~!hanaf!1: V 3; sadhisthanaf!1: V I II 7 iti margarak~okta: G; iti mok~abhila~inaf!1 margaparirak~okteti: TI (zhes pa [PI zhes par] thar pa 'dad pa rnams kyi lam yangs su srung ba gsungs sa / zhes pa 'a) II 8 na vety aha; mitradare ~ety aha: G; in T I we read ma yin nom nges na 'di la gus pas ci zhe na gsungs pa I viretyadi: TI (dpa' ba zhes pa la sags pa'a) II 9 °alambanadil): G; °alambanadilak~a~al): T I II 10 santadevatao: santidetaO (later corrected to santidevataO): G I °alambano; °alambanam (followed by a dalJqa): G; °mukhalak~a~o: TI II 14 saf!1grhIta; sangrahIta: G I visve; visva: G II 15 anantarya~i: G; paficanantarya~i: TI II 16 etado ... ucyate; in TI we read lnga pa rnams las gang yang rung ba'i skyan gyi [D1 skyal1 gyisl par mtshams med po kha nar ma nang med par bskal par gnas par 'gyur te / des /1a mtshams med par bJjad par bya'a II 19 °karmaviratil); °karmaviratail): G I svadhi~!hanena; svadhi~!ha~enantyan na: G; svadhi~! hanakrama: TI II 2] nanu yadi: T] [0]: 'a na gal tel; nanv: G I °akhyam akramam; °akhyaf!1 makramam: G /I 22 manyate; manyate paribhavat: G II 23 dehe; tadehe: G II 24 bahye; dehe: G I °adhi~!hanaf!1; °adhi~!ha~af!1: G II 25 cen na; cet / na: G I °adhi~lhanaf!1; °adhi~lha~af!1: G II
sarpsare niJ:!sare buddhatvarp phalarp tatk~ayat tataJ:! purpsam 1 kadaliphalam iva pakvarp kadalmasena sambhavati" [21] vfscikakulirasattva yasyaJ:! syus te vinasinas tasyaJ:! 1 evarp bhavati vinasi tad yogacittarp mayayaJ:! Ii [22] 5 advayam acalam ananvayam i~tarp paramak~ararp maharagam 1 meti prasiddham suvisuddhakramavyavasthokta jagadarthaka* ri1)am apiti " 2
nanu svadhi~thanarp traidhatukasya darsanam uktam taddarSanat tasyanivrtteJ:! sarpsaranivrttilak~aI).arp buddhatvarp katham 10 iva sambhavatlty aha 1 saf!lsara ityadi 1 saI!!*sare traidhatuke 3 ni~sare mf~amo~adharmake buddhatvaJ!l sarvajfiatadiguI).avibhutilak~ aI).arp phalal!l sararp bhavati tatk~ayat sarpsarak~ayad anantaram 1 katham ivety aha kada*Hphalam iveti yatha 4 niJ:!sarayarp kadalyaI!! sararp phalarp pakvaJ!l bhavati 15 kadallnasena evarp buddhatvam apiti "
nanu buddhatvasya bodhicittarp sadhanam i~yate 1 ta*ttvarp 5 tattvasya sadhanam iti vacanat [cf. stanza 2, above, p. 84] tac ca mayotpannatvan mayaya avidyatvena vartanad atattvarp katharp buddhatvasadhanarp bhavatity aha 1 vfsciketyadi 1 vfsci*ka~ 6 20 sukakltaJ:! kuHra~ karkata yasya matur bhaveyus tasya vinasinas te yatha eval!l yogacittaI!! yogal). prajfiopayasamapattis tasmin yac cittal!l caturtho 'bhi~ekaJ:! sa*rpvrtyotpannarp yasya mayaya 7 avidyacyutidharmiI).yaJ:! sakasilt tasya vinasi tad bhavatiti mayopasamena sarpsarasyapunaravrttir ukta tattvayoginam 25 asvasanartha*m iti " 11 b
nanu bodhicittarp sukradhatur ihocyate 1 tat katham ajaqasya buddhatvasya paramak~arajfianasya sadhanam uktam 1 sat yam uktam 1 sukrak~arasvabhavena sadhayet paramak~aram 1 [SU, 143ab] iti * vacanat 1 ata evasya tattvasya yogacittasya paramak~ararupeI).a 2 30 ~oqasacatuJ:!prabhedarp prakatayann aha 1 advayam ityadi 1 dvayarp nama sarpsaranirvaI).acittarp na vidyate * yasyeti advayam 1 maI).i- 3 1 tatal:J: V3; atal:J: VI II 2 kadaHphalam: V3; kadaliphalam: VI II 5 paramak~ ararp: V3; paramak~ararp: VI II 6 suvisuddhao: TI (shin tu mam par dag pa'i); svavisuddhao: G II 10 sarpsare; sarpsarpsare: G II 11 mr~amo~adharmake: cf. Edgerton 1970, vol. II: 441 II 18 mayotpannatvan; mayotpannatvat tac ca: G II 20 silkakl!al:J: conjecture; silkakI\al:J: G I karkala; karkka\a: G II 23 °dharmiI)yal:J; °dharminyal:J: G II 24. mayopasamena: conjecture; in Tj we read sgyu ma dang bral bas; mayopamena: G I °yoginam: conjecture (see also Grbnbold 1969: 30); °yoginyam: G II 25 asvasanartham; asvasanartham: G II 26 ajac.Jasya: TI (bems po ma yin pa); majalasya: G II 31 na vidyate yasyeti advayam: conjecture; in T I we read gang la yod pa ma yin pa de gnyis med do; tanu vidyate yasyeti: G II
bhavabhavabhavarp jfianarp sattvarp samantabhadrarp ca II [23] araIJo maharaI:Ias ca sahaja!) sribodhicittabindudhara!) I srikalacakravajra!) prajfiopayatmako yoga!) II [24] evarp yo vajrayogo 'parimitasugatai!) sevito desitas ca 5 sangHa bodhisattvair varakulisadharair mantravidbhi!) samastail) I [25]0
Eadau sarpsevanlYo gurur api samayi vajrayanadhiru9has tattvadhyaYl tv alubdho vyapagatakalu~al) k~antisIlo 'dhvavarti I si~yaIJarp margadata narakabhayaharas tattvato brahmacari 10 maraIJarp vajradaIJ9a!) sa ca dharaIJitale vajrasattva!) prasiddhalJ II [LKC III, 2]
padmad na calafity acalam I na vidyate 'nvayalJ prajfiopayarpso 'syety alll.anvayam I anuttarasukhapradatvad i~!am iti caturtho yoga!) I ~atsatadhi*kaikavirpsatisahasraSvasanirodhat paramak~a- 4 15 ram I ragaviragayolJ sukla1q~IJayor madhye sthitigamanabhavan maharagam sakaranirakaranirmukta*tvad bhavabhavabha- 5 vam I ase~ajfieyadarsanaj iti tP:lYo yoga I jagadanandakaraIJapurvakasattvarthasaktatvat sattvum adimadhyantakalyaIJakaratvat
s a*mantabhadram I maraklesavikalpapagaman na 6 20 vidyate raIJalJ sabdo 'ntarbahirjalpa!) prak~e9itavimuktasirphanadasarpgramo va 'syeti arai).ai) I anahatadhvanirupatvan ma*han raIJa!) 7 sabdo 'syeti mahara~a iti dvitlyo yogalJ I lokacaravivarjanat sahajal] I catu~kayavaraIJak~ayat srIbodhicittabindudharai} I sunyatakaruIJayor abhinnatva*t srikalacakravajra~ I jfianasllasam- 12a 25 bharasambhp:atvat prajiiopayatmako yoga iti prathamo yogalJ II idanirp gurvaradhanaya vajracaryaparik~am aha I adav iti I iha mantranaye * laukikalokottarasiddhikank~ibhi!) si~yair guru);i se- 2 vanlyal:t I tarp ca samyak parik~ayed iti aha I bodhicittarak~aIJat samayj sevanlyal:t putrakalatradibhir aradha*niyalJ I vajraya- 3 30 nadhirii~ho mantrayanadhiruqha!) paramak~arajfianabhavakatvat tattvadhyayj I sarvaputrakalatradisvasariranirapek~atvad alub- 1 bhavabhavabhavarp: VI; bhavabhavabhavarp: V3 II 8 k~antisllo: LI, L3, L4; k~antis1to: L2 II 12 na calatity; acalatIti: G II 15 sthitiO; sthitir: G II 16 rnaharagarn; rnahabhagarn (corrected to rnaharagarn): G I sakarao; sakarao: G II 17 tftIyo yoga!); tftlyoga!): G \I 20 prak~et;litao: cf. Edgerton 1970, vol II: 356, Tj (rab tu sgrogs shing); prak~etritaO (preceded by a dancja): G \I 22 iti dvitlyo yoga!): TI (zhes pa rna! 'byor gnyis pa'o); dvitIyoga!): G I lokacarao; lokadhyanao: G II 24 jiianasllao: conjecture arising from the context; jiianaO deest in both G and T I \I 27 laukikao: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 31); lokikao: G II 29 sarnayI; sernayI: G I aradhanIya!) (in G agadhanIya!) later corrected to aradhantya!) II 30 rnantrayanadhio; rnantrayanayanadhio: G II 31 before alubdha!) a da(zcja is in G II
pratyak~arp canumanarp dvividham iha bhaved devatalambanarp yat pratyak~arp tattvayogad u.iur iva gagane 'nekci.sambhogakayam 1 apratyak~e 'numiinarp rnrtakatanur ivatattvatal:I kalpanarp. yac citradau darsaniyarp. hy aparil)atadhiyiirp. yoginiirp. bhavaniirtham II 5 [LKC IV, 232)6
tiha sattviinam asayavaSena yoginiirp. pratyak~al!l canumiinal!l dvividham bhaved devatiilambanal!l yat 1 tayol; pratyak~anumanayor yat pratyak~al!l tat tattvayogiid gagana u"ur iva bhavet taracakram iViinekasambhogakayam iti marpsadicak~ur- 10 grahyarp mayasvapnasadrsarp tribhavarp. tryadhvani 1 atra prathamarp. miirp.sacak~u~a yogy adikarmiko visvabimbarp. paSyaty abhijfiabhir vina 1 tato divyacak~u~a pasyaty abhijfiavadhivasat 1 tato buddhacak~ u~a pasyati vitaragavadhivasatal:I 1 tatal; prajfiacak~u~a paSyati bodhisattvavadhivasat 1 tato jfiiinacak~u~a pasyati samyaksambud- 15 dhavadhicittavaSat sarvopadhivinirmukta iti 1 evarp tathagatasya paficacak~iirp.~i marpsadiny uktani siinyatadarsanarp. prati 1 anye dhaJ). 1 ra*gadido~apagamad akalu~aJ). 1 k~iintau silarp phalanir- 4 apek~a svabhaviki pravrttir yasya sa k~iintisj]aJ). 1 adhva buddhamiirgas tatra vartanasllo 'dhvavartil a*sau gurur iiradhital:I san 5 20 si~yiiy;tiil!l miirgadiitii narakabhayaharo bhavati 1 sa ca tattvato brahmaciiri paramiik~arasukhapraptal:I 1 miiriiy;tiil!l caturmiiriil)iirp. vajrada*l).ia iva vajraday;t"o dhvarp.sakatvat 1 s a coktalak~3.l)al:I 6 srigurur dhara~itale vajrasattvadhi~thiinamilrtitvad vajrasattvaJ). prasiddho nirmiil)akayena II
25 idiinirp laukika*lokottarasiddhaye devatiilambanam ucyate 1 7 pratyak~am iti tattvayogiid visvabirnbabhavanayogat 1 tiiriicakram iveti nilam3.l)icandramal).ialiikarabindumadhye * 'nantiina- 12b ntabuddhasal!lbhogakiiyasarpdarsanapiirvakarp. traidhatukaghatapatadidarsanam mii1!lsacak~u~ii satayojanavyavahitavas-
1 pratyak~aIJ1: L], L3, L4; pratya~k~aIJ1: L2 I iha: L1, L3, T ('dir); api: L2, L4 II 2 u;lur: L1, L3, L4; utarur: L2 117 bhaved: conjecture (api deest in T); api bhaved: V2, V3 II 8 tat tattvayogad: V2, T (de ni de kho na nyid kyi rnal 'byor gyis); tattvayogad: V3 II 9 bhavet: V3; bhavati: V2 II 11 visvabimbaIJ1: SUT (ed., p. 48/3), in T we read: gzugs brnyan; visvaIJ1: V2, V3 II 12 °vasat: V3; °vasata~: V2 II 14 °vasat: V2; °vasata~: V3 II 15 °cittaO deest in T I sarvopadhio: V2, V3; sarvase~ao: T (lhag rna kun) I tathagatasya paiicaca~iiIJ1~i: ed., V3; tathagatacak~iiIJ1~i: V211 16 uktani: SUT, T (gsungs); deest in V2 and V3 II 23 before sngurur a dalJrja is in G II 25 °siddhaye; °siddhiye: G II 26 visvao; visvao: G II 29 °cak~u~a; °cak~u~a: G II 95
sattvaJ) siinyatadarsanavi~aye jatyandha iti tattvabhavananiyamaJ:! I atattvasadhane punar apratyak~e 'nurnanaI[l rnrtakatamu' ivatattvataJ;t kalpanaI[l tac citradau darsaniyarn iti I citrarp pratima gha~ita ni~ikta buddhabodhisattvanarp maI)qalacakrarp va 5 likhitva niyatakararp darsanlyarp balayoginaI[l mandanarp bhavanartham iti vikalpabhavananiyamaJ:!l1;
'Ylseva paficamrtadyair jalanidhikulisair mantrajapadibhis ca pratyaharadibhiJ:! syat kulisakamalajenamrtenopasiddhiJ:!1 anandadyais trivajrabjasamarasagata bhavana sadhanarp syat 10 prajfiasange 'cyutarp sambhavati khalu mahasadhanarp siik~mayogat II [LKC IV, 113]'Yl
&ihadikarmikel)a prathamarp seva kartavya sadhanavidhina I seva pandimrtadyair iti I bahye paficamrtarp viqadikam adisabdena gokvadikarp tair bhak~itaiJ:! seva devatato~anartham I adhyatmani 15 paficamrtani paficaskandha adisabdena paficendriyal)i paficapradlpaJ:! 1 te~arp nirapek~ata seva sariradravyat[~l)aparityagas taya sevaya devata varada bhavanti na giithadina bhak~iteneti I jalanidhikulisair iti I kayabhoganirapek~ata vagbhoganirapek~ata cittabhoganirapetudarsina I abhijfiabhiqddhyadibhiJ:!1 divyacak~u~a * 'nantalo- 2 20 kadhatvantaritasiik~matarariipasarpdarsina I vas af!l samarthyam I buddhacak~u~a paracittavedina I prajnacak~u~a sarvadharmavikalpanalak~ aI)ena I jnanaca*k~u~a sarvakarasarvavastudarsina I 3 anye sattva arvagdarsinaJ:! I rnrtakatanur iveti calanaspandanabhavat I gha!i ta mrdadina I ni~ikta pittala*dina II 4 25 viJadikaI[l virasumamiipaficakam I gokvadikaf!l gokudahanapaficakam I adhyatmani pafidimrtani pancaskandhaJ;t paficendriyal). i pancapra*dipani iti I uktarp ca I 5
1 in V2 and V3 after iti we find te~aT]1 vistaro vak~yamal)e paramak~arajfianasiddhau vaktavya iti II 2 punar: V2, V3; deest in T II 3 tac deest in V2, V3; yat / tac: SUT, T (gang II de) II 4 citraT]1: V3, T (ri ma); citrao: SUT; evaT]1: V2 II 10 °SaIige: LJ, L3; °saT]1jfie: L4; °sajfie: L2 I sambhavati: LJ, L3; yad bhavati: L4; yat bhavati: L2 I khalu: L2, L3, L4; svalu: LJ II 12 seva paficamrtadyair iIi: V3; deest in T II 19 °darsina: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 32); °darsana: G I rddhyadibhi~: TJ (rdzu 'phrulla sags pa rnams kyis so); savyadibhi~: G II 20 °suk~matarao; °suk~metarao: G I °saT]1darsina; °saT]1darsana: G I vasaT]1 samarthyam deest in T J II 22 °sarvavastudarsina; °sarvavastudarSana: G 1123 before calanao a danda is in G II 25 virasumamuo; virasumamuo: G II 26 adhyatmani; adhyatmana~: G I paficamrtani; paficalTlfliidi: G I paficendriyar:ti; paficendriyani: G II 27 °pradlpani; °pradlpam: G II 96 .
k~ata cyavanasukhanirapek~ata seva kayavakcittanarp brahruacaryarp sarpyama ity artha~. I anaya devata varada bhavanti na bhavabhogaspfhayeti I man~rajapadibhis ce ti I iha mantrajapo nama praI).asarpyama~ I adisabdena recakapurakakumbhakayoga~ sada seva 5 taya devata varada bhavanti na priiI).enayantritena vagjalpiteneti nltartha~ I neyarthena punar a.\~amaladina japadikarp kartavyarp samanyasiddhyartham I
idanlm upasadhanam ucyate I pratyahaTa ityadi I iha sarpsariI).am aharas cak~uradindriyai rUpadivi~ayagrahaI).arp tatparityaga~ praty- 10 ahara ity ucyate I sunyatabimbe 'nyais cak~uradibhir marpsadyair anyarupadivi~ayagrahaI).am upasadhanarp I tatha dhyanarp praI).ayamas ca dhiiraI).a ca I kulisakamalajenam!'tenacyutenopasadhanarp nitarthena I bahye devatotsarjanena neyarthenety upasadhanasiddhi~ I ya bindo~ svetadhara patati dinanisarp mamakl sa sura no I 15 gokvadyarp cak~urade~ spharaI).am anudinarp nanyamarpsarp kadacit I se*va pancamrtanarp svakulabhuvi gatair devatai~ suddhakaye I 6 sunye cittapravesat sahajabhuvi sukharp maithunarp tan na yonau II [LKC IV, 127]
iti I recakapurakakumbhakayoga a~aranirgama*orpkaraprave- 7 20 sahurpkarasthitipratyavek~aI).alak~aI).a~ I ayantritenasthirlkf1ena samanyasiddhyarthaJ!llaukikasantyadisiddhyartham I ahara amukhikaraI).am I lau*kikariipadyiimukhikarapratipak~i- 13a 1 cyavanasukhanirapek~ata: V3; in T we read 'pho ['phro P] ba'i fangs spyod kyi bde ba fa ltos pa med pa (= cyavanabhogasukhanirapek~ata) I seva: V3; deest in T I kayavakcittiinarp: conjecture based on T, SUT (ed., p. 43); kayavakcittao: V3 II 2 anaya devata: SUT; anaya devatavata: V 3 II 5 before na pral)ena a dmiga is in V31 vagjalpiteneti: SUT, V3; deest in T II 6 punar: SUT, V3; deest in T II 8 pratyahara ityadi: SUT; in T we read so sor zhes pa fa sags pa'o II so sor sdud pa zhes pa fa 'dir (= pratItyadi / pratyahara itiha); pratyadi / iha pratyahara iti: V 3 II 9 tatparityaga~: T (de yongs su spong ba ni), SUT; tata~ parityaga~: V 3 II 10 ity: V3, SUT; deest in T I marpsadyair anyarupadio: V3, SUT; deest in T; anyarupadi is commented on in G II 12 dharal)a ca: T (dang 'dzin pa), SUT; dharal)at: V3 I °acyutenao: V3, SUT, G; deest in T II 13 °siddhi~: V3, SUT; deest in T II 14 PUly;larika does not comment on this st. I bindo~: Lj, L3, L4; bindo: G; biddho~: L2 I dinanisarp: Lj, L3, L4, G; dinanidarp: L2 I no: L2, L4; 1)0: G; na: L1, L3 II 15 gokvo: L\, L3, L4, G; sokvo: L2 I cak~urade~: Lj, L2, L3, L4; cak~uradai~: G II 16 gatair devatai~ suddhakaye: G; gate daivate siddhakaye: L2, L4; gatair daivatai~ suddhikaye: L], L3 II 17 sahajabhuvi sukharp: G; samarasakaral)arp: L], L2, L4; sahajabhuviCcitta ? [not easily legible]) sukham (corrected to samarasakaranaryt): L3. In T] we read fhan skyes sems kyi bde ba (= sahajacittasukharp) II 19 °yoga = °yoga~: G; in the ~y (above, line 4) we find ° kumbhakayoga~ I °nirgamaO; °nirgama~: G II 97
idanlrp sadhanamucyate 1 anandetyadi 1 ihanandadyais trivajrai) kayavakcittabindavo 'bjasamarasagata bhavana sadhanaIW syad dhrmabhiguhye bindiinarp sthitir ity aIiha!] 1 evarp sadhanam 1 tato mahasadhanarp 1 prajiiasange 'cyutal!l sukharp sambha- 5 vati yada tada khalu mahiisadhanaf!1 suk~mayogiid iti I su~umnanasIikordhvarp sUkrasarpyogan mahasadhanam ity ucyate nHarthena I neyarthena puna!] prajfUidharmodayanasikagre sar~apadikam iti niyama!] I evarp mahasadhanarp bhavati II,'} Ladau vai sunyatabodhir api khalu tata!] sarpgrahas candrabindor 10 bimbotpattis ca tasmat pravararasakulair ak~aranyasa eva I e~a samanyaseva jalanidhikulisaiJ:i sadhanarp madhyamarp ca atropayas caturdha bhavati mrdudrsIha!] sadhanailge tathaiva II [LKC IV, 114]L
Kihotpattikrame prathamarp. sunyatiibodhi.r iti prfu:1inarp maraI)ante 15 skandhaparityagad upapattyarpsikaskandhagrahaI)ad yad antaralarp tvat pratyahara ity artha!] I anyarupadi paramfu:1udharmatatitalokottararupadi I dhyanaRp. prajfiatarkavicararatiniscalasukhalak~al! am I pra*~ayamas candrasiiryagatibhailgalak~al!a!] I dharaJ).:l 2 guhyanabhihrtkamhalaIatagatyagatimukhena bindau svasanirodhala- 20 k~al!a I kulisakamaliam u~l!l~apadmam tatroditatvat tena kulis a*kamalajenamrtenacyutena bodhicittenety arthaJ:i I 3 abjasamarasagata hrnnabhiguhyakamalakafl!ikasamaraslbhuta anena binduyoga ukta!] 1
su~umnana9i sail*khini tadurdhvaI!l sukrasaRp.yogad bodhi- 4 25 cittagamanat I anena suk~mayoga ukta!] II
idanirp mrdvadibhedena sevadikam ucyate I iidav ityadi I skandhaparityagad iti vartama*nikadehaparityagat upapatty- 5 1 ihanandadyais: this is the readin'g suggested by the verse and T ('dir dga' ba la sogspa rnamskyis); ihanande: V3, SUT 115 khalu: V3, SUT; deest in T 116 ity: V3, SUT; deest in T II 7 puna~: V3, SUT; deest in T I °nasikagre: SUT; nasigre: V 3 II 12 tathaiva: LJ, L3, L4; tathaiva~: L2 II 15 yad antaralarp: V 3, SUT; yad: T II 16 pratyahara; pratyahara: G II 17 after dhyanaT)'l a dalJlja is in G I °niscalasukhao; niscalasukharp: G (niscalasukharp is preceded by a da(llja) II 18 °laksanah; °laksanam: G II 19 bindau: cf. SU, 77; bindoh: G I svasao: deest in T1 f °lak~aJ)a; ·ofak~af.lam: G II 20 tatroditatvat: conjecture based on TJ (del' byung ba nyid las); tadroditatvat (followed by a dalJlja): G I kulisao: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 33); .~ulisao: G II 24 su~umnana91 saJlkhinl; susumana saT)'lkhlnl: G II 26 ityadi: T1 II 27 before vartamanikao a dalJlja is in G II
sunyatak~aI)am ekarp tribhavadarsanarp tac chunyam ity ucyate 1 khalu niscitam 1 tataJ:t k~aI)at paScat sal!lgrahas candrabindor iti 1 ihaIayavijfianasya matrgarbhe sukrabindiiniirp grahal).arp nama s af!lgrahaJ: t 1 tataJ:! sukradigrahal).at tasmad bimbotpattir nama sap- S tamasair garbhani~pattil) kayani~pattir ity arthaJ:! 1 tatal) pravararasakulair iti ~a!skandhais cak~uradlnam ak~aranyaso riipadivi~ ayapravrttir iti 1 evarp devatasadhane 'pi kalpanatmakarp bhavayed adikarmikal) 1 e~a samanyaseva jalanidhikulisair iti kayaviikcittajfianavajrani~ pannaiJ:1 1 sadhanaf!l madhyamal!l ca priil).ani~- 10 pattiJ:t 1 atropayas caturdha bhavatiti sevanga upasadhanange mrdudr1haJ:t sadhanange tathaiva 1 ~o;laSavar~avadher iti niyamaJ:! 1
af!lsikaskandhagrahaJ)ad iti bhavibhavagrahaI)at etanmadhye yad antaralam antarabhavalak~al).am 1 tribhavadarsanal!l bhava- 15 trayasak~addarsanam 1 a*layavijfianasyase~avasanadharasya sarp- 6 graho rajal)sukrabindumadhye cittapravesaJ:! matrgarbhe su - krabindiinaf!l grahaJ)af!l nama sal!lgrahaJ:t saptamasair iti samanyam 1 svariipato navama*sair ity uktam 1 devatasadhane 7 garbhanidarsanena 1 tena tata ityadina upasadhanadyangatraya- 20 sucanam 1 ~a!skandhai rupavedanasarpjfiasarpskaravijfianajfianalak~ aI)ail) 1 e~a,samanyaseva * laukikasiddhiseva 1 tathaivopa- 13b sadhanarp sadhanarp mahasadhanam iti 1 ata eva jalanidhltyadi 1 etena kayavakcittajfianavajrani~pattir ity uktarp bhavati 1 sadhanaf!l madhyamam ity upasadha*nam 1 madhyamam ity anena 2 25 sadhanasya vise~itatvat 1 ata eva praJ)ani~pattir iti vyakhya atreti anantaroktasevopasadhanayor upayas caturdheti mrdvadicaturdhety arthaJ:! 1 te~u catu"'r~u madhye dvidha 'tra 3 sevopasadhanayol)1 dvidhapy asau yojyal) sadhanamahasadhanayol)1 ata eva aha sevanga upasadhananga iti 1 mrdudr1ha iti 30 cana*ntaroktena sevopasadhanena vak~yamiil).ena ca sadhanamaha- 4 1 tribhavadarsanaJTI: V3, VP (ed., vol. II, p. 208), G; tribhuvanadarsanaJTI: Sur, equally possible II 7 devatasadhane: V3, SUT (ed., p. 44); in T we read lha'i rnal 'byor la (= devatiiyoga) I kaipanatrnakaJTI: V3, T (brtags pa'i bdag nyid); kalpanam ekaJTI: SUT II 13 °skandhagrahru:Jad; °skandhagrahasyad: G I bhavibhavagrahaJ).at; bhavibhavagrahru:Jat: G II 17 grahaJ).a!p; grahanam: G II 18 samanyam/ svarUpato: G; in Tl we read spyi'i ngo bo las (= samanyasvarupato) II 1 9 before garbhanidarsanena a dalJ.q,a is in G 1122 jalanidhityadi; jalanidhityadi: G II 23 °vajraO deest in G and T II 26 after atreti a dalJ.q,a is in G I before upayas a dalJ.q,a is in G II 28 dvidhapy asau yojya/:l: conjecture; dvidha scad (-;0 pascad ?) yojya~ yogi: upaya~: G. In Tl [Dll we read rnam pa bzhi zhes pa chung ngu la sogs pa rnam pa gnyis ni phyi nas sbyar bar bya ste sgrub pa dang sgrub pa chen po dag la'o I before sadhanamahasadhanayo~ a dalJ.q,a is in G II 29 aha: conjecture based on Tl (gsungs pa); hi: G I sevanga; sevange: G II 30 vak~yama~ena: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 34); vak~ama~ena: G II
atra mrdur jatabalo dantotthanat tu madhyabalaJ:! dantapatat kuma-, raJ:! punar dantotthanat ~oqasavar~ordhvarp. prauqhaJ:! putraduhitrjanakatvad iti 1 evarp sarvadevatanarp caturvidham angarp yogin a bhavaniyam iti laukikasatyaniyamaJ:! II .
5 idanirp paramarthasatyena buddhabimbani~pattir ucyate 1 iha prathamarp siinyatiibodhir iti andhakare na kirpcid api cintaniyam 1 tatal). saI!lgrahas candrabindor iti 1 binduparyantarp dhumadinimittagrahal) am 1 bimbotpattis ca tasmad iti tasmad bindor
visvadarsanarp bimbotpattil). 1 pravararasakulair iti niravaral)aiJ:! 10 ~a!skandhair ak~aranyasa iti pradesikaskandhadhatvayatanadinarp nirodhaJ:! 1 tate mrdvadibhedo bhumiIabhena bhavati yavan na dvadasabhumisvaro bhavati 1 tate
dvadasakarasatyarthaJ:! ~oqasakaratattvavit 1
sadhanena saha sarpbandhaJ:! 1 tac ca chando'nurodhad adyanta- 15 grahal)arp pratyaharel)a 1 ate 'tra balakumarayor api gra*ha- 5 I)arp veditavyam 1 dr4hal). prauqhaJ:! 1 mule tathaiveti mahasa dhanailga ity arthaJ:! kumaro mrdus trtiyailgarupaJ:! 1 etena sevadicatu~ karp mrdvadicatu~!ayena yojitarp. bha*vati 1 6 [atretyadi 1 m rd ur jatabiila i*ti 1 indubindusarpgrahat prasuti- 7 20 simno mrdur iti I] antarabhavad arabhyoktva sarpprati mrdujatadisabdena jata eva ~o4asetyadi 1 sariranidarsanena prastutartham udahrtya darsayati 1 [~]
mrdvadibhedena bhiimilabha iti mrdviidicatu~karp pratyekarp bhumitrayayojitam ity arthaJ:! 1 pramuditadijfianavatlparyan- 25 ta*dvadasabhumilabhad dvadaSabhiimHvarah 1 tato dvada- 14a siildira ityadi gathartho 'smabhir amrtakal)lkayarp namasamgIti! ippal)yarp vivrta iti neha pratanyate II
t jatabalo: SUT; jatabalary: V3 (which follows with a dalJcja) II 2 putrao: SUT; putrao: V3 II 9 visvadarsanaIl1 bimbotpattiry: V3, SUT; in T we read sna tshogs gzugs (= visvabimbotpattiry) II 11 tato: SUT; ato: V3 I mrdvadibhedo bhumilabhena: V3, SUT; mrdvadibhedena bhumilabha: G I in V3 a dalJcja is placed after bhavati II t 7 kumaro mrdus trtlyaJigarupary: G; in T1 we read gzhon nu ni dman pa ma yin pa yan lag gsum pa'i ngo bo'o II t 8 mrdvadicatu~tayena deest in D1 II 19 in G the sentence atretyadL .. mrdur iti is placed after darsayati I jatabala: conjecture based on T1 (skyes pa'i byis pa'o) (see also Gronbold 1969: 34); jatabana: G I indubindu; indrabindu: G; candrabindu is equally possible II 20 antarabhavad... °adisabdena deest in T1 I arabhyoktva: conjecture; aramboktva: G I mrdujatadisabdena: conjecture; mrdujatadik~anto: G II 21 sariranidarsanena: conjecture; sarlranirdasena: G; in T1 we read Ius nges par brtan pas btsas pa ni II 23 bhumilabha; bhumilabha: G II 25 °labhad; °labhlt (followed by a da~lcja): G II 26 ityadi; iti adi: G II 27 G has a dalJrja before neha I pratanyate: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 34); pratyanyate: G II
virpsatyakarasambodhir vibuddhaJ:l sarvavit paraJ:l11 [NS 133 (IX, 15)]
iti IK tatM
Asunye dhumadimargarp guruniyamavasad bhavayed bimbaslmno 5 na~icakre~u tasmat sthiram api kurute praIfam apanavayum 1 pascad indor nirodharp graha iva kurute bodhicittasya yogI tasmad yat kirpcid i~!arp katipayadivasaiJ:l prapyate janmaniha II [LKC II, 108)A
iti 1 ayarrz riijamiirga/:t 1 bhiivaniikramasyopadda/:t paramiidibuddha 10 ukta/:t 1 tadyathii
I-ldhumadln bhavayitva tu cittarp lqtva tu niscalam 1 ida*nirp lokottarasiddhimarga ucyate 1 siinya iti siinye dhiima- 2 dimargaql guruniyamavasad vak~yamaIfakramad iti bhavayed bimbasimno bimbarp sarvakarabimbarp tatparyantarp citta*m iti 1 3 15 na4-jcakre~u tasmad avadheJ:l sthiram api kurute praI)avayum apanavayul!l ca 1 nabhicakre yogi pascan nirodham iti graha iva rahur iva indo*r bodhicittasya yogiti praIfapanaY0J:l 4 parasparasarpyogaJ:l sa yasyasti iti yogi 1 bodhicittasya cyutik~aIfasya nirodham upasamarp ni~yandadikam a*k~ararp karoti 5 20 1 tasman ni~yandad vipakapuru~akaravaimalyarp yat kif!1cid avacyarp tat katipayadivasais trivar~atripak~akalacakradinair 3 iti: T (ces so); iti niyamal): V3, SUr I tathii: conjecture based on T (de bzhin du) II 4 bimbaslmno: Lj, L4, T, G; bimbaslmnal): L3: visvaslmno: L2, VP ed. II 5 tasmat: Lj, L3, VP ed.; pasCiil: L2, L4 I iipiinao: LI, L2, L3, L4, metri causa, cf. also below, p. 108, line 8 and p. 271, note 10011 6 indor: Lj, L2, L4; bindor: L3 II 9 ayarp ... tadyathii: T (lam gyi rgyal po 'di sgom pa'i rim pa'i man ngag mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa / 'di Ita ste /) II 11 stanzas b, c and d (piidas ab) are also quoted in G (fols. 6a3-4, 7b2-3) II 12 dhiimadimargarp: conjecture; dhiimadimarge: G; in Tj we read du ba la sags lam Ili II 13 vak~yamaI)ao: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 34); vak~amanao: G I before bhiivayed a da!l(ja is in G II 14 tatparyar.tarp; tatpraryantarp: G I cittam: G; cittena: TI (sems kyis) II 16 nabhicakre: VP ed., G, V3; na.Hcakre: G; deest in TI I before graha a dal}rja is in G II 17 before indor a da!lrja is in G II 20 ni~yandiid vipakao: VP ed., G, V3. In TI we read rgyu mthun pa dang mam par smin pa (= ni~yandavipiikaO) I katipayadivasais; katipayadisais: G; it is also possible that the correct reading is katipayadinais as suggested by G. Gronbold (1969: 35), since Ravisrljfiiina summarized the following passage by PUI)qarlka in one sentence: 'T .. J tat katipayadivasai~ priipyate janmaniha / katipayadiniini trivar:;atripak:;akiilacakradiniini, tair iti mahiimudriisiddhi~ priipyata ebhi~ skalldhai~ siinyiidivimok:;asodhitair iti mahiimudriisiddhisiidhan(lmiirganiyamarl" (VP, ed., vol. I, p. 229) II
madhyamarp sodhayitva tu bhavayet paramak~aram II [a] padme vajrarp prati~thapya praIfarp bindau nivesayet I bindiin cakre~u bindiinarp spandarp vajre nirodhayet II [b] stabdhalingaJ:! sada yogI iirdhvaretaJ:! sada bhavet I 5 mahamudraprasangena vajravesair adhi~thitaJ:! II [c] ekavirpsatsahasrais ca ~atsataiJ:! paramak~araiJ:! I k~aIfaiJ:! piifl).air maharajan vajrasattval; svayarp bhavet II [d]f.l anyatra
prajfiiismigo na kartavyo yiivad dhi dasa noditiib I 10 biihyavrttiparicchediin nimittiini ca yoginab II [e] vpratyaharo jinendro bhavati dasavidho dhyana!D ak~obhya eva praIfayamas ca khaqgi punar api dasadha dharaIfa ratnapaIfiJ:! I qombyarp canusmrtiJ:! syad api kamaladharaJ:! srlsamadhis ca cakri ekaikaJ:! paficabhedaiJ:! punar api ca yato bhidyate hy adikadyaiJ:! II 15 [LKC IV, 115]
pratyaharo dasanarp vi~ayavi~ayiIfam apravrttiJ:! sarlre prajfia tarko vicaro ratir acalasukharp dhyanam apy ekacittam I praIfayamo dvimargaskhalanam api bhaven madhyame praIfaveso bindau prliIfapraveso hy ubhayagatihato dharaIfa caikacittam II 20 [LKC IV, 116]
caIfqalyalokanarp yad bhavati khalu tanau cam bare 'nusmrtiJ:! syat prajfiopayatmakenak~araIfasukhavasaj jfianabimbe samadhil; I etan mrdvadibhedais trividham api bhavet sadhanarp visvabhartus tisro mudras trimatras trividhagativasat karmasarpkalpadivyal; II 25 [LKC IV, 117]
pratyahareIfa yogi vi~ayavirahito ' dhi~thyate sarvamantrail; paficlibhijfianalabhi bhavati narapate dhyanayogena suddhaJ:! I praI)ayamena suddhal; sasiravirahital; piijyate bodhisattvair maraklesadinasam visati dasabalam dharanaya balena II [LKC IV, 118] 30 sarpsuddho 'nusmrtel; syad vimalam api ca bhamaI)qalarp jfianabimbat mahamudrasiddhil; * prapyata ity arthal; II
2 padme vajra!)1: V2; vajra!)1 padme: G II 9 st. e, which is not commented on in G, has been retranslated on the basis of T (cf. below, p. 159) I I 10 bahyaO; bahye is also possible II 1 2 °pa\li~: L1, L3, L4; °pa\li: L2 I I 13 90mbya!)1: L1, L3, L4; 90mbya: Lz II 14 °adyaitr L1, L3, L4; °adyai: L2 II 16 °vrtti~: Lj, L3, L4; °v[tti: Lz II 17 °cittam: Lj, L2, L3, G (fol. 2aS); °cihnam: L4 I I 24 °divya~: L1, L2, L3, L4; °devya~: SUT (ed., p. 35) II 26 yogI: Lj, L3, L4; yogi: L2 I 'dhi~lhyate: L1, L3, L4; 'dhi~!yate: L2 I sarvao: Lj, L3, L4; samac: L2 II 29 balena: L], L3, L4; balena~: L2 II 30 'nusm[te~: Lj, L3, L4; 'nusm[la~: L2 I vimalam api ca: Lj, L3; vimalamanasi: L2, L4 I °ma\l9alam: Lj, L3, L4; °ma\l9ale: L2 II
tasmac chuddha~ samadhau katipayadivasai~ sidhyati jfianadeha~ I pratyahiiradibhir vai yadi bhavati na sa mantriJ:1am i~tasiddhir nadabhyasad dhathenabjagakulisamal!au sadhayed bindurodhat II [LKC IV, 119]
5 sevayam adiyogo nabhasi dasavidhas cakril!a~ krodhadr~tya dr~tya vighnantakasyamf1apathagataya copasadhye ~asiaiIga~ I prajfiasr~tendubindor api kulisamal!au tryak~ara~ sadhane syat saukhyana~taikasanta~ sahaja iha mahasadhane jfianayoga~ II [LKC IV, 120]V
10 idiinif(l s~asiaiIgayoga ucyate pratyahlha ityadina I iha pratyahara adikarmaJ!i jinendra iti jfianaskandh~ I sa ca nimittabhedena dasavidho dhumamancikhadyotadlpajvaJacandradityarahukalabindudarsanabhedenakalpito jfianaskandha~ I dhyanam ak~obhya eva
dasavidho vijfianaskandha~ I vi~ayavi~ayil!arp dasanam ekatvarp 15 visvabimbe dhyanam iti I praJ)ayamas ca dasavidhaJ:l kha4glti samskaraskandhah I vamadaksinadasamandalaikalolibhutatvad iti I pu'nar api dasadha dharaJ)'a' ratnapai).h iti vedanaskandhaJ:l I pra1)asya dharal!a nabhihrtkaJ!thalaJato~1)l~akamale gatagatabhedena dasavidheti I gombyaf!l canusmrtiJ) syad api kamaladhara iti 20 sarpjfiaskandho dasavidhaJ:l I sa canusmf1ir gom byaI!l madhyanasiyarp dasakamavasthabhedata iti I srisamadhis ca cakriti vairocano dasavidhaJ:l samadhir dasavayunarp nirodhata iti I evarp bhagavan aprati~thitanirva1)o 'vaho vayunarp yata ity arthaJ:l11115 II idanlrp pratyaharadilak~aJ!am ucyate pratyah.aretyadina I iha pra- 25 tyaharo nama sa.rire vi~ayavi~ayiJ)al!l dasanaI!l sambandhenaidanlrp ~aTslokaiJ:l ~agangayogam aha I pratyahara ityadi [-,] I adikarmaJ)i dhumadinimittabhavanayarp jinendra iti vajrasattvo ni*ravara1)avi~ayavi~ayitvena dasanimittarupaJ:l I kha4gi amogha- 14b siddhi~ I dasakamavasthabhedata iti I
1 tasmac chuddhal;!: L], L3; tasmad buddhal;!: L2, L4 I sidhyati: sur (ed., p. 44); sidhyate: L], L2, L3, L411 3 dha!henabjagao: L], L2, L4; dha!henabjao: L3 II 6 copasadhye: L1, L3; copamadhye: L2, L4 II 7 °sr~!enduo: L1, L3; °sparsenduo: L2, L4 II 8 iha: L1, L2, L4: iti: L3 II 10 idanlf]1: T (da ni) I iha: V3; deest in T II 15 dasavidhal;!: V3: deest in T II 21 dasakamavasthaO; dasakamavakao: V3 II 23 'vaho; 'vato: V3 II 26 after pratyahara ityadi the sentence anusmrtau ... svasaf]1vedyal;! (below p. 104, lines 9-11) occurs in G, but deest in T1 II 27 in G, before adikarmani we find sadhanakhevr 136/, which deest in T] [is it an abbreviation for sadhanakhal!ge vrttam 136 (= LKC IV, 136)?; see above, p. 84, note on line 4] II 28 niravaral!avi~ayao ... °nimittarupal;! deest in T1 I before niravaral!ao a dalJ¢a is in G II
pravfttir VIJnanasya siinyaHibimbe vi~aye~u pravrttir anyrus cak~uradibhi\:l paficavidhair iti 1 tatha tasminn eva bimbe prajiiety alokanam 1 tarka iti bhavagrahaJ).am 1 vicara iti tasya niscayarthaJ:! 1 cintakaiJ.k~ajvaro ' varamukhakamale su~kir annapravrtti\:l * 2 5 kamponmadas ca ghiirma prabhavati manaso vibhramas tivramiircha 1 dhiimadya vajril)as ta\:l prakatadasavidhaJ:! pr~ino ' avastha loke ta manmathasya prakatitaniyataJ:! ko * jina\:l kal) sakamaJ:! II 3 [LKC IV, 126]
iti lak~aJ).a [anusmrtau bimbadarsanasya pascad yogino maharagatvad 10 dasavastha jayante ka*mavasthapratiriipa dharaJ).aphaladhiimadidar- [14a, 7] sanapiirvikaJ:! svasarpvedyaJ:!] 1 dasavayiinaJ!l pr~apanasamanodanavyananagakiirmakrkaradevadattadhanarpjayanam 1 nirodha upasamo
'k~arl*bhava\:ll ragaviragapak~abhavad aprati~thitanirvaJ)al) 1 4 ekaika\:l paficabhedail) punar api ca tato bhidyate hy adikadyail) II 15 [LKC IV, 115d]
iti 1 trirpsadvyafijanatmakaiJ:! kacata*patasair akasavayuteja-udaka- 5 prthivijfianadhatusvabhavair airulkarapaficahrasvasvarabheditaiQ 1 tathaiva prthivyadisvabhavais ca lkaradi*dirghapaficasvarabheditais ca 6 1 sr~tisarpharakramel)a 1 me~avr~adidvadaSasarpkrantibhedena 1 prati- 20 daJ).;iarp ~a~!yuttaratrisatasvasal) 1 dak~il)ayane ekavyafija*narp 7 hrasvasvaras candra\:l uttarayal)e sarpyuktavyafijane dirghasvaraJ:1 siiryaJ:! 1 sarpkrantau sarpyuktavyafijanatrayarp pluto rahuJ:1 1 sattvarajastamomatrabhedena caran bhidya*ta ity arthaJ:! II 15a
anyais cak~uradibhirmarpsadibhir 1 alokanaJ!l visvabimbaIo- 1 sunyata°: SUr (ed., p. 36), T (stong pa nyid); sunyao: V3 II 4 cintao: Ll, L3, G; cittao: L2, L4 I °ajvaro: L2, L3, L4, G; °ajjvaro: Ll I varamukhao: LJ, L3, G (SUr, ed., p. 35); varasukhao: L2, L4 I sU:jkir annapravrtti~; §u~kir anyapravrtti~: G; suskir annapravrtti~: L3; su~ko 'nnapravrtti~: LJ; suktir annapravrtti~: L2; suktir anta pravrtti~: L4; su~kadravyapravrtti~: VP ed. (vol. II, p. 216) II 6 °dasavidha~: LJ, L3, L4, G; °dasavidhii: L2 II 7 manmathasya: L2, L3, L4, G; manmayasya: LJ I °niyata~: L3, G; °niyata: Ll, L2, L4 I k~ sao: Ll, L2, L3, L4; kas ca: G II 9 lak~aI;la; lak~aI;la~: G I before yogino a da(uja is in G II 10 before "dharaI;lao a da(uja is in G II 12 °kykarao; °makarao: G I nirodha: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 35); nirovy (or nirodhy ?): G II 14 ekaika~: Lj, L2, L3. L4; ekaikao: G I tato: G; yato: Lj, L2, L3, L4 II 17 before airujO a dalJq,a is in G II 1 8 pythivyadisvabhavais ca; °bhavais ca deest in Till 19 pratidaI)9mp (which can be interpreted as a temporal accusative) deest in Tj II 20 °svasa~: conjecture; o§vasan: G I before ekavyaftjanarp a dalJq,a is in G II 22 smpkrantau; sarpkranto: G II
ratir iti bimbasaktih I acalasukham iti bimbena saha cittasyaiklkaraJ) am I evarpgrahyagrahakabhedena dhyiinal!l dasavidham I iha priiI;layamo nama dvimarga iti vamadak~il)amargaskhalanal! l nirodho madhyame marge pravesal) sa ca dasavidho 5 dasamal);iaianirodhatal) I iha bindav iti I iaIate praI;lapravesal) I ubhayagatihata iti gamanagamanarahital)I dharaJ9llii pral)asya laUita ekacittam nama 1111611
caI;lj.aiyalok.anal!l yat tribhavasyambare samlsmrtir dasavidha purvokta I prajnopayatmakeneti I jfieyajfianaikaloli:- 10 bhiitatvenalq;araJ).asukhavasaj jiianabimbe samiidhis ceti I sapi dasavidha [sic] pral)adlnam abhavata iti I evarp ~aqari.gayogal) sadhanam I etan mrdvadibhedais trividham api bhavet sadhanaI!l visvabhartui) kalacakrasya I tisro mudras trimatras kanam I bhavagrahaJ).aI!l bhavaniriipJ.l)am tasya bhavasya 15 niscayarthai) siinyatasvariipatvavadha*ral)am bimbasaktir 2 vi?ayavyav[1tya manomatrel)antarmukhena devatatmakam atmanam alambamanasya niruttaraprajfiopayaikarasarp vicarayatas tattvapravesabhimukhye* na yat saumanasyarr sa ratil;t pritir ity arthal) I 3 kayaprasrabdhyadisukham acalasukham I madhyame marge 20 pravda iti I akiisadip[1hivyadidasamaJ).j.ala*bhari.gena lalana- 4 rasanayor nirodhas cavadhiitimargel)aiva pravesasthitinirgamalak~ al)a pral)avayo/:l siik~manaqyarp prav[1ti/:l pral)ayama iti ya*vat I ubhayagatihata iti nabhih[1kal)thaJaJa!o~l)l~e~u gaty- 5 agativirahel)a gamanagamanarahita iti krtva I kramel)a vayiinam 25 apacayad biodau bodhi*citte cittavahanasya pral)avayo/:l sunya- 6 taikarasarp nivesanarp dharal)ety uktarp bhavati II dasavidha purvokteti dharal)aprati~the citte svarasato dasavidhadhumadinimittaprati* bhasapurvakam utpannamal)qaladevatadar- 7
sanarp pratibimbakararp nirvikaJpakarp; tato 'nekarasmispharal)arp; 5 dasamaJ!9alanirodhata/:l; dasamaI!9alarodhata/:l: V3; dasa deest in T II 6 gamanagamanarahita/:l: V 3; rahita deest in T II 9 purvokta: SUT; prokta: V 3 I °lonbhutatvenak~aral!ao: SUT; °lonbhutenak~arao: V3 II 10 sapi dasavidha: sic V3, SUT (cf. Edgerton 1970, vol. II: 568); so 'pi dasavidho is the usual form \I 12 etan: SUT; etan: V3, T ('di rnams) II 13 trimatras: SUT; trimatra iti: V3; in T we read gnas skabs gsum zhes II 1 6 antarmukhena devatatmakam atmanam aIambamanasya: conjecture (see below, p. 321, line 3); antaramukhe ve [or "ce" (?)] devatatmakam atmanam aJak~amal!e: G; in T1 we read nang du phyogs pas lha'i bdag nyid la dmigs bzhin pas II 21 °rasanayor; °rasanayor: G II 22 suk~mana9yal)1; suk~mamadhye: G II 23 °gatihata; °gatiha!a: G \I 25 apacayad; upacayad: G I bodhicitte: conjecture based on T 1 (bvang chub kyi sems kyi thig Ie la); bodhir cittasya (followed by a dal}rja): G 1\ 26 nivesanal)1; nivesane: G; deest in TJ II 27 between dharal!a and prat;~!he a da~lrja is in G 1\ 29 'nekarasmio; 'naikarasmio: G II
trividhagativasad iti I iha bodhieittasya k~aragatir mrdumatra I spandagatir madhyamatra I nil)spandagatir adhimatreti 1 evarp' karmamudra k~arasukhadayika 1 jfianamudra spandasukhadayika 1 mahamudra nil)spandasukhadayika 1 evarp trimudrabhavana ~aq.- 5 aJi.gayogena bhagavatoktal iti ~aq.aJi.gayogo bhavanlyo yogina buddhatvayeti II 117 II
idiinI111 pratyiihiiriidipha1am ueyate pratyaharetyadina 1 iha pratyahareI;la yada yogi visuddho bhavati bimbena sthinohiitena tada sarvamantrair adhi~!hyate vacasa varadiinadikarp dadati 1 10 paficabhijfianalabhi bhavati narapate dhyanayogena suddha iti 1 iha yada 'nimi~acak~ur bhavati tada divyaeak~ur bhavaty evarp divyasrotro dhyiinena suddho bhavati 1 praI;layamena suddha iti iha yada ravisasimiirgarahito yogi bhavati sada madhyamaviihas tada praI;layamena suddha1}. san piijyate bodhisattvai1}. 15 pra§asyata ity arthal) 1 maraklesadinasaf!l visati dasabalam iti siinyatabimbarp grahyagriihakacittarp visati 1 dharaI;laya baleneti pra~asya gatagatak~aye~aika101Thhavati II 118 II tate dhatutraye devataeakraspharaJ}apiirvika cintadida§akamavastha* lak~~anusmrtir iti 1 praI;ladinam abhavata iti c~q.anjvala- I5b 20 samuddipitataya vajrama~isikharagraprati~!ham aeyutarp bodhicittarp; tatah kramena sateakresu * nirodhitasatsatadhikaikavimsatisahasra- 2 svasas; tatlia . nirvikaipayogiik~aramih~sl!khamayayuganaddhatrnakajfiiinamayadehamahavajradharasvabhaval) sa*miidhir iti II 3
pratyaharadiphalaf!l ~aq.aJi.ganusarpsalak~~am bodhi- 25 saUvo bhavatiti svasantiine buddhagu~alabhat 1 katham evarp vyapadisyata iti eet I ja*tibodhidharmaeakradyapravartanat 1 tat- 4 pravartanena tu buddhak~etre sarpbuddhavyapadesabhag bhavaty evety asaya~ 1 dasavasitadikam iti ayu~karma*virnuktipari~kiira- 5 pr~idhanarddhidharmacittopapatti jfiiinava§itadikam 1 grah y agra- 30 hakacittaf!l karta 1 uktas eiinyatranusa111sal) 1 3 °dayika: SUT; °dayina: V3 I °dayika: SUT; °dayina: V3 II 4 °dayika: SUT; °dayina: V3 I ~a9angayogena: SOT; ~ac;langayoge: V3 II 8 yada yogi: SUT (ed., p. 44); yogi yadil: V3 II 12 divyasrotro: V3, SUT (ed., p. 45); divyasrotradi: D (Iha'i rna ba la sags pa) II 14 madhyamavahas: SL1T; madhyamilvahakal): V3 II 15 prasasyata; prasalj1syata: V3, ed. II 16 sunyatabimbalj1: SUT; sunyatabimbam iha: V 3 II 19 abhilvata; avahata: G II 2 0 °prati~tharh; °prati~thitam (later corrected): G II 22 °svilsas; °svasas: G I °sukhamayaO; °sukhamaYalJ1: G II 24 bodhisattvo ... °vasitildikam is an anticipation of the commentary on st. 119 II 25 the sentence svasantilne ... iti cet deest in T1 II 26 iti cet: conjecture; ity aha: G I jiltio ... tatpravartanena: T1 (skye ba dang byang chub pa dang chos kyi 'khor 10 la sags pa rab tu mi jug pa'i phyir te / de rab tu jug pas nz); jiltibodhidharmacakrilyapravartanat / tatapravartanena: G II 28 before ayu~O a da1Jq.a is in G II
saI!lsuddho 'nusmrter iti I ihiinusmrtir bimbiiliilganaIp cittasya sarvavikalparahitatvaIp tasmac chuddho yada tadii vimalaJIl prabhama~~ alaI!'l bhavati I apicaSabdad romakupat sphuranti paficarasmayo niscaranti joanabimbiit sunyabimbiid iti I tasmiic 5 chuddhal) samiidhiiv iti I iha grahyagrahakacittayor ekatvena yad ak~arasukharyJ bhavati tat sukhaIp samadhir ucyate I tasmiic chuddhal) samadhe!) suddho vaimalyaIp gata!) katipayadivasais tripak~atrivar~ai!) sidhyati I jiiiinadeha iti dasavasitiidikaIp prapto bodhisattvo bhavatiti pratyiihiiriidiniyama!) I 10 idiiniryJ ha!hayoga ucyate I ilia yadii pratyiihiiriidibhir bimbe dr~!e saty ak~arak~aryaIp notpadyate ayantritapraryatayii tadii n iidiibhyiisiid dha!hena praryaIp madhyamiiyaIp viihayitvii prajfiiibj agataku Ii sama~au bodhicittabindunirodhiid ak~arak~aryaIp pratyiiharaIp samiisiidya * sarvamantrair adhi~!hite I 15 dhyiinajfiiinaryJ samapadya paficiibhijfiatvam iipnuyiit II praryiiyamena niyataryJ bodhisattvair nirik~yate I dhararyiirthabalo nityaryJ vajrasattvaryJ samii*viset II . anusmrtisamayogat prabhamaryqala [sic] jiiyate I samadhivasitamatre niravararyavan bhavet II [GSU, 155-157] 6
20 iti I mrdutaya viimadak~iI}aviihavicchedad ayantritaprii*~atayii I 16a niidiibhyiisiij jfianasahajanandabhyasiid dhatena hUIpkaraniidena prajiiiibjagatakulisama~au bodhicittabindurodhiid iti 1 yathoktaya anuriigitayii va*rakaminya!) kakkole bolaIp vidhivat 2 prak~ipya ni~kampataya visramya tasyii!) kifijaIkamukhe vajramaryiryJ 25 ni~piqya nirbharapritirasena k~aryaIp na ciilayet 1 tatas tayo*!) 3 k~araddravodaye hUryJkiiroccararyapura!)saraIp sadgurupiidaprasadikrtam iimukhayatas caturthasahajiinandanubhavena bodhicitta- 1 'nusmrter iti / ihanusmrtir: V3; 'nusmrter iti: SUT, T 1/ 2 °rahitatvam: SUT; °rahital]1~ V 3 II 3 romakupat sphuranti d~est in T II 6 tasmac chuddhal) s~madh~l) suddho: SUT; tasman samadhisuddho: V3 II 8 tripak~atrivar~ai/:l sidhyati: SUT; trivar~adinatripak~ail) sidhyate: V3 II 9 bhavatlti: SUT, V3; in T we read 'gyur ro II de ltar II 11 ak~arak~a~!al]1 notpadyate: conjecture based on T ('gyur ba med pa'i skad cig l11i skye ba); ak~arak~aI,le notpadyaie: V3; ak~arak~aI,lam utpadyate: SUT I nadabhyasad dhathena: SUr, T; nadabhyasat vak~yamaI,lat hathena: V3 II 14 stanzas GSU, 155-157 are also quoted in the SUT (ed., p. 31) and in a MS described in DhiIJ 8 (1989) 15 (see Appendix IX) I adhi~thite: G; adhi~thyate: ed. (Matsunaga 1978: 124) II 15 apnuyat; apnuyayat: G II 16 nirlk~yate: see Matsunaga 1978: 124, note 25; nirilk~ate [sic]: G, see also below, p. 322 II 17 °rthabalo: G; °nubalan: ed. (Matsunaga 1978: 124) II 19 °matre; °matreI,la (later corrected): G II 23 bolarp vidhivat; bolavivivat: G II 26 k~araddravodaye: conjecture; k~araddasodaye: AK (ed., p. 29), T] ('gyur ba'i skabs byung na) is possible as well; k~araddrasodaye: G II 27 amukhayatas: AK II lO7
sadhayen ni~spandeneti hathayoga~ II~ niidiibhyiiso 'traiva siidhanapata1e bhagavatoktal:z 1
°ya saktir nabhimadhyad vrajati parapadarp dvadasantarp kaIantarp sa nabhau sarpniruddha taqidanalanibha da~qarupotthita ca 1 5 cakrac cakrantararp vai mrdulalitagatis calita madhyanaqyarp yavac cO~~l~arandhrarp sprsati hathataya sucivad bahyacarma II [LKC IV, 196 = II, 120]
apanarp tatra kale paramahathataya prerayed urdhvamarge u~l!l~arp bhedayitva vrajati parapurarp vayuyugme niruddhe 1 10 evarp vajraprabodhan manasi savi~aya khecaratvarp prayati paficabhijfiasvabhava bhavati punar iyarp yoginarp visvamata II [LKC IV, 197 = II, 121]0 1111911
bindunirodhas tato 'k~aTaJ)a*k~aI;,la1abha ity artha~ 1 atraiva 4 srlkalacakrasam bandhini II
15 yeti 1 saktitI pra~asaktir vrajati parapadaJ!l niralambasthanarp dvadasantam iti vamanasapu*te akasadiprthvlma~qaIantarp ~oqa- 5 saIiguladidvadasaIigulaparyantam 1 kalantam iti dak~iIJanasapute prthvlmal!qaladyakasantarp dvadasaIiguladi~oqasaIigulaparyantam 1 hurpkaranadoccara~ena pral!apananilayo~ sarpyojanan nabhau saJ!l- 20 niruddha 1 saiva pra~asaktis ta4idanala*nibha vidyudagnitulya 1 6 calita prerita 1 sucir iva siicivat"
apanam iti vrajati pravisati 1 parapuTaJ!l parasariram 1 atheyaHipi parapurapraveso * na bhavati tad evaJ!l kartavyam ity aha 1 16a evam anena krame~a vajraprabodhat paramasukhajfiana- 25 prabodhat 1 manasiti grahyagrahakacittaikalollbhute cetasi 1 savi*~a- 2 ] niryspandeneti; ni~pandeneti: SUr, V3 I nadabhyaso... bhagavatoktary: retranslated from T (cf. below, p. 163); nadabhyaso 'traivoktary: SUr II 4 saf)1niruddha: L], L3, L4; saviruddha: L2 I °analao: Lj, L3, L4; °alanao: L2 II 5 vai: L], L3, L4; nai: L2 II 6 yavac cO~I,11~ao: Lj, L3, L4; yavacho~I,11~ao: L2 I °randhraf)1: L2, L4; °randhre: Lj, L3 I spp§ati: Lj, L2, L4; sprti: L3 I siicivad bahyacarma: L], L3; siicibaddha hy acarma: L4; srtibaddha hy acarma: L2 II 8 apanaf)1: Lj, L2, L3, L4; apanaf)1 (the expected word) is contra metrum; see above, p. 101, line 5 and below, p. 271, note 100 II 9 parae: L3, T; varao: Lj, L2, L411 10 °vi~aya: L3; °vi~ayat: L], L2, L4 I °caratvaf)1: Lj, L3, L4; °caratnaf)1: L2 II I 3 'k~araI,1ak~aI,1ao: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 38); 'k~araI,1ak~araI,1ao: G II 14 °kalacakrao; °kalacakrao (later corrected): G II 16 akasao: G; in T] we read nam mkha'i dkyil 'khar (= °akasamaI,1sJalaO) I ~osJasangutadidvadasangulaparyantam: conjecture based on T] (thug par sar bcu drug la sags par sar bcu gnyis kyi mthar thug par 1'0) II 18 after o~09asangulaparyantam the compound ~09asangulantam is added and later erased in G II 19 the word °nadao deest in Tj II 20 tasJidanalao; taditanalao: G II 2 I calita; calata:. G II 23 after na bhavati we find Gir 'gyur zhe na ('kena bhavati cel') in Tj II
ltidanirp sunyatabimbasadhanaya dr~!ir ueyate I sevetyadi I iha seva dhilmadinimittabhavana I tasyarp sevayam adiyogo dhumadinimittagrahaJ)arp eittasyeti I sa ea dasavidho dhumadina sardharp pratyayo bhivati tena dasavidhaJ:1 I sa ea cakriJ)a ity 5 u~l)i~asya krodhadg,!yety urdhvadr~!ya 'nimi~aya nimittarp bhavati I ratriyogena eaturvidham I divayogena ~acfvidham I tato bimbam I evarp bimbaparyantarp. sevangarp. bhavati pratyaharel)a dhyaneneti I dr~!ya vighnantakasye ti I vighnantako 'mrtakul)cfali I tasya dr~!ir amrtasthanagata lalatagata I taya dr~!ya vighnantakasya- 10 mrtapathagataya copasadhye ~a4angaJ:1 I cakiirat praI,1ayamo dhiiral)a kartavya praI,1asya bimbe dr~!e saty upasadhanam I prajiiasr~!endubindor iti I iha prajfiaragena Sr~!as easav indubindus ea sr~!endubindus tasya prajfiasr~!abodhieittabindor api kulisamaJ).au gatasya yas tryak~arayogo bhavati guhye 15 nabhau hrdaye sa sadhane syad iti sadhanange trtiye bhavati I evarp sadhanangarp kartavyam I saukhyana~!aikasanta iti I iha saukhyenana~ tena bodhieittasya ya ekak~al)a~ sa santa ity ueyate I sahaja iha mahasadhane jiianayoga iti I eittasyak~arasukhena sahaikatvam iti I mahasadhanangarp. eaturtham lilt 20 ya indriyavi?ayaikalolibhilta sa sakti~ khecaratvam akani?!habhuvanaparyantam adhipatyarp. prayati I na kevalam evam ity aha I paficetyadi I rddhidi*vyaeak?urdivyasrotraparaeittajfianapurvaniva- 3 sanusmrtisvabhava pafidibhijiiasvabhava visvamaHi ea bhavati mahamudrall
25 prajiiaragel)a nirvika*lpaeal)cfalijvalaya I tryak~arayoga iti I 4 guhyagatas eittabindur niruddha~ I nabhigato vagbindur niruddha~ I hrdayagata~ kayabindur niruddha i*ti I saukhye- 5 nana~!ena vajramukhe bindusarpdohaeyutena jfianabindur niruddho jiianayogal) I
30 vayuyugme niruddha ityantena bhuearisiddhi~ sueita I kheca- 1 sevetyadi / iha seva: conjecture; iha sevetyadi: SUT (ed., p. 36); sevetyadi / iha seveti / adi: V 3 II 6 °yogena: V 3, T; °yoge: SUT I tato bimbam deest in T II 8 'mrtakUJ);!alT: V3, T; 'mrtaku\I;!allti: SUT (ed., p. 37) II 9 lala\agata: SUT, V3; lalatasthanagata: T (dpral ba'i gnas su son pa) II 13 ca smendubindus tasya deest in T II 15 sadhane: SUT, V3; sadhan1higa: T (sgrub pa'i yan lag) I iti: V3, SUT; iti kartavyam: T (zhes pa bya ba la) II 17 bodhicittasya: SUT; bodhicittal)1: V3 II 23 °anusmrtisvabhava: Tj (Ijes su dran pa'i rang bzhin); °anusmrtisubhava: G II 25 tryak~arayoga; tryak.~aro yoga: G II 28 before vajramukhe a dm,lCja is in G I °sal)1dohacyutena; °sal)1doha 'cyutena (followed by a dm,lija): G I jiianabindur niruddho; jiianabinduriruddho: G II 30 vayuyugme: T 1 (zung gi dung gi); vayu~r yagma: G II
Pmudra mayanurupa manasi ca gagane rLipavad darpaJ)e ca trailokyarp bhasayantl ta~idanalanibhanekarasmirp sphuranti I bahye dehe~v abhinna vi~ayavirahitabhasamatrambarastha cittarp cetomayalingayati ca jagato 'nekarupasya saika II 5 [LKC IV, 198]
cittasyabhasamatra svamanasi janitadarsabimbopama vai yoglndraiJ:1 sevaniya sakalajinasutaiJ:1 sevita ya ca buddhaiJ:11 sa jfianarciJ:1pravrddha dahati savi~ayarp maravrndarp saJDastarp ragadirps capi kaye dadati samasukharp yoginarp var~ayogat II 10 [LKC V, 113] II 120 II
- ratval!1 prayatltyantena khecansiddhir ukta I visvamatetyantena 6 mahamudrasiddhih suciteti II
mudra mahamudra mayanumpa svacchadarpaJ)apratibimbopama I * manasi ca gagane 'cittacitte 'ta evaha I riipavad 17a 15 darpaI)e ceti I rupam iva riipavat I spharanti [sic] spharayanti I bahye mayadehe~v abhinna vi~ayendriyaikalo*libhuta ata eva 2 vyatirekel)a dharmapratibhasarLipavi~ayavirahita anekariipasya jagatas cittam alilligayati ekapi sa I ata eva cetomaya aci*ttacittasvabhava II 3
20 cittasya grahyagrahakaikalolibhutasyabhasamaJra svacittapratibhasarLipa divyamudra svamanasi sarviikarani*rakararLipe ja- 4 nitajata sa abhasamatra jfiaIiarcir jvalajjfianarp cary~alijvala pravrddhii I savi~ayai!l skandhadhatvayatanasahitarp maravrndai! l * vikalpacittajalam I uktarp ca I mara!) svacittarp na paro 'sti 5 1 this verse is quoted twice in PAlS (YP, ed., vol. III, pp. 80, 88) II 2 °rasmirp: Lj, L4; °rasmi(rp): L3; °lak~ml: L2 II 6 LKC Y, 113 is also quoted in a MS entitled Kalpariijatantra that is preserved in the IsIAO Library, Rome (not catalogued), fol. 39b4-7. In fact this MS contains a text that appears to be recent. It is a work that combines prose and poetry, probably composed with a didactic purpose (see, for instance, fols. 43 ff). In it we can find qu_otations from several works, such as the GS (fol. 4b), the HT (fol. 31 b), the Adibuddha (fols. 32a, 33b, 39a), the Cakrasamvara (fol. 36b), the HTPT (fols. 32a-32b) and even the Kalpariijatantra (fol. 31a) I °abhasamatra: L], L3, L4: °abhasamana: L2 I janitao: L], L3; janatitao: L2: janibhao: L4 I °bimbopama: Lj, L3, L4; °bimbopasa: L2 " 8 °pravrddha: Lj; prabuddha:L2, L3, L4 II 9 samasukharp: Lj: samasukharp: L2, L3, L411 11 prayatity; prayatilty (later corrected): G " 16 after abhinna a da(1cja is in G " 1 8 before ekapi a dmJcja is in G " 20 after °matra a dalJcja is in G I svacittapratibhasarlipa divyamudra: G; in T] we read rang gi Ius la snang par ni gyi ngo bo mehog gi phyag rgya'o II 21 °nirakararlipe: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 39); °nirakarakararlipe: G" 22 jfianarcir jvalajjfianarp car;9alljvalapravrddha: conjecture; in T] we read de ni ye shes me lee 'bar ba ste ye shes kyi gtum mo 'bar ba 'phel ba'o; jfianarcir jvalannisarigajfianacar;9alljvaIa: G" 24 mara~ ... : cf. below, p. 274, note 106 " 110
prajfia jfianarr ca cittarr bhavati dasavidhas tasya cabhasa eva seko 'smin majjanarryad vimalasasinibhadarsabimbopama vai I tasman nirvaI!asaukhya.cyutam api sahajarr cak~ararr vai caturtharr yasyaitad buddhavaktrarr hrdayamukhagatarr vartate sriguruJ:t saJ:t II 5 [LKC V, 114]P
C;iha prajfia ca jfianal!1 ca yathasarrkhyarr grahakacittarr; tasya ca grahakacittasya yo dasavidho dhiimadiko grahyadarsabhasal;l pratisenavat sa eva jfianarr; grahyacittam ity arthaJ:t I evam adarse svacak~uJ:t pratibimbam iva svacak~urgrahyam iti prajfia ca jfianarr ca 10 I seko 'smin majjanarp. yad iti I ilia grahyacitte grahakacittasya yas tasmin praveso; biihyavi~aye~v apravrttiJ:t pratyaharo dhyanarr praI!ayamo dharaI!a; majjanam ity ucyate ~a1ange I tasman majjanan nirva~asaukhyam acyutam api sahajarp. cak~araf!1 vai caturthaf! 1 sukhaJTl balaprauq.haspandanaJTl paraJTl lokopamatikrantaJTl 15 trailokyacaramuktam ity arthaJ:t I hasitek~aI!asparsalinganapaI!ivyaptidvandvarahitaJTl karmamudrajfianamudraheturahitaJTl siinyatasarvakarapratibhiisalak~ aJ!am iti I idaJTl buddhavaktraf!1 jfianavaktraJTl yasyacaryasya hrdayagatarp. bhavitaJTl svanubhavaJTl mukhagatarp. si$yebhyaJ:t pratipadanaya vartate sarvakalaJTl sa sri- 20 mara iti I dadati dadati samasukhal!1 sahajanandasukharp. var~ayogat trivar~atripak~akalaca*kravar~eI!ety arthaJ:t II 6 prajiia ca jfianaf!1 ca yathasarp.khyam iti I prajfia sarvadharmasiinyatapratipattiJ: t sa grahakacittam tasya dhiimadika
adarsavabhaso grahyacittarp. sa e*va jiianam I etena yatha darpaI!e 17b 25 pratibimbitaJTl svacak~ur atmacak~u~a grhyate tatha siinyatasvabhavena cittena siinyatasvabhavaJTl sarvakaracittaJTl drsyate sa*dety arthaJ:t I asmin grahyacitte dhiimadilak~aI!e graha- 2 kacittasya siinyatacittasya majjanam ekalollbhavah I anusmrtim aha I vimaleti I balaprau*4haspandanam iti upayasya k~arasukhaJTl 3 30 dvidha balaJ:t prauq.haJTl ca I prajfiayaJ:t spandasukhaJTl vrddham te~aJTl pararp. Iokottaram tayoJ:t prajfiopayayor yada niJ:t*spandaJTl 4 2 °opama: LJ, L3, L4; °opame: AKU (ed., p. 149); °opasa: L211 3 tasman: L3; tasmin: Ll, L2, L4 II 4 °mukhao: T, VP ed.; °sukhao: LJ, L2, L3, L4; su and mu are almost indistinguishable in some MSS (such as L3) II 7 the word grahyaO deest in T II 12 ~a1aIige: T, SUr; ~a1aIigair: VP ed. II 14 °opamatikrantam: conjecture; °opamam atikrantam: SUr (ed., p. 46); °opamam atikrantam: V2 II 15 °sparsaliIiganao: V2, Sur; sparsa deest in T II 17 °lak~al!am: V2, SUr; deest in T I idarp: V2, SUr; deest in T I jiianavaktram: T (ye shes kyi zhal), SUr; deest in V2 II 20 after dadati a dal}cja is in G II 23 grahakacittarp deest in TJ II 24 after etena a dal}cja is in G I after darpal!e a danda has been erased in G II 27 after dhumadilaksane a danda is in G , grahakao; grahyakao: G II 28 sunyatacittasya: G; °cittasya deest' in TJ II 31 °opayayor; °opayayor (later corrected): G II 111
gUTUT vajradhara ity arthaJ:t I nanye dvindriyasukhavaboddhara iti lie; 'takasasaktaeittair animi~anayanair vajramargarp. pravi~~ai~ sunyad dhumo marlei~ praka~avimalakhadyota eva pradlpa~ I jvala eandrarkavajrru;y api paramakala drsyate bindukas ea 5 tanmadhye buddhabimbarp. vi~ayavirahitanekasambhogakayam II [LKC V, 115]'t
1Jidanim asya svaeittasyabhase pravesa ueyate akasetyiidina I iha mantrayane paramitayane ea dvidha yogabhyasaJ:t I akase yogabhyaso 'bhyavakase ea I ya iikase yogam apsyate sa ratrau nisehidragrhe 10 'ndhakara akasasaktaeitto dhumadikarp. nimittarp. paSyati I animi~ anayano vajramaTgaf!1 pravi~!a iti I ilia madhyamapral) apravi~~aJ:t sunyad eva akasasaktaeittaiT animi~anayanaiT vajTamaTgaf!1 pTavi~!ail] sonyad dhumo madeil] pTaka!avimalakhadyota eva pTadipa I iti nisayogena pasyati I tato
15 nirabhrarp. gaganarp. paSyati tato gaganat punar divayogena gaganodbhava~ svayambhu~ prajfUijfiananalo mahan iti [NS VI, 20ed (61)] jvala dfsyate nirabhre gagane I evarp. vairocano mahadiptir jfianajyotir virocanas [NS VI, 21ab (62)] eandTabhasal:). I jagatpradipal:). [NS VI, 21e] sOTyal] Ijfianolko [NS VI, 2Id] vajTarahu~ I 20 mahatejal:). prabhasvaro [NS VI, 2Id] vidyut paTakaleti I vidyarajo bhavati tae eatuTthaf!1 divyamudrodbhiitam iti I vajTadhaTo nirmitakaya ity artha~ II
idanim asya svaeittasya cittabhase darpaI)apratibimbo*pa- 5 macittabhase pravda ueyate akasetyadina I TatTav iti andha- 25 karopalak~al)am I akasasaktacitta iikasalinacittaJ:t I iikase asakta*ni 6 tatsamarasilihiitani cittani ye~iiqI tair vajramaTgapTavi~!aiT avadhiitigatapral)avatail:). gaganan nirabhragaganad adharanimittariipat I Topavabhasata i*ti darpaI)apratibimbopamana- 18a vilapratighariipapratibhasanat I sabdavabhasata iti kaI)thatalv- 30 adiprayatnajanitamahasukhollasaniihatadhvanimatr.anu*bhavanat I eta- 2 vata anena slokena bhagavataJ:t srlvajradharasya kayadvayam uddiptarp. bhavati II
2 °margarp: L]. Lz, L3, L4; °miirgao: AK II 3 °khadyota: L]. L3, L4; °khayota: Lz II 7 svacittasyabhase: VZ. SUT (ed., p. 37); svabhase: T (rang gi snang ba la) II 8 ca: SUT, T (dang); deest in Vz II 10 akasasaktacittal): VZ. SUT; sarvasaktacitta: T (kun nas chags pa'i sems) I in T the sentence dhiimiidikarp ... pasyati comes after siinyad eva (line 12) II 12 akasasaktacittair: VZ, SUT; T has kun nas zhen pa 'i sems II 1 5 punar divayogena: SUT; divayogena: T (nyin mo'i mal 'byor gyis); punar divayoge: Vz II 25 °asaktacitta: conjecture; °asakicitta: G II 26 after tair a dalJrja is in G II 31 kayadvayam; kayam udvayam (later corrected): G II
'gramantreso [NS VI, 22a (63)] binduka iti daSadhiinimittarp samajadau riitriyogena I namasaqtgityiiqt diviiyogena bhagavatoktam I tato mantrarajii mahiirthakrd iti [NS VI, 22b] sarviikiiraqt ghatapatiidikaqt bimbadarsanam iti I tanmadhye bindumadhye buddha- 5 bimbaI!l vi~ayavirahitaI!l dravyiibhiiviit kalpaniibhiiviic canekasambhogakiiyam I tato bimbayogeniiniihatadhvanir yal) sa eva
sruyate I evarp nirmii~akayo riipiivabhiisatal) I sabdavabhiisatal) sambhbgakiiya ity arthal) III
Cf'akasaqt stabdhadr~tyii jaladhararahitaqt yoginiilokaniyarp 10 yavad vai kr~~arekha sphuradamalakara drsyate kalanaq.yam I tasyiiqt sarvajfiabimbaIp payasi ravir ivanavilarp visvav~aIp sarvakiiraIp svacittarp vi~ayavirahitaIp napararp cittam evall [LKC V, 116]Cf'
Xatra divayoga iikiisaJ!l stabdhadrHyii jaladhararahital!l yogi- 15 niilokaniyaJ!l piirviih~e 'parah~e ca ravel). pr~tharp dattva 'nyatha ravirasmibhis timirarp bhavati tena tadbadhat pratidinam avalokaniyarp yiivad bindumadhye kr~l].arekhii viilapram~a sphuradamalakarii drsyate kiilanii4yiim avadhiityam antarbhiitaIp sarvajfiabimbaI!l traidhatukam aSe~arp payasi ravir iviiniivilal!l 20 visvavarl].al!l sarviikiiraJ!l svacittal!l visayavirahital!l niiparal! l cittam eva paracittaIp na bhavati paracittajfiiinabhavatal) I iha prathamarp svacittabhiiso miiIpsacak~ti~a tathagatasya drsyate divyadicak~u~a paracittajfianarp drsyate tena dharmasaIpgraha uktiini paficacak~iiIp~i bhagavata iti I evarp kramiin miiIpsacak~ur divya- 25 cak~ur buddhacak~ul). prajfiacak~ur jfiiinacak~ur bhavanabalena bhavi~ yati I tato 'dr~taIp na kiIpcid asti sarvajfiasyeti IIX iikiisam iti stabdhadr~!ya niscaladr~tya I paracittajfianabha-
- vad iti svacittatiriktasya paracittasya jfieyasyabhavat I uktaIp ca I 3 ajatasyiiniruddhasya yaj jfieyasyeha darsanam I 30 tat svacittasya niinyasya hahyajfieya*vihhagatal) II 4 1 after iti in T evam (de ltar) is added II 2 divayogena: V2. T; diviiyogena sandhyiibha5iintareI;la: SUr II 3 °pa!iidikal)1 bimbao: V 2; °pa!iidibimbao: Sur II 5 dravyabhaviit: V2. T; dra~!avyiibhiiviit: Sur I ca: Sur (ed .• p. 38); deest in V2 II 6 bimbayogenanahatao: V2. T (gzugs brnyan gyis mal 'byor gyis ... ); bimbayoge 'nahatao: SUr II 7 sambhogakaya: Sur; sambhoga: V2 II 9 stabdhadr~!yii: LI; tac ca dr~!yii: L2. L3. L4 I jalao: LI. L3. L4; janao: L2 I °rahital)1: L3; °sahital)1: L1. L2. L411 1 1 tasyiil)1: LJ, L3, L4; tasyii: L2 II 15 ca: Sur; deest in V2 II 2 1 °jfiiinabhiivata~: V2, SUr; °jfianiibhiiviit: G I iha: V2; tatra: Sur II 23 divyadicak~u~a ... kraman: deest in T II 24 kramiin: V2; jfianakramiin: SUr II
1jJbhumyakaro drqho na drutasalilavapur na dravas tv adravatvad vahnyakaro na vahnis calapavanatanur niscalo yo 'nilo na I sunyakaro 'pi drsya~ sitaharitamahavisvavaI1!o na vaI1!a~ sarvakaro 'py adp§ya~ svahrdayakalu~aklesamaraprabhavat II 5 [LKC V, 119]
pj"thvi toyarp prayati jvalanam api jalarp pavako marutarp ca vayu~ sunyarp ca sunyarp vrajati dasavidharp vai nimittarp nimittam I sarvakararp prayaty ak~araparamasukhanahatarp jfianakayarp jfianad rddhis ca siddhir bhavati narapate janmanihaiva purpsam II 10 [LKC V, 122]
ato na ditmanatmanarp mudriturp sakyate kvacitl kirp chinatti mahakhaqga atmanam atmadharaya II vandhyaduhitrsangena svapne saukhyarp yatha * bhavet I gaganodbhavabimbena sevitena tathatmana~ II [SU, 156-158] 15 iti II
anena sIokena dharmakayasadhanam uktarp bhavati I bhumya. ldira ityadi bimbalak~aJ).am I iha sunyatapra*tibhaso 'dravyo 6 bhumyadir drsyate na drqhai) I drutakaro mancikajalavan na jalam adravatviit I evarp vahnyakaro na vahnir adahako yata~ 20 calapavanatanur adravyatva*n niscalo ya.tI so 'nilo na 18b adravyatvac chiinyakaras tad api drsyate mayanagaram iva sitadivarl) ayukto 'py adravyatvan na vaI1!a~ I sarvakaro 'pi sarvada balanam adrsya*l) I tat kasya heto~ klesamaraprabhaviid 2 vamadak~il)anaqipral)apracarad iti niyam~ II
25 idanirp paficamal}qalak~aya ucyate prthvityadina iha yada yogi animi*~anayano bhavati krodhadr~tya sunye aropitacittas tada 3 vame dak~il}e va prthvity upalak~al}am I yada dak~il}e pj"thvipravahakale yogi bhavanarp karoti tada*yarp vidhi~ I na punar 4 vamanaqipravahakale kirp tv akasadimal}qalakramata~ I tena vame 30 dak~il}e va yanmal)qalarp vahati pral}as taddharmitvad tad eva mal}qalam ucyate I te*na dak~il}anaqyarp pj"thvimal}qalapral}o 'bmal}- 5 qalarp prayati I evarp vijfianamal}qalarp yavat I vamanaqyam akasadina 1 dravas: L], L3, L4; dras: L2 II 2 °tanur niscalo.: L], L3, L4; °tanuniscalo: L2 114 adrsya~: L], L4; adp;yao: L2, L311 6 marutarp: L], L3, L4; marutas: L2 II 7 dasavidharp: L], L3, L4; dasavidha: L2 II 8 ak~arao: L], L2, L4; ak~ayao: L3 119 rddhis: L], L3: vrddhis: L2, L4 1119 yatai};yatas(later corrected): GII 21 adravyatvac (followed by a dG!u!a): G; adravyac: V2 I chunyakaras; sunyakararp: G I mayanagaram (preceded by adalJc!a): G; mayanagarai}: V2 II 22 sarvada: G; sasarvada: V211 25 afterucyateadalJc!a is in Gil 30 yanmal!~alarp: conjecture (cf. VP, ed., vol. III, p. 57, line 24); yen mal!~alarp: G II 31 'bmal!~alarp: V2; 'pamal!~alarp: G II
madhye pral)apravesal) saravisasigater bandhanarp savyavame cittarp mudraprasailge paramasukhagatarp vajrasambodhanarp ca I padme vajradhvanir va: svakarasaIilajollalanarp saukhyahetor bijatyagal) sa saukhyo maral)abhayaharal) sriguror vaktram etat II 5 [LKC Y, 121]1J!
ayaytz mahiimudropadesa~ paramiidibuddhe 'pi prokta~ I tadyathii Wasyaiva sadhanarp kuryat pratibhasair acintitail) I dhumadibhir nimittais tail) prajfiabimbair nabhal)samail) II [SU, 24] yati I evarp siinyaip vrajati dasavidhanimi *ttal!l dhumadikarp 6 10 nimittarp ca sarvakarabimbarp vrajati I bimbam ak~arasukharp vrajati I tad eva jfianarp prajfiaparamitayal) I jfianad rddhis cakasagamanadikam I siddhis ca trai*dhatukesvaratvarp bhavati narapate 19a janmanihaiva pUi!1sam iti margapravesaniyamal) II idanirp yogopasarphara ucyate madhye praI)a ityadina I iha 15 prathamarp yogina madhye pra*J)apravesaJ:i kartavyo 'vadhutyarp 2 yena nimittarp pasyati I ity ekarp snguror buddhasya kayavajrarp vaktram ucyate I tasmat saraviJ.1a dak~il)agatina sardharp sasigater vamanaqigater ba*ndhanaip pral)asyeti niyama~ I pral)ayamo 3 dvitiyarp vagvajram I cittaip mudraprasailge bimbe 'nuraktarp 20 bodhicittarp drutam I tj1:1yarp cittavajram I paramasukhagatal1l vajrasal1lbodhanal1l ca * I atha bimbadvarel)a nanandasukharp 4 bhavati I tada padme vajradhvanir va sanakail) kartavyal) I atha stn na labhyate tada svakarakamalenollalanaf!l kartavyarp saukhyavfddhihe* tot) patahetor na I evarp bljatyagal) sa saukhyo 5 25 bhavati maraI)abhayaharaJ) sriguror vaktralf!l caturtharp jfianavajram etad iti yogabhyasaniyama~ II
dvadasasahasrike paramadi*buddhe yata~ sekoddesa akr~- 6 tah II
.. asyaivetyadi I asyaiva niravase~aklesajfieyavaral)endhanadaha- 30 kasya sarvajfiajfianagne~ sadhanalf!l sphu~lbhavarp dhiimiidibhii). kuryad yogI I kirp*bhutais tail) sarvasmin mUlatantre laghu- 19b 1 this stanza is also ljuoted in TJSFkii (ed., p. 17) I praI!apravesa~: Lj, L3, L4; praI!apravesa~: LZ I saravisasigater: Lj, Lz, L4; saravisater: L3 II 2 °prasange: Lj, Lz, L3; °prasaJ1ga: L4 II 4 bljatyaga~: Lj, L3, L4; bljyatyaga~: Lz I saukhyo: sic for saukhyarp II 6 ayarp ... tadyatha: retranslated from T (cf. below, p. 168) II 7 on the following stt., see above, p. 64 II 12 bhavati; bhivati: G II 13 janmanlhaiva; janmanlheva: G II 15 yogin a; yoglna: G II 23 kartavyarp; kattavyarp: G II 25 °guror vaktrarp; °guro vraktrarp: G II 27 sekoddesa; sekodde: G II 2 9 niravase~ao ... °dahakasya: SUr (NAK, MS 5-116, Mf. B 94/9, fo!. 51 ag), Tj II 31 sarvasmin; sarvesmin: G I mUlatantre: AK (ed., p. 33), Sur (ed., p. 47); mulatantra: G II
astinastivyatikrantail) pratyayarthail) svacetasal) I paramal).urajal)sarpdohail) sarvatal) parivarjitail) II [SU, 25] dhumamaricikhadyotadipajvalendubhaskarail) I
tantre aryaprajfiaparamitadinitarthasutre prasiddhail) akasmac 5 chunyapratibhasanat pratibhiisaii) sarvavikalpoparamad acin:ti* taii) tattvaphalasya purvarupatvan nimittaii) I grahya- 2 grahakarahita svabhavasunyatadhil) prajfia tadbimbair yogipratyak~ abhasail) bahyadhyatmamalanupaliptatvan na*bhai)sa- 3 mai~ I astityadi I sadasadadido~avikalpakalankanankitatvad asti- 10 nastivyatikrantaii) yogisvasarpvedyatvat pratyayarthaii) svacetasai) * sarvatha'krtrimadbhutanil)svabhavarupatvat sar- 4 vatal) paramaJ).urajai)saI!ldohavarjitail) II
dhiima ityadi I sarvabahyadhyatmavyapakadhiimiikaral) sunya-
- bhasal) I ayarp ca meghabhasanantaram utpadyate I yathoktarp 5 15 prathamarp meghavad bhati dvitiyarp dhumasannibham I iti I calajjaIakara maricil) I khadyotadipakarau prasi*ddhau I etani 6 catvari nimittani nirandhragrhe 'ndhakarabhavatvad ratriyoga akasayogas ca I yathoktarp srisamajadau prathamadvitiyavilomena nirodhavajra*gate citte nimittodgraha jayate II 20 paficadha tan nimittarp tu bodhivajrel)a bha~itam I prathamarp maricikakararp dvitiyarp dhumasannibham II trtiyarp khadyotakakararp caturtharp dipam ujjva*lam I 4 before aryaO a da~l(ja is in G I °siitre: SUT; °siitra: G II 5 chiinyao: G; chiinye: AK, SUT, equally possible I before pratibhasail.J a dGlJrja is in G I sarvavikalpoo: AK, SUT, T]; sarvakalpavikalpoo: G I acintitail.J; acittitais: G II 7 °sunyatadhIl.J: SUT, T]; °sunyadhll.J: G; °siinyadhll.J: AK II 8 bahyadhyatmamalanupaliptatvan: conjecture; in AK and in SUT we read bahyadhyatmikamalananuliptatvat and bahyadhyatmamaIananuliptatvat respectively, which are equally possible; in T] we read phyi dang nang gi dri mas ma gos pa nyid kyi phyir; bahyadhyatmamaladhiimadibhil.J anupaliptatvan: G II 9 °do~ao: G, T] (skyon); deest in AK and SUT II 10 yogic: AK, SUT; yogai: G II 11 sarvatha'lqtrio: G, AK, SUT (NAK, MS 5-116, Mf. B 94/9, fo!. Slb5); sarvakaralq"trio: SUT (ed.); in T] we read mam pa thams cad du ma byas pa I °madbhutao: G, SUT; °modbhiitao: AK I before sarvatah a danda is in G II 13 sarvao: G; sakalao: AK, SUT I °vyapakao: AK, SUT; °vy"akaka" (the intermediate syllable seems to have been erased or incorrectly written): G I °dhiimao: G, Tj; °sukladhumao: AK, SUT II 16 before calajO the word evarp is added in AK and SUT I prasiddhau: AK, SUT; prasiddhe: G II 17 'ndhakarao: AK, SUT; 'ndhakare: G II 19 stanzas GSU, 149cd-lSl are quoted here differently than in the edition by Matsunaga (1978: 124) and the GSPU (ed., p. 117). Verses IS0cd-151 are hypermetrical. They are also quoted in the Jfiiinodayatantra (en., p. 8) I agate; °gato: G I nimittodgraha: GSPU; nimittograha: G II 22 khadyotakakararp: G, SUT (ed., p. 48); khadyotakararp: AK, Jfiiinodayatantra II
tama~ kala mahabindur visvabimbarp. prabhasvaram II [SU, 26] pihitapihitanetrabhyam sunye yan narlUkalpitam I drsyate svapnavad birribarp. tad bimbarp. bhavayet sada 1\ [SU, 27] abhiive bhiivanii bimbe yoginiii!l sii na bhiivanii I 5 pafieamarp. tu sadalokarp. nirabhragaganasannibham \I [GSU,14ged-151]
iti I tato nirabhragaganabhasapurvako vahnyakara~ sunyabhaso jvalii I indubhaskarabhasau prasiddhau I tama iti * rahvaloka~ kr~l)a- 3 ratnavad abhasa~ I kaleti vidyudabhasa~ I mahabindur iti sa- 10 earaearadyotakanIlavafl)aeandramal)4aliikarabhasa~ I etani ~al)*nimit- 4 tani nirabhragaganalokabhavatvad divayogo 'bhyavakasayogas ea I tatas tanmadhyagamisambhogakayatmakabuddhabimbadarsanapurvakam e*kak~al)e karasthanlropamasvaeehasarvakiirarp. gha!apa!a- 5 didarsanarp. visvabimbal!l prabhasvaram 1\
15 pihitetyadi I pihitapihitanetrabhyam antaralavalambita*ya 'rd- 6 dhonmllitaloeanabhyarp. siinye grahyagrahakarahite yan nanukalpitaY! l yogipratyak~arp. tad bimbaJ!l dhumadikarp. bhavayet svanubhavarp. kuryat I ubhav api yogav uktau * srlmadadibuddhe 7 akasasaktetyadina [ef. LKC V, 115] I uktarp. ea prajfiaparamitayam I 20 ratnaloko nama samadhi~ I ratnapradlpo nama samadhi~ I eandraloko nama samadhi~ I suryapradlpo nama samadhi~ I yavat sa*rvakaradarsl nama samadhir ityadi I tasmad asandehato 20b dhumadimargo buddhatvarthina bhavayitavya~ 1\
nanu sakalavikalpakalankiinailkita mahamudra bhavana * ea 2 25 samaropa~ I tat katharp. bhavayed ity uktam iti aha I abhavetyadi I yathopadesarp. bahyadhyatmabhave tasminn eva bhavana bimbe ya yoginaI!l bhavana sa 'bha*vatvad eva na bhiivana I nanu bhava- 3 5 sadaIokal]1: G, SUr, liiiinodayatan1:ra; sadaloke: AK II 7 nirabhrao: sur; nirabhral]1: AK, liiiinodayatantra; ribhrao: G I °gaganabhasao: G; °gaganasamabhasao: AK, sur 118 tama iti: conjecture; tamI: G, T 1 (mun can ni); tamiti: AK (ed., p. 34); tameti: SUr II 9 sacaracarao; sacaracaraio: G II 12 agamic: AK, Sur; °gamitu°: G I °piirvakam: G, T1 (sngon ma can); °sahital]1: AK, SUr II 13 ekak~al!e: AK, sur, T] (skad Gig gGig fa); ekak~al!a: G I °sarvakaram: G, SUT (ed.); °sarvakarao: AK, SUT (NAK, MS 5-116, Mf. B 94/9, fol. 52a6), equally· possible II 15 before antaraIavaiambitaya the word iti is in AK and SUr II 16 after siinye we find akase in AK and SUr I after nanukalpital]1 we find svapnavadbimbal]1 in AK and SUr II 17 yogipratyak~al]1: conjecture; yogI pratyak~al]1: G I diimadikal]1: G, T1; visvabimbal]1: AK, SUr II 18 before svanubhaval]1 a dWlI!-a is in G I svanubhav:l]1 kuryat: G; dhyanangena sthirIkuryat: AK, SUr II 19 akasao; 'kasao: G II 21 °pradipo nama; °pradipo nama: G II 23 buddhatvarthina; buddhatvan vina (later corrected): G II
bhavo 'bhavo na cittasya bimbe 'kalpitadarsanat II [SU, 28] pratisenal?1 yathadarSe kumarl pasyed avastujam I atitanagatal?1 dharmal?1 tattvayogy am bare fatM II [SU, 29] asya bhavo na bhiival:z syad vastusunyarthadarSanat I 5 vastuno 'bhavato 'rtho 'sti mayasvapnendrajalavat II [SU, 30] asati dharmilJi hy e~a dharmotpadal:z pradrsyate I cintamalJir ivanantasattvasaparipurakal:z II [SU, 31] adr~tal?1 pratiseniiyiil?1 kllmarl cauradi pasyati I bhavavikalpayor vikalpatvavise~at katham abhave na bhavanety 10 aha I bhava ityadi yasmad yoginary siinyata*bimbe bhava- 4 bhavavikalpau na stary I kutary siinyaHibimbe 'kalpitadhiimadipratyak~ adarsanat I ayam asayary I yadi kalpitarp. syat tada bhavai). sya*d ghatapatadivat I yady adarsanarp. syat tada 'bhavai). 5 syad vandhyaputradivat I atra tv akalpitapratyak~adarsanat sarvarp. 15 sustham II
avikalpitadarsanasiddhya*rtham anuriipadf~tantam aha prati- 6 senetyadi I pratisenaf!l sadhakacintarp. darpal! ayam a vastll j atp. cauradijaqadharma*
janitam II 7
20 asyavikalpitadarsanasya bhavabhavau na sto nirvastukarthakriyakaritvamatropalambhat I loka eva nirvastuko 'py artho dfsyate
miiyasvapne*ndrajaiadivat ata evaha I asatiti atmadike 21a dharmil)i asati sa ca nirvikalpajnanotpadai). sarvakarajagadarthasampadakatvac cintamal)ir iva II
25 dmiinta*siddhim aha I ad!"~tam ityadi I pragadr~tam eva 2 cauriidikam atrastha mantradhi~1hitalocana kumarj pasyati pratisenayiif! 1 sat yam sadhakai). pratisenavataraka*s tat stha- 3 narp. kumarikathitarp. gatvii pradeSikacak~llrbhyiiI!l savaraI! acak~urbhyam ekadesavi~ayabhyarp. pasyanti I ayam asayary I yogi: 30 siddhopadesamantradhi~thitabu*ddhilocanary kumarlvad askhalita- 4 2, 8 kumarl recurs in all commentaries of the SU and in many Kalacakra texts, kanya would be preferable for the metre II 9 vikalpatvavi,~qat; vikalpatvavise~atvat: G I abhave na bhavanety; abhavabhavanety: G II 11 °vikalpau: cf. Gronbold 1969: 43; °vikalpo: Gil 12 °dhlimadio; °dhiimadi~u: G I kalpitar)1; kalpita~: G II 13 gha!apa;adivat: cf. Gronbold ivi; gha;itadivat (later corrected to gha!atadivat): G II 14 syad; syatra: G II 15 sustham: G is not easily legible (cf. also Gronbold 1969: 44); svastham is also possible II 17 °cintam: G; °cintitam: SUrippa~li II 20 °karitvaO; °karyatvaO (preceded by a dalJ.qla): G II 22 before mayaO a da~l{!a is in G I °jaIadivat; °jaIadilu: G II 2 5 adr~;am; adr~!im: G (apparently corrected), SUPaiijikii I °adr~!am; °adr~!im: G (apparently corrected) II 26 before pratisenayarp a da~lqla is in G II 28 pradesikao; pradesikao: G II 118
tat priiddikanetriibhyiil?l gatvii pasyanti siidhakiih II [SU, 32] yadi pasyati sadrupal?l svamukhal?l kil?l na pasyati I yadi pasyaty asadrupal?l sasasrfzgal?l kathal?l na ca II [SU, 33] na pasyaty anyacak$urbhyiil?l svacak$urbhyiil?l na pasyati I 5 drsyamiinam ajiitaryl tat kumiiryii jiitakal?l yathii II [S U, 34]0) aayena punar buddhatvarp. sidhyate sa upaya ucyate yogitvam ityadina [CST I, 9cd-lOab] I iha yogitvai!1 dvidha laukikarp. lokottararp. ca I tatra lokottararp. yogitvarp. buddhatvam iti I tadvise~ at)arp. paramaIp pu~yaIp pUl)yasarp.bharaparipuIl)atvat I tatha 10 pavitral!l papanasanam iti I tad eva jfianasarp.bharaparipuIl)atvat bodhieittaeandro 'nupadi~!aprthagjanagamyam ambare lokottararp. tattvarp. pasyati II
tac ea sarvaprapafieavarjitam ity aha I ya*diti I anyacak~ur- 5 bhyam anyada 'darsanat svacak~urbhyam andhapa!aeehaditatvat 15 anena pratisenadmantena yogipratyak~arp. sarvatha svabhavabhavad ajatam I svapne kuma*rikaputropalambhavat siddharp. 6 sarvajfiajfianam I uktarp. ea yatha kuman supinantare 'sminn ityadi [ef. Samiidhiriijasutra IX, 17] II
idanlm samvaratantradidvarena sadaitgayogakramam aha I y 0- 20 gitvam l*tyadi I uktarp. ea laghutantre I' lIb yogitvarp. paramarp. punyarp. pavitrarp. papanasanam I sidhyate mantrajapena dhyanena ea sukhena ea II [CST I, ged-l Oab] 6 punar buddhatvarp sidhyate: B; punar buddhatvarp sidhyati: A, A I; buddhatvarp sidhyate: B I; buddhatvarp sidhyati: C; puna~ is trans. in T (slar yang) I before yogitvam a daY}cja is in all MSS II 7 / iha yogitvarp dvidha: A, AI, B 1, C (which also has a da(lcja after yogitvarp), T; deest in B II 8 lokottararp: A, AI, C; lokottarao: B, BIll 9 °paripuI1)atvat: B, BI, T; °pufI:tatvat: A, AI, C (which does not continue with a da(lcja) I tatha pavitrarp,.. ihoktarp (p. 120, line 2) deest in T I °paripun:tatvat: B, B I; °pun:tatvat: A, A I, C; C omits the daY}cja between iti and tad I after °pun;atvat a da(lcja is in A, A I, B, B I II 11 °candro 'nupadi~taprthagO; °candra~ / anupadi~!arp prthago: G II 13 anyacak~urbhyam ... andhapa\acchaditatvat: G; in TI we read gzhan gyi mig gis gzhan gyis dus sum mthong ba'i phyi,. dang / rang gi mig dag gis mun pa dang ras kyis bkab pa nyid kyi phyir ro; in SUT (ed., p. 49) we read: anyacak~urbhyarp laia!adibhavabhyarp na pasyati napi svacak~urbhyam any ada 'darsanat; in SUTippa(11 (Gnoli 1997b: 1247 -8) we read: anyacak~urbhyam iti / laUi!adibhavabhyam / svacak~urbhyarp ca na pasyati / andhapa\apracchaditatvat I °cak~urbhyam any ada; °cak~urbhyarp manyada: G II 1 4 before svacak~urbhyam a daY}cja is in G I °pa!acchaditaO; °pa\acchaditao: G II 16 siddharp; siddhirp: G II 22 verse !Oab is slightly different in the MSS of the Laghutantra (Herukiibhidhiinatantra): sidhyate japan mantrarrjapena dhyiinam eva ca (Kaiser Library, MS 410, Mf. C 44/3, fol. 1bS_ 9); sidhyate japen mantrarr jiipena dhyiinena ca (Gaekwad Oriental Institute, Baroda, MS 13285) II
pavitrarp papanasanam iti / tad buddhatvarp sidhyate mantrajapena dhyanena ca sukhena ceti / ihoktarp yogitvam ane-' nopayena sidhyate yoginam / sidhyata ity agamapathalJ / asav upayalJ ~a9angayogo 'tra madhyavilomenokta ekantaritangarp tyaktva / tad 5 evanuktangarp purvam aparoktangasamarthyad evavagantavyam / yathayarp divakara ity ukte 'paro nisakaro 'nukto 'pi samarthyad evopalabhyate / tatha parasparapek~akadharmo 'nukto 'py uktadharmeIfopalabhyate / ato 'smin tantre ekantaritam aparangatrayarp nirdi~!arp madhyoktangarp purvarp kartavyam atra gurupadesata iti 10 gurusarppradayalJ / anyatha tantroktapa!hakrameIfa yadi grhyate tada gurusarppradayalJ ko 'sau nama / tasmad gurusarppradayena sarpiti / anena mantrajapadina madhyaviIomeneti ma*ntrajapat 2 purvarp dhyanapadarp pa!haniyam ity arthalJ / anuktangal!l pratyaharapraIfayamanusmrtyangatrayam / ayam iti suryal) / apara iti 1 pavitraf!1: A, A 1, B; pavitra: C; papitraf!1: B 1 I papanasanam iti: A, A); papanasa(naf!1 erased)jfianasarpbharaparipuIl)atvad iti: B; papanasanam iti tad eva jfianasaf!1bharaparipurDatvad iti: B); papanasanarp pUDyasarpbharapuIl)atvad iti: C I sidhyate: A, A1, B, B1; sidhyati: C 112 dhyanena ca: the word ca is only present in A I ihoktaf!1 yogitvam: A, B, C; ihoktayogitvam: B); ihoktaf!1 yogitattvam: A1; buddhatvam: T (sangs rgyas nyid) II 3 sidhyate yoginam: A, A1, T (mal 'byo/" pa rnams kyis [P: kyi] [ ... ] 'grub par 'gyu1' 1'0); sidhyati yoginam: C; sidhyati yogina: B, B) I sidhyata ity: Ac, A1; sidhyate ity: A, B, B 1, C; before sidhyate ity the dal!r/a deest in Ac, A), B and B) I after upaya~ a dWlr/a is in B 1 and C II 4 ~a;langayogo 'tra: A, A 1, C (which does not have the avagraha); / ~a;larigo yogo tra: B, B) I °vilomenokta: Ac, A1; °vilomenoktaJ:!: A; °vilomenoktaJ:! /: 8, C; °viIomeno-J:! [sic]: B 1 I after tyaktva the da(lr/a deest in Ac and A1 115 evanuktal1gaf!1 purvam aparoktangao: A1, C; evanuktangarp purvam aparoktal1garp: A; evanuktangapurvam / aparoktangao: 8, B) I evavagantavyam: A, A1, 8, 81, C; ivavagantavyam:Ac: in T the word eva is not translated II 6 ukte 'paro: A, A); ukte aparo: 8, B1, C II 7 evopalabhyate: A, A 1; eva labhyate: C; evolabhyate: B 1; 8 is illegible I parasparapek~akadharmo: A, C; parasparapekakadharmo: 8); paramparapek~akadharmo: A 1; here B is illegible I 'py uktao : A), 8, C; py uktao : A, B1; deest inT II 8 °dharmeDopalabhyate: A, AI, 81; °dharme palabhyate: 8 II 9 after nirdi~tal]1 the da(lr/a deest in Ac and A) I madhyoktangal]1: A, AI, C; madhyoktangaO BI; madhyongao : 8 I purval]1: 8, 81; purve: A, A1, C I before atra the da(lr/a deest in A1 I gurupadesata: A, A1, B1; gurupadesate: 8; gurupadesa: C II 10 before gurusarppradayaJ:i a dmlr/a is in B I and C I anyatha... °adikal]1 (p. 121, line 1) deest in T; anyatha: A, A); anyatha yadi: 8), C; here 8 is illegible I yadi: A, A); deest in 8, 81, C I after grhyate a dal!r/a is in 8, 8) and C II 11 after °sarppradayaJ:i a da(lr/a is in C I after °saf!1pradayena a da(lr/a is in A II 13 anuktangal]1; anuktonga: G II 14 apara; aparam: G II 120
dhyabha~antaradikarp veditavyam I sarvatra tena boddhavyam I athava bodhisattvakrtaFkaya nanyaya pfu)~ityabhimanabhiitai/:l krtayeti I tenatraparangatrayarp dhyanenetyadinavagantavyam I aparatantrantaroktai/: l ~a~angair asmin piI)~llqto 'rtho 'ngatrayaI)am ava- 5 gantavya/:ll iha samajottare bhagavan aha I
pratyaharas tatha dhyanarp praI)ayamas ca dharaI)a I an\lsmrti/:l samadhis ca ~a~ango yoga i~yate II [GSU, 141] ato dhyanapurva/:l pratyaharo veditavya/:l I mantrajapapiirva/:l praI) ayamo veditavya/:l I atra mantrajapaSabdena napurpsakajapo va- 10 jrajapo va praI)adharaI)a ucyate I sukhapiirvanusmflir veditavya I atra sukhaSabdena samadhir ucyate 1 evam ebhi/:l ~a~angai/:l sidhyati yogitvarp buddhatvam iti 1 samanyena bahyayogitvarp laukikarp sidhcandra/: l asmin tantre laghutantre apara*tantran- 3 taroktail) srisamajatantroktair avagantavya iti aryavajrapa- 15 I)ipada/:l prahu/:l I srIsamajottara iti a~!adaSapata\e 1 napuI!lsakajapo 'vadhiitI*gatatvena praI)apratyavek~a 1 vajrajapai). pa- 4 ramarthajapa urdhvarp nasagre praI)ayamakalpana I tadbhavanaprakar~ aparyante praI)ayamo nirodha/:ll uktarp * ca vimalaprabhayarp 5 1 veditavYaIp: A, AI, C (the da~j(!a does not follow in A and AI); veditavya /: B 1; here B is illegible I sarvatra tena boddhavyam deest in C I boddhavyam /: A, AI, B; bodhavya: BIll 2 °sattvalqiat1kaya nanyaya: A, AI, C; °satva!lkaya / nanyaya: B, B1 I pa~;Iityabhimanabhiitai~: A, A1; pa~;Iitabhir manabhiitai~: B, B1; va~;Iitabhimanabhiitai~: C I krtayeti: B, Bl; krtaya iti: A, A1, C II 3 °adinavagantavyam: B 1, C; °adina 'vagantavyam: A, AI, B I aparatantrantaroktai~: A, A I, B 1; aparaIp tantrantaroktai~ /: C; aparatantrantakti~: B II 4 'rtho: B, Bl; rtho: A, AI; artho: C I avagantavya~: A, AI, B, Bl; avantavya~: C II 5 samajottare: B, B1, C, T ('dus pa phyir mar); srlsamajottare: A, Al I bhagavan aha: A, B, B1, C; bhagavann aha: A1 II 6 Matsunaga's ed. (1978) presents some different readings (pratyiihiiras tatM dhyiinal?1 priiniiyiimo 'tha dhiira~lii / al1usl11rti~ samiidhis ca ~a4migo yoga ucyate, p. 123, notes 12 and 14) I pratyaharas: A, A 1, B, B 1; pratyahara: C I dhyanaIp: A, A 1, B, B 1; dhyana: C II 7 anusmrti~ samadhis: A, B, B1, C; anusmrtisamadhis: Al II 8 ato: A, AI, B, B1; Treads ces so / de'i phyir (= iti / ato) I °piirva~ pratyaharo: A, B, B1; °piirvapratyaharo: A 1; °purvaIp pratyaharo: C I before mantrajapapiirva~ the dWll!a deest in Ac and Al I °piirva~ pra~ayamo: A, B, B1; °piirvapra~ayamo: A 1; °piirvaIp pra~ayamo: C II 10 °piirvanusmrtir: A, AI, C; °piirva 'nusmrtir: B, B 1 II 11 ucyate: A, A I, B I; ity ucyate: B (in this MS the word ity has been erased), C II 12 buddhatvam deest in C II 13 °tantrantaroktaih; tantroktaih: G, T 1 (rgyud gzhal1 du gsungs pas) II 14 before aryaO a da~j(!a is in Gil' 1 8 pra~ayamo; pra~ayamau: G II
yati 1 adikannikiil)arp. baIayoginarp. laukikarp. phalarp. mantrajapena pratyahiirasarp.jfiina dhyanena mal);laIacakradivikaIpabhavanacittemi s ukhena kannamudrajfiiinamudriik~araspandasukhena laukikasa- . tyenakani~!habhuvanaparyantam iti 1 eVam ubhayakramel)a laukika- 5 lokottararp. yogitvarp. sidhyati 1 atra lokottararp. yogitvarp. ~a;larigayogena sidhyati yatha tathocyate II
~~iha pratyaharo nama bahyariipadivi~aye~v apravrttis cak~uradindriyais cak~urvijfiiinadinam adhyatmavi~aye~u pravrttir divyacak~ uradlndriyair divyacak~urvijfiiinadinam iti 1 adhyatmani sunya- 10 taIambanenakalpitarp. sarvabhavadarsanarp. sunye pratisenadarse kumarikaya iveti pratyahariiilgam ucyate traidhatukabuddhabimbadarnabher urdhvarp. gacchatIti cintayed yathecchaya anupaIambhaparyantam ucchvasal). 1 nasikayarp. cintayen ni\:lsvasal) 1 tathaivadhare 'nupalambharp. yavad * yathecchaya 1 tsabdabodhal).t 6 15 pararp. gop ita amnayal). 1 tatheti
mantrajiipeneti pratyiihiira orpkiiriidyucciiral)arp. tats al!lj fiena divyacak~urvijfianiidjniim ity iidisa*bdena divYaSrotravijfia- 22a nadisarp.grahal). 1
1 before adikarmikal)aqI the dtilJcja is omitted in B 1 I adikarmikal)iirp: A, A I, BI, C; adikarmil)aqI: B I balayoginaqI: A, AI, B, BI, C; yoginaqI: T (mal 'byor pa mams kyis) I laukikaqI phalaqI deest in T I after phalaqI a da~lcja is in B, B 1 and C II 2 after °SaqIjiiina a da~lcja is in A, A 1, Band B I I °vikalpabhavanacittena: A, B1, C (in A and BI a dalJcja follows here); °vikalpanabhavanlicittena j: A1; °cittena: B; vikalpa deest in T II 3 sukhena: A, AI; sukhena ca: B, B 1, C, T (dang bde ba yis) I °jiianamudrao deest in C I before laukika~atyena a dalJcja is in A and A1; deest in T, which reads 'jig rten pa'i bde bas II 4 akani~!habhuvanao: A, A1;akani~than bhuvanao: B, BI, C II 5 lokottaraqI: A, A1, B, C; lokottarao: B1 II 6 before yatha a dalJcja is in B, BI and C I tathocyate: A, AI; tatha ucyate: B, BI, C; after these words the compound ~a9angayoga is added as a subtitle in the margin of A and A1 II 7 apravrttis: A, A1. B (which follows with a dalJcja), C; pravrttiJ:i j: BI; deest in T II 8 after °vijiianadinam a dalJcja is in all MSS I pravrttir: B, B1, C; pravrttio: A, A 1; deest in T II 9 iti deest in Till 0 sarvabhavao is preceded by a dalJcja in B, B 1 and C I °bhavadarsanaqI: A, B (correction of °bhavadarsane); °bhlivanadarsanaqI: A 1; °bhavadarsanao: B 1; °bhavadarsane: C I pratisenadarse: B (correction of pratisenlidarsanaqI), B1, C, T (pra phab. pas me long la); pratisenlidase: Ac; pratisenlidarsake: A (correction of pratisenlidarsene), A1 (correction of pratisenadarse) II 11 after iveti a dalJcja is in B, BI and C I after ucyate a dalJcja is in B, B1 and C I °buddhabimbao: A, AI, C; °ddhabimbao: B (correction of °buddhadhabimbaO), B1 II 12 after cintayed a dalJcja is in G II 13 niJ:isvasaJ:i; nisvasaJ:i: G II 16 mantrajapeneti: T1 (sngags bzlas pas zhes pa la); vajrajapa iti (followed by a dalJcja): G I tatsaqIjiiena: T1 (de'i milig can kyis so); tatsaqIjiiakena: G II
sanad iti 1
tato dhyana'!l nama siinye~u sarvadhaIr.le~u dme~u satsu 1 prajiUi nama te~u cittapravrttiJ:11 vitarko nama bhavagrahaI)arp cittasya 1 vicaro nama bhavagrahaI)apratipatti~ 1 ratir nama sarvabhave~u cittaropaI)am 1 5 acalasukharp nama sarvabhavebhy~ sukhasarppattir iti 1 evarp paficadha dhyaniiilgam ucyate 1
tat~ praJ)ayamo nama laIanarasanavamadak~iI)amarganirodh~ 1 ava:dhiitimadhyamarge pr~avayo~ sada pravrttir iti 1 piirakakumbhakarecakayogenavadhiityam orpkareI)a svasarp hiirpkareI)a niro-
10 dham ~kareI)a ni~svasarp candrarabusiiryasvabhavena kurute yogIti praI).ayamiiilgam ucyate 1
tato dharaJ)a nama pr~asya mabendravaruI).agnivayumaI).qaIe nabhau hrdi kaI).!he lala!e praveso babye 'nirgam~ 1 bindau pr~anivesanam iti dharaI).iiilgam ucyate 1
15 tato 'nusmrtir nama sve~!adevatadarsanarp pratibimbakararp ucchvasa'!l praveSalak~aI).am 1 nirodhaqt sthiribhavam niJ).svasal! l nirgamariipam 1 ayarp cartha~ svanubhavasiddho nitartho vajrap~i*padaprabhrtirnahabodhisattvasarpmato na vipratipattivi~a- 2 y~ 1 anye tv anyatha prayojanantaravaSena 1 sve~!adevatadarSa- 20 naI!l nirvikalpacaI)qalipratyak~ikar~ 1 * sandhyabha~antareJ)eti 1 3 2 after the word satsu the dalJq.a is omitted in A I II 3 te~u: A, A I, B, C; ti~u: BI II 4 °grahaI,1apratipattiJ:!: C, SUT (ed., p. 38); °pratipattiJ:!: A, AI; °grahaI,1apravrttiJ:!: B, BI; this word is translated as rtogs pa in T II 6 paficadha dhyanailgam: A, AI, C; paficadhyanailgam: B, BII ucyate j tataJ:!: A, Al (which, in correspondence to the dalJq.a, has the subtitle praI,1ayama in the margin), C; ucyate tat j: B, BI II 7 °vamadak~iI)ao: A, B, BI, C; vadak~iI,1ao: Al II 8 avadhiltimadhyamarge: A, AI, B, BI; avadhiltimadhyamamargga: C; Treads dbu ma a wa dhu Wi lam du I sada pravrttir: A, A I, C; sadavrttir: B, B I; Treads rlag tu 'jug pa ste II 9 °avadhiltyam: A, A I, C (which follows with a dalJq.a); °avadhiltya /: B, BI I OIpkareI,1a svasalj1: BI (which follows with a dalJq.a) , C; olj1kareI,1a svasaJ:! /: B; olj1kareI,1occhvasalj1 /: A, Al I nirodham /: A, BI; nirodhaJ:! /: B, C; nirodhanam /: Al II 10 nii:Jsvasam /: A, Aj, BI; niJ:!svasaJ:!: B (which follows with a dalJq.a), C I °rahusilryao: A, AI, B, BI, T (sgra gcan dang nyi ma); °silryarahuo: C II 11 praI,1ayamailgam ucyate deest in T II 12 °varuI,1agnivayumaI,1qaie: conjecture; °varuI,1agnivayumaI,1qaie: B; °varuI,1yagnivayumaI, 1qale: A, AI; °varuI,1agnivayum~qalao: BI, C II 13 lalate: A, B, BI;' deest in A I I bahye 'nirgamaJ:! /: Bl, C (which does not follow with a dalJq.a); bahye 'nirgamo: AI; bahye anirggamo: A; bahye nirggamaJ:!: B I bindau praI,1anivesanam may be a reference to SU, 77b (pralJarrz bindau niveSayet) II 14 beforedharaI,1ailgam the dalJq.a is omitted in all MSS II 15 tato 'nusmrtir: AI, B, BI, C; tate nusmrtir: A II 17 nitiirtho; nitarthi (?): G II 19 anye tv; anya tv: G I prayojao: conjecture (see also Gronbold 1969: 45); prajojao: G II 123
vikalparahitam I tasmad anekarasmisphuradruparp prabhamal!;lalam I tato 'nekakararp sphuradruparp traidhatukaspharal!am ity anusmJiyangam ucyate I .
tata~ samadhir name~1adevatanuragad yadak~arasukhapraptis 5 tasyam ekikaral!arp cittasya grahyagrahakarahitarp cittarp samadhyailgam ucyate tathagatai~ I iha ~a;lailgayogo 'tra sarpk~epel!0kta~ I vistarato Iak~abhidhane paramadibuddhe va sadguriipadesenavagantavyo yogin a mahamudrasiddhaye iti I iha ~a;lailgasya punar adimargabhavanopadesas tantrantare~uktaI:t I iha 10 srlsamajottare sevopasadhanarp sadhanarp mahasadhanarp ceti I tad eva bhagavan aha I
sevakale maho~l!i~abimbarp vibhavya yatnata~ I upasadhanakale tu bimbarp camJiakul!;lalim iI sadhane devatabimbarp bhavayed yogatatpara~ I
15 visi~1arucisattvanarp dharmatattvaprakasanam I viruddhaIapayogena yat tat sandhyaya bha~itam II [GSPU (ed., p. 3)] ity uktalak~al!ena I yatas tantre ~a*1kotilak~al!am uktam I tatha ca 4 srlsamaje I
sandhyayabha~anasandhyaneyarthaniyatarthata I
1 °sphurado: A], B], C; °spharado: A; °sphudo: B I after °mal!9alam the dalJr/a deest in B, B] and C 112 °sphuradriiparp: A, A] (C is illegible); °sphudriiparp: B, B] I °spharal!am: A, B, B1 (C is illegible); °sphural!am: A] I after °spharal!am a da(lr/a is in Band B] (C is illegible) II 4 name~!ao: A]; nama i~!ao: A, B, B1, C I after °anuragad a da(lr/a is in C I after °praptis a dalJr/a is in B, B] and C II 5 °karal!arp: A, A], B, B]; °karal!a~: C I grahyagrahakao: A, A]; grahakagrahyao: B, B] , C; T has gzung ba dang 'dzin pa II 6 ucyate: A 1, B, C; ity ucyate: A, B] I 'tra: A, A], B, B], C (atra); deest in T II 7 vistarato: conjecture based on T (rgyas par); vistaro: A, A], B, B], C I °buddhe va: A, B, B]; °buddher va: A]; °buddha: C II 8 °desenavao: B]; °desanavao: B; °desenanaya vavao: A]; °desena anaya vavao: A; °da~ena (?) sada avao: C I yogina: A, B, B], C, T (mal 'byor pas); yoginarp: A] I °siddhaye iti: B, B1, T; °prasiddhaye iti: A; °pratisiddhaya iti: A]; °prasiddhasya iti: C II 9 °margao: A, A], B], T; deest in Band C I tantrantare~iio: B, B1, C; tantratantrantare~iio: A, A] II 10 srIsamajoo: A, A], B], C, T; samajoo: B I sevopasadhanarp sadhanarp: A] ; seva upasadhanarp sadhanarp: A, C; seva sadhanam upasadhanarp: B, B], T I tad eva bhagavan aha: A, A], B, B I, C; deest ;n T II 12 the ed. (Matsunaga 1978: 126) has some different readings (seviikiile mahoslJ~m!l bimbam iilambya yogata~ I upasiidhanakiile tu bimbam amrtakUl}r/alam II siidhane devatiiyogm!l kUlyiin mantri vidhiinavit I mahiisiidhanakiile ca bimbm!l buddhiidhipm!l vibhum II) I °O~I!I~ao: B, B], C; °O~I!I~arp: A, A] II 13 °kuI!9alIm: A, AI, C; °kuI!9alim: B, B] II 19 °nasandhyao: G; °nosandhyao: GSPU, also possible II
mahasadhanakale tu bimbarp buddhiidhiparp vibhum II [GSU,172-173]
iti I atra sandhyabha?antareI)o~i)i~abimbaIp. buddhabirnbarp traidhatukam ase~ata akase dharmodaye cittavajrarp prati~~hapya s e- 5 valdile prathamakale pratyahareI)a bhavayed dhyanaitgena sthirikuryad iti I atra bhagavata~ pratijfia I
sarvacintarp parityajya dinam ekarp parlk~ayet I yadi na syat pratyayas tatra tada me tan mr?a vaca~ II iti I atra pratyayo dhiimadikarp nimittarp nanyan mantradikarp 10 dinenaikena sadhyate yena pratyayo bhavi~yati mantriI)am I ato 'stinastibuddhirp parityajya nirasrayarp krtva sunye gambhiro nirayathiirutarp ca narutarp ~a!kotir iti ldrtitam II
mrdvindriyaI)arp sa*ttvanarp prabodhartham iti sphu!am I 5 tattvasya kathanarp vyaktarp nasandhyarp samudahrtam I 15 maI);laJadi?u kalpe~u caryayarp cayathayatham II uttanam arthakathanarp tad yatharutabha?itam * I 6 ko~akhyakadaya~ sabda lokasastrabahi~krta~ II
tathagatanarp sanketa narutarp tat praldrtitam I pracchannatattvakathanarp neyiirtharp bha~ate jin~ II 20 sadbhiitarthaprakasa*ya nltartharp bha?ate puna~ I [GSPU (ed., p. 3)] 22b iti I buddhabimbaIp. traidhatukarn iti mahabindumadhyavartik!~ I)arekhapratibhasivividhasarpbhogakayatmakatrailokyadarsanam I sarvacintal11 yat ki*ficid vikalpena cintanam I nirasrayaf!l niralam- 2 1 vibhum: B, BI, C; prabhum: A, Al II 3 atra: A, B, BI, C; atra dhiimadidarsane (dhiimadio is added on the right side of the folio): Al I °antareI)o~I)I~ao: A I; °antareI)a u~I)i~ao: A, B, B1, C I buddhabimbaJTI: B, B 1, C; buddhabimba: A II 4 before akase a dm:u!a is in all MSS II 5 after bhavayed a da~1i!a is in B, BI and C II 6 iti / atra: A, A1; ity atra: B, B I, C II 8 yadi na ... : the half-verse is hypermetrical; see also Newman 1987a: 339; this stanza is also quoted in AKU (ed., p. 143) with a few differences ('tu tada tan me' for 'tatra tada me tan') II 9 dhiimadikaJTI nimittaJTI: A, B, B I, C; dhiimadikanimittam: Al I mantradikaJTI dinenaikena: A, A] ; mantradina dinaikena: B, B]; C is illegible II 10 before yena a da~lI!a is in B, B] and C II 11 gambhiro: A, A1, C; gambhlre: B (correction of gambhiro), B] II 12 ca narutaJTI; ca nirutaJTI: G I after iti kirtitam the verse visi~tao ... is repeated in T 1 II 14 °nasandhyaJTI: conjecture; °nasandhyao: G; nasandhya: GSPU II 16 yatharutabha~itam; yatharudbha~itam (later corrected): G II 17 kotakhyakao: see below, p. 285, note 135; kotak~akao: G, T1 (ko!iik~a) I °bahi~krta/:!; °bahiskrta/:!: G II 1 8 saiIketa narutaJTI; saiIketanurutarr: G II 22 °rekhapratibhasio; °re~apratibhasio: G II
lambalJ pratyayo bhavati / sa ca pratyayo dhiimadiko bhavyate yogineti tathagataniyamalJ / tatha
karaJ).air bandhasaT)1yogailJ sadhayed bhuvanatrayam / iti / buddhabimbaT)1 bhuvanatrayaI!! sadhayet kara~ais ca- 5 k~uradibhilJ / sa evopadeso guruvaktrel).avagantavyalJ / tatra guriipadesenakase prathamaT)1 yogI dhiimaT)1 pasyati na maricikam iti svanubhavato jneyam / tato maricika pascat / tad eva dhiimadikaT)1 kalpanarahitaT)1 pratisenavad iti / evaT)1 prathamarp dhiimanimittam , dvitlyarp maricikanimittam , q1:IyaT)1 kha4yotanimittam , caturthaT)1 10 pradIpanimittam' pancamaT)1 nirabhragaganasannibhaT)1 nimittam iti samajottare 4akinlvajrapafijare 'pi bhagavatoktam / tadupari bhagavan aha 4akinlvajrapanjare
marlcikanimittaIp dvitIyam iti tantrantare prathamaT)1 manCI- 15 kakaram iti vilomena boddhavyam iti yavat , * etac ca sadgu- 3 riipadesad bodhisattvalq1:a~IkatalJ svanubhavatas ca vijneyam prajnopayabhedena mukhyatalJ paficadhatuvisuddhiriipiil).i maricya* dipancanimittani srlsamiijadau pratipaditani , akasadhator api 4 tantroktatvat , uktaT)1 c~~adasapa~ale ,
20 aptejavayuprthvigaga*naT)1 ca sarviin tan bodhisattvasadrsan vipuliin 5 namami [GSU,20Scd]
iti prthivya ambhasi lay an an maricikakaram / ambhasas tejasi layanad dhiimakaram , tejaso vayau layana*t khadyotakakaram' 6 siik~madhator abhasatrayagamanad dIpavadalokapunjarupatvat tad dI- 1 after .bhavati the da!uja deest in B, B 1, C I sa ca pratyayo: conjecture based on T (yid ches byed du [P: paJ de yang); sa pratyayo: SUT (ed., p. 39); sa ca pratyayartho: A, A 1; satyarp pratyayartho: B, B1; sa pratyayadiko: C I before and after yogineti a da!uja is in C II 5 before sa evopadeSo the da!u!a deest in Band B I I after evopadeSo a da(uja is in B II 6 after pasyati a dal}rja is in B 1 and C I after iti a dW1rja is in B, B1 and C II 7 after jneyam the dal}rja deest in A and A 1 I maricika: C: marlcika~: A, A 1, B, B 1, SUT; maricikiH: Ac I the dal}rja after pascat deest in A, AI and B1 II 9 dvitiyarp: A, AI, B; dvitiyakarp: B1 II 10 pradipanimittarp: B, BI, C; dipanimittarp: A, AI I °sannibharp nimittam iti: A; °sannibhanimittam iti j: B, B1, C; °sannibharp nimi: AI II 11 samajottare: A, AI (which has a da(lrja after the word), C; samajottare 'pi: B, B1 I °oktam: A, AI; °okta~: B, B1 II 12 after aha a dal}rja is in all MSS II 17 mukhyata~: T1 (gtsa bar); sukhyata~: G II 18 before srisamajadau a dal}rja is in G I °dhator; °dhataur: G II 22 p]1hivya; p]1hivyady: G II 23 vayau; vayau (apparently corrected to vayor): G II 24 tad dipakaram; tad deest in T1 II
sarvajfiahetukarp tad dhi siddhinikate nivartakam I pascan mayopamakararp svapnakararp k~aIjat k~aIjam II ityadi I ato bhagavato vacanad adau dhiimadinimittabhavanapratyayo bhavati I kecit siddhikale vadi~yanti te sarve bhagavataJ:! prati- 5 jfiabhangakariIjaJ:! I sarvacintarp parityajya dinam ekarp parik~ayet pratyayam iti bhagavato vacanavihe!hakaJ:! I yat siddhikale laukikarp dhiimadikarp nimittarp tan mayasvapnopamarp na bhavati I sak~ad dhiimajvaladidahanakriyasamarthyat tatha kunkumapu~paratnasuvall) adivmir api I ataJ:! ~aq.angayogad dhiimadikarp nimittarp bhavatiti I 10 tatha q.akinlvajrapafijare bhagavan aha I . ~aq.angarp bhavayet tasmat svadhi~thanasamarp punaJ:!1 paScat sarplak~ayec cihnam anulomavidhikramaiJ:!1I iti I atra svadhi~!hanaI!l nama sarpvrteJ:! satyadarsanaf!1 [cf. PK III, lOab] pratyaharel)a I cihnaI!l nama meghadhiimadivat pratibhasaJ:1 I 15 pakaram I prakrtyabhasalayanan nirabhragaganavat satata*lokariipa- 23b tvan nirabhragaganasamam iti paficadha nimittani I uktarp ca I pran mahi salilarp gacchej jalarp gacchati pavakam I pavako vayum anveti vayur vijfiana*m aviset II 2 vijfianarp dharaIjangatvarp prabhasvaram athavised I 20 [Karmiintavibhiiga, quoted in GSPU (ed., p. 118)] 1 the first half of this st. is hypermetrical; see above, p. 25 I °nikate nivartakam: A, AI, C; °nikate nirvvartakam: B; °nikater nirvvartakam: BIll 2 °opamakararp.: A, B, BI, C; °opakararp.: Al I k~aJ).am: A, AI, C; ak~al).am: B, B1 II 3 bhagavato: A, AI, B, BI; bhagavatoktao: C II 4 vadi~yanti: AI, B, B1, C (B, Bland C continue with a dalJ.q.a); vadi~yante: A I bhagavatary: B, BI, C (which continues with a dalJ.q.a); tathagatal,l: A, A1; in T we read: de bzhin gshegs pa'i (= tathagataO) II 5 after parlk~ayet a darq.a is in A, B, BI and C II 7 nimittarp. tan mayasvapnopamarp.: conjecture based on SUT (ed., p. 40); tan nimittarp. mayasvapnopamarp.: A, A I, B, B 1, C II 8 after °samarthyat a dalJ.q.a is in A, A I, Band B I I °ratnao: A, AI, B, BI; °ratnarp.: C II 9 nimittarp.: A, AI, B, BI, C; deest in T II 11 cf. above, pp. 24-5 I °samarp.: A, AI, B; °mayarp.: BI; C is not clear (perhaps °mayarp.) II 12 sarp.lak~ayec: A, A I, B I, C; salak~ayec: B II 1 3 the sentence between svadhi~thanarp. and yogina (below, p. 129, line 10) is also quoted with some differences in AK (ed., pp. 45-6) I satyadarsanarp.: B, B1, C, T, SUT; satyadarsanarp. silnye darsanarp.: A, Al (silnye darsanam is probably an interpolation) II 14 the dalJ.q.a after pratyaharel).a deest in C I °dhilmadivat pratibhasary /: A, AI, C; °vatadhilmadipratibhasary: B; °tatradhilmadipratibhasary: BIll 17 pran; pran: G I salilarp.: GSPU; salIlarp. (later corrected): G I gacchej jalarp.: GSPU; gacchec chaWarp.: G I gacchati: GSPU; gaccheti: G II 19 dharaIJangatvarp.: G, T 1; dharal).arp. tv ittharp.: GSPU II
sa ca prathamarp drsyate pradipaparyantam , tata akasarp nirabhrarp nirmalam iti , tantre~v apararp jvaladibinduparyantarp ~a~anya" nimittarp mayajale samadhipata1e proktarp bhagavata , tadyatha , gaganodbhaval) svayambhul) prajfiajfiananalo mahan II 5 vairocano mahadiptir jfianajyotir virocanal) I jagatpradipo jfianolko mahatejal) prabhasvaral) II vidyarajo 'gramantreso mantrarajo maharthak[t I [NS, 61cd - 63ab (VI, 20cd - 22ab)]
iti I mayajale divayogena ~atskandhavisuddhirupalJi ~aIJnirnittani 10 gaganodbhava itya*dina kathitani , srlmadadibuddhatantraraje tu 3 vi~ayendriyaprajfiopayavisuddhirupalJi dasanimittani mukhyatal) pratipaditani '" I ebhii) kara~air iti divyacak~uradibhjl) praty- 4 aharangalabdhair band h as al!l Y 0 g ai ~ pralJabandhahetutvat praQ.ayamarupail) sa eva pratyahara eva iti bha*val) I kalpa- 5 15 napo~habhrantapratyak~atvat I uktarp ca samajottare I dasanam indriyarthanarp svavrttistharp tu sarvatal) I pratyahara iti proktal) kamahararp prati prati * II [GSU, 142] asya pratinirdesal) I indriyalJi indriyarthas ca te~arp svavrttir yathasvarp grahyagrahakariipelJa pravrttil) tatrasthitil) sva- 6
20 vrttistharp tu sarvato hlnamadhyo*ttamabhedena kamahararp 23b prati prati I kamyante 'bhila~yanta iti kama rupadayas te~am indriyair 1 before pradipaparyantam a da!leja is in Band B 1 I tata: A, AI, B, B 1; tatal:J: C II 2 apararp: A, B, Bl, C; aparao: Al I ~aqanyao: conjecture based on SUr; ~addhao ((iadvaO): A, AI, B, Bl, C; in T deest 113 mayajale: A, B, C; mayajaJao: Bl; malajiile: Al I °pa\ale: B, C, T, SUr (ed., p. 40); °jalapa\ale: A, AI, B 1 I after tadyatha the da!leja deest in A, Band C II 4 gaganodbhaval:J: A, B, B 1, C; gamanodbhaval:J: A 1 I after svayambhul:J a da!leja is in C II 5 jfianajyotir: A, B, Bl, C (in B, Bl and C a dalJeja precedes the word); jfiiinak~yobhi: Al II 6 jfianolko: A, B, Bl, C; jfianottho: Al II 7 vidyarajo 'gramantreso: B, Bl, T, AK (ed., p. 46: mahiisukhapradhfmatviid agramantrdal;), PAlS (ed., p. 69); vidyarajogramantrdo: A, AI, C, equally possible ('the terrifying lord of the mantras') I mantrarajo: A, B, Bl, C; mantraraja: A 1· II 9 °jaJe; °jaJena (later corrected): G II 10 °tantraraje; °tantre rajiidhiraje (later corrected): G II 11 vi~ayendriyao: conjecture (cf. Gronbold 1969: 47); vi~ayendriye: G II 12 before divyacak(iuro a dWleja is in G I pratyaharangao: conjecture (cf. Gronbold 1969: 47); pratyahara\langao: G II 14 iti bhaval:J: Tl (zhes dgongs pa ste) I kalpanapoqhabhrantao: Tl (rtog pa dang bra! zhing ma 'khru!pa), see also below, p. 295, note 162; kalpaniiprauqhabhramtao: G II 15 before samajottare a daneja is in G II 16 indriyarthanarp: G; indriyanarp tu: ed. GSPU I sarvatal:J; sarvatil:J (later corrected): G II 17 °ahara iti proktal:J: GSPU (ed., p. 116); °aharam iti proktarp: G, ed. (Mat;;unaga 1978: 123) II 19 before svavrttistharp a dWleja is in G II 20 °ahiirarp prati prati; °ahara prati pati: G II
iti I gathadvayena mayajale 'paranimitlarr bhagavatoktaq1 sandhyabha~ antareI,la I pilrvoktan nirabhragaganad bhavati pratibhaso ya~ sa gaganodbhaval:t svayambhiiJ.!. sarvavikalparahitacittad iti I atra prajiiiijiiananala iti jvalapratibhasaJ:1 I vairocano mahiidlptir iti 5 candrapratibhasa~ I sa evajnanajyotir virocana iti I jagatpradipa iti silryapratibhasa~ I jiianoU:.a iti rahupratibhasa~ I rnahatejaJ). prabhasvara iti vidyutpratibhasa~ I vidyarajo 'gramantre§a iti -bindupratibhaso nllavafI,lacandramaI,l4alakara iti I mantrarajo maharthak.rd iti sarviikaratraidhatukabhavapratibhaso mayasvapna- 10 pratisenatulyo dfsyate yogina pratyahareI,leti cak~uradindriyakaraI,lena I tata~ praI,layamabandhena I ebhi~
karaI,lair bandhasaq1yogai~ sadhayed bhuvanatrayam I kamarilparilpyalak~aI,laq1 sthiracalasvabhavatmakam II iti I tatha 4iikinivajrapafijare bhagavan aha I 15 sidhyaty ase~ani!)se~aq1 traidhatukaq1 caracaram I lokadhatu~u sarve~u yavanto vajradehina!) II
yad aharaI,laq1 grahaI,laq1 prati prati puna!) punas tat pratyahara ity adYaIlga*sya pratinirdesaJ:11 2
1 after iti the da(lga deest in A and Al I 'paranimittarp: B, Bj, C; apararp nimittarp: A, A 1 I after bhagavatoktarp a dalJga is in B I and C " 2 before purvoktan the da(lqa deest in B, BI and C; the text between purvoktan and yogina is also quoted with some differences in Ravisrfjfiana's AK (ed., pp. 45-6) I before pratibhaso a dalJqa is in Bland C (in B it is erased) II 5 before candrao a da(lga is in Band B 1 I after °pratibhasa~ the dalJqa de est in B I jfianajyotir: A; jfianajyoti: B, BI; jfiiinak~obhir: AI; C is illegible I virocana iti: B, BI, C; virocanas ca: A, A I I jagratpradfpa iti: A, A j; jagatpradfpeti: B, B!, C (not preceded by a da(lqa) " 6 jfianolka A (correction of jfianolka), B, Bj, C; jfianottha: Al I mahateja~: A, AI; mahateja: B, Bj, C" 8 before nllao a dalJqa is in Band B I I mantrarajo: A I, Bl; mantraraja: A, B, C (not preceded by a dWlqa) " 9 before sarvakarao a dalJqa is in B, B1 and C II 10 °pratisenao: A, A 1, C; °pratisenao: B I; °pratibhasenao (later corrected to °pratisenaO): B I after yogina a dalJqa is in A and All after pratyahareQeti a da(lga is in B, B 1 and C I °adfndriyao: A, A1, B, Bl; °indriyao: C (adi is not .translated in TI) " 11 °bandhena / ebhi~: A, B, B 1, C; °bandhenaibhi~: A 1" 12 piidas c and d of this st. are hypermetrical; T does not consider it a verse; a similar sentence is present in L TT, MS B, fo!. 48b (c. Cicuzza, personal communication) " 13 °ruparupyao: A, A 1; °ruparupao: B, B I, C I sthiracalao: A, A I, B, C; sthiracarao: Bill 14 tatha: A, A 1, B, C; tathavajrao: B 1 II 15 cf. above, p. 26 I °ni~se~arp: A, AI, BI, C; °ni~se~ao: B I traidhatukarp caracaram: conjecture; traidhatukacaracaram: A (correction of traidhatukasacaracaram), AI, B, BI; C is not clearly legible (traidhatukasaturacararp ?) II 129
iti 1 ~a9-arigayogabhavanayeti bhagavato niyamaJ:1, 1 tatha srisamaje bhagaviin aha 1
abhave bhavanabhavo bhavana naiva bhavana 1
iti bhavo na bhavag syad bhavana nopalabhyate II [GS II, 3] 5 iti 1 ihabhave nirabhragagane bhavana pratyaharag sa evabhave bhavanabhava iti 1 bhavana naiva bhavana iti 1 iha pratyaharabhavana ya abhave nirabhragagane sa bhavana naiva bhavana bhavati 1 vikalpabhavaniirahitatvad iti bhavo yaJ:1, pratyahiirel).a dr~!aJ:1, sa bhavo na bhavaJ.t syad avikalpitatitiinagatavartamiinabha- 10 vadarsanad iti 1 ato vikalpabhavana nopalabhyate pratYaharabhavanayam iti bhagavato vakyam 1 iyarp bhavana prajfiapiiramitayiim api bhagavatokta 1 tadyatha 1
pratyaharel).oktalak~al).ena yo dr~!aJ.t sphu!ikrtag sa bhavo na bhavo na kalpitariipag 1 kutaJ:1, nirvikalpacittaikagrataya 'vi- IS kalpitatIta*nagatavartamanabhavadarsanad iti dhyaniirigam 1 3 uktarp ca 1
paficakiimiiJ:1 samiisena paficabuddhaprayogataJ:1, 1 kalpanarp dhyanam ucyeta tad dhyiinarp paficadha bhave*t II vitarkarp ca viciirarp ca pritirp caiva sukharp tatha 1 t ~a9angayogabhavanayeti: conjecture based on T (yan lag drug gi rnal 'byor bsgoms pas so zhes pa); ~a9angayogabhavaneneti: SUT (ed., p. 41); ~a9angabhavaneneti: A, A I; ~a9angabhavanayeti: B, B I; ~a9angabhavaneti (not preceded by a da!leja): C I srisamaje: A, AI, C, T (dpal 'dus par); samaje: B, BI II 5 ihabhave: A, AI, T Cdir dngos po med pa); abhave: B, BI, C, SUT I nirabhragagane: C, sUT; nirabhre gagane: A, AI, B, BI I evabhave: conjecture based onT (kho na dngospomedpa la); evabhavo:A, AI, BI, C; ebhavo: B II 6 bhavana: A, A I, B I, C; bhavana: B I pratyahiirabhavana: A, B, BI, C; pratyahiirabhavabhavana: A I II 7 nirabhragagane: B, B I, C, SUT; nirabhre gagane: A, AI I bhavana bhavati: A, AJ, BI, C; bhavana bhavati: Ac; bhavana bhavatiti: B; bhavaneti: SUT II 8 vikalpao: A, AI, BI, C; kalpaO(later erased): B I iti bhavo: B (the da1Jeja before bhavo has been erased); iti / bhavo: BJ, C; / iti bhiivo: A; iti / iti bhavo: AI II 9 avikalpitaO; conjecture based on G and T (rnamparmabrtagpa); akalpitao: A, AI, B, BI, C I °agatavartamanao: A, B, BI, C; agavartamanao: AI I °bhavadarsaniid: AI, G, T (dngos po mthong ba'i phyir); °bhllvabhavadarsanad: BI, C; °bhavabhavadarsanad: B; °bhavabhavacanartamanabhavabhavadarsanad: A II 10 after nopalabhyate a da1Jeja is in B, B I and C II t t °bhavanayam: A, AI, BI, C; °bhavanam: B I vakyam: A, AJ, BI, C; vakya~: B II 12 after tadyatha the da1Jeja deest in C II t 7 stanzas GSU, 143- 144cd, t 45- t 46 are also quoted in GSPU (ed., p. 116) (;lnd SUT (ed., p. 30) II t 8 ucyeta: GSPU, SUT; ucete: G II
atha khalu sakro devanam indra ayu~mantaJTl subhiitim etad avocat I ya aryasubhiite 'tra prajfiaparamitayaJTl yogam apsyate kva sa yogam apsyate I subhiitir aha I akase sa kausika yogam apsyate yaJ:! prajfiaparamitayaJTl yogam apsyate I abhyavakase sa kausika yogam 5 cittasyaikagrata ceti paficaite dhyanasangrahaJ:! II guhyatraYaJTl vitarkaS ca vicaras tatprabhogata II tfli*yaJTl prltisankasaJTl caturthaJTl sukhasangrahaJ:! I 5 svacittaJTl paficamaJTl jfieyaJTl jfianajfieyodayavyayaJ:! II sarvabuddhamayaJTl santaJTl sarvakasaprati~thitam I 10 [GSU, 143-144cd, 145-146]
iti I pratyaharavisodhanaya * dvitiyangasya pratinirdesaJ:! I paficakama 6 riipadaya indriyal)aJTl vi~ayabhiitaJ:! samasenendriyair ekibhavena paficabuddhas cak~uradayas te~ilJTl saJTlyojanaJTl yojanaJTl pa*fica- 24a buddhaprayogataJ:! tasmad riipadayo 'pi paficabuddha ity 15 evaJTlvidhaJTl yat parisuddhakalpanaJTl tad dhyanam tac ca vitarkadibhedena paficavidhaJTl bhavati I vitarketyadi prabhedakatha* nam I guhyatrayetyadindriyavi~ayavijfianani guhyatrayam I 2 paficendriyal)i indriyajfianani tadvi~ayas ca paficatathagatatmaka iti yat parijfianaJTl sa vitarkaJ:! I * tasminn eva yad vicaral)asthitir vicaraJ:! I 3 20 evam vicarayatas tattvapravesabhimukhyena yat saumanasyalaksanam tat p'ritisankasam I tattvabhinivesena kayapra*srabdhyadilak~al)aJTl' Yelt 4 praptaJTl sukhaJTl tat sukhasaJTlgrahaJ:! I evam abhyasyataJ:! prakar~aparyantagamanaj jfianasya cak~uradi~atpravrttivijfianasya jfieye riipadidharma*dhatuparyante udayo jfianajfieyodayaJ:! tasya 5 25 k~aya cittasya grahyagrahakaSiinyatvaparijfianalak~al)a cittaikagrata svacittam ity uktam I tad evaJTlvidhaJTl cittaJTl sarvabuddha* mayaJTl santam abhasamatraJTl sarvasiinyaikani~thaJTl jayata iti 6 paficaprabhedaJTl dvitiyam angam I
akasa iti ratriyogena I abhyavakasa iti divayoge*na I 24b 1 devanam: A, B, BI, C; devatanam: A1 I ir.dra ayu~mantarp: A, B, BI; indrayu~mantarp: AI; indraJ:! ayu~mantarp: C II 2 'tra: B, BI, C; atra: A, Al I apsyate: C, SUT; atsyate: B, BI; apatsyate: A, A] II 3 apsyate: C (which follows with a da(u;la), SUT; atsyate: B, Bl; apatsyate: A, Al I before subhutir the da(lcJa deest in AI, Band C I apsyate: C, SUT; apatsyate: A, AI, B, B1 I before yaJ:! a dancJa is in Band B I II 4 apsyate: C, SUT; apatsyate: A, AI, B, BII/ abhyavakase: A, AI, BI, C; / ity avakase: B II 5 ceti: G; caiva: ed., p. 123, GSPU, SUT" 6 °trayarp: G, GSPU; °trayodayas: SUT I vitarkas: GSPU; vitarkarp: G; tarko: SUT I vicaras: G, SUT; vicararp: GSPU II 7 °sangrahaJ:!: G; °sangraham: GSPU, SUT II 8 °vyayaJ:!: G; °k~ayam: SUT, ed., p. 124, GSPU II 9 sarvakasao: G, GSPU; sarvakamao: SUT II 11 indriyal).arp: G; indriyal).i: GSPU II 13 yojanarp; codanarp: G II 17 vicaral).asthitir vicaraJ:!; vicaral).arp sthitivicara: G II 21 °prasrabdhyo; °prabdhyo (the letters bdhya have been erased): G II 25 °aikagrata; °ekagrata: G II 29 divao; dikayaO (later corrected): G II
aptukamo yai) prajiiaparamitayiiqI sik~itavyarp. marpsyate / iti / mahamudrabhavana pratisenamayatulya nirabhre gagane bhagavatokteti / evarp pratyahareT)a dhyanena sevangam ucyate / tato "mrtakuT)4alibimbasarpjiiaya sandhyabh~antareT)a vayur 5 uktai) [ef. GSU, 172d] / sa ca paficaprakarai) / tatha samajottare bhagavan aha /
paficaratnamayarp svasarp paficabuddhair adhi~!hitaffi / niscarya piT)4ariipeT)a nasikagre vibhavayet " [GSU, 147] iti / iha paiicaratnaSabdena rasanapaficamaT)q.aladharmiT)al) p[thivy- 10 adipaficadhatavai) / tanmayarp 8vasaf!1 paiicaratnamayam iti savyanasapu!e / tatha paiicabuddha lalanapaficamaT)q.aladharmiT)o vijiianadipaficaskandhiiQ / tair adhi~!hitaf!1- 8vaSaf!1 vamanasapU!e amrtaku~4alibimbasaf!1jiiayetyadina priiT)ayamangarp t[tiyam ucyate / uktarp ca /
15 paficavaTT)arp maharatnarp priiT)ayama iti sm[tam / svamantrarp hrdaye dhyatva pra*T)arp bindugatarp nyaset " 2 [GSU, 148]
iti / pratinirdesa ucyate paficavaTT)arp paficatathagatatmakam / ata eva maharatnarp praT)arp jivitam ayamyate dirgharp vistaryate yena sa 20 pra*T)ayama iti sm[tai) / tam eva praveSadisvabhavena binduna 3 'hamisam abhyasyamanatvat / svamantrarp hrdaye svahftpuT)q.arike dhyatva priiT)arp binduga*tarp nyased iti t[tiyam aiJ.gam / 4 1 aptukamo: conjecture based on SUT; apatnukama~ j: B; apantukama~: A, AI, B I (which follows with a da1J.rja); apantukama j: C I marpsyate: SUT; matsyate j iti: B, Bl, C; matsyata iti: A, Alii 2 after iti the da1J.rja is omitted in A, B, BI and C I °mayatulya: B, BI, C; °mayatulya: A; °mayantulya: All bhagavatokteti: A, AI, C; bhagavatoktam iti: B, Bj II 4 'mrtakugqalIo: A, B, BI, C; 'mrtakulIo: Al II 5 after ukta~ the dalJrja is omitted in Al I before bhagavan a da(lrja is in Bj II 7 the edition (Matsunaga 1978: 124) presents some different readings (paficajfiiinamaya/fl Sviisa/fl paficabhutasvabhiivakam / nisciirya pil}rjarupe1J.a niisikiigre tu kalpayet jj) II 8 piI)qariipega nasikagre: ail MSS; padmanasagre pigqariipega: GSPU II 9 °dharmiga~: A, AI; °dharmigya~: B, BI, C I prthivyadipaiicao: A, A I, B, B I; Prthvyadipaiicao: C; in T paiica deest II 1 1 before savyanasapute a dalJrja is in B, B I and C I before tatha the da1J.rja deest in B, Bj and C I °dharmigo: A, B, Bj, C; °dharmige: Aj " 12 before tair the dal}cja deest in A. Aj, B and BIll 15 st. GSU 148 is also quoted in PK I, 15 (ed., p. 3), AK (ed., p. 52), GSPU (ed., p. 117) II 20 smrta~: conjecture; smrto mata~: G II 21 before svahrt° a da1J.rja is in G II 22 dhyatva; jiiiitva: G; in T] we read bsams nas II
iti 1 niscarya pil)."ariipel).eti 1 iha piI}"aJ!l savyavasavyamaI).qaHinam ekatvarp madhyamayfun avadhiityarp pral)avayor iti 1 tarp ca pral)avayurp niscarya pil)."ariipel).a nasikagre vibhavayet 1 atra n as ikasabdena nabhihrtkal)!halala!o~l)i~akamalakaf1)ikocyate 1 tasya- 5 gre bhavayen nasikagre bhavayet kafI)ikat kafI)ikamadhye na savyavasavyakamaladala iti 1 evarp bindusthane pil)."ariipel).a nirodhital) priiI)al) 1 tenaiva tasya dharaI).ocyate 1 evam ailgadvayenopasadhanam amrtakul)qalibimbeneti 1 tad evopasadhanarp vajrajapa ity ucyate 1 madhyamabhinnangena japtavya iti pral)asya na vamada- 10 k~il)ana;lyarp pracarel)eti 1 u~l)i~abimbe dr~!e sati paScat priiI)ayamarp evaJ!l bindusthane pil)."ariipel).a nirodhitaJ). pral).as tena tasya dharal).ocyate iti dharal)angam 1 uktarp ca 1
niruddhe svendriye ra*tne dharayed dharaI).arp smrtam 1 5 [GSU, 149ab]
15 iti 1 asya pratinirdesaJ:! 1 svarp rupadayo vi~ayiil). 1 indriyarp cak~uradaya~ 1 tasmin svendriye niruddhe viline tato vi~ayendriya* dharabhiite ratne cittaratne ca priiI)ayamena saba niruddhe 'starp- 6 gate yad dharayet tad dharaI).am 1 kirp tat bhiitako!il) etad dharal)akhyam iti caturtham ailgam 1
20 madhyamabhinna*Iigena japtavya ity asya vyakhyanarp 25a pral).asya vamadak~il).ana"yam apracarel)eti 1 uktarp ca 1 bhik~asina na japtavyarp na ca. bhaik~arato bhavet 1 1 pit:Jq.aI]1: A, AI, B, C; BI I °mat:Jq.alanam ekatvaI]1: A, AI, T (dkyi/ 'khor rnams kyi. .. gcig pa nyid); °mat:Jq.aliinatmakatvaI]1: B, B], C II 2 avadhiityaI]1: A, A], B], C; adhiityaI]1: B I taI]1: A, A]; sa: B, B], C II 3 °vayuI]1: A, A]; °vayur: B, B]; °vayu: C II 4 °sabdena: A, A], B, B]; °sabde: C I tasyagre: B1, C; tasya 'gre: B; tasya agre: A, A] II 5 kart:Jikat: B, B], C; kaft:Jikatary: A, A1 I after °madhye a small dot (often used as a dm;uja) is in A] II 6 °avasavyao: B. BI; °avasavye: A, AI, C I °dala: AI, B, C; °dale: A, BI II 7 before tenaiva the dalJrja deest in A] I tasya deest in A] I °dvayenopasadhanam: A, AI, C; °dvayena upasadhanam: B, BI II 8 °opasadhanaI]1: A, AI, B, C; °opasadhanao: B 1 II 9 madhyamabhinnfui.gena: A, G; madhyama 'bhinnangena: Ac, A I, B, B I; C is illegible I before prat:Jasya a da(1rja is in B, B] and C Ina ... pracaret:Jeti: A, AI, T (rgyu ba med pa pas so); na ... pracara iti: B, BI, C I °dak~it:Jao: A, AI, B, BI; °dak~it:JaI]1: C II 1 0 u~t:JI~ao: A, AI, B, BI; U~l)lo: C II 13 st. OSU 149ab is also quoted in GSPU (ed., p. 117) and in SUT (ed., p. 30) I niruddhe svendriye ratne: G, OSPU; niruddham indriyaI]1 ratnaI]1: SUT (paraphrased with niruddhaT!l sendriyaT!l ratnam) I smrtam: OSPU, SUT; smrtim (later corrected): 0 II 18 etad: conjecture; eva: G II 21 apracarel)eti; aprayacaret:Jeti: 0 II 22 st. bhik~asina ... (slightly different from OS VII, 4, ed., p. 21) is also quoted in the Tattvasiddhi by santarak~ita (NAK, MS 5-45, NOMPP, Mf. A915/3, foI.40alO_ll) and iIi the Kaipariijatantra, IsIAO Library, Rome, MS not catalogued, fol. 4b2-3 II
kuryan mantriti 1 guriipadesal) sandhyabha~antareI).avagantavya iti ) priiI).ayamadharaI).opasadhanam ucyate 1
tatah sadhane devatabimbam [OSU, 173a] iti 1 iha dharaI). abalena nabhistharp caI).;lali:rp jvalitarp pasyati yogi sarvava- 5 raI).arahitarp pratisenopamarp mahamudram anantabuddharasmimeghan spharayantirp prabhamaI).q.alavirajitarp tam anusmrtim I sii sadhanam ucyate 1 dharaI).ante CaI).q.aIlyogarp bhavayed iti niyamal) 1 tatas tasya jfianarci~a skandhadhatvayatanadini dagdhany ekalolfuhavanti 1 vamadak~iI).anaq.igatani vijfianadiprthivyadlni maI).q.a- 10 lasvabhavani laIa!e candramaI).q.ale pravi~!ani 1 tataS caI).q.aIya jfianarci~a candre drute sati tadbodhicittarp binduriipeI).adhogatarp kaI).!he hrdi nabhau guhyakamale anandaparamaviramasvabhavena tato vajramaI).irp yavat sahajanandasvabhaveneti 1 athava vicitravipakavimardavilak~ aI).asvabhaveneti 1 evarp -~oq.aSakaIapiifI).arp ma- 15 japen mantram abhinnangarp sarvaka*mopabhogakrt II 2 [OS VII, 4; PK I, 26; Pi1}(jJkramasiidhana, 202 (ed., pp. 12-3)] iti 1 bhinnakarak~ararp bhik~asanam uccaraI).am pravyabaropalambhakhyarp bhaik~am 1 sarpketarp mantratattvakhyarp mantra rp pravesasthitivyutthanapratyavek~atmakam * 1 abhinnan- 3 20 garp tathata paramarthikarp madhyamabhinnangatvam 1 anusmrtiJ:! sadhanam ucyata iti 1 uktarp ca 1
1 after mantriti the da(uj.a deestin A and C I °avagantavya iti /; °avagantavya iti: A, AI; °avagantavya~ / iti: B, BI (which continues with a dm;rj.a), C II 4 nilbhisthaIJI: A; nilbhisaIJIsthaIJI: B, BI, C; nabhijiiaIJI: Al I before yogi a dalJrj.a is in A I II 6 °virajitiiIJI tam anusmrtiIJI: B, C; °virajitiiIJI manusmrtiIJI: AI; °virajitam anusmrtiIJI: A; °virajitam tam anusmrtio: BI II 7 cal)~aliyogaIJI: A, AI, B, Bj, C, T (gtum mo'i rnal 'byor); cal)~aIiIJI yogi: SUT (ed., p. 42) II 8 tasyil: A, AI, C: tasyaIJI: B, BI II 9 °prthivyiidini: B, BI, C; °Prthvyadini: A; °prthvadini: A I II 10 before lalii.!e a da(lrj.a is in Band C I °rnal)~ale pravi~!iini: A, AI; °mal)~alapravi~!ani: B, BI, C II 11 after sati a dalJrj.a is in C I tado: A, AI, T (de); yado: B, BI, C I °cittaIJI binduriipel)adhogataIJl: BI, C; °cittabinduriipel)ildhogataIJl: B; °cittaIJI bindusvariipel)adhogataIJI: A, Al II 12 kal)!he: A I, B, B 1; / kal)!ha: C; kascid: A II 13 yavat: A, AI, BI, C; yat: B II 14 °piifl)aIJI: A, AI, C; °piifl)ao: B, BI 1115 °karnopabhogak[t: PK, GS, Pi(lrj.fkramasiidhana, Tattvasiddhi; °karnapabhogak[t: Kalpariijatantra; °kamopabhogatas: G, TI (spyodpas) II 17-20 See below, p. 293, note 156 I bhinnakaraksaram; bhinna 'karaksararn: G I bhiksasanarn; bhiksa bhiksa 'sanam (followed by a dO(Irj.a): G I pravy~haroo: G, Yogimanoharii by Munisribhadra (ed. p. 44); in TI we read so SOl' sdud pa (= pratyaharoO) II 18 saIJlketaIJI; saIJlketaIJI: G II 20 after pararnarthikaIJI a dalJrj.a is in G II 134
I)yantargatarp yacia sukharp dadati bhavanabalena cyitvanasukhasadfsamiti df~~anta01atram I svariipato dVlndriyajalTl k~arasukhalTl ko~isahasratamlm api kalii!Tl narghati paramak~arasukhasyeti I ihak~ arasukhavastha ya sahajanandariipiI)l savastha kapy avijfieya 5 balayoginam I bodhisattvail). siinyatasamadhir ity ucyate I na punar lokariic.lhya nastikyiirthanupatiniti II~~
evarp ~ac.langayogena mantrajapena dhyanena sukhena ca buddhatvarp yoginalTl sidhyate paramarp pUI)yarp pavitralTl papanasanam I janmaniliaiva sadhyasadhakaniyamo bhagavatoktal). lIaa 10 sthiralTl vai vajramargeI)a spharayet tarp khadhatu~u I vibha*vya yadanusmrtya tadakararp tu salTlspharet II 4 [GSU, 152 - 153ab]
iti I vajramargeI)alalTlghanlyapaficanimittiinupiirveI)a prabhasvarapravesena sthiram visuddham cittam khadhatusu lokadhatusu * 5 15 spharayed dharmakayasvarupeI)a I evam atmiin~ prabhasvaragatarp vibhavya sak~atkrtva yat piirvam anusmrtya maricikadyakareI)a bhiita*ko~ilTl prapitalTl tadakareI)a tenaiva krameI)a salTlspharet I etad 6 anantaroktam angalTl paficamam anusmrtir iti I sahajanandarupiJ;ai savastha bodhisattvai*J;a sunyatabo- 25b 20 dhir ucyata ity antena samadhir uktal). I uktarp ca I prajfiopayasamapattya sarvabhavan samasatal). I salTlhfiya piI)c.layogena bimbalTl madhye vibha*vayet II jha~iti jfianani~pattil). samadhir iti sarpjfiitam I [GSU, 154] 1 before dadati a da~j(fa is in C II 2 before svariipato the dalJrfa deest in C II 3 kotio: Aj, B, Bj, C; koW: A I after niirghati a dalJrfa is in Band B1 II 4 savastha ... anupatiniti: see below, p. 295, note 159 I savastha: A, Aj, C; sa 'vastha: B, Bjl kapy: A, Aj, C; karyy (?): B, Bjll 5 °yoginam: A, Aj, B1, C; °yogina: B I before bodhisattvail) the dalJrfa deest ill A, B, B1, C I ity ucyate: A, Aj, B, Bj;ucyate: C I punar: A, B, Bj, C; pur: Alii 6 °anupatinIti: A, AI, B, BI, C; °anuyayini: SUT II 7 buddhatvarp: T (sangs rgyas nyid) , SUT; yogitvarp: A, AI: yogitvarp buddhatvarr..: B, BI, C II 8 yoginiirp: A, AI, B, B I; yogina: C I sidhyate: A, A j; sidhyati: B, B1, C I before paramarp a dalJrfa is in B, Bj and C I °na.~anam: A, Aj, B, Bl; °naniisanarp: C II 9 before janmani the dalJrfa deest in A, Band B1 I °ihaiva: A, AI; °Iheti: B, B1, C I before sadhyaO a da(lrfa is in A, Band B1 II 10 sphiirayet tarp: G, GSPU, SUT; spharayita: ed. I khadhatu~u: G, Tl, ed.; svadhatu~u: GSPU, SUT II 11 sarpspharet: G, SUT; sarpsmaret: ed., GSPU II 15 before dharmao a dalJrfa is in G II 16 mancikadyakarel)a: Tl (smig rgyu la sogs pa'i mam pas); mancinimittavat adi akarel)a: G (mariciO is preceded by a dalJrfa) II 17 before tadakiirel)a a da(lrfa is in G II 18 angarp paficamam: TI (yan lag lnga pa); aI1gapratyaharadikapaficam: G II 21 °bhavan: ed., SUT, G; °bhiival): GSPU II 23 sarpjfiitam: GSPU, SUT; sarpjfiitai): ed.; saJIlgitam: G II 135
tattvatalJ punar YYiha sarvakaranirakaro hetu~ I pratyaharel)a yo dr~t9 bhavo ghatapatadik~ pratisenatulya~ pratibhasate I sarvakara~ kalpanapocjho 'bhranta~ pratyak~adarsanad iti I. nirakara~ param1il)udharmatatita~ kalpanarahitatvad iti I pihitapihitanetragamyo yatas 5 tasman na riiparp na rupad anyaJ:! I na cak~urgamyo na cak~u~a vina I evarp sarvakaranirakaro hetuJ:! I prajfiaparamita mahasiinyata sarvakaravaropeta YY ityiidi 1
sa eva arthalJ srlhevajratlkayiirrz mahiibodhisattvasrzvajragarbhapiidair uktalJ 1 tadyathii 1
10 bbidanirp piirvoktaprajfiopayayoJ:! paramarthabhavanocyate 1 bhavarp bhavyam [HT I.i, 11] ityadina 1 ihakase bhavarp bhavyarp svapnopamarp paramal)udharmatatitam 1 tasya parijfiaya abhavarp bhavyarp iti 1 sarvabhavarp sthavarajaJigamarp prajiiopayasamapattya saJTlv[ tiparamarthayogena sthitarp * pil)cjariipel)a mahamudrariipel)ai- 3 15 kik[tya tasya sthavarajangamasya madhye yuganaddhatmakarp mahavajradharatvarp vibhavayej janiyat anena * kramel)a jhatiti 4 k~al)ena jfianani?pattiJ:! samadhir iti ~a~tham angam iti samajakramel)a ~acjangayogakramaJ:! "
bhaval!l bhavyam ityii*dillcti 1 5
1 tattvataQ punar: retranslated from T (slar yang de nyid du) I sarvakaraniraIdiro: conjecture based on AK (Ne, Nk, NO; sarvakaro nirakaro: A, A1, B, B 1, C I after hetuQ the da!lC!a deest in A1, B, B1, C I dr~!o: A, A1, B, B1; dma: C II 2 before pratisenaO a da!uja is in C I pratibhasate: conjecture; pratibhasataQ: A, A 1, B, B 1, C (before pratibhasataQ a dal}r/a is in A, B, B], C); °pratibhasaQ: AK (Ne, Nb NO I before sarvakaraQ the dal}r/a deest in A], Band B] I sarvakaraQ kalpanapo;lho 'bhrantaQ pratyak~adarsanad iti: A, C; sarvakaraQ kalpanapo;lho bhrantaQ pratyak~adarsanad iti: A j; sarvakarakalpanapo;lho 'bhrantaQ pratyak~ adarsanad iti: B, B]; sarvakaraQ / kalpanapo;lhabhrantapratyak~adarsanat: AK (Ne, Nk, NO II 3 nirakaraQ ... na cak~uro is illegible in C I before kalpanao a dal}r/a is in Band B] I yatas tasman na rliparp: conjecture; yataQ / tasmad rlipo: B, B1; yataQ / tasman na rlipo: A, Aj; yataQ / tasmanurlipo: Ae II 5 after anyaQ the da(lr/a deest in Band B J I na cak~uro: A, A I, C; cak~uro: B, BIll 6 sarvakaranirakaro: conjecture based on AK (Ne, Nb NO; sarvakaro nirakaro: A, A], B, B1; C is illegible I after hetuQ the dal}r/a deesl in AI, Band Bl 118 sa eva ... tadyatha: retranslation from T (don 'di nyid dpaZ kye'i rdo rje'i bshad par byang chub sems dpa' chen po dpaZ rdo rje snying po zhabs kyis gsungs pa / 'di Zta sle /) II 10 idanirp: H; deest in T II 13 sthavarajaIigamarp; sthavararp jarpgamarp: G I sarpvpio; samvrttio: G II 16 before janiyat a dal}rja is in G I before jha!iti a dm.u!a is in G II 17 before samajaO a da!lrja is in G II 136
vikalparahitacittena I pratibhasaIokanat}1 kalpanapo9ham abhrantat}1 pratyak~amity ucyate Ill/)
ityiidi I evarrz tantrottare dasabhumisvaramafijusripiidair uktam I EEpratyaharadi~a9bhir dasabalabalina sunyatabhavanokta 5 ratrau dhumadiyoga~ punar api divase vyomni dipadiko 'pi I pratyahareI)a yogi gaganatalagatat}1 pasyati tlyadhvariipat}1 tatra dhyanena cittat}1 dr9ham api kurute biihyabhlivan vihaya II [34] prliI)ayamais taminyfuyl saSiravirahitat}1 vahayet prliI)avatarp niJ:!svasocchvasahinat}1 punar api kurute dharaI)angena bindau I 10 khe 'nusmrtya svabimbac chasina iva maharaSmayo niscaranti vajrac chukrarp samadhya vrajati sirasi vaimalyasaukhyaprapufI)am II [35]
mohasyiikiisadr~!yii bhavati nidhanatii sunyatiidarsanena riigasyiidhyiitmadr~tya bhavati nidhanatii prii1}aviiyau niruddhe I 15 bhavarp bhavyat}1 bhavet prajfia abhavat}1 ca parijfiaya I tadvad dherukat}1 bhavyam abhavarp ca parijfiaya II [HT Li, 11] iti snnevajratantra uktam II
dasabalabalina ma*havajradhareI)a I siinyatabhavana sarva- 6 karasarvaSunyatapratipattiJ:! I ratrav andhakare I divase aloke I 20 tryadhvariipaf!l kamaruparupyariipam I * taminyam avadhutyam 26a bahimirgamabhavan niJ,tsvasocchvasahinam I svabimbad visvabimbat II
akasadr~!ya antaralavalambidmya mohasya ni *dhanata ni~- 2 svabhavata sa ca locana adhyatmadr~!ya skandhaya- 25 tanadisunyatadr~tya ragasya nidhanata sa ca pliI)qara I anangadH! ya sarvakaravaropetasunya*tabimbe sahajanuragadr~!ya 3 dve~asya laukikadve~asya nidhanata ni~svabhavata niravaraI).ata 1 pratibhasalokanam; paribha~iilokanaf!1: HTPT, MS Is lAO, not catalogued, fol. 8a3; pratipathiilokanarp: H. In T (and also in the Tibetan translation of HTPT, Peking ed., vol. 53 # 2310, fol. 13a6) we read snang brnyan mthong ba'o (= pratibimbiilokana) II 3 ityadi... uktam: retranslated from T (zhes pa la sogs pa'o II de bzhin du rgyud phyi mar sa bcu'i dbang phyug 'jam dpal zhabs kyis gsungs pa /) II 4 the seven following sragdhara stanza~ correspond to Tantrottara, 34- 40 (see above, Basic Structure of the ~Y); for the Tibetan text of stt. 36-38, which have been retranslated here, see below pp. 178-79 II 15 prajfia: conjecture based on H (foi. 12b), see below, p. 296, note 164; priijfiii~: G II 16 abhiivam: conjecture; na bhavarp: G II 17 before srihevajraO a da(Uja is in G II 20 before kamao a danda is in G II 21 before nihSvasoo a danda is in G II 23 before antariilaO a iia1Jt/.a is in G II 24 skandhayatanadio;· skandhadiyataniidiO (later corrected): G II 25 °siinyatii°; °siinyatao: G II 137
dve~asyiinangadr~tyii bhavati nidhanatii sukravaimalyasaukhyiin miinasya ghrii1'}adr~tyii bhavati nidhanatiiniihatabrahmagho~iit II [36]
prii1'}iiyiime niruddhe bhavati hi vimalarrz ma1'}qalarrz buddhabimbiid 5 bhumidvandvarrz kramiid vai sirasi galahrdor niibhiguhye ca murdhni 1
sukre1'}ordhvarrzgateniipy adhasi ca rajasiiniihatabrahmagho~iid buddha!} siistii ca yasmiit trimalavirahita!} k;iiyaviikcittavajra!} II [37] mahadve~ata sa ca vajradhatvisvari 1 sukrasya yad vaima- 10 *Iyal!l tena yat saukhyal!l tasmat 1 ghraJ.lad!"~!ya nasikopa- 4 iak~itantaraiadese dr~!ya manasya prak[tasya manasya nidhanata niravaraQ.ata 1 sa ca ma*maki 1 anahatabrahmagho~ad anaha- 5 tamahasukhadhvanisamullasat II
praJ.layame bahirnirgamabhavena dharaQ.angasphu!ibhavena ni- 15 ruddhe sati nirvikalpasa*hajacaQ.;ialisphu!Thhavad buddhabimbad 6 visvabimbad vimalaSasimaJ.l4.alal!l nirmalaprabhamaQ.;ialarp. bhavati jayate iaukiker~yak~ayat 1 sa ca taraQ.i 1 ~a!su * cakre- 26b ~urdhval!lgatena sukreJ.ladhogatena rajasa 'nahatabrahmagho~ at paramak~aramahasukhollasan matsaryanidhanata sa ca 20 visvamata 1 evarp. ca praticakrarp. bhiimidvayo*palambhakrameI)a 2 dvadaSabhumisvaro bhavati 1 tatha hi guhyacakre ~a¢atadhikatrisahasrasvasocchvasanirodhena pramuditavimaIabhiimidvayam 1
nabhicakre tathai*va nirodhena prabhakaryarci~matibhiimidvayam 1 3 tathaiva hrdayabje sudurjayabhimukhibhiimidvayam 1 kaQ.!hapadme 25 'pi diirailgamacaiabhiimidvayam 1 ufQ.abje ca sa*dhumatIdharma- 4 meghabhiimidvayam 1 eta bodhisattvabhiimayal). paficadvayany eva tathaivo~Q.i~acakre tu samantaprabha buddhabhiimir jfianavati vajradharabhumis cety etad dvayam 1 evaryt ca * ~a!satadhi- 5 kaikavirytsatisahasrasvasanirodhena trim al av irahi tai;t ka y a- 30 vakciUavajro dvadasabhiimisvaro nirvikalpadharmadesako buddho bhagavan iti II
anena * krameI)a ~a;iailgayogasak~atkareI)a bhiimyadicakra~a!ka- 6 suddhir darsita 1 paficacak~u~iiryt pratyekarp. sambhava ucyate svadl- 5 the words sirasi galahrdor nabhiguhye ca miirdhni appear in LKC IV, 100a, 231c; bhiimer miirdhni dvayaf!1 vai sirasi galahrdor nabhiguhye kramel)a is also possible II 9 sa ca: T] II 10 yat; yatat (later corrected): G I ghriil)ao: G, Tantrottara (Peking ed., fol. 145b5: sna rtser); pral)ao: T] (srog gi) I after °dr~!ya a da1Jcja is in G II 12 sa ca mamaki: T]; locana mamaki: G I after °gho~ad a da~lcja is in G II 15 before buddhabimbad a dar;.cja is in G II 16 before vimalao a da~lcja is in G II 19 before matsaryaO a dar;.cja is in G II 23 prabhiikaryO; prabhakari (followed by a dar;.cja): G II 26 paficadvayiiny eva: conjecture;, in T 1 we read lnga kho na (= paficaiva); pavau (preceded by a dar;.cja): G II 27 tathaivoo; tatathaivoo (later corrected): G II 138
sVlidlniiJ?l miiJ?lsacak$uJ:z prakrtigUl'Javasiid divyacak$uJ:z suriiniiJ?l pratyekasriivakiilJiiY!1 narahrdayagataJ?l buddhacak$us trtiyam I prajfiiicak$us caturthaJ?l prabhavati vimalaJ?l bodhisattve$u suddham
5 buddhiiniiJ?l sarvadarfi trimalavirahitaJ:z paficamo jfiiinacak$uJ:z II . . [38]
nil)spandanandasukrarr kulisam api ca taddharal)ad vajradhrg vai bijaip. kayasya sukrarr jinajig iti pita nabhicakre sukharr yat 1 tal lak~yarr lak~amal)o hrdi paramasukharr natha arolig eva 10 tad vedyarr yena kal)!he dh[tam acalasukharr vedako ratnadhfk sal) II [39]
prajfiadhrg yen a tantre sirasi dh[tarn idarr sukravaimalyasaukhyam u~l)i~e brahmarandhre 'k~araparamasukharr ~o;lasanandapufl)am I ya prajfia nil)svabhava paramasasikaJa ~o;lasi pUfl)imante 15 sananta yasya vidya sirasi sakulise ~a~!ham0 vajrasattval)II [40)"£ ~~na~!e candrarkabimbe 'py ubhayapathi sada pral)avate niruddhe abje vajre prabuddhe drutasasini mahasuryabimbe pravi~!e I nam ityadina prakrtigu~avasaj jiitigul)a*vaSat II 27a i danirr ~a;laIlgayoganiravaral)lkrtasya ~a!cakrakamalakafl)ikasthi- 20 tasya ~a!tathagatatmakatvam aha ni~spandetyadina vajradhrg ak~obhyal)1 * jinajig vairocanal) I arolig arnitabhal) I ratnadhrg 2 ratnasarrbhaval) I prajiiadhrg amoghasiddhil) I etena ~atskandhavisuddhir ukta II
naHe bhagne candrarkabimbe lala*narasanasvakaye I ubha- 3 25 yapathi nasapu!advaye pra~avate niruddhe pral)apanavayor bahimirgamabhavac cakrapancakakasasthite abje sphu!lbhuta*
sunyatabimbe bahyanganapadme va vajre cittavajre bole va 4 prabuddhe purvoktakramel)otthapite prabuddhavajra ity arthal) I tada ca druto yal) sasi sukram I ta*smin mahasuryabimbe sahajacal)- 5 7 for stt 39-40 see also below, p. 318 I niJ:!(sya)spandao: Nc, Nk, Nt; ni~yanda: Tantrottara (rgyu 'thun); niJ:!syanda: T; nispandao: Dhl~; in MSS ni~yanda and nispanda are quite similar and often even the Tibetan translators misunderstood the word (cf. Orofino 1994b: 39-43) I taddhara~ad: Nt, Dhl~; dhataddhara~ad: Nc, Nk II 9 lak~yalJ1: Nc: Iak~ao: Nk; Iak~o: Nt II 10 acalao: Nc, Nt; acarao: Nk I saJ:!: Nt, Dhl~; deest in Nc and Nk II 12 prajfiadh[g .yena: Dhl~, Nc, Nt; prajfiadhrgena: Nk II 14 pii~imante: Dhl~, Nk, Nt; pii~emante: Nc II 15 sananta: Dhi~, Nk, Nt; sananda: Nc II 17 abje: L2, L3, L4; jabje: L, I vajre: conjecture; vajrao: Lj, L2, L3, L4 II 20 niJ:!spandetyadina; niJ:!~p(y)andetyadina: G; niJ:!syandetyadina: T, 1124 after bhagne a dalllja is in Gil 25 °vayor; °vayvor: G II 27 cittavajre: Tj; cihnavajre: G II 28 before prabuddhe a dalJrj.a is in G II 29 before sahajaO a dalJrj.a is in G II
bhavabhavaikabhute trividhabhavagate 'nahate sarpprabuddhe tasmin kale sa yogi vrajati parapadarp na dvayarp yasya kirpcit 1/ [LKC V, 162]
praI/apane niruddhe k~ubhitasasadhara!) suryabimbarp prayati 5 abje vajre prabuddhe dravati punar asau suryabimbarci~a vai 1 vijfianarp jfianam ekibhavati ca maruta candrasurye niruddhe evarp caivarp tathaivarp trividham api bhaven napararp kirpcid asti 1/ [LKC V, 160]
cakrarp svaccharp samantat tribhava iti sukharp ratnam asyaiva raga!) 10 padmarp klesak~ayo ' si!) kulisam api mahajfianakayo hy abhedya!)1 chedo 'jfianasya kartri tv iha ~aq api kulany ebhir utpadita ye te 'py evarp veditavya!) kham iva samarasa!) skandhadhatvindriyadya!) 1/ [LKC V, 101]
qalThimbe adhare pravi~!e gate drute sasini sati 1 bhava- 15 bhavaikabhute sunyatakaruI/abhinne trividhabhavagate kayavak* cittamalarahite 'nahate paramak~aramahasukhollase saf!l- 6 prabuddhe sati tasmin kale mahasukhodayak~aI).e sa yogI ~aqaJi.gayogasak~atkari paramarp * padarp parapadaJII sahajanan- 27b dasukhaprati~~harp vrajati 1 yasya yogino dvayaf!l svaparabhi- 20 nivesalaksanam na kimcid asti 1/
praJ).apanavayau 'niruddhe sati caI/qa*lijvalaya k~ubhito 2 dravito ya!) sasadharaf) sa suryabimbatp. prayati almgayati 1 vajre bodhicitte padmani cakrill).i te~u prabuddhe purvoktakrameI/ottha*pite tathagate ity artha!) 1 dravati dravibhute 3 25 sati 1 druto asau sasadhara!) suryabimbarci~a saha vijfianaI!l jfianaf!l caikibhavati rnaruta saha ca*ndrasurye ca 4 niruddhe niravaraI/e sati 1 yad bhutarp paramak~arasukharp tad vaktum asakyatvad evamanubhavagamyam ekaravarpkaratmakam 1 traivaci*katvena sarvatha satyatam aha 1/ 5
30 cihnavisuddhir ucyate cakram ityadinii. tribhava iti saman- 1 °bhavagate: LI, L3, L4 (cf. LKC II, 3d; III, 199a; IV, 47c; IV, 106d), Tib. trans. of LKC (L4, p. 304: srid par gnas pa'i); °bhagavate: L2; °bhayagate: T II 2 yasya: Lj, L3, G; kasya: L2, L411 4°apane: Lj, L4; °apate: L2; °ayame: L3 I prayati abje: L j, L3, L4; prayatil]1 qabje: L2 II 5 vajre prao: conjecture; vajraprao: Lj, L2, L4; vajre padmaprao: L3 II 6 niruddhe: Lj, L3, L4; viruddhe: L2 /I 7 bhaven naparal]1: L], L3, L4; bhavenaparal]1: L2 II 1 0 'si~: L], L2, L4, V2; si: L3 I mahajfianakayo: L1, L2, L3, L4; tato jfianakayo: V2 (in the PAIS Bu-ston translates with rdo Ije dag kyang ye shes sku chen mam par = mahajfianakayo) II 11 kartri tv iha: VP (ed., vol. III); kartrivara: Lj, L2, L3, L4, V2, T, Bu-ston (fol. 212, line 1: gri gug mchog) I ~aq api: L1, L2, L3, L4; ~aq api ca: V2· In L3 ~aq api replaces an· erased word of three syllables II 15 trividhabhavao; tribhavabhayao: G, T j II 16 °vako; °vaktio: G II 18 after °sak.)2tkarI a dalJ¢a is in G II 25 druto asau; druty asau: G I saha; saha~: G II 26 before maruta a da(l¢a is in G II
yasmin vai jatiruparp vrajati nidhanatfup tan maharupam uktarp yasyfup sarpsaraduJ:tkharp vrajati nidhanatarp. sa mahavedanokta 1 yasyarp. sarp.sarasarp.jfi& vrajati nidhanatarp. sa mahavajrasarp.jfia yasmin sarpsarabuddhir vrajati nidhanatarp. vajrasarp.skara eva II [LKC Y, 102]
yasmin nidradyavastha vrajati nidhanatarp. tac ca vijfianam uktarp . y~minn ajfianabhavo vrajati nidhanatfup tan muner jfiiina.m eva 1 tan mohitanfup pacanaya vairocanasya svacchal!1 cakram 1 asyai*va tribhavasya sukhiirtharp ratnasarpbhavasya ratnam 1 nira- 6 10 varaI).asarpjfiadharme!).a ragi!).arp. maharagahetor amitabhasya padmam klesak~aya iti amoghasiddhe*r asiJ.t abhedyakaya 28a iti ak~obhyasya kulisam 1 ajiiiinasya ccheda iti ~a~!hakulasya kartrj 1 ebhih satkulaih kham iva samarasa nirvikarariipa* disvarupaJ:t 15 uktarp. ca'l 2
15 eko 'sau vajrasattvaJ:t pralayaghananibho heruko vai babhuva raudri:il).fup pacanartharp sa ca samayajino mohitiinarp. sukhiirtham 1 ratneso duJ:tkhitiinfup * sa ca kamaladharo ragil).fup ragahetor 3 vighniinfup dhvarpsanartharp tv asikarakamalo 'moghasiddhir babhuva II [LKC Y, 90]
20 dve~ad ya visvamata pralayasikhinibha * 4i:ikini sa babhuva 4 mohat sa locanakhya paramakaru!).aya miimaki miinahetoJ:t 1 ragat sa pa!).4arakhya sakalagu!).anidhis tan!).! ce*r~yaya sa 5 etau dvau visvariipau vi~ayavi~ayino 'nye ca sarve babhuvul) II [LKC Y, 91]
25 iti II
jatiriipal!1 priilq1:ariipam 1 sal!1saraduJ.tkhal!1 pralqtaduJ:tkhiidivedana 1 evam uttaratrapi * 6
2 mahavedanokta: Lj, L3, V2; mahavedinokta: Lz, L411 3 yasyarp.: Lj, L3, L4, V2, yasya: L2 II 4 °buddhir: Lj, L3; °vrddhir: L2, L4 II 6 yasmin nidriidyo: LJ, L2, L3, L4, T: jagradyo: V2; Bu-ston translates with gnyid (= nidra); in L3 yasmin nidrao is the correction of yasmin nidroo I tac ca: Lj; L3, V 2; yac ca: L2, L411 7 muner: LJ, L3, ~, V2; mune: L2 I eva: LJ, L2, L3, L4; eka: V2 II 8 pacanaya; locanaya (later corrected): G II 11 before amoghasiddher a dal}r/a is in G I abhedyaO; abhyedya (followed by a dal}r/a): G II 12 ak~obhyasya; ak~obhyak~osya (later corrected): G I ~~!hakulasya: conjecture based on the meaning and on T 1 (rigs drug); ~a~!handalasya: G II 15 babhiiva; babhiival:l (later corrected): Gil 17 ragahetor: Lj, L3, L4, G; rajahetor: L211 18 babhiiva; L!, L3, L4, G; babhiival): L2 II 21 mohat sa: Lj, L2, L3, L4; mohatma: G II 22 ragat sa: L!, L2, L3, L4; ragatma: G I cer~yaya: Ll, L3; L4, G; cerk~aya: L2 II 23 visvariipau: LJ, L3, L4, G; visvariipo: L2 I °vi~ayino 'nye: L], L2, L3, L4; °vi~ayiI)au ye: G II
ete vairocanadya~ paramajinavar~ ~a;ividha~ ~a!kuIani anye ~a;idhatubheda avanisikhipayomarutakasasanta~ II [LKC Y, 103]
yasyarp moha~ samasto vrajati nidhanatarp locana sa dharitn 5 yasyarp mana~ samasto vrajati nidhanatarp mamakI sambha eva I yasyarp raga~ samasto vrajati nidhanatarp pa'!;iara sa havi~ syad yasyam i"r~ya samasta vrajati nidhanatarp tari,!l sanilas ca II [LKC Y, 104]
yasyarp dve~a~ samasto vrajati nidhanatarp vajradhatvIsvan kharp 10 yasyarp matsaryarp sarvarp vrajati nidhanatarp visvamatak~ararp sa I dr~!adr~!arp hi ruparp manasi nabhasi vai pasyate ya~ sa cak~ur durac chabdarp sr'!0ti prakatam iva mahasrotram etaj jinasya II [LKC Y, 105]
sarvarp grh'!ati gandharp paramasukhakararp sa sunasa vibhos ca 15 sa jihva ya svacandramrtam api ca sada svadate saukhyadarp ca I vajrasparsarp samantad api harati sada vajrakayendriyarp tat prajfiopayaprasaitgad visati samasukhe yo mana~ so 'sya dharrn~ II [LKC Y, 106]
ete ~a;ibhedabhinna vi~ayavi~ayino bodhisattva~ sabharya 20 dr~!adn;tal!l vyavahitavyavahitam I manasi nabhasi acittacitte II samasukhe aksarasukhe I dharmo dharmadhatuh I etenaitad uktarp' .
sarvata~ pa,!ipadadyarp sarvato 'k~isi*romukham I sarvata~ srutiman loke sarvam avrtya ti~!hati II 25 iti II
1 ~a;lvidhaJ:l: L1, L3, L4, V2; ~a;lvidha: L2 II 2 avanisikhipayoo: L), L3, L4, V2; avatisikhipayoo: L2 II 6 sa haviJ:l: L1, L3, L4; sa bhaviJ:l: L2 II 7 taril).!: L), L3, L4; taral).!: L2 II 9 khaf!1: L1, L3, T; sa: L2, L4 II 10 yasyaf!1: L), L3, L4; yasya: L2 I matsaryaf!1 sarvaf!1: L); matsaryasarvam: L2, L4. In L3 sarvaf!1 replaces an erased word of three syllables I °ak~araf!1: L1, LZ, L3, L4. In L3 °ak~araf!1 seems to be the correction of °ak~araor Qak~araf!1 II 12 etaj: L], L3, L4; evaj: L2 II 14 sunasa: L], L3; suta sa: Lz, L411 15 svacandramrtam: L], Lz, L3; sucandramrtam: L4. In L3 a syllable between °amr and tam is erased I api ca: L], Lz, L3, L4. In L3 ca is a later addition II 16 api harati: conjecture; apaharati: L], L2, L3, L4 II 17 samac: L], LZ, L4; samac: L3 II 19 ete: Lj, Lz, L3, L4· In L3 ete is the correction of te I bodhisattvaJ:l: L), L2, L3, L4. In L3 it is the correction of bodhisattva I sabharya: L1, Lz, L3, L4· In L3 a syllable between sao and °bharya has been erased II 23 on this stanza see below, p. 303, note 182 I pal).ipadadyaf!1: H (foJ. 9a7, foJ. 12b3), Subhii~itasa1?1graha (ed., p. 42), AKU (ed., p. 138), SUPaiijikii (ed., p. 69); pal).ipadarthaf!1: G II 142
bimbe riipadayo 'm! jinavaravi~aya~ ~a1Prakara~ samantat I svacchajataniruddha~ paramasukhakaranavilajfianagamya nanyo grilhyas tridhatim tu sakalajagatas cendriyadvaragamya~ II [LKC Y, 107]
5 buddhanam apy agamya tv aparimitagul!a buddhanirmal!amaya atmanarp darsayant! tribhuvananilaye sakrajalarp yathaiva I nanabhavair vibhinna sajinasuraI1fl)arp svasvacitte pravi~ta e~anutpannadharma payasi nabha iva bhrantidotpattir atra II [LKC Y, 98]
10 krodha buddha~ sadevya~ khalu rasakulisa bhiimigarbhadayas ca pratyak~a~ khe bhavanti pramudital1rdaya yogina~ siddhikale I pratyii~e cardharatre bhavati saSidine ce~tasiddhis ca tasya ratnair va pu~pavr~tir bhavati bhuvitale kalayogat prakr~ta II [LKC Y, 163]1;1;
15 bimbe 'k~arasukhe rupadayo ' jataniruddha iti I anavilai) kayavakcittakalu~air anakula~ I * jfianagamyal) paramak~ara- 2 vedya~ I indriyadvaragamya grahya nanye iti se~a~ II buddhair agamya eveti parigal!ayitum asakyatvat I uktarp ca I jayati sukharaja eka~ karal!arahita~ sadodito jagatam I 20 yasya ca nigadanasama*ye vacanadaridro babhiiva sarvajfia~ II 3 buddhasya vajradharasya nirmaI).amaya visvamata buddhanirmaI). amaya sakrajalam indrajalam I yatha payasi nabhodarsa*narp bhrantarp tadvad utpattir evatra bhrantida II 4 rasakulisal) ~attathagata bhiimigarbhadayal) k~itigarbhadayas 25 ca siddhikale mahamudrasiddhikale pratyii~e * 'rul!0dga- 5 1 bimbe: 0, T; visve: L], Lz, L3, L4, the Tib. trans. of LKC (L4, p. 289) (sna tshogs) II 2 °sukhakaranavila: L], Lz, L3, L4. In L3 a syllable between °karao and °naviia has been erased I °gamya: L2, L4; °gamya~ (without normalizing the sandhi): L], L3 II 3 grahyas: L], L2, L4; grahyas: L3 I °jagatas cendriyadvaragamya~: L1, L3; °jagac cendriyadvaramasya~: L4; °jagac cendriyadvaramasya: L2 II 6 tribhuvanao: L], L2, L4; tribhuvao: L3 I yathaiva: Lj, LZ, L4; tathaiva: L3 II 8 e~anutpannao: LZ, L3, L4; e~am utpannao: L1 I atra: L], L3, L4;etra: LZ II 11 °hrdaya yogina~: Lj, L3, L4; °hrdayagina~: L2 II 12 °u~e: L2, L3, L4; °u~e: L1 II 13 prakr~¥i: Lj, L3, VP ed.; prahr~!a: L2, L4 II 15 after bimbe in T1 we find gzugs brnyan la (= pratibimbe) II 17 iti se~a~ ... asakyatvat: conjecture based on Tj (see below, p. 232) II 19 this st. (iiryii) deest in T]. Naropa and Sadhuputra Srldharananda attribute it to Saraha (cf. SUT, ed., p. 63; SUTippa(li, Onoli 1997b: 143). It is also quoted in the comm. by Advayavajrapada on Saraha's Dohiiko:ja (Bagchi 1938: 98). It is the opening Verse of the VBhATS by Yoginlcinta (Guhyiidya~rasiddhisal!lgraha, ed., p. 169) I jayati: VBhATS, SUT; sa jayati: 0, contra metrum; jayatu: SUTippm:zi II 21 after visvamata a danda is in 0 II 23 after tadvad a danda is in 0 II 25 pratyu~e; pratiu~e: 0 i," ..
1111asminn adibuddhe vajrapadarp prakatam uddesanirdesapratinirdesair bhagavata prakasitam I asyaiva sadhanaya mahamudrabhavana dhumadinimittamarga~ prakasit~ I
sunya ekagraman~ lqtva dinam ekarp parilqayet I 5 iti I ato bhagavato v ac an at paramadibuddhe vajrapadarp mahamudrabhavanamargo dhumadika~ prakatat. I na gurupararpparyakramel) agata~ I nadhi~thana111 gurvajfiayeti I asya ca margasya pratyayo 'sti ahamisarp dinam ekaJ!l parlk~ayed iti bhagavato vacanat I iha na canyan mantradisadhanarp dhumadinimitta111 vihaya 10 dinenaikena yogina paIik~al)lyam / nimittam api tridha / adinimitta111 madhyanirnittam antanimittarp ceti / adinimitta111 dhumadimarg~ ~a~aitgayogena bimbani~pattir ak~arak~al)aIabha~ / madhyanimittarp paramak~arak~al)air a~tadasaSatair adibhumilabh~ / paficabhijfia , dmarthasarpdarsana111 laukikasiddhipraptir iti / antanimittarp bud- 15 dhatva111 vajradharatvam ekavi111satisahasrai~ ~atsatadhikai~ paramaksaraksanair dvadasabhumilabhan mahamudrasiddhir iti / etad vajntpadadikarp nimittapurvaka111 prakata111 tantraraje paramadibuddhe bhagavata desitam /1111
mavelayam ardharatre ca I tasyapi siddhikalatvat / sasidine ·20 pUfl)avamasyam i~!asiddhir mahamudrasiddhi~ / kalayogat tripak~atrivar~a*yogat 1/ 6
vajrapadaf!l tattvapadam / adhi~thanam avesalak~al)am / Srlmadadibuddhadinanatantral). am iti adisabdena srisamajasa111-
varahevajra~akinIvajrapafijaral)arp sa*rpgrah~ 1/ 7 25 bhaktir yasya gurau Iqpa ca Iqpal)e sevaryamafijusriya111 prau~hi~ prakrtagitayor atitara111 saktis ca dharmasrutau / tasya srivarapalanayaka iti khyatasya dharma*sthiter 29a bhuyo 'dhye~al)aya ~a~aitgabharal)l sr~ta maya tippal)l 1/ krtva ~a~aitgayogasya tippal)lrp prapi yan maya / 30 subharp tenakhilo loka~ prapnuyat parama*k~aram 1/ 2 4 the first piida of the verse is hypennetricalll 7 nadhiHhanal)1: G; cf. also PAIS (ed., p. 88); nadhi~thani: VP ed., V I, V3, T II 9 dhiimadinimittal)1: V I, VP ed.; dhumadininimittal)1: V3 II 10 dinenaikena: V I, VP ed.; dinaikena: V3 II 1 I madhyanimittam: V3, VP ed.; madhye nimittam: VI II 12 bimbani~pattir: V3, VP ed.; nimbani~pattir: V I II 14 °sal)1darsanal)1 laukikao: V 3, VP ed.; °sal)1darsanalaukikao; VI II 17 nimittapurvakal)1: V3, VP ed.; nimittal)1 piirvakal)1: V I II 20 piirl).avamasyam; pUfl).amasyam: G II 23 before adisabdena a da(lrja is in G II 25 bhaktir. .. the metre is sardu!avikrfrjita I °sriyal)1; °srlyal)1: G II 26 prau9hi~; pro9hi~: G II 29 krtva ... the metre is anustubh I prapi: conjecture; prapti: G II
srfmadiidibuddhiidiniiniitantriir.ziirtz ~acfmigayogalt samiiptalt krtir iyartz par.zcfitiinupamarak{;itapiidiiniim II
~aqaJi.gayogatippal)i samiiptii I lq1:ir iyalTl mahiipal)qitaravisrijfiiinapiidiiniim II
1 srlmado ... opadanam: the text has been retranslated from T (dpalldan mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas la sogs par rgyud sna tshogs pa [D. 303a, 1] rnams kyi mal 'byor yan lag drug rdzogs so II 'di ni mkhas pa dpe med pas gsungs pa'i zhabs kyis mdzad pa'o) 1 srlmadadibuddhadio: conjecture based on G; in T we read dpalldan I71chog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas la sogs par (= srlmatparamiidibuddhadiO) \I
sByor ba yan lag drug pa
dPe med pas bsrungs pa
[Po 32Gb, 7; D. 285b, 5] I rgya gar skad du I ~a ;Imp ga yo ga I bod skad du I sbyor ba yan lag drug pa I
dpal dus kyi 'khor lola phyag 'thsallo I I
(XI kun la sgrib pa sprin gyi dra ba bsal ba la I Imam rtog rIung gi grangs mams rna Ius nub gyur pa'i I I rang gi nam mkha'i khams su shar pa'i 'od bzang can II 'jig rten dbang phyug zla ba gang bas gsal gyur cig I [ka] I gang zhig [Po 321a] 'khor zhi'i dmigs pa bral yang de dag las ni tha dad med cing khyab pa'i bdag II stong pa yin yang 'di ni brtse ba'i rang bzhin gnas pa las ni 'das kyang sa dbang phyug I I rtogsl ldan mams ni rna Ius bde ba rgyas par byed kyang rtog pa spangs shing 'gro med mgon II sems dang bral ba 'char ba 'ga' yis 'gro ba'i sems la rgyan du byed gyur cig I [kha]
I cung zad rtog pa'i yongs2 'dzin gdon bzhin nyams pa'i ched du 'dzin pas bcings pa [D. 286aJ ste I I de gtong bab col du ni spangs shing shin tu yun ring thar ba med par lhung ba kye I I de Itar dam pa'i lam la bslad la gang gis nam mkha'i gzugs bmyan sems las mam 'das shing I I mkhad dang brtse ba'i bdag nyid ston pa'i bla rna mchog la dga' bas rtag tu phyag 'tshal 10 I Ega]
I de phyir rang gi rtogs4 pa sgrogs pa kho na de Ita bur I I gym pa'i5 bla ma'i bdag nyid chen po sgrogs pa ste I I gang phyir 'bar ba'i gzugs can me ni med pa na I I du ba'i rtse mo yang dag 'phyur ba rtogs6 pa med I [gha]
1 D: rrog. 2 D: yangs. 3 D: rnkhas 4 D: rrog. 5 D: gyur pa. 6 D: rrog. 149
, bdag gi rtogsl pa'i nga rgyal skyon gyi rgyun min te , , rab tu 'jug byed nyid kyis gzhan don sgrub par byed , , smra ba po las rjod2 pa nges pa med pa na" skye bo 'dod pa 'grub pa'i ched du ji Itar 'jug' rna] , drang don rtogs pas khengs pa'i mkha,3 pa lam mams spangs pa'i sngags pa ngan pa mams " shes rab dman pa nyid kyis sgrub pa'i sgo nas 'gag4 pa mams kyang rig mi byedS " rdo rje 'dzin dpal bka' yis 'gro ba gsum mams dang ched khyab bdag 'jam dpal gyis , , bcom ldan dus kyi 'khor lo'i nyung ngu'i rgyud ni rab tu gsal ba'i tshig gis gsungs , rca] , gang la dpalldan thugs Ije chen po bcom ldan 'jig rten dbang phyug sprul pa des' [Po 321b] 'thall1s cad don can shin tu gsal ba'i tshig gis rgyas 'grel dri rna bral 'od mdzad " des gsal byas pa'i sangs rgyas rin chen snying po bsod nams bdag nyid las thob nas , , nges pa'i don gyi bdud rtsi brten6 pas srid pa'i dug mams 'joms byed dga' bar byed' [cha] , shes bya'i tshogs mams kun gyi gzhi rten btsam7 ldan kun mkhyen mtshan gyi rjes mthun dang , , dam pa de nyid rin chen chu gter gang du dbang phyug la sogs rtsa ru bshad , , gang du shes rab pha rols phyin pa 'ang mtha' dag 'du ba'i mam rtog ljon shing mams " rab tu 'jig byed nam mkha' las byung sangs rgyas dag pa'i bdag nyid skye9 byed ma'o , [ja] , dri rna med pa'i nam mkha' gang la sprul pa mig 'byed la , , thugs rje chen po rgyas pas brIan pa bsam [D. 286b] pa'i brten za las' , yod dang med dang gnyis ka dngos pOlO dngos med 'byed pa bral , , stong pa nyid kyi rjes ' gro du sogs rna Ius blo burl I , char' [jha]X de Itar rdzogs pa'i rim pa gsal bar byed pa phyag rgya chen po'i lam bsgom pa'i rjes su mthun pa dpal dang ldan pa'i rgyud dang po'i sangs rgyas la sogs par gsung rab rin po che yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas nyid kyi 'bras bu ster bar byed pa mams yang dag par bsdu bar bya'o , , gang sangs rgyas rin chen za rna tog rgyud kyi rgyal po dang po'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa ,
[3, gang phyir a sogs ka sogs Ii bong can dang nyin byed gcig nyid rdo rje can gyi gdan min shing , , hurp. yig nyid kyis mtshan rna dang ni yongs su I D: rlog. 2 D: bljod. 3 D: mkhas. 4 D: dgag. 5 D: byad. 6 D: bslen. 7 D: beom. 8 D: rol tu. 9 D: skyed. 10 D: dngos po deest. II D: glo bur. 150
gyur pa gzhan pa kha dog gzugs ni mi 'dod de I I' gyur ba med pas bskyed I 'gyur ba nyams par gyur pa mchog gi dbang po mams dang ldan pa ni I I mam pa kun ldan thig Ie- mtha' dag rgyal ba'i bdag po sna tshogs sgyu rna 'dzin pa 'di la'o I [LKC V, 127]13
gang gi [Po 322a] phyir de ltar2 yin pa de'i phyir Ymchog tu mi 'gyur ba'i bde ba sgrub par byed pa la mngon par dga' ba'i mal 'byor pa bla rna dam pa'i man ngag thob pa I gdug pa'i grogs yongs su spangs pa du ba la sogs pa'i mtshan rna yongs su bsgoms pa las dang po pa dbu rna mam par sbyangs pa I I sems can thams cad la bu gcig pa lta bur mchog tu brtse ba'i sems rjes su beings pa I 'jig rten3 'jig rten las 'das pa'i bden pa la brten pa I bu dang chung rna la sogs pa dang rang gi Ius la ltos pa med pa I I tshogs khang4 dang5 gtsug lag khang dang bla ma'i rdzas nye bar 10ng6 spyod pa las phyi rol du gyur pa I sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa'i lam la brten pa I byams pa dang snying rje dang dga' ba dang btang snyoms te tshangs pa'i gnas bzhis mam par gnas pa I zhi ba la sogs pa'i 'jig rten pa'i dngos grub sgrub pa la mngon par dga' ba spangs pa I thams cad mkhyen pa'i go 'phangs7la gnas par 'dod pa I dkyil 'khor gyi 'khor lola sogs pa mam par rtog pa'i sgom pa yongs su spangs pa I nam mkha'i khams la mam pa [D. 287a] thams cad pa stong pa nyid me long la pra phab pa bzhin du rna skyes pa'i chos nges pas mthong ba I rang gi sems kyis spros pa'i snang bmyan nam mig yor rmi lam dang mtshungs pa nyid du sems pa I rdul phra rab tshogs pa'i bdag nyid kyi chos mam par dpyad bas stong pa chad pa'i stong pa9 nyid ring du byas pa I nang gi bde ba rang rig par bya ba'i chos la rjes su chags pa I phyi rol gyi dbang po'i rang rig par bya ba'i bde ba'i chos yongs su spangs pa I shes rab dang thabs kyi bdag nyid can gyi byang chub kyi sems brtan par byed pa lalO gcig tu mkhas pa I mchog tu mi 'gyur ba'i bde ba chen po'i shes rab ye shes kyi lam gyi man ngag [p. 322b] thob pas rten dang brten pa mtshan rna dang kha dog dang phyag dang dbyibs dang dkyil 'khor gyi lha yongs su brtags pa'i chos mi 'dod do zhes pa'oY II de bzhin du I
I °sna tshogs mam rtog la sogs lam gyis ni I de nyid de bzhin gshegs pas gang gsungs pa II bzhi la rab tu dbye ba'i bcu drug can I lam dang bral bas thob pa rna yin no 1[1]
1 D adds cing. 2 D: 'di lIar. 3 D adds dang. 4 D: gang. 5 D: dang deest. 6 D: longs. 7 D: 'phang. 8 D: par. 9 D: lao to D: lam.
I bskyed pa'i rim pas gsungs pa'il hurp. dang ni I phat yig la sogs rtogs2 pa dang bral ba I I rdzogs pa'i rim pa'i mal 'byor de nyid ni I de kho na yi sgrub thabs gzhan yod min I [2]
I ji ltar me ni shing la rtags3 gnas kyang I bead dang dbye ba'i thabs kyis mi mthong ste I I gtsub shing gtsub stan4 lag pas bsrub5 pa las I de la gnas pa yang ni mthong 'gyur ba I [3]
I de bzhin sems kyi snang bar rtog pa yi I bsgom pa'i thabs mams kyis ni mi mthong ste II de nyid du 'di la la na dang ni I ro rna gcig tu sbyor bas6 mthong par 'gyur 1[4]
I du ba la sogs mtshan rna mams kyang ni I srog rtsol gyis ni dbu mar 'bab7 pa dang II rig ma'i brtul zhugs kyis ni rdo lje ni Iltung min de bzhin steng du khu ba ste I [5]
I lam 'di mams kyis sangs rgyas mams kyi ni I bde ba mchog tu 'gyur ba med ces pa I I mngon par sgrub pa 'am pho nya mo kun gyi8 I lhan cig skyes pa mal 'byor pas thob9 'gyur I [6]
I gzugs la sogs parlO rtog pall dkyil 'khor gyi I 'khor 10 sgom pal2 goms par gyur pas [D. 287b] ni I I 'jig rten pa yi dngos grub 'grub 'gyur gyi I 'dod pa'i dngos grub chen po ga la zhig 1[7]
I gang mams sems can mams la brtse ba yis I gzhan kyi l3 bya ba dge ba rtag blison pa'i II slob rna dag pa mams la lam mams ni I bla rna dam pa'i drin las 'byung ba yin I [8]
I lam bzangl4 rin chen 'di ni bag med kyi [Po 323a] I sems can gzhan pa mams la byin pa na I I rang khyim dgon pa mams su rab zhags l5 la I yul ngan chom rkun mams kyis 'phrog par byed I [9] I the tshom 'gyod pa dag dang gnyid dang ni lIe 10 rgod pa'i chom rkun mams kyis kyang I I gnyen 'dun 'thibs po'i nang du zhugs pa yi16 I lam bzangs rin po che ni 'phrog par byed I [10]
1 It is evidently a mistaken reading of the Sanskrit original (utpattikl'amam uktam instead of utpattikramamuktam). 2 D: rtog. 3 D: rtag. 4 D: gtan. 5 D: bsrubs. 6 D: ba. 7 D: 'gag. 8 D: kyi. 9 D: 'thob. 10 D: pa. 11 D: par. 12 D: bsgom pa. 13 D: gyi. 14 D: bzangs. 15 D: zhugs. 16 D: na.
I srog gcod rna byin gzhan gyi bud med dang I brdzun dang tshig rtsub dang ni phra rna dang I I 'khyal bar gyur pa'i tshig dang bmab sems dang I gnod sems lta ba ngan pa'i chom rkun dang I [11] I yod pa'i sdig dang nye ba'i sdig pa dang I gsod 'khu dbang po kun nas chags pa ste I I chom rkun lnga pal lnga po ' di mams kyis I rin po che ni rtag tu 'phrog par byed I [12]
I shin tu bza' dang btung dang sna tshogs pa'i I longs spyod du ma'i chom rkun de mams kyis I I brtson ' grus Idan du zin kyang bag med cing I brgyal2 bar gyur pa nyid la 'phrag3 par byed I [13] I gang phyir rang nyid rtog pa po min pa I rin thang chen par 'gyur ram shes ched du II g.yon can gzhan la ston pa min zhes pa'i I de'i4 tshig gis rin chen 'dor bar byed I [14]
I gang mams nas chen bzang po rig pa mams I rin cen6 chen po yongs su rtog tu gzhug I I de mams kyi7 ni mam ngag dag mams kyis I rang gi rin chen mam par shes par bya I [15]
I rdzogs sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' dang I pha dang rna dang bu mo sring mo dang I I bu dang spun zla 'dod pa'i chung rna yi8 I gzugs mams kyis ni bdud mams gegs byed do 1[16]
I de phyir bla rna dam pas gnang ba yi I lam bzang9 rin chen slob rna mams kyis ni I I chom rkun rtsa lag yong su btang10 by as te I 'dangll pas shin tu legs par sba bar bya I [17]
I dpa' bo'i [Po 323b] rim pa bdag [D. 288a] byin brlab12 pa yi I rim pa 'ang thar pa'i ched du lam rna yin I I shes 13 tu mam dag rim pa gcig pu ni I thar pa'i ched du sangs rgyas mams kyis bstan I [18] I mtshams med Inga po byed pa mams kyang ni I dbang bskur don ni bde ba gang zhig gis I I thabs dang shes rab bdag nyid rgyud du ni I rgyal ba'i dbang pos yang dag gzung bar 'gyur 1[19]
1 D: pa'i. 2 D: rgyal. 3 D: 'phrog. 4 D: de yi. 5 D: rin. 6 D: chen. 7 D: kyis .. R D: yin. 9 D: bzangs. 10 D: glang. 11 D: 'bad. 12 D: rlabs. 13 D: shin. 153
I dpa' bo'i rim ni phyi rolla min te I Ius la srog zad nyid la 'di gsungs so II bdag byin brlab1 pa'i rim p02 stong pa la I khams gsum po ni mthong bar ' gyur pa'i mig I [20]
I 'khor ba snying po med de zad gyur pa I de las skyes bu'i sangs rgyas nyid 'brus3 bu I I chu shing gi ni 'bras bu smin pa dag I chu shing nyams las yang dag 'byung ba bzhin I [21]
I sdig srin dang ni shing srin sems can mams I gang la4 byung ba de mams des nyams byed I I de bzhin mal 'byor mams kyi sems des ni I sgyu rna mam par nyams par byed par 'gyur I [22]
I gnyis med g,yo ba med dang gnyis rtogsS med I 'dod dang mchog tu mi , gyur 'dod chags che I I dngos dang dngos po med6 pa dang I ye shes dang ni sems pa kun tu bzang I [23]
I sgra 'thab med dang sgra che ba dang ni I lhan skyes dpal ldan byang sems thig Ie ' dzin I I dpalldan dus kyi 'khor 10 rdo Ije dang I shes rab thabs kyi bdag nyid mal 'byor ro I [24]
I de Itar rdo rje'i mal 'byor gang zhig dpag med bde gshegs mams kyis bsten cing7 brtan pa dang I I byang chub sems dpa' rdo rje mchog 'dzin gsang sngags rig pa kun gyis yang dag bsdus gyur pa'o I [25]° £1 dang por yang dag brten8 par bya ba bla rna 'ang dam tshig ldan zhing rdo rje'i theg la9 lhag par gnas I I de kho na nyid sgom zhing rna chags dri rna mams 10 bral bzod pa'i ngang tshul W 324a] lam la 'jug I I slob rna mams la lam ni sbyin byed dmyal ba'i 'jigs 'phrog de nyid las ni tshangs spyod ldan II bdud mams la ni rdo Ije'i dbugs pall de yang 'dzin ma'i gzhi la rdo rje sems dpar rab grags pa'o I [LKC III, 2] [D. 288b] Ilha'i12 dmigs pa gang yin mngon sum dang ni rjes su dpag pa mam gnyis 'dir 'gyur te I I mngon sum de kho na nyid sbyor las mkha' la skar rna bzhin du du rna longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku I I mngon sum min na rjes su dpag pa shi ba'i Ius bzhin de kho na nyid min pas rtags 13 pa gang II de ni ri mo sogs la blta bya yongs su rna smin blo can mal 'byor mams kyi sgom pa'i don I [LKC IV, 232]£
I D: rlabs. 2 D: pa. 3 D: 'bras. 4 D: las. 5 D: rtog, 6 D adds las 'das. 7 D: zhing. 8 D: bsten. 9 D: pa. 10 D: rnam. 11 D: dbyug pa. 12 D: lha yi. 13 D: rtag.
I;'dir sems can mams kyi bsams1 pa'i dbang gis mal 'byor pa mams kyi lha'i dmigspa gang yin mngon sum dang ni Ijes su dpag pa mams kyis2 gnyis su 'gyur ba ste I mngon sum dang rjes su dpag pa de dag las mngon sum gang yin pa de3 ni de kho na nyid kyi mal 'byor gyis mkha' la skar rna bzhin du 'gyur te I skar ma'i tshogs bzhin du du rna longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku zhes pa ni sha la sogs pa'i mig gis gzung bar bya ba srid pa gsum dang dus gsum4 rmi lam dang sgyu rna dang mtshungs pa'o I I 'dir dang por las dang po pa'i mal 'byar pas mngon par shes pa med par sha'i mig gis gzugs bmyan mthong ngo I I de nas mngon par shes pa'i mtshams kyi dbang gis lha'i mig gis mthong g04 I I de nas 'dod chags dang bral ba'i mtshams kyi dbang gis sangs rgyas kyi spy an gyis gzigs so I I de nas byang chub sems dpa'i mtshams kyi dbang gis shes rab kyi spyan gyis gzigs so I I d~ nas yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas kyi mtshams kyi dbang gis ye shes kyi spyangyis gzigs te Ilhag rna kun las mam grol zhing II zhes so II [Po 324b] de Itar de bzhin gshegs pa'i sha la sogs pa'i spyan lnga po mams ni stong pa nyid gzigs pa'i ched du gsungs te I I sems can gzhan mams ni stong pa nyid Ita ba'i yul dmus long ngo zhes pa de kho na nyid sgom pa'i nges pa'o I I de kho na nyid rna yin pa'i sgrub par byed pa la mngon sum min na Ijes su dpag pa shi ba'i Ius bzhin I de kho na nyid min pas brtags pa gang I I de ni ri mo sogs la blta5 bya I I zhes pa ni sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' mams kyi ri mo dang sku gzugs byas pa dang lugs rna 'am dkyil 'khor gyi 'khar 10 bris nas nges pa'i mam par bIta bar bya ste I byis pa'i mal [D. 289a] 'byor pa dman pa mams kyi sgom pa'i don du'o zhes pa mam par rtog pa sgom pa'i nges pa'o III;
III bdud rtsi lnga la sogs dang chu °gter rdo Ije mams dang sngags kyi bzlas pa sogs kyis6 bsnyen pa ste I I so sar sdud pa sogs dang rdo rje padma las skyes bdud rtsi yis ni nye bar7 sgrub par 'gyur II dga' ba la sogs mams kyis rdo rje gsum dang chu skyes ro mnyam gyur pa bsgom8 pa sgrub par 'gyur I I shes rab 'grogs9 la 'phOlO med 'gyur ball phra mo'i mal 'byor dag las nges par sgrub pa chen pO'012 I [LKC IV, 113]1l ~'dir las dang po pas dang por sgrub thabs kyi cho gas bsnyen pa byas te I phyi rol du bdud rtsi lnga ni bshang ba la sogs pa'o II sogs pa'i sgras go ku la sogs pa ste Ilha mnyes pa'i don du de mams zos pas bsnyen pa'o II nang du bdud rtsi lnga ni phung po lnga mams so I I sogs pa'i sgras ni dbang po 1 D: bsam. 2 D: kyi. 3 D: de deesto 4 D: dus gsum deest. 4 D: ngo. 5 D adds bar. 6 D: kyi. 7 D: ba'i. 8 D: sgom. 9 D: sbyar. 10 D: 'pho ba. 11 D: med pa'i. 12 D: chen por 'gyur.
lnga marns sgron rna lnga'o [ [ de marns la ltos pa rned pa ni bsnyen pa ste [ [ Ius dang rdzas la sred pa yongs su spangs pa'o [ [ bsnyen pa des lha marns' rnchog ster bar 'gyur gyi bshang ba la: sogs pa zos pas ni rna yin no [ [ chu gter rdo lje marns [Po 325a] kyis zhes pa Ius kyi longs spyod la ltos pa rned pa dang [ [ ngag gi longs spyod la ltos pa rned pa dang [ serns kyi longs spyod la ltos pa rned pa dang [ 'phrol ba'i longs spyod kyi bde ba la ltos pa rned pa ste Ius dang ngag dang serns dang tshangs par spyod pa'i sdorn pa'o zhes pa'i don to [ [ 'dis lha rnchog sbyin par 'gyur gyi srid pa'i longs spyod la chags pas ni rna yin no zhes so [ [ sngags kyi bzlas pa sogs kyis zhes pa la [ [ , dir sngags kyi bzlas pa zhes bya ba ni srog sdorn pa ste [ sogs pa'i sgras ni dbyung ba dang dgang ba dang [ bum pa can gyi mal 'byor ni rtag tu bsnyen pa'o [ [ des lha rnchog ster bar 'gyur gyi srog rna bsdarns pas ni rna yin no zhes pa'i2 nges pa'i don to [ [ drang ba'i3 don gyis bgrang phreng la sogs pas bzlas pa la sogs pa bya ste [ [ thun rnong gi dngos grub kyi don du'o [
[ da ni nye ba'i bsgrub pa bljod par bya ste [ [ so sor zhes pa la sogs pa'04 [ [ so sor sdud pa zhes pa la 'dir 'khor ba pas marns kyi sdud pa mig [D. 289b]la sags pa'i dbang po marns kyis gzugs la sogs pa'i yul 'dzin pa'o [ [ de yongs su spong ba ni so sor sdud par brjod par bya ste [ stong pa nyid kyi gzugs la mig la sogs pa'i6 gzhan marns kyis yul 'dzin pa ni nye ba'i bsgrub pa'o [ [ de bzhin du bsarn gtan dang srog rtsol dang 'dzin pa ste [[[rdo rje]] padrna las skyes bdud rtsi yis ni nye bar bsgrub pa ste nges pa'i don gyis so [ [ drang ba'i don gyis ni phyi rol du lha spros pas so zhes pa nye ba'i sgrub pa'o [
[ da ni sgrub pa gsungs pa [ dga' ba zhes pa la sags pa ste [ 'dir dga' ba la sogs pa marns kyis rdo rje gsurn po sku dang gsung dang thugs kyi thig Ie marns te [ de mams chu skyes su ro rnnyarn par [Po 325b] gyur pa sgorn pa bsgrub par 'gyur te snying ga dang lte ba dang gsang bar thig Ie marns gnas pa'o zhes bya ba'i don to [ [ de ltar bsgrub pa pO'07 [ [ de nas bsgrub pas chen po ni shes rab sbyar la gang gi tshe 'pho ba rned pa'i bde bar 'gyur ba de'i tshe sgrub pa chen po ste [ phra rno'i mal 'byor las ni zhes pa nges pa'i don gyis su shurn na'i rtsa'i steng du khu ba yang dag par sbyor ba las nges pa'i don gyi9 bsgrub pa chen por bljod par bya'o [ I D: 'pho. 2 D: pa ni. 3 D: ba'i deest. 4 D: pas (not followed by shads). 5 D: pa deest. 6 D: pa. 7 D: sgrub pa'o. 8 D: sgrub pa. 9 D: gyis. ' 156
I drang ba'i don gyis ni shes rab kyi chos 'byung gi sna'i rtse mor yungs kar la sogs pa'o zhes pa nges pa'o II de ltar sgrubl pa chen por 'gyur ro Ill') 11 dang por stong nyid byang chub nges par slar yang de nas zla ba thig Ie yang dag 'dzin II de nas gzugs mams skyed2 cing rab mchog ro'i rigs3 mams kyi4 ni ge godS pa nyid II 'di ni spyi yi6 bsnyen pa chu yi'i7 gter gyi rdo rje mams kyis sgrub pa8 'bling po yang II 'dir thabs mam bzhir 'gyur te dman dang brtan pa sgrub9 pa'i yan lag la nilo de bzhin nyid I [LKC IV, 114]1 K'dir bskyed pa'i rim pas dang por stong nyid byang chub ces bya ba ni srog chags mams shi ba'i mthar phung po yongs su dor zhing skyeba'i cha shas can gyi phung po 'dzin pa las par gang yin pa stong pa nyid kyi skad cig gcig po srid pa gsum mthong ba ni stong zhes bljod II bya' 0 I I nges par ni 12 gdon mi za bar ro I I skad cig de 'i 13 phyi nas zla ba thig Ie yang dag [D. 290a] 'dzin II zhes l4 'dir kun gzhi mam par shes pas ma'i mngal du khu ba'i thig Ie mams 'dzin pa ni yang dag 'dzin no II de 'og tu khu ba la sogs pa bzung ba de nas gzugs mams bskyed pa zhes bya ba ni zla ba bdun pa mams kyis mngal rdzogs pa ste I Ius rdzogs pa'o zhes pa'i don to I I de nas rab mchog ro'ils rigs mams kyis [Po 326a] II zhes pa phung po drug po mams kyi 16 mig la sogs pa mams kyi yi ge dgod pa ste17 I gzugs la sogs pa'i yulla rab tu 'jug pa'o zhes pa'o II de bzhin du lha'i mal 'byor la yang brtags pa'i bdag nyid bsgom par bya ste las dang po pas so II 'di ni spyi'i bsnyen pa'o I I chu'i gter gyi rdo lje l8 mams kyis zhes pa Ius dang ngag dang sems dang ye shes kyi rdo rje rdzogs pa mams kyis bsgrub pa 'bring po yang ste srog rdzogs pa'o II 'dir thabs mam pal9 bzhir 'gyur te zhes pa bsnyen pa'i yan lag dang nye ba'i bsgrub20 pa'i yan lag la dman pa dang brtan pa'o I I sgrub pa'i yan lag la de bzhin kho nar 10 bcu drug gi mtshams su'o zhes pa nges pa'o I
I 'dir dman pa ni skyes pa'i byis pa'o II so skyes pas 'bring po'i byis pa'o I I so lhung nas gzhon nu'o I I slar yang so skyes nas 110 bcu drug gi rjes la dar rna ste bu skyed par byed pa nyid kyi phyir fO zhes pa'o II de bzhin du lha thams cad yan lag mam pa bzhir mal 'byor pas bsgom par bya'o zhes pa ni 'jig ften pa'i bden pa'i nges pa'o I
I D: bsgrub. 2 D: bskyed. 3 D: ro yi rig. 4 D: kyis. 5 D: yi ge 'god. 6 Dreads ci'i instead of ni spyi yi. 7 D: yi. 8 D: bsgrub pa'i. 9 D: bsgrub. 10 D: la ni deest. II D adds par. 12 D: ni deest. 13 D: de yi. 14 D adds pa. 15 D: ro yi. 16 D: kyis. 17 On the word dgod pa (nyasa) see Snellgrove 1959, vol. I: 57, note 2.18 D: gyi rdo Ije deest. 19 D: pa deest. 20 D: sgrub. 157
da ni don dam pa'i bden pas sangs rgyas kyi gzugs rdzogs par brjod Pi:j.r bya ste II 'dir dang po stong nyid byang chub ces pa ni mun pa la cung zad kyang bsam par mi bya'o II de nas I zla ba thig Ie yang dag 'dzin II zhes pa ni du ba la sogs pa'i mtshan rna thig le'i mthru- thug pa 'dzin pa'o II de nas gzugs mams bskyed cing zhes pa dang I thig Ie de nas sna tshogs gzugs mthong ba ni gzugs skye ba'o II rab mchog ro'il rigs mams kyis II zhes pa sgrib pa med pa'i phung po drug mams kyis so I I yi ge dgod pa zhes pa ni nyi tshe [Po 326b] ba'i phung po dang khams dang skye mched la sogs pa mams 'gog pa'o II de'i phyir sa thob [D. 290b] pa ni dman pa la sogs pa'i dbye bas 'gyur te I ji srid sa bcu gnyis kyi dbang phyug tu rna gyur gyi bar du'o II de'i phyir
I bden don mam pa bcu gnyis ldan I
I de nyid mam pa bcu drug rig I
Imam pa nyi shus byang chub pa I
I mam par sangs rgyas kun rig mchog I [NS 133 (IX, 15)] Ices SOK II de bzhin du I
AI stong par du ba la sogs lam2 bla ma'i nges pa'i dbang gis gzugs bmyan mtshams su bsgom par bya II de nas rtsa ba'i 'khor 10 mams su.srog dang thur sel rIung ni bitan pa 'ang byed pa ste II phyi nas3'i 'gog pa bza' bzhe ni4 byed de byang chub sems ni mal 'byor pa yis so I I de nas gang zhig cung zad 'dod panyin zhag 'ga' yis skye ba 'dila thob par 'gyur I [LKCII, 108)1.. I zhes so I lam gyi rgyal po 'di sgom pa'i rim pa'i man ngag mchog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas su gsungs pa I 'di Ita ste I
III du ba la sogs sgoms5 nas ni I
I sems ni g.yo ba med byas te I
I dbu rna sbyangs pa byas nas ni I
I mchog tu mi6 'gyur bsgrub par bya I [a]
I padmar rdo rje rab bkod nas I
I srog gi thig ler gzhug par bya I
I 'khor lor7 thig le'08 thig Ie yi I
I g.yo ba rdo rjer dgag par bya I [b]
1 D: ro yi. 2 D adds duo 3 D adds ba. 4 D: bzhin. 5 D: bsgorns. 6 D: rna. 7 D: 'or lor. S D: thig Ie.
I rtag rtu rtag rengs mal 'byor pa I
I rtag tu steng du khu bar' gyur I
I phyag rgya che dang' grogs pa yi I
I rdo rje 'bebs pas byin gyis brlab1 I [c]
I mchog tu mi 'gyur skad cig ni I
I stong phrag nyi shu rtsa gcig dang I
I drug brgya rdzogs pas rgyal po che I
I rdo Ije sems dpar rang nyid ' gyur I [d]fl
I mam pa gzhan du na I
I shes rab rna dang' grogs mi bya I
I ji srid bcu ni rna shar par I
I mal 'byor pa ni phyi'i g.yeng ba I
I yongs su [Po 327a] chad na2 mtshan rna mams I [e] VI so sor sdud pa rgyal ba'i dbang por 'gyur te mam pa bcu'o bsam gtan mi skyod pa nyid do I I srog rtsol yang ni ral gri can no slar yang mam pa3 bcu'o 'dzin pa phyag na rin chen nyid I I g.yung pa4 mo Ia ni rjes su dran pa padma ' dzin ' gyur dpal Idan ting , dzin 'Ichor 10 can I I re re dbye bars lnga mams kyis te slar yang gang lasa sogs ka sogs mams6 kyis phye ba'o I [LKC IV, 115]
I so sor sdud pa Ius la yul dang yul can bcu mams rab tu 'jug pa med pa'o II bsam gtan yang ni shes rab rtog dang7 dpyod dga' dang g.yo med bde ba [D. 291a] sems rtse gcig pa'o I I srog gi rtsol ba yang ni lam ni gnyis po nyams zhing dbu mar srog ni zhugs par ' gyur I I thig ler srog rab zhugs shing gnyis ka'i bgrod pa bcom pa sems rtse gcig pa 'dzin pa'o I [LKC IV, 116] I gtum mo'is snang ba gang zhig nges par Ius dang nam mkha' la9 'gyur ba rjes su dran par' gyur I I shes rab thabs kyi bdag nyid kyis ni ' gyur med bde ba'i dbang gis ye shes gzugs la ting nge 'dzin II 'di mams dman pa Ia sogs dbye ba mams kyis sna tshogs gtso bo'ilO sgrub thabs mam gsum 'gyur II phyag rgya gsum dang gnas skabs gsum ni mam gsum bgrod pa'i dbang gis las dang kun rtog mchogll I [LKC IV, 117]
1 0: brJabs. 2 0: nas. 3 0: pa deest. 4 0: pa deest. 5 0: ba. 6 0: rnams deest. 7 0: dang deest. 8 0: po 'i. 9 0 adds yang. 10 0: boo 11 0: spyod.
I so sor sdud pas mal 'byor pa ni yul dang mam bral stegs 1 mams kun gyis byin gyis brlab II mngon shes Inga ni thob par 'gyur te mi yi bdag po btag2 sbyor bas dag pa'03 I I srog gis4 rtsol bas dag pa ri bong can dang nyi rna dang bral byang chub sems dpa' mams5 kyis mehod I I bdud dang nyon mongs la sogs nyams shing stobs beu la ni [Po 327b] 'jug 'gyur 'dzin pa'i stobs kyis so I [LKC IV, 118]
I rjes su dran pa yang dag6 dri med 'od kyi dkyil 'khor ye shes gzugs las so II de nas ting nge 'dzin gyi dag pa nyin zhag 'ga' zhig mams kyis ye shes Ius 'grub po I I so sor sdud pa sogs kyis gal te sngags pa sogs kyi 'dod pa grub par rna gyur na I I nil da goms pas ehu skyes su gnas rdo rje nor bu 7 stobs kyis thig Ie bkag nas bsgrub pas I [LKC IV, 119] I bsnyen pa la ni dang po'i mal 'byor mam beu mkha' la 'khor 10 can gyi khro bo'i lta bas so I I bgegs mthar byed pa'i blta9 bas bdud rtsi'i lam du son pa yis kyang nye ba'i bsgrub la yan lag drug I I shes pa la spros zla ba thig Ie rdo rje nor bur gnas pa'i 'gyur med gsum ni sgrublD pa la I I bde ba mi nyams geig pu zhi ba Ihan skyes ye shes mal 'byor 'dir ni sgrub11 pa chen po la'o I [LKC IV, l20r
da ni smal 'byor yan lag drug brjod par bya ste so sor sdud pa zhes so I I las dang po la rgyal po'i dbang po zhes pa ye shes kyi phung po'o I I de yang mtshan ma'i dbye [D. 291b] ba mam pa beu ste I du ba dang I smig rgyu dang I mkha' snang dang I mar me dang I 'bar ba dang I zla ba dang I nyi rna dang I sgra gean dang I eha dang I thig Ie mthong ba'i dbye bas rna brtags pa'i ye shes kyi phung po'o II bsam gtan mi bskyod pa nyid te mam par shes pa'i phung po'o II mam pa beu ni yul dang yul can beu po mams geig nyid du sna tshogs gzugs la bsam gtan no I I srog rtsol yang na12 ral gri can I I zhes pa 'du byed kyi phung po ste Imam pa beu ni g.yon dang g.yas kyi dkyil 'khor beu mams geig tu 'dres par gyur pa nyid kyi phyir ro II slar yang mam pa beu ste 'dzin pa phyag na rin chen no II zhes pa tsor13 ba'i phung po ste I srog gi 'dzin pa lte ba dang I snying khal4 dang I mgrin pa dang I dpral [Po 328a] ba dang I gtsug tor gyi padma la 'gro ba dang 'ong ba'i dbye bas mam pa beu'o II g.yung mo la ni rjes su dran pa padma 'dzin par 'gyur te zhes pa 'du shes kyi phung po'o I I g.yung rna dbu ma'i rtsa la rjes su dran pa de yang beu ste 'dod pa'i gnas skabs beu'i dbye ba 1 D: sngags. 2 D adds po. 3 D: gdab. 4 D: gi. 5 D: dpa' mams deest. 6 D adds dag pa. 7 D: bu'i. 8 D: pa deest. 9 D: Ita. 10 D: bsgrub. II D: bsgrub. 12 D: ni. 13 D: tshoT. 14 D: gao
las so I I dpal Idan ting 'dzin 'khor 10 can te mam par snang mdzad do I I ting nge 'dzin mam pa beu ni rlung beu po mams 'gog pa'i phyir ro I I de Itar beom Idan ' das ni mi ·gnas pa'i my a ngan las' das pa ste I gang dag gil rlung mams mi 'bab pas so zhes pa'i don to II [115] da ni so sor sdud pa la sogs pa mams kyi mtshan nyid bshad par bya ste I so sor zhes pa la sogs pa'o I I 'dir so sor sdud pa zhes bya ba ni Ius la yul dang yul can beu po mams kyi 'breI pas2 mam par shes pa mi 'jug pa ste I I stong pa nyid kyi yul mams la mig la sogs pa gzhan Inga po mams kyis rab tu 'jug pa'o II gzugs de nyid la shes rab ees pa Ita ba dang I rtog pa zhes pa dngos po 'dzin pa dang I dpyod pa ees3 pa de'i don nges par byed pa dang I dga' ba zhes pa gzugs la ehags pa dang I g.yo med bde bazhes pa gzugs dang Ihan eig sems geig tu byed pa'o I I de ltar gzung ba dang I 'dzin pa'i dbye bas bsam gtan4 mam pa beu'o II [D. 292a] 'dir srog gi rtsol ba zhes bya ba yang lamS ni gnyis po zhes pa g.yon pa dang g.yas pa'i lam nyams pa ste 'gog eing dbu ma'i lam du 'jug pa'o II de yang dkyil 'khor6 'gog pa las mam pa beu'o II 'dir thig ler zhes pa dpral bar srog rab tu 'jug pa gnyis ka'i bgrod pa be om pa bzhes7 'gro ba dang 'ong ba 'dzin pa srog dpral bar 'dzin pas sems rtse geig pa zhes bya ba'o II [116] gtum [p. 328b] mo'i snang ba gang zhig Slid pa gsum gyi nam mkha' las gyur pa de ni rjes su dran pa ste Imam pa beu ni sngar gsungs zin to I I shes rab thabs kyi bdag nyid kyis ni zhes pa shes bya dang shes pa geig tu 'dres pa nyid kyis te I 'gyur med bde ba'i dbang gis ye shes gzugs la ting nge 'dzin to I I de yang srog la sogs pa mams med pa las mam pa beu' 0 I I de Itar mal 'byor yan lag drug gi sgrub byed s08 I I 'di mams dman pa la sogs dbye ba mams kyis sna tshogs gtso bo dus kyi 'khor lo'i sgrub thabs mam pa gsum du ' gyur I phyag rgya gsum dang gnas skabs gsum I I zhes pa ni Imam gsum bgrod pa'i dbang gis te I I 'dir byang chub kyi sems 'gyur ba'i bgrod pa ni dman pa'i gnas skabs so II g.yo ba'i bgrod pa ni 'bling po'09 gnas skabs so I I mi g.yo ba'j bgrod pa ni mehog gi gnas skabs so I I 'di Itar las kyi phyag rgya ni 'gyur ba'i bde ba sbyin pa mo'olO I I ye shes kyi phyag rgya ni g.yo ba'i bde ba sbyin pa mo'o I I phyag rgya chen mo ni mi g.yo ba'i bde ba sbyin pa mo'ol1 II de Itar sbyor ba yan lag drug la phyag rgya gsum bsgom par be om ldan 'das kyis gsungs pa'i phyir mal 'byor pas sangs rgyas nyid kyi ehed du sbyor ba yan lag drug bsgom par bya'o zhes pa' 0 II [117] 1 D adds phyir. 2 D: pa las. 2 D: zhes. 4 D: bas ma gtan. 5 D: lam deesl. 6 D adds las. 7 D: zhes. 8 D: do. 9 D: po'i. 10 D: pa'o. 11 D: pa'o.
de ni so sor sdud pa la sags pa'i 'bras bu brjod par bya ste I so sor zhes pa la sags pa'o I I 'dir gang gi tshe mal 'byor pa so sor sdud pa gzugs brtan par gyur pas mam par dag par 'gyur ba de'i tshe sngags mams kun gyis byin gyis brlab par 'gyur te I tshig gi mchog sbyin pa la sags pa ster bar byed do II mngon par shes pa lnga ni thob par [D. 292bJ 'gyur te mi'i bdag po bsam gtan sbyor bas dag pa'o I I zhes pa ni 'dir gang gi [Po 329aJ tshe mig mi 'dzums par gyur pa de'i tshe lha'i mig tu 'gyur ro I I de bzhin du lha'i mam1 la sags pa ste bsam gtan mam par dag pa la 'gyur ro II srog gi 'tsol bas dag pa zhes pa ni 'dir gang gi tshe mal 'byor pa nyi rna ri bong can gyi lam dang bral te I rtag tu dbu mar 'bab par gyur pa de'i tshe srog gi rtsol bas dag par gyur pa ni byang chub sems dpa' mams kyis mchod de sngags2 par byed do I I zhes pa'i don to I I bdud dang nyon mongs la sags nyams shing stab ma3 bcu la ni 'jug par 'gyur teo zhes pa ni stong pa nyid kyi gzugs gzung ba la 'dzin pa'i sems 'jug par 'gyur te 'dzin pa'i stabs kyis so zhes pa ni srog gi 'gro ba dang 'ong ba zad pas gcig tu 'dres par 'gyur bas so II [118J
rjes su dran pa legs par dag pa zhes4 ni gzugs la 'khyud pa'i sems kyis mam par rtog pa thams cad dang bral ba nyid de de las gang gi tshe dag par gyur pa de'i tshe dri med 'ad kyi dkyil 'khor du 'gyur ro I I kyang gi sgra las 'ad zer lnga 'phro zhing ye shes gzugs las zhes pa stong pa'i gzugs las so I I de nas ting nge ' dzin dag pa na zhes pa 'dir gzung ba dang , dzin pa'i sems dag gcig nyid kyis gangS' gyur ba med pa'i bde bar gyur pa'i bde ba de ni ting nge ' dzin du brjod par byas ste6 I ting nge 'dzin de las dag pa dri rna med pa nyid du gyur pa ni nyin zhag nyung zad mams kyis zhes pa phyogs gsum dang 10 gsum mams kyis 7 ye shes Ius ni grub par ' gyur zhes dbang bcu la sags pa thob pa'i byang chub sems dpar 'gyur ro II de Itar so sor sdud pa la sags pa'i nges pa'o I
I da ni stabs kyi mal 'byor gsungs te I ' dir gang gi tshe so sor sdud pa la sags pa mams kyi8 gzugs mthong bar gyur9 ba na [Po 329bJ srog rna bsdams pa nyid kyis 'gyur ba med pa'i skad cig mi skye ba de'i tshe na da goms par 'chad par 'gyur ba'i stabs kyis srog dbu mar 'bab par byas nas shes rab kyi chu skyes su rdo rje nor bur byang chub kyi lO sems kyi thig Ie 'gog pa las mi g.yo bas mi 'gyur ba'i skad cig bsgrub par bya'o zhes pa stabs kyis mal 'byor ro/; I I
I D: rna ba. 2 D: bsngas. 3 D: stobs. 4 D adds pa. 5 D: gang deest. 6 D: bya ste. 7 D: kyi. 8 D: kyis. 9 D: 'gyur. 10 D: kyi deest.
na da goms pa ni 'di nyid [D. 293a] du bsgrub! thabs kyi le'ur beom Idan , das kyis gsungs te I
°1 nus rna gang zhig lte ba'i dbus nas gzhan gyi gnas su beu gnyis mtha' dang eha yin mthar ' gro ba I I de ni lte bar yang dag bkag nas glog gi me dang mtshungs pa'i dbyug pa'i gzugs can Ingas pa las I I 'khor 10 las ni 'khor 10 gzhan du nges par dal zhing rol pa'i bgrod pas dbu ma'i rtsa la bskyod I I ji srid gtsug tor bug par stobs nyid kyis ni phyi rol pags pa la ni khab bzhin reg par byed I [LKC IV, 196 = II, 120] I de yi dus su thur du sel ba mehog gi btsan thabs nyid kyis steng gi lam du bskul bar bya I I zung ni rIung dag , gags pa na ni gtsug tor phug nas pha rol grong du 'gro bar 'gyur I I de2 ltar yid la rdo rje rab tu sad pas yul dang beas pa mkha' la spyod pa nyid du 'gyur3 II mngon shes Inga yi rang bzhin du ' gyur slar yang' di ni mal 'byor pa mams dag gi sna tshogs yum I [LKC IV, 197 = II, 121]° [119]
7tda ni stong pa nyid kyi gzugs sgrub4 pa'i ehed du lta stangs brjod par bya ste I bsnyen pa zhes pa la sogs pa'o I I 'dir bsnyen pa zhes pa ni du ba la sogs pa'i mtshan rna [sic] sgom pa na ste I bsnyen pa de la dang po'i mal 'byor ni sems kyi du ba la sogs pa'i mtshan rna 'dzin pa'o II de yang du ba la sogs pa dang lhan eig yid ehes par byed pa mam pa beur 'gyur te des na mam pa beu'o II de ni 'khor 10 can gyi zhes pa gtsug tor gyi khro bo'i lta bas [Po 330a] zhes pa mig mi 'dzums par steng du lta bas mtshan mars 'gyur te I mtshan mo'i mal 'byor pa6 gyis mam pa bzhi dang I nyin mo'i mal 'byor gyis mam pa drug ste I de la gzugs kyi mthar thug pa so sor sdud pa dang bsam gtan gyis7 bsnyen pa'i yan lag tu 'gyur ro I I bgegs mthar byed pa'i lta bas zhes pa la bgegs mthar byed ni bdud rtsi 'khyil ba'o I I de'i8 lta bas ni bdud rtsi'i gnas su son pa ste dpral ba'i gnas su son pa'o I I lta stangs des te bgegs mthar byed kyi bdud rtsi'i lam du son pas nye ba'i sgrub pa la yan lag drug go II kyang yig las srog rtsol dang 'dzin pa bya ste I 'srog gi gzugs mthong bar gyur pa na nye ba'i sgrub9 pa'o I I